Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set

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Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set Page 21

by A. K. Michaels

  Kyle was happy about the gun; it's presence would give credence to a drug deal gone wrong, he may just use it himself on this guy.

  Kneecapping was a painful but useful method employed by drug dealers worldwide. The smile on Kyle's face grew wider at the thought of inflicting that pain on this piece of scum.

  As the man approached, Kyle moved fast, he got behind him and with one quick move pulled the man's hand free of his pocket. Kyle had the gun in his in less than a millisecond. He pushed on the man's back and he stumbled forward for a few paces before turning to see who had grabbed him.

  Kyle stood with the gun in his hand, he held it low at his side and watched this trash in front of him. The man's hands were out in front of his body, palm forward and a slight smile on his lips.

  “Hey – why'd you do that?” He asked it in a whine and Kyle hated him all the more.

  Kyle held the gun up in front of him. “What's this?” Kyle asked and the man's eyes widened.

  “Well I don't know you. You could've been a cop or something. I was just trying to keep safe, that's all.” The pedo's hands fell back down to his sides as he tried to go for casual, it didn't work.

  “I'm not a cop.” Kyle said with more than a hint of a smile. In a little while this guy would be praying he was a cop.

  “Ok, no problem, so have you got the goods here?” The smarmy tone tugged at Kyle's insides and if it was at all possible he hated him all the more.

  “Goods? You mean the child? The four-year-old girl with blonde hair? That the goods you mean?” Kyle's tone was calm as he spoke, wanting the answer to seal this guy's fate.

  “Um yea, of course. Why else would I be here? You said I could try before I buy, didn't you? Well I'm here to do the trying and then we can talk money.” The man's eyes were going all over, as if trying to seek out the imaginary child.

  “No, sorry, that's not quite what I had in mind.....”

  The man interrupted. “Why the fuck are we here then! You said you would bring her and I could try her out. That's what you said!”

  Kyle's patience was now worn so thin it was all but gone. “I know what I said,. Beforehand I want details of what you mean exactly by try her out? Give me those details and we'll take it from there, ok?”

  The man moved from one foot to the other, a look of pure lust on his face. The look turned Kyle's stomach.

  “I want to see if she's broken in yet, no point in me taking her if she's not. I want this one for a while. Not just a quick fuck and drop her somewhere. No, this time I want to keep her for a while, until I'm done with her. I want to make sure she's still in a good enough condition. If you've already hurt her enough she might be no good. I want to fuck her – here and now – then I'll see about the money, ok!” The man's voice thickened as he spoke and Kyle knew it was with arousal.

  Arousal for a four-year-old girl. FUCK! Kyle was going to hurt him, bad.

  “No, that's not ok you sick fuck!” Kyle's voice lowered and his anger was now showing in his tone. The guy's face changed, from lust and arousal to fear, his eyes were looking for a way out.

  Kyle moved quickly. He punched the guy's face several times before landing a huge blow to his gut. The blow sent him up and into the air, flying for about ten feet before his back came into contact with one of the steel pillars.

  A grunt escaped the man's lips as he slid to the floor. The pain he felt running through him was significant, but the adrenaline that was released into his system staved it off, for the moment. He pulled himself up and tried to get past Kyle.

  Kyle kicked him right between his legs and the yell that came from the man made Kyle's heart soar. The guy fell down onto his knees and vomited onto the ground, retching until nothing else would come up. His hands cupped between his legs, trying to ease the pain that was taking his breath away.

  Kyle grabbed his hair. “You are one sick son of a bitch! Do you have any idea of the pain you've caused! No – you don't – and even if you did you wouldn't give a damn! Well you won't be doing it anymore, tonight you die fucker!”

  The man was crying now, like a baby, sobbing and pleading. The sight only inflamed Kyle's anger all the more. The ancient vampire could see this guy's victims doing the same, right before he raped them, again and again.

  Kyle held the gun out, shot – once, twice – both kneecaps disintegrating from the force of the bullets. The scream that tore from the shit's throat reverberated around the inside of the warehouse and the sound was like music to Kyle's ears.

  Kyle then started in earnest. He punched, kicked, pulled and threw with all his might. The man was now barely making a sound. The pain he must've been in excruciating – Good!

  Kyle looked down at the broken body, the eyes glazed with intense pain and smiled. “Now you die.”

  Kyle raised the gun and fired, right between the eyes, saw the life being eradicated from this animal's shell. Kyle dropped the gun and pulled out the drugs, opened the pack a little bit and poured some over the body before dropping the rest onto the floor with the slip of paper right next to him.

  Kyle turned and walked away. Not an ounce of regret in him for what he had done.

  Chapter 13

  Sabrina paced the lounge area of the Hotel suite. She was dressed only in a silk robe, which she put on after her bath. A bath she had taken hours ago.

  Where was Kyle? Was he ok? Had something gone wrong?

  Sabrina paced back and forth, her brain in overdrive as she waited on her mate.

  Her phone buzzed – a message – she lunged and grabbed the phone up and looked at the message. It was from Kyle. 'Be there soon.' Was all it said and Sabrina let out a long sigh.

  Thank God. Her worry was so great that she thought she was going to pass out. She knew she was hyperventilating and tried desperately to get her breathing under control.

  It was impossible, she could think of nothing other than if Kyle was safe.

  Sabrina walked over to the bar area where a bottle of wine was already opened and in the ice bucket. She poured herself a drink and tried to calm down. She didn't want Kyle to come back and find her a gibbering mess.

  As she waited she thought about what they had done. All right, Kyle carried out the actual deed but she knew what he was going to do. The more she thought on it the more she realized she didn't feel bad. Folks like that pedophile did terrible things and got away with it, time and again. The law was an ass.

  Sabrina hoped that Kyle made the fucker suffer. Really and truly suffer. Like those kids suffered at his hands.

  The wine glass was half empty when the door opened and Kyle walked in. Sabrina placed the glass down on the nearest surface and ran to her mate. He opened his arms and waited on her.

  “Are you ok?” Sabrina asked, and realized there were tears in her eyes.

  “I'm fine baby. Everything went as planned. He's dead.” Kyle took a deep breath in, the scent of the shampoo Sabrina used on her hair invaded his nostrils. He took another breath, trying to get the scent of earlier events out of his system.

  Kyle moved quickly, picking up Sabrina and carrying her straight to the bed. Sabrina's heart picked up as his intention became clear and she lay on her back looking up at him.

  Kyle stared down at his mate, lying in nothing more than a thin silk robe. Kyle leaned over and undid the belt and pulled the robe apart so he could feast his eyes on her naked form.

  A form so perfect that he wondered sometimes if she was real, or a figment of his imagination. Had he lost his mind and invented her? Sabrina smiled up at him and he tore at his clothes.

  The need to be over her....inside her....taking her, was so great. He had felt nothing like it before.

  Sabrina could both see and feel his need and offered herself up to her mate. She could sense his arousal and it was the most she ever felt from him. The absolute necessity for him to bury himself deep inside her was evident in his every movement. His eve
ry breath, his every look, her mate needed her like never before.

  Sabrina watched as his clothes came off with such speed she found it hard to see clearly. Kyle was on the bed and over her before she could think. His look so intense that she wanted to ease what was inside him.

  Kyle took Sabrina's mouth with a fierceness he hadn't used before. His tongue demanded entrance and she willingly complied. Sabrina was still and compliant underneath him and he knew she could sense his urgency.

  She opened her thighs wider giving Kyle entrance and he moved again. He moved his hips so his cock was at her entrance and then he thrust in fully, hard.

  Sabrina gasped at the intrusion and her eyes opened wide to look into Kyle's face. His eyes were so dark she could barely make out the green in them and his hips started to move. Quicker and quicker he moved, using his vampire speed to take them both to a high so astronomical that Sabrina worried whether she could survive it.

  Kyle moved quicker again and Sabrina could barely breathe. She felt as if her body was on fire and only the nearing orgasm could put it out, and give her the respite she badly needed.

  Kyle stared down at her face. God she was so beautiful – she was his – all his. He saw the moment the orgasm took hold of her. A second before he felt it with his cock.

  Her eyes completely lost focus and she whimpered in her throat. A sound so unique to her that it called to his own climax. His eyes stayed glued to her face as it hit, his entire body shaking and trembling to join hers.

  Kyle couldn't hold himself up any longer. His arms fell beneath him and his body completely covered Sabrina.

  Her short, quick breaths against his ear made sure he knew she was in fact ok and hadn't passed out. He felt, for a split second, that he was going to, pass out that is.

  He never felt anything like it before and wondered if they would again.

  After another few minutes Kyle moved to the side, keeping his arms around Sabrina, holding her close.

  “You ok baby?” Kyle's voice was barely a whisper, he had never felt so spent in his life.

  “Fuck – Kyle – what the hell was that?” Sabrina honestly thought she was going to die. Her sight, at one point, gone entirely. Only sensations and feelings were running through her body.

  “I've no idea. Never happened to me before but bugger it was good!” Kyle chuckled as he spoke and tightened his hold on Sabrina even more.

  “Kyle! I can't breathe!” Sabrina groaned and Kyle loosened his hold, slightly.

  “Are you really ok?” Sabrina was worried. The intensity of their lovemaking had her thinking he may not be as ok as he liked her to think.

  “Yea, he just got to me. He told me in detail what he wanted to do with the 'goods' he thought I brought for him. If anyone deserved to die it was him Sabrina.” Kyle shuddered just thinking about what the guy said. He pushed it out of his mind and ordered it not to reenter.

  His mental abilities were vast and, if he wished, he could literally stop things from entering his mind. This evening's mission called for that. He didn't want to even have a passing thought on it, ever.

  “Good. I was wondering, could we check on Thomas later, after we've rested? I'm worried about him. That was a bad wound.” Sabrina's thoughts veered towards the wolf more than once over the past few hours. If it hadn't been for him she thought that knife may just have ended up in her stomach.

  “Yes Sabrina, if you want, I'll phone later, he's an old and strong wolf. By tomorrow he won't even have a scar. However, if it will ease your worry we can check in on him. Now, I need rest. Sleep baby, sleep.” Kyle closed his eyes and Sabrina heard his breathing change almost immediately.

  Kyle had fallen asleep in less than a minute. Sabrina snuggled closer and closed her own eyes. Her own sleep didn't come quite so easily. It took some time for her to get over the entire evenings events. They were running through her head as if on fast forward. Finally, she drifted off and stayed right next to Kyle all night.

  Chapter 14

  Kyle woke first; Sabrina was sound asleep at his side, her breathing low and even. He watched as she slept, the same wonder inside him every time he woke with her in his arms.

  For so very long he lived alone. He had had many lady friends but none that lasted long or that he wanted to have in his home. His home always being his safe place. Where he could be himself completely and where nobody breached.

  He thought of the last few months, jeez not a few, it would be nearly a year soon, he realized. Kyle shook his head in amazement; he never thought he would have what he did now. A mate, a lover, and a companion to talk to whenever he wanted.

  His face broke into a smile as he laid his head back on the pillow and looked at the ceiling. Many different thoughts were running through his head and he tried to filter them so he could concentrate on one at a time.

  A trip – yes – he would treat them to a little holiday. Now where would Sabrina like to go? Wherever it was he would take her and they would go on holiday like a normal couple. Even if they were very far from normal.

  As he thought about this his mind wandered again, he would have to check on his other Clubs. He had to make sure there was nothing going on that shouldn't be, like the one here. He had neglected the clubs since meeting Sabrina. Mainly because they usually ran like clockwork and he had, what he thought was a good and decent staff.

  Mistress Blood brought it home to Kyle that you just couldn't trust anyone. He would have to correct his assumptions regarding them and personally check them out.

  He would visit unannounced to see how things were being run and make sure all was well. He frowned as he thought of the subs that Thomas told him about, the ones that had gotten hurt.

  Kyle decided to find out who these girls, or guys, were and offer them some compensation for what happened. If Kyle was aware sooner he would have taken Mistress Blood out far sooner than he had.

  It was on him that these subs were hurt. Even if he hadn't been the one doing the hurting.

  Kyle felt bad.......whoa....... he felt bad? Christ, Sabrina had certainly changed him. Although he wouldn't have allowed what Mistress Blood had been doing to continue, the reasons would have been purely business. Clubs soon got a bad name when those sorts of things happened.

  Kyle would not have 'felt bad' about the subs, his only concern would've been in case they tried to sue. Now, he definitely felt bad and it was yet another thing that surprised him about the changes that Sabrina caused in him.

  Kyle knew that it was his humanity that Sabrina gave him back. Humanity he hadn't felt for so long he couldn't remember when last he was aware of it. Probably when he was still human, before being turned. Wow, this little lass had changed him immensely, and Kyle was glad.

  He was the happiest he had ever been in his life and it was all because he heard a Scots lass scream for help down a dirty alley.

  Fate was a fickle thing.

  Sabrina was still sound asleep and Kyle wanted a shower. He slipped out of the large bed as gently as he could, not wanting to wake his mate. He made his way to the large bathroom and took a good, long, hot, shower. He felt much better afterward and went back to the room to get dressed.

  Sabrina stirred as he entered and looked over at him, rubbing her eyes sleepily. “Morning.” she got out and Kyle smiled at her half awake face.

  “Morning – or afternoon – do you want me to get room service?” Kyle could sense Sabrina was still tired and wondered if she had slept ok.

  “No, not hungry, but I could go for a nice coffee.” Sabrina tried to waken herself up; she had taken ages to get to sleep, and was still tired.

  “Ok, go for a shower and I'll have some delivered. Then we'll go and see Thomas, I want to make sure everything's ok at the Club.” Kyle ordered some coffee as Sabrina went to take a shower.

  After the coffee was ordered Kyle moved to the lounge area and made several calls. The first call was to Thomas to f
ind out the details of the subs who were hurt. Thomas didn't ask why Kyle wanted the details, he only said he would have them ready for when Kyle went over.

  Kyle then phoned the other Clubs, just doing a quick check in to see how things were going. All of his Managers said everything was fine but, of course, they would say that. Kyle was going to make sure by personally visiting each in the coming weeks.

  He wasn't sure about taking Sabrina though; he may just do quick trips on his own. He didn't want her in the middle of any more trouble. Just in case he arrived and there were problems.

  All his Managers were either Vamps or Wolves. Strong beings who, up til now, he felt were reliable and suited to running his businesses. Now, after Mistress Blood, he wanted to ensure all was well.

  First though, he was going to take Sabrina away on holiday. He would see where she wanted to go and arrange it.

  The coffee was delivered and just as Kyle was pouring himself a cup Sabrina came through. Her hair was still wet but piled on top of her head in some kind of knot thing. She wore jeans with a casual top and flat pumps and still looked like a million bucks.

  Kyle poured a cup of coffee for her as she smiled and sat down on one of the sofas. Taking the cup from his hands she took a long sip of the hot, fresh, coffee.

  “Mmm nice. So what's the plans for today?” Sabrina asked while continuing to sip her coffee.

  “We'll go and check in on Thomas and see how things are. Make sure he feels confident running the Club. If not, we'll get him some help, but I'm sure he'll be fine. I think he has someone in mind to help him with the books and such so that'll make things easier for him. He has a good head on his shoulders. He'll be a good and fair boss. He'll also be strong enough to handle any wrongdoing himself. I pity those Doms that have been taking advantage under Mistress Blood, Thomas will probably manhandle them a bit before telling them they're barred.” Kyle chuckled; he could see clearly how Thomas was going to advise them that their memberships were canceled


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