Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set

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Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set Page 15

by A. K. Michaels

  “Ok hon, let's get home, I think a nice swim in the pool would be a good end to this evening, don't you?” Kyle was nuzzling her neck, her blood still calling to the vampire in him.

  “Yea that's a good idea but I think you're going to have to carry me. My legs are like jelly!” Sabrina half laughed, her body was still shaky and she doubted she would be able to walk more than a few steps.

  “Not a problem baby and I look forward to stripping your clothes off. Especially the stockings!” Kyle almost snarled as he thought of his mate standing before him in only a pair of stockings and high heels.

  “Jeez Kyle, at least let me recover first!” Sabrina chuckled, knowing what would happen the minute her mate saw her in her stockings.

  Kyle laughed as he placed her back onto her own seat. “Buckle up baby, oh here, I think these are yours.” Kyle handed Sabrina her torn thong and she sighed heavily.

  “That was one of my favorites Kyle!” Sabrina took the ripped piece of fabric and held it in her hands, another for the bin.

  “Well I keep telling you. Don't wear any and you won't lose them!” Kyle wished she would do that. Wished she would go out without any underwear on at all. That would be so hot. Only him knowing that she wore nothing under her dress, apart from stockings of course.

  “I may just have to do that, seems the only way I'm going to keep my favorites!” Sabrina wondered if she would do it? Hell, she probably would. Just to see the reaction she got from Kyle. She had been thinking on doing it for months so she may just do so.

  Sabrina laid her head back onto the headrest of the seat and let out a contented sigh. She felt as if her life was perfect. A mate, ok that was a strange word but she got the gist of it, that loved and adored her. Who had enough money that she didn't have to look for paid employment. Who showered her with gifts and just about everything she wanted.

  A mate who went to a great deal of trouble so she could have her favorite Chinese meal from back home. That being one of the nicest things anyone had ever done for her. Kyle astounded her day after day and showed her in a million different ways just how much he cared for her.

  She felt cherished and loved and her stomach was now full of butterflies thinking on how much she was in love with Kyle. How could anyone feel this much emotion? She had no idea, only that she did. A frisson of fear reared its ugly head, her life taught her some harsh lessons and she panicked at the thought of losing Kyle. She knew she wouldn't survive it.

  “Not going to happen baby, trust me. You're stuck with me.” Kyle heard her thoughts and the depth of her feelings for him made his heart swell. Then the fear came and her thoughts of losing him. Not going to happen, never.

  “Promise Kyle? I mean really promise?” Sabrina's voice was barely a whisper. For some reason the fear was taking hold and she was finding it hard to even talk much less think.

  “Sabrina, I don't think you truly understand this mating thing yet. It means we are bound together, forever. Nothing will come between that, I only wish I could let you know how much I feel for you. Words aren't enough, I can see and feel your feelings and thoughts and I know you can get a sense of my moods but my true feelings? Shit I wish you could feel them. If you did you would never doubt us being together. Never!” Kyle could still feel the fear and now rising panic in his mate and he wished he could take that away.

  The way Sabrina was feeling made him feel sick. Even if he couldn't actually be sick, he felt it deep inside. It physically hurt him that she was feeling like that.

  “Ok, I'll try and not worry too much about it. It's just that I love you so much, it hurts sometimes.” Sabrina felt a little better after hearing Kyle's words and tried hard to push the panic back, down deep, focusing only on his words and the way he made her feel special every day.

  “I know Sabrina, a mating is very intense, and the way you feel is normal. Just know that I feel the same, always.” Kyle gave her a small smile and she could clearly see the love in his eyes.

  “So what time are we leaving tomorrow?” Sabrina tried to focus on something other than the horror of not having Kyle at her side.

  “Early evening, it's about eleven hours drive, so we'll get there before dawn. We'll rest up for the day and then get down to business.” Kyle couldn't wait to take this guy out. His feelings about pedo's was immense, hatred, true, deep, hatred.

  “Ok sounds like a plan.” Sabrina was still a little shocked at what Kyle did but his planning and research proved that he didn't take jobs on just for the sake of it. Once more she thought on the serial rapist back in Scotland and how she wished at the time she could've taken him out.

  “Sabrina, we could research him, see if he's still up to that stuff. If so we could deal with him my way.” Kyle hated anyone that abused. Whether it was men abusing females or kids, politicians with the vast power they wielded. Or just the stronger against the weak, he couldn't understand the mentality of any of it.

  Yea he was a vampire and could take what he needed, i.e. blood. BUT he never did so in a manner that would cause any lasting damage and usually went for women who had a bloody good time themselves. He would then wipe their memories of any feeding and none of them would be damaged in any way.

  When he was much younger, newly turned, he hadn't been so 'polite' in his feedings. He had caused hurt and damage and he felt disgusted with himself when he thought about that. He wondered sometimes if that was why he did what he did now, trying to right the wrongs he had committed himself?

  Feck, that was too deep. He was no head doctor so he wouldn't even try and work THAT out.

  They were now on their street and he drove up the cul-de-sac towards their secluded property at the very top. The gates were closed and he pressed the little remote so that the gates would be open by the time they got to them. He drove through and parked next to his sports car at the front door.

  Kyle moved around and helped Sabrina down; she was having difficulty dressed as she was. The smile she gave him was glorious and he still thought on his luck at finding her that night, down a dirty alley.

  “Come on, we've got a swim planned, remember?” Kyle led his mate through the front door and through to the kitchen. He opened the patio doors, which led outside and then turned to Sabrina. He pulled her closer and slowly drew the zip at the side of her dress down. Soon it was pooled at her feet and she stood in a strapless bra, stockings and high heels.

  “God you are glorious Sabrina, the rest has to come off for the pool baby.” Kyle released the bra first and as her breasts came free he dipped his head and took a nipple into his mouth. Sabrina arched her back, pushing her nipple further into his mouth and the soft moan that left her throat made his cock twitch in his dress trousers.

  His tongue laved the hard little bud and he moved his hands down to her thighs. Slowly he started to remove the stockings, even if he was loathe to do so. The sight of her in them was so damn sexy.

  As his hands lowered he was forced to release her breast from his mouth. Sabrina groaned in response at his desertion and Kyle smiled. She was always so responsive to his touch. He could read her like one of his favorite books and the thoughts and feelings she experienced always pushed his own arousal to dizzying heights.

  As he neared her ankles he lifted one foot then the other removed her shoes then the stockings. Before he stood back up he couldn't resist letting his tongue dart out and flick her clit.

  Sabrina's legs shook at the sensation and Kyle stood up quickly. He took her outside and sat her down in one of the chairs and started to undress himself in front of her.

  Sabrina's eyes were wide as she watched her man undress. He looked so darn sexy all dressed up but boy he was a whole lot sexier as the clothes started to come off.

  She loved his chest and abs, so hard, the muscles defined as if he spent hours every day in a gym. She knew he didn't. He did work out, but for only a short time a day. He used his vampire speed and strength and got in a wo
rkout in less than an hour. The results were amazing; his body was perfect, absolutely perfect.

  As Kyle's hands loosened and got rid of his trousers she couldn't drag her eyes away. As his trousers fell to his feet, together with his underwear, she saw his manhood, standing to attention and throbbing with need.

  Kyle slipped his shoes off and then his trousers and underwear; he now stood naked and proud in front of his mate. The hooded eyes, the quick breathing, the faster and faster heartbeats, showed him just how aroused she was.

  Kyle held out his hand, Sabrina rose and took it in one of her small ones. He led her to the steps that led down into the warm water. As they entered the water Kyle turned quickly and pulled her into his arms. Planting a deep kiss against her lips as he moved further into the water. As they reached the middle of the pool the water came up to Kyle's chest and he picked Sabrina up in his arms, her legs circling his waist, knowing his intent.

  “Mmm you taste good Sabrina – real good.” Kyle murmured into her mouth and her senses were once again on overload. What his lips did to her was so astounding she truly could think of no word good enough to describe it.

  A feeling so mind blowing it left her shaking, began deep inside and she felt the head of his cock at her entrance. “Mmm – that feels good.” Sabrina groaned as Kyle thrust up and slid inside her tightness.

  “Just hold on baby, just hold tight to me.” Kyle could sense everything; his own intense feelings and his mate's, it was fucking divine. Sabrina held on tight, her arms wrapped around Kyle's neck and her hands buried deep in his wavy, fair, hair. Her head was thrown back as he moved quicker and she was glad that Kyle was holding her. She knew her legs would not have done the job they were designed for.

  Kyle's head moved forward, he didn't need a feed; he wasn't hungry. He just wanted to taste his mate's sweet blood. His fangs erupted so fast that even he was surprised and he didn't wait, he plunged them deep into the soft skin above her pulse. As he pulled the first taste into his mouth he growled deep down inside him. The noise was especially loud in the quiet that surrounded them.

  Sabrina let out a scream; incoherent and nonsensical as his bite took her over into nothing but sensations and pleasures engulfing her system. Kyle took two more mouthfuls before pulling back, his own release hard on the heels of his mate's.

  The snarl that escaped his throat was nothing short of primal and he threw his head back as it ripped out of him. His hold tight on Sabrina to keep her from moving as his seed erupted deep inside her.

  Kyle's head fell forward and so did Sabrina's their foreheads touched and both were having difficulty breathing. “Wow!” was all that Sabrina could manage and Kyle chuckled. “My thoughts exactly!”

  Kyle kept her in his arms for quite a while, not wanting to let her go. He always felt at peace while holding Sabrina close. A peace he never thought he could feel.

  For so many centuries he was alone and never had he thought he could feel this – this – feck it – he couldn't even verbalize how Sabrina made him feel.

  “Uhm, I think we should move, pick up the scattered clothes and get some rest. We've got a long drive tomorrow.” Sabrina's voice was more like her normal tone now, no longer filled with lust and longing.

  “Ok baby, one more minute, one more minute and then we'll move.” Kyle nuzzled her neck and she ran her hand through his hair, holding his head in place.

  “Shit! Stop Kyle, rest, I need rest!” Sabrina half laughed, if he kept that up they would be full of lust again in no time.

  “Ok ok, come on!” Kyle carried Sabrina out of the pool, grabbed two towels and wrapped one around her before swatting her behind.

  Sabrina bent and picked up Kyle's clothes as he wrapped a towel around his lean hips and then she moved on to find her dress, stockings and shoes.

  Her arms full she padded towards the staircase, Kyle right behind her. “Sleep Kyle! I can sense you vampire and I am definitely in need of some sleep. You keep forgetting I'm not a vampire and I don't have your stamina!” Sabrina sometimes wished she was but the thought of never eating food again just did not appeal to her.

  “Ok, rest, here, give me those clothes, I'll put them away and you get into bed baby.” Kyle took the items from her arms as they entered their room. He went about placing the dress on a hanger and shoes in the rack in the back of the dressing area. He hung up his suit where he would be reminded it had been worn and probably needed a clean. The stockings went into the clothes hamper and so did his underwear and socks, along with Sabrina's bra.

  As he came back out into the main bedroom he could see his mate lying curled up on her side. A serene look on her face as she slept peacefully.

  Kyle's heart did a little stutter as he slipped in behind her, naked. Having placed the towel in the dirty laundry. Kyle saw Sabrina's own towel lying on the floor and he got up and retrieved it, also placing it in the laundry hamper, before returning to lie behind her. His arms went around her waist and in her sleep she snuggled closer. Kyle's eyes closed and the last scent he had was of her hair before he also fell into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 7

  Kyle woke first and saw Sabrina was now facing him, her head on his chest with one of her arms lying across his waist. She made little mumbling noises and moved even closer, leaving no space at all between their bodies.

  Kyle held her body to his, the feeling of a human's warmth easing the chill of his own. A feeling he never dreamed he would have and a smile crept onto his face.

  He knew he should not take her as often as he did. She was human, she sometimes felt sore because of his appetite for her. It was so hard for him to resist though. He wanted her, body and soul, just about every waking moment. He made a pact with himself to treat her with more care. Be gentler if he was going to have her as often as he could.

  Kyle's hand moved gently on her waist and she moved slightly at the touch. A murmur came from her lips but he couldn't figure out what the words were and wondered if she was dreaming? Kyle tried since they mated to feel her dreams but so far had failed. When she was asleep her mind was lost to him and he wasn't fond of the feeling.

  He liked it when he could feel every single emotion and thought in her head. Especially when she thought of her love for him. It brought him to life. It made his own heart beat a little faster, knowing she loved him as he did her.

  “Mmm.....morning hon, you sleep ok?” Sabrina's voice interrupted his musings and he nodded down at her half open eyes. She looked so adorable when she was just waking up.

  “Yes, I slept well, you?” Kyle was still wondering if she had been dreaming and if so about what?

  “Yea mostly, tho I had weird dreams. The ones that just don't make any sense. I hate them, the best part is waking up and being here with you.” Sabrina snuggled closer and her hand rubbed gently on his hard stomach.

  “Mm, now if you don't want me ravishing you then you better get moving!” Kyle was already hard and after his little talk to himself he wasn't going to just have her. Even if that was what he wanted desperately at this moment.

  “You could be nice and gentle?” Sabrina was looking up at her mate through hooded eyes and she wanted a soft, slow, gentle, start to her day.

  “Yes I suppose I could try that, but I'm sure you winced last night. Are you sore?” Kyle sensed it last night, she was sore, but would she admit it?

  “Just a little, I'm sure you could make me all better though.” Sabrina raised an eyebrow at her mate and she saw the lust in his eyes.

  “Well since you asked so nicely!” Kyle groaned and moved so that he was between her thighs, she opened to him and he moved gently inside her. The low moan that escaped her lips was just so damn sexy.

  Kyle moved with control, no deep thrusting, no going hard and fast. He was gentle as he took her and soon she was on the brink. Kyle stared down into her face as the flush of arousal swept across it and down over her throat. Her heart started to stampe
de in her chest, as her legs moved to circle him and cross ankles on his behind.

  Her head fell backwards and she groaned and moaned loudly at the sensations he was giving her. As her eyes almost closed in pleasure her tight sheath started to tighten and convulse around him and she screamed his name in abandon.

  Only then did he let himself go and allow the feelings of pure pleasure to course through his system. Only then did he let his seed spill deep inside her.

  God he loved this woman.

  “Now that's what I call a good start to the day.” Sabrina mumbled and Kyle could only laugh. “Right, up and shower, we need to get ready to leave.” Kyle moved from her wet folds and off the bed. Pulling her up after him.

  After they both showered, with Kyle soaping Sabrina's entire body and helping her wash her long hair they dried off in the bedroom. Sabrina decided to wear something comfortable and got a sundress out that was floaty and loose. She felt it would be best not to have tight jeans on for an eleven hour car ride.

  Kyle had on jeans that lay low on his hips and looser than ones he normally wore, and which Sabrina liked very much. As her mate pulled a t-shirt over his head the sight of his body had her stomach full of butterflies. He was perfect and handsome and so bloody sexy.

  “Stop it Sabrina, we won't get out the bedroom if you don't!” Kyle's head popped through the t-shirt and she saw the smile on his face.

  “Sorry, you shouldn't parade that gorgeous body all over the place then!” Sabrina was now getting her last things together for the trip, makeup and odds and ends, placing them in her small carry on size case.

  “You need anything else? I can put it in here.” She asked and turned to see if he wanted anything put in the case.

  “Nope, mine's all done. Come on, we'll stop off and get you breakfast on the way. I've got a cleaner coming in tomorrow to tidy up and get rid of any perishables. Laundry will be all done when we get back.” Kyle was now at the top of the stairs and Sabrina was behind him, pulling her small case along.


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