Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set

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Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set Page 39

by A. K. Michaels

  Raige leaned down and gripped her arm, the one that was clearly broken, and tightened his hand, as she bit her lip, trying desperately not to scream at the pain it brought. She couldn’t stop the tears now and they coursed down her face, as she fought to stop herself from passing out.

  “Go on - scream - I like to hear the screams,” his voice was so near, at her ear, she tried to pull away, to get some distance between them, she could smell his breath and feel it on her skin, as he spoke, and she tried not to gag at his closeness.

  His hold tightened again and this time she couldn’t help it - a low moan of pain escaped her lips, and she saw the smile widen on his features. He was enjoying himself, and she knew it would only get worse.

  ‘He’s with me in the corner of the room,’ she pushed the thought out and hoped with all her heart he could hear her, as more pain invaded her system, as Raige roughly twisted her broken bones. This time she couldn’t help it - a scream tore from her throat, and she started to gag, vomit rushing up her throat. As she started to puke, Raige jumped back, distaste clear on his face.

  She wasn’t sure if she could stay conscious if he did that again, already her vision was blurring, and it was a struggle not to fall over into the darkness that was beckoning.


  Kyle was pacing back and forth, looking between the cottage and where Boyd had walked off to, and then he felt her, heard her, sending him a clear message. He smiled, as he realized she must be conscious and okay, if she was doing this...thank God. He harnessed some of his power and completely and utterly tuned into her, in case she sent any more information. Any and all info they could get could only help, in what way he wasn't sure yet, but he kept his senses locked onto his mate.

  “I’ve explained what is happening to Marie, I’ve asked for her help.”

  Boyd’s voice interrupted him and he turned to find him standing with Marie at his side, an arm around her, as if trying to protect her from harm.

  “What’ve you got in mind?”

  “I think it is fair to say that the spell her mother cast has been broken and a new one put in place. I’ve asked her to do a shielding spell, so he will not be able to sense us approach. When that is done, I’m afraid there’s only one option, we need to rush the cottage, in order for me to destroy him. I can’t do that if he is either in contact with Sabrina or in close proximity - I would end up harming her also.”

  Kyle flinched, as he thought about his mate being anywhere near the power he knew his Sire could produce. She wouldn’t survive, not a chance. He also knew that the longer they waited, the more chance there was that Raige would hurt her. He felt it deep inside him. Raige would not be able to resist hurting his mate.

  As that thought entered his head, the silence was broken by a terrible scream that was torn from his mate. Only Boyd’s strong hold on his arm stopped him from rushing the cottage to go to her aid.

  “We need to do it now! He’ll only keep hurting her, otherwise. Marie, if you can do a shielding spell, do it now!”

  He knew his voice came out as a command, and he saw her nod her head whilst Boyd frowned at him for talking to her like that.

  “It’s quite a simple spell, if the three of you stand together I’ll get started.” Kyle could hear the anxiety in her voice, as she spoke, and he guessed she now knew where her mother was, in the cottage with Raige.

  The three Vampires stood together, as they watched her frown, focus, and finally start to speak in a very quiet voice, as her hands danced in the air in front of her. Magic was in the air around them, and he was sure he felt it invade his very skin, as she finished talking.

  “You are now shielded,” she whispered, as another scream assaulted their ears.

  Kyle didn’t pause, turning he moved as quick as he could, and burst through the door, completely obliterating the thin wood, as he continued on into the cottage.

  Raige was less than three feet from his mate, who was curled on the floor with vomit and tears on her face. He immediately saw a badly broken wrist and upper arm, as she tried to shield it from Raige.

  “What....?” was all he got out, as Kyle tackled him to the ground, landing hard blows, as he did so. One hand was around the Vampire’s neck, as he fought to keep hold, to keep him away from his mate.

  Out the corner of his eye, he saw Petre pick Sabrina up and cradle her in his arms, before moving to the unobstructed doorway, which was now basically a hole in the wall. Kyle released his grip and jumped up and away, as Raige stood up and snarled.

  “You’re no match for me!” he yelled at Kyle, who only smirked.

  “Maybe not, you sick son of a bitch, but he is,” Kyle took another couple of steps away and was soon beside Boyd, who stared with ominous hatred at Raige.

  “You dared to come onto my home...and hurt those under my care? Kidnap the mate of one of mine?” Boyd's entire being was thrumming with immense power, and both Kyle and Raige could feel it.

  For an instant Kyle was sure he saw a frisson of fear in the other’s eyes before he threw his head back and laughed. This is one crazy fuck, he thought, as he watched warily, afraid he might have some kind of trick up his sleeve.

  “I dared old man, I do whatever the fuck I want, and nobody has been able to stop me so think you can?” Raige sneered, as he locked eyes with Boyd.

  “Yes,” was all Boyd said, as he threw out some of his colossal power towards Raige, who was thrown up and back before howling in pain. As his body hit the back wall and slid down onto the floor, Boyd moved closer, his hands out in front of him, as he continued to attack the other Vampire.

  High-pitched screams were now coming from Raige's throat, as Boyd continued his attack, which was destroying every organ inside the body of the other. He started with mundane things like liver and kidneys, then progressed to his lungs, which cut off the screams, as there was no way for him to breathe. Then his throat, his eyes, and finally his heart. Boyd looked on impassively, as Raige finally lay still...dead at his feet.

  Kyle nodded once, as he turned and moved quickly to find his mate. She was still in Petre's arms, and Marie was talking quietly to her, as he got closer, he realised that Marie was trying to help.

  “I can do a healing spell, but there’s a lot of damage. It’ll hurt, there’s so many small fragments of bone inside, and I’ll need to fix them, too. I’m really sorry, but I can’t do this without it hurting you. I can put you to sleep and do it?”

  “No,” Sabrina said, and shook her head, and he moved to take her from Petre's arms.

  “Kyle,” she whimpered, as he held her and spoke softly down into her face.

  “Hi, babe, thought you could do with some rescuing, sorry I was late,” he tried to give her a cheeky grin, but failed.

  Her uninjured hand came up to the side of his face, “You need a new watch, maybe you won’t be late then.”

  She smiled lopsidedly at him, and he inclined his head to the side, “Okay, I’ll even let you pick it out for me.”

  “Good, I’ve got much better taste than you,” she winced in pain, and he knew they would need to get her sorted, either here by the Witch, or take her to a human hospital, and soon.

  “I want to stay here, please take me to our room,” her voice was full of pain, and he didn’t reply, only started moving back towards the house. He noticed Marie was right behind them, and he knew they would have to tell her about her mother, he had seen her tortured body in the cottage, but he was going to be selfish, and wait until she had healed Sabrina. Probably not the most moral of decisions, but it would make no difference to her grief, if he told her now, or later. It would, however, make her unable to help his mate, so in his eyes, the decision was an easy one.

  “I’ve got puke on me,” Sabrina said in disgust, as they neared their room.

  “I’ll clean you, after you’re healed, I’ll take off those clothes now, though,” he lay her on the bed and r
emoved her bottom half easily, the top half was going to prove problematic, as it would cause her pain, so he did the only thing he could think of. He let his razor sharp fangs descend and he ripped the cloth that covered her, so that her arm was not moved even a millimetre. He took the clothes and left them on the floor in the hallway outside of their rooms.

  She lay in her underwear, and he saw the other bruises, as if she had been kicked in the ribs as well, a huge bruise covered the entire right side of her torso. He felt sick seeing her like this, if he could throw up, he would. He didn’t have that luxury just now, to wallow in feelings of regret at her being hurt because of him. No, he had to get her healed and sleeping, in that order.

  “This is really going to hurt - please let me put you to sleep.” Marie was sitting on the side of the bed looking at the damage done to Sabrina. It was obvious her wrist was broken in multiple places, her upper arm was also broken, the bone was pressed against the skin in what must be an immensely painful angle. There was at least one, probably more broken and cracked ribs and internal and external bruising. Nobody would withstand the healing of such injuries awake.

  “No,” Sabrina murmured, and Marie’s eyes found Kyle’s in a silent plea, he nodded his head and used some of the power that was still inside him, pushing it out towards his mate, relaxing her body and mind, putting her into the deepest sleep she would ever experience. Only once he knew she was in a near coma like sleep did he nod at Marie.

  “Okay, I’m going to heal her wrist, her upper arm, and her ribs. She’ll still have some soreness and bruising, but most of it will be mended or almost healed. She can’t lift anything heavy, in fact, don’t let her lift anything for a while, to make sure the bones have knitted properly and are nice and strong again. There will be some stiffness as well, rest and plenty of it is in order, and some very, very gentle exercises to regain her strength, you got that?”

  Kyle smiled ruefully at the Witch's tone, “Yes, I’ve got it.”

  Marie went to work and even though Sabrina was down for the count, he saw her squirm and moan. The pain must be incredible to register through such a deep sleep. His guilt was ratcheted up at the knowledge of the pain she must be feeling, not taking into consideration the fear and shock she must have gone through.

  “It’s not your fault,” a voice spoke behind him, and he turned and saw Boyd standing, watching, mostly Marie he noted.

  “I know, but it sorta is. I’ll be extra careful about jobs I take from now on. Nothing like this can ever happen again, Boyd. I couldn’t go on without her,” Kyle knew that was the truth, if he lost her, he could not go on breathing, living, he would end himself, or ask his Sire to do so for him, if that ever happened.

  “I think I’m beginning to understand a little more of this mating thing,” Boyd said, as his eyes roved over the Witch.

  Finally Marie stood up, “I’ve done all I can, I would get her to a good ortho, when you can, get her checked out properly.”

  “I will, thank you, Marie,” he didn’t bother with a smile, she would be crying in a very short time anyway.

  “Marie, can you come with me?” Boyd said, and she looked between Kyle and Boyd, worry on her face.

  Kyle moved from the bed to the bath and got a damp cloth to wash his mate, as she lay asleep in their bed. He didn’t want her to wake up with the smell of vomit on her, she wouldn’t like that.

  He caught a glimpse as Boyd led Marie away, and he waited…the moment she was told her mother was dead. It came quickly, Boyd must have told her almost immediately, and the scream and shouts of ‘NO!’ rang in his ears, and he felt guilty about that, too.

  With a long sigh, he continued cleaning his mate, sure that Boyd would look after Marie. It seemed to him that his Sire may just have found his own mate. He could remember his own confusion and feelings he had, when he met Sabrina, and it was mirrored in his Sire now. He hoped so, Boyd had waited so very long to find his mate, and hopefully he could help Marie through her grief over her mother.

  Once he had cleaned Sabrina, he loosened her bra and removed it before slipping one of his t-shirts onto her body, the bruises still visible and still making him feel sick. He undressed and got into bed with her, cradling her in his arms for hours before finally dozing fitfully near dawn.

  Chapter 21

  Kyle was wrenched from sleep by a terrifying scream in his ear, Sabrina was thrashing around within his arms, and he tightened his hold on her. “You’re safe, it’s me, Sabrina, it’s Kyle. I’ve got you, baby, I’ve got you.”

  His voice was soft and cajoling, as he spoke, trying to bring her out of the depths of a nightmare. Her eyes flew open and she found his face, and he saw tears in hers, God it hurt him to see her like this.

  “Aldo, Kathleen – they’re....”

  “I know, I know, baby,” he held her to him, as tears finally broke free and she sobbed into his chest. He had never seen her cry like this before, and he hoped to Christ he never did again. His heart nearly broke in two at witnessing the pain his mate was in.

  “Is he...?” she couldn’t say it, her words obviously sticking in her throat.

  “Yes, Boyd dealt with him, he won’t hurt anyone again,” Kyle nuzzled her hair and then placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

  “Good, I hope he fucking suffered!” she exclaimed, hatred in her voice.

  “He did, it wasn’t pretty.”

  “I’m glad, he deserved everything he got - he was one sick bastard. Did you see what he did to Kathleen - he tortured her, Kyle, she was a mess.”

  “I know. Boyd will deal with everything, including looking after Marie. I’ve got a feeling that she’s his mate.”

  “I wondered what was going on with them. I saw the way he seemed protective of her out front - he moved so quick to hold her.”

  Kyle laughed, “Yeah, I did notice, how are you feeling?”

  “A lot better, my arm’s only a little bit sore now, I’ve never felt pain like that, when he grabbed it and squeezed and then twisted it, I thought I was going to pass out. He wanted to hear me scream, really wanted to hear me’re sure he’s really gone - for good? Forever?”

  He could sense her fear, and he so didn’t like that feeling in his mate, “Absolutely, he won’t be back, hon, promise.”

  “Well, if you promise, then I’ll take that. My ribs hurt like hell, think I’ll need a couple of painkillers.”

  “I’ll see what Boyd has, why don’t you have a shower, see if that helps.” He helped her up and into the bathroom, turning the shower on, and leaving her alone.

  She was back in a few minutes, a towel wrapped around her, and as she walked in, her face fell, frowning, and then searching for him, “What?” he asked and she shook her head.

  “I was just thinking what was for breakfast and then I remembered - Anna - she’s dead, too.”

  He moved nearer and nodded again, “Yeah, I know, she’s the only Vamp I think it would be a release for. She never quite took to being a Vampire, she was happier as a human, maybe she’ll be at peace now.”

  “I hope so,” she replied, as she turned to look for clothes to put on.


  “What, hon?” he asked quietly, sitting on the edge of the bed and watching her, glad to have her back where she belonged - with him.

  “Can we go home?” she pleaded, as she turned and looked at him with wide eyes.

  “Yes, whenever you want, I’ll check the flights in a bit.”

  “Good, the sooner the better, I want our house, our bed...our home.”

  “You’ll get whatever you want, babe, whatever you want,” he got up and went to her, taking her in his arms and placing a gentle kiss on her lips, before releasing her, and staring down into her beautiful face.

  “You only have to ask,” and his lips found hers once more, and she returned the kiss with such passion, that he knew they weren’t leaving the bedroom
any time soon, and he let out a small moan into her mouth.

  This was where she should be, in his arms, in his bed, with him giving her as much pleasure as she could stand...and then some.

  Author’s note:-

  Many thanks for reading about Sabrina – I hope you liked it and find out in Book 2 what Sabrina thinks when she finds out more about Kyle!

  If you could spare a moment of your very valuable time and leave a review it would be much appreciated.

  Also, look for some of my other books – Defender’s Blood series, The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire series and Supernatural Enforcement Bureau series, their blurbs are below.

  Live, Love, Read x

  Also By A K Michaels

  The Witch, The Wolf and The Vampire:-

  Peri has been running since she was fifteen – using her magic to stay safe. 'They' can track her magic though, so she has to use it sparingly. In Vegas, for a cash in hand job, and things turn nasty! She knows the amount of magic she would have to use to escape unscathed would bring 'them' right to her.

  Before she can use the vast magic required two males appear and aid her. One a wolf, one an ancient vampire. Josef, the vampire, and Gabe, the wolf, are more than a little interested in this skinny girl. What ensues shocks both of the strong males – this girl is more than a stray, more than a witch – it looks like she is a mate – for both of them!?

  Will Peri stay? Will they keep her safe? Who, if any, of the two will she choose? Just how much power does this stripling of a girl have locked inside her?

  Adult content in this book!

  Supernatural Enforcement Bureau:-

  As Director of the Supernatural Enforcement Bureau, powerful Vampire Ronan, thought he had seen it all...until he discovers that Dragons actually exist. Can he help the Dragon being hunted on his patch? He certainly has the means at his disposal...if they can find it first...before the dark magic-wielding Witches and their Vampire cohorts.


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