Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set

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Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set Page 24

by A. K. Michaels

  Kyle hung up the phone. His friend wasn’t in Vegas, but would be there in less than three hours. That meant he had to delay leaving the hotel here in Grand Junction to give him time to check out their home. He would have to be careful not to arouse Sabrina's suspicions though, after all, she had been a cop.

  They had only stopped off here on their way home after going on a little break to Disney World, of all places. That was where Sabrina wanted to go after he finished his work in Denver, so that's where he took her. He didn't think he could deny her anything.

  They stayed here last night, and as far as she was concerned, they were rising early and heading off home. Now he would need to delay that, but how? His lip lifted in a mischievous grin, he knew how to keep her in bed for a good while!

  Yes, that’s what he would do, he would stay quiet and let her wake on her own. Then he would keep her in that large bed for as long as possible, before a leisurely shower and an even more leisurely breakfast, for her anyway. He was planning on feeding from his mate while making love. He needed to keep his strength up to protect her.

  That would give his friend enough time to check and see if anyone had been on his property. Gabe’s Wolf nose would scent out anyone or anything that shouldn't have been there. Once more his stomach clenched at the thought of her being in danger.

  He moved very quietly into the lounge area of their suite, sitting down and crossing his feet on top of the coffee table, his head falling back to lie on the back of the sofa. He closed his eyes, not to sleep, he didn't think he would be getting much sleep until he got his mate to safety, but he went over and over what his FBI contact, Frank, had told him.

  The target he took out last year, a serial killer that targeted young girls, had a partner. One that none of the law enforcement agencies knew about, one that Frank hadn’t known about, so Kyle was not aware of it either. The partner found out Kyle had killed the guy and was out for revenge. However, he wasn’t going after Kyle, he could deal with that. No, he was targeting his mate, Sabrina, and that made him angry as hell and scared as hell, too.

  Having lived as long as he had and then finding his mate was nothing short of a miracle. Now she was in danger, because of his actions, and he felt sick to his stomach about that. His only mission now was to keep her safe and take out the psycho who was now hunting her.

  They had left Vegas over a week ago. The body of another FBI contact had just been found, even though he had been dead a few days. That meant whoever was after them was probably already in Vegas, which meant, theoretically, they were safe in Grand Junction, for the moment.

  He had no intention of letting his guard down, though. He would be on high alert from now on. Using his enhanced Vampire abilities to scope the area around them, at all times, for any threat. His situational awareness was particularly keen, after all, he was an assassin. He had to be alert and aware of his surroundings at all times.

  His body relaxed slightly, knowing they should be safe here, for the time being. Absolutely nobody could access his private records, and even if they managed to get into their home, they would get nothing from his computer. He had the most hi-tech, invulnerable piece of equipment in existence.

  Not even on the market yet, his was one of only two in existence. So he knew their travel arrangements were safe, as well as every other piece of important information on him and Sabrina that he has in his safe behind the bookshelf. A safe that required verbal, retina, and DNA samples to open. If anyone tried to breach it, they would be blown up, as it was rigged with explosives.

  So all he had to do was keep her safe for two more days until they could get on the plane to a more secure location. He also had to get her another passport, in case whoever was after them was a computer hacker and, like him, could break in and see if her name popped up on a passenger list. He picked his phone up and made the call, he sent a photo from his phone, and made sure it would be ready ASAP. Pick up was at the normal place, but the payment increased due to the rush job. It was money well spent. As he finished the call, he could sense his mate stirring from her deep sleep. He stood up with a smirk on his face, this part he was going to enjoy, a lot, and he slowly made his way back to the bedroom.

  As he entered the room, he could see Sabrina start to move, her arm lying across where he would lie. He smiled, as he saw her arm move around, searching for him, just before her eyes opened and found the space empty. A frown came over her face, but before she could look around, he moved toward the bed.

  “I’m here, darling. I was just checking something.” Her eyes found him, and she smiled sleepily up at him.

  “I don’t like it when you’re not there when I wake,” she said, as she stretched her arms above her head. As she did this, the cover slid down, and one of her bare breasts came into view.

  His arousal was instant, and he lifted the cover on his side and slid in, pulling her into his arms and placing a kiss on her lips. His kiss was demanding, full of passion and lust, and she returned it, even though she was only just coming awake.

  She pulled away slightly, “I should go and brush my teeth,” she half laughed.

  “Uh uh, not letting you go,” he mumbled against her lips, one of his hands cupping a breast and tweaking her nipple. The resulting moan that escaped her lips was all that he wanted, knowing he was giving her pleasure.

  “You are insatiable, Kyle,” she all but whimpered, her body aflame where his hand touched her.

  “Yeah, don’t you forget it,” he laughed, pulling her on top of him and his evident arousal.

  “Kyle! Please, I need to pee at least,” she struggled, and he finally loosened his grip, letting her escape to the bathroom.

  “Be quick, or I’ll come and get you,” he shouted and heard her laugh in return.

  She was quick, well, pretty quick, taking an extra minute to brush her teeth as fast as she could. Stark naked she walked back towards him, and his stomach clenched again. He absolutely could not let anything happen to her.

  He must have frowned at the thought, because she stopped a step or two from the bed, cocking her head to the side. “What's up?”

  “Nothing…business, don’t worry, come back here, young lady. Do not make me come and get you,” his voice was full of longing, as his stare raked her naked form.

  She looked at him a moment longer, closed the short distance between them, and fell back into his arms.

  “So, what’s the plan for today? We setting off soon?” she asked, as she placed small kisses along his jaw, heading towards his lips.

  “No rush,” he replied, before fisting his hand in her hair and holding her lips to his. His kiss deepening, he moved her with his other hand, so that she straddled him.

  “Oh,” was all she managed, as he entered her tightness, a very wet sheath waiting on him.

  Kyle tried to take his time, he wanted to delay their departure, but he couldn’t. The fear he felt, and was hiding, made him take her fast, his fangs erupting just before he sank his large Vampire cuspids into her sweet vein.

  She screamed, as pleasure enveloped her entire body and brought his own release, far too quickly.

  He held her close, not letting her move off of his body, stroking her back gently. “I think we’ll have room service, then a nice long shower,” he mumbled.

  Hoping room service would take a while and the shower even longer.

  Chapter 2

  He was wrong. Room service was very efficient and arrived not long after he placed an order for Sabrina’s breakfast. She ate quickly, obviously wanting to get home.

  The shower did take them some time, but they were still a little quicker leaving the hotel than he would've liked. He didn't drive nearly as fast as he normally did, and he knew she was noticing by the little frowns on her face and the way she kept glancing at him.

  “Okay, you really need to tell me what's wrong. You dilly-dallied at the hotel, and now you're driving slower than norm
al. Out with it, Kyle.” Her voice was a little exasperated, as she looked over at him.

  “What? I have no idea what you’re talking about and what the heck is ‘dilly-dallied?’” He tried to feign ignorance and didn’t take his eyes from the road. His mate used to be a cop, a good cop, he didn’t want her to see the lie in his eyes.

  “Okay, if that’s how you want to play it, fine, but I will find out what’s going on,” she sighed and turned to look out the windshield, a frown marring her face.

  Kyle drove on at a reduced speed, hoping his friend Gabe would get to their house before them. He would stop off and call him to make sure. He would not take her home until the place had been checked.

  All too soon they were entering the suburbs of Vegas, and Kyle knew he would need to make some kind of excuse to stop. He realized there would be nothing in the house, no juice or food for Sabrina. He pulled to a stop in front of a local store, “Just going to get a few things for you,” he smiled, as he spoke and jumped quickly out of the SUV.

  He saw her frown again and her ‘cop face’ appeared. She wasn’t stupid. He knew she was aware something was up. However, he sure as hell didn’t want to tell her what was wrong. His job was to protect her, no matter how tough she thought she was.

  He entered the shop and immediately pulled his normal phone out, found the number and dialed, all the while looking for the OJ. Gabe answered on the second ring, thank God.

  “Hey, I see you’re using your normal phone now,” the Wolf said just as Kyle found the OJ.

  “Are you there?” he asked, hoping that his friend had been and gone.

  “Yeah, we all came straight from the ranch, but Josef has taken Peri back to our place. He didn’t want her around until we sort this out. I’m still here, waiting on him coming back.” Gabe didn’t sound as relaxed as he normally did, and Kyle wondered why.

  “Why are you still there? What did you find?” Kyle asked, knowing he probably wasn't going to like the answer.

  “I thought you said you had a human threatening your mate?” the Wolf asked.

  Kyle frowned and stopped dead in his tracks, right in the middle of the juice aisle. “That’s right, it’s the partner of this fucking psycho serial killer.” Kyle was now holding his breath, waiting on what his friend was going to tell him.

  “Uh uh, no human has been here, but there has been a Vamp. According to Josef a very strong one, too. His scent is all over the place, even inside. I’m in your lounge, by the way, Josef got me in, and I’m having a whisky while I wait.” Gabe’s tone lightened a little, when he talked about drinking Kyle’s whisky.

  “What?! A fucking Vamp? What the fuck? My contact in the FBI didn’t say anything about a Vamp. Shit!” Kyle cursed. This information changed the playing field immensely. His mind spiraled almost out of control, as he thought of a Vampire and not a human hunting Sabrina.

  Now that he knew it was a Vamp, he knew this truly was a hunt. Vampires like to hunt. Fuck!

  “Yup, definitely a Vampire, Kyle, I know you don’t want to hear that man, but Josef is certain. That's why he’s taken Peri home, but he’ll be back soon, and we can discuss what you want to do. Both of us are on board with helping you keep her safe, Kyle.” Gabe’s tone softened as he spoke, his worry for Sabrina pretty clear.

  “Thanks, Gabe, now I need to come up with a cover story for why you’re there. Dammit, she’s already suspicious. Did I tell you she used to be a cop? That cop brain is working overtime right now because of my stalling this morning. I hate lying to her, but I can't tell her a fucking psycho Vampire is hunting her, now can I?” Kyle was desperately trying to come up with a reason for a Wolf and an ancient Vampire being in their home.

  “A cop? Jeez, you’ve gotta be good at lying, if you’re trying to fool a cop.” Gabe half chuckled then stopped, Kyle thought it was because he realized the seriousness of the situation.

  “Okay, I gotta go, she’s outside waiting on me. I’ll think of something, see you in ten.” He closed his phone without saying goodbye.

  He paid for the OJ and walked back out to the SUV, a smile pasted on his face. As he got in, he handed the juice to his mate, “Here, we’ll get some more stuff later. I’ve got a surprise.”

  “What?” she asked quietly, knowing he was hiding something from her and it upset her greatly.

  “We’re going to Italy to visit Boyd.” He started the engine and smiled over at her, waiting to see how she took this.

  “Italy? Now? We’re just back from Denver then Florida, then Grand Junction. Kyle I know something is wrong, will ye no just tell me?” Her Scottish accent was showing again, as it did when she was either drunk or upset.

  Kyle noticed, but it was impossible for him to tell her she was in danger because of him. “Yeah, he just phoned while I was in the store, didn’t really give me much choice. He said I promised to bring you, but I haven’t, so he checked the flights and booked them. We leave in two days.”

  “Two days? For goodness sake, does he not know the meaning of giving folks plenty of warning? I’ll need to do some shopping, if we’re going to Italy,” she pouted, thinking about the usual spending spree she went on before a trip.

  “Nah, I’ll take you shopping there - all that Italian fashion – you’ll have a ball.” Kyle tried for a laugh, but failed, and it came out like a strangled chuckle.

  “Whatever,” she replied, with that frown still on her face.

  “Oh yeah, there’s a couple of my friends at home, got some business to attend to.” It was the only excuse he could come up with, and he knew it was kinda lame. He never had business associates come to their home.

  “What? Okay enough, you need to tell me what’s going on, Kyle!” She said, turning in her seat to face him directly. She knew he was lying, and she didn’t like it one bit.

  “Nothing’s going on. I’m just a little uptight about a couple of business deals I’ve got going. Gabe and Josef, they’re my friends, they’re going to help me straighten out some issues. Josef is a very successful businessman, and he gives great advice. Oh yeah, Gabe’s a Wolf and Josef’s a Vamp, he’s a lot older than I am. He’s very ancient and very powerful.” Kyle hoped she wasn't going to freak at this news, hoped she would stay calm.

  “A Wolf, as in a Werewolf like Thomas in Denver? I’ve never met one properly, well, at least I don’t think I have.” Her tone was a little bewildered but curious.

  “Yeah, he’s a good laugh, what you would call a ‘cheeky chappy’ back home, but he's nothing like Thomas.” Kyle relaxed slightly, as he felt her mind turning, thinking about Wolves instead of his lying to her.

  “I assume he’s tame?” She laughed, though not having met a Wolf in a social situation, she wasn’t quite sure what to expect.

  “Of course he is. He’s a really good guy, a kid at heart.” Kyle was smiling, thinking of the things the Wolf got into. He hoped he might quieten down a bit, now that he had a mate, but didn't think so. “Okay, it’ll be nice to meet them. I’ve not met any of your friends.” She was again looking intently at him, as he drove.

  Luckily, they had arrived home, and he didn't answer, as he drove through the open gate and parked in front of the house. He assumed Josef had opened the damn gate, jeez that guy was powerful.

  He got out and came around to help Sabrina from the vehicle, and as she turned, she gasped in fright. Kyle whirled around, his fangs descended, in preparation for a fight, but it was just Gabe standing in their doorway that had given her a start.

  “Hi, I’m Gabe, I take it you’re the mate to this old guy here,” the Wolf smiled, as he walked down the steps and put his hand out.

  Sabrina looked at it and then took it, “Hi, I’m Sabrina and yes, I’m Kyle’s mate. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Kyle nodded once at the Wolf and went to retrieve their luggage from the rear of the SUV, bringing them inside, as Gabe took hold of Sabrina’s arm and led her inside.

/>   Gabe didn’t stop chatting all the way to the lounge and then he let go of Sabrina’s arm and sat down, picked up his glass and took a sip.

  Sabrina wondered at this intrusion, the Wolf was in their home, sitting on their sofa and drinking Kyle’s whisky. What was going on?

  When she looked up, she locked eyes with her mate, one eyebrow raised in an unspoken question. He ignored her silent enquiry and moved quickly to take their luggage to the laundry room.

  He placed the luggage on the floor and took a few steadying breaths, trying to calm himself. He was good at lying, always had been, but with Sabrina, he was not so good. He was finding it very difficult to hide what was going on from her, and he knew she could sense his unease.

  Another few breaths and he walked back through to find Josef shaking Sabrina’s hand. Her eyes were wide, as she looked up into the cold, hard features of this very ancient Vampire.

  “Very nice to meet you, finally. Kyle has been a little remiss in not letting us know he had a mate.” Josef said in a tone that was much softer than Kyle usually heard him use.

  “It’s nice to meet you, too. I’ve not met any of his friends or business acquaintances.” Sabrina took her hand back, this man made her feel uneasy.

  “Ah, here he is, good day, Kyle. I hope you are well?” Josef said, keeping up the pretence that nothing was wrong.

  “Yeah, more than well. You wouldn’t believe the change that having a mate brings,” Kyle smiled, as he moved to Sabrina's side and hugged her to him.


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