Barbarian Blood: An Alien Romance

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Barbarian Blood: An Alien Romance Page 29

by Abella Ward

  "No. We'll just get killed."

  His voice was heavy with emotion, a fact that surprised him. He snatched the small EMP generator from the floor and stuffed it into the nearest garbage disposal. There had been multiple ones installed every few feet down the corridors when viewers complained that the facility was too dirty. Bianca cried out, fighting against him, but he only gripped her tighter.

  "I am not going to let you get yourself killed like this," Gylden said, gripping her arms. "Is it because you doubt my abilities in the arena? Do you think that I'm going to let you get killed like the other gladiators have let their mates be killed?"

  "Let go of me."

  "I won't let you die." I can't stop her from dying. Why am I promising something I know I can't do?

  "You won't let me die?" Bianca glared up at him. "Because you love me so much? You would feed me to the wolves in a second if it benefited you, and now that we don't have cameras in our faces, you can go ahead and admit it. Admit it!"

  His hands tightened on her hips. What was he meant to say? That he didn't want to care for her? That he was certain Taskus Draw would find a way to kill her no matter what he did? But then why did he stop her from getting herself killed while trying to escape?

  "If you're too afraid to try to leave, at least let me go." Bianca clutched his shoulders. "Please. I can't live like this. And I think you know that. If I don't get out of here, I'm going to die. Please. Please..."

  "It's not all a lie," he blurted. His heart hammered. Damn. He did care. And he was willing to die for her. What was he going to do?

  She bit her lip.

  "I have come to care for you far more quickly than I thought was possible. I've never had to fight for anybody before. Just myself. But…"

  Tears glistened in her eyes. He wanted to kiss them away.

  "If you die, I'll die with you."

  Bianca shook her head. "That's not very comforting."

  "It's better than dying alone, isn't it?" Gylden stepped back from her. His hands remained on her hips, though. "They'll be looking for whoever killed the drones. If we're in my quarters when they come looking, we might still have a chance out of this."

  Neither moved for a long moment. The blue glow of the energy field cast Bianca's face in a strange light. She wore an expression that Gylden couldn't decipher. Uncertainty, maybe. Hesitation. And yet, a strange sort of determination mixed in with it all. Her hands rested over his and slid up his arms. A strangely… erotic gesture.

  Gylden swallowed hard. He released her and headed back down the corridor to his quarters. His mouth felt dry and his knees trembled as if he had just been fighting all day in the arena. What was wrong with him? Everything that had happened since Bianca came into his life was insane. He shouldn't be letting himself be whipped to spare her. He shouldn't put himself in a position where he might be caught looking like he was trying to escape. He shouldn't be doing any of this. And yet he was.

  As soon as they were back in his quarters, Bianca kicked the drones out of the room and slammed the door shut. As the T'shav watched, she grabbed the medical kit and strode to the small port where replacement drones came from. She grabbed some fleshseal from the kit and slapped it over the opening. The material immediately sucked itself to the wall, sealing the port shut.

  "What are you doing?" Gylden asked in alarm. "There was a chance that they might not trace it back to us, but if you do this—"

  "You said that if I die, you'll die with me. Well, I'm not an idiot. Taskus Draw has it in for me because I talked back to him and stopped his first game from being a bloodbath."

  Gylden reluctantly nodded. "But you're popular. He won't dare hurt you."

  "Killing or threatening to kill off beloved characters often pulls in more viewers than the sideline people nobody cares about. I'm not a fighter. However this ends… chances are I won't make it. And if we're going to die together, I at least want to know if you're worth it."

  He opened his mouth to ask her what she meant, but before he could, she was on him. Her body pushed against him, her arms around his neck. She rose a leg over his hip. With all of her lush curves flush against him, he felt something deep inside him stirring. A primal need he rarely got to satisfy.

  With a growl, he flung her onto the bed.

  Chapter Six – Bianca

  Bianca bounced on the bed, making her giggle, and reached for Gylden as he followed her down. The strength of his body over hers nearly made her forget where she was. But she couldn’t forget.

  Heat coiled tightly in her core, begging for his touch. They only had a narrow window to do this. Once the drones were back in working condition, she wasn't even using the toilet without wrapping herself in a blanket just to make sure nothing could be seen. Her privacy was seriously violated in her daily life, and she wasn't going to give up this opportunity. She wanted him. Bad. She had wanted him from the moment he brought her to this room, and all the excuses she had thought up to stop herself from doing this were just that – excuses.

  "Wait," he said. "I'm always in a low state of musth. I—"

  "And I'm sure that it's affecting both of us, but come on. I've been sleeping beside you for three days now. Your musth isn't why I'm doing this."

  "Are you sure?"

  Bianca nodded. "I'm sure. Honestly, in just about any other situation, I would have already seduced you by now."

  Gylden grinned. He dove into her neck with a fervor that made her gasp. How often did he get to release himself into a passion like this? A flare of anger had her hands digging into his back. It wasn't fair. It was beyond not fair – this was evil. It was evil that a man like Gylden, so strong and proud but with that hidden tenderness inside himself was forced to live a farce of a life, never being his own person.

  "I want to see you," he growled into her neck. "All of you. I want your body to belong to me."

  "Yes," Bianca whispered, rolling her hips upwards as he ground himself against her. It was the only word she could think to say. "Yes."

  His hands fumbled with the filmy fabric she was forced to wear, finding the small clasps and buttons. He removed her clothing without tearing anything and stripped off his own garments with the same care. The T'shav sat back on his heels, gazing down at her body with an awe in his eyes. He had never seen a woman like this before. His breath caught in his throat.

  "You're beautiful. Skin so soft, so smooth. So unmarked." His massive hands cupped her breasts. "Your shape… You are the most stunning woman I have ever seen, Bianca… I've never felt this way before. I might have been acting for the public when I said I loved you, but maybe I do. I've never known love. I've never…"

  His hand drifted down between her thighs, stroking her in a way that made her bend herself to him. His gentleness surprised Bianca, and unexpected tears flooded her eyes. She'd never had a man be this gentle with her. Who knew she'd find him out here, long after Earth died, when her own life was in jeopardy?

  "You deserve love," she told him. "You deserve to know pleasure and passion and peace. It's not fair it has to be like this."

  Gylden smiled softly. He kissed her lips again, his touch feather-light. "We have tonight."

  Bianca nodded in agreement. As his fingers became a little rougher, applying more pressure to her sensitive areas, her own hand drifted downwards. She grasped him, giving him what he was giving her. Soon they were both writhing under each other's touch, sweat coating their bodies. Bianca didn't know how much time had passed, and she didn't care – this moment between them was all that mattered.

  Unlike his buildup, Gylden's entry was rough. Bianca cried out with the slight sting that accompanied it, but that faded away into oblivion as they started moving, building a quick pace they both worked at, muscles clenched in their bodies, sweat-slick skin sliding smoothly across one another with their steady rhythm.

  The coiled heat in her belly became a snake, slithering up and down her spine, racing first down one leg then the other, filling her with a deep contentm
ent she had never known before. Gylden's eyes were on hers the whole time, her fingers dancing over the raised ridges of the scars under the black tattoos that marred his devil-red skin.

  He kissed her again, hard, his rhythm faltering. It felt as if every muscle in his body coiled and sprang – she felt him jerk against her, his eyes rolling into the back of his head, his jaw hanging slack. Heat rose up in her face and she followed him, writhing against his body, crying out as wave after wave of pleasure drowned her.

  Gylden kissed her shoulder, panting, as their ecstasy slowly faded away. Bianca would have gladly just laid there like that forever, but all too soon the T'shav moved off her and retrieved their clothing. He handed Bianca hers, then dressed quickly. Bianca was a little slower getting into hers. She knew why they had to dress again. Who knew when Taskus Draw would have the drones up and running again?

  But she wished this moment would last longer.

  "I don't like living like this," Gylden said suddenly.


  He turned towards her. "I don't like living like all I am good for is people's entertainment. It's been my normal for so long that I've gotten used to it, but I hate it. Even if I win my freedom in these games, I won't be free. My life belongs to the public and it always will. I have killed and killed for their entertainment, and I will either die for their entertainment or I will someday train others to kill and die for their entertainment. I have thought about escape, but I've seen what happens to people who try."

  Bianca shivered as she moved closer, wanting to comfort him. "There has to be a way. I can't believe that it's legal to just go around stealing people and making them slaves! There are laws, aren't there?"

  "Laws only apply to citizens. Humans are generally citizens, but if you didn't have your papers, then you're not a citizen. As for me, my parents and I lived outside of United Species territory. And I'm T'shav. Nobody cares what happens to my people."

  Bianca's hands clenched, but before she could say another word, the door was flung open. Taskus Draw strode in, fury written all over his face. Drones buzzed around him like angry flies. He stopped in the doorway and sniffed the air. "So is this why you sabotaged our systems? To have sex and deny our viewers the sight?"

  Bianca jumped to her feet, embarrassment flooding her face with heat. But there was anger, too. How dare he come in here and turn the beautiful thing that happened between her and Gylden into something to be ashamed of? A drone flew right into her face, bathing it with a red light. She swatted at it.

  "We didn't turn off any systems," Gylden said, grabbing her arm. "We woke up and it was dark. But Bianca isn't used to being watched, so I thought it was prudent to take a moment to—"

  "Isn't used to being watched? Is that what you think is a reasonable excuse?" He turned towards one of the drones buzzing at his ear. "This selfish woman wants to exclude you from not only her life but the life of Gylden, too."

  "One moment to ourselves—"

  "You both know the rules. You live for the public, and yet you deny them the pleasure of witnessing this major step in your relationship? You must be punished for this."

  Bianca shrank against Gylden. She trembled. How could a moment so beautiful turn into such terror now?

  "I think I have the perfect punishment as well." Taskus grinned. "Since you are so determined to keep yourself separate from the public, you will be locked together for three weeks in the dungeons. And when you are released, you will enter the arena, just the two of you against half a dozen other gladiators. And if you can't fight together as well as you hide together… Well, you'll die."

  Bianca cried out in protest, but Gylden's tight grip around her waist reminded her to be quiet. If she didn't, she might make it worse than it already was! She trembled in his arms. Three weeks in the dungeons, and then she would have to fight for her life. And if she failed? Gylden said he would die with her.

  How were they going to survive this?

  Chapter Seven – Gylden

  Bianca trembled from head to toe as the trainers dressed her in armor. Or what apparently counted as armor for her. It consisted of a chainmail skirt, split open on the sides, and a breastplate with two large breasts molded into it. If she fell face-forward, the cups would crush her sternum. It was designed to show off her figure, not protect her. At least she was given two lightweight blades that she would actually be able to wield.

  Gylden clasped her hand once they were dressed. "I will protect you, Bianca. You have the promise of my life and blood that I will die before I let anything happen to you."

  Bianca shook her head. "No. No, you can't do that. If you die, I'm dead. But if I die, you can still live."

  "I won't want to."

  They stared at one another for a long moment. Gylden tried to smile, to show some reassurance in the way he looked at her that his defeat was impossible. But of course it was possible. He could take on any of the other gladiators with a reasonable assurance that he was going to win, but against half a dozen all together? He might not be that good. It just depended on whether the public was angry with them for not having sex before their prying eyes.

  Bianca threw her arms around his neck when Taskus Draw called his name. Her body undulated against him, causing heat to burn through him. His arms circled her waist, pulling her flush against him. This could be the last time they ever kissed…

  I could spend the rest of my life like this, he thought. I wish we had more time.

  The trainers pushed them. Together they stumbled into the arena, not letting go of one another. Their kiss was being replayed in slow motion on the screens surrounding the arena, and a well of anger rose in Gylden's gut. So much of his private life, instances that should have been wholesome, pure, just for him to treasure in his heart, had been stolen from him and put on display. It wasn't right.

  But there was no time to dwell on that.

  Gylden tried to empty his mind as he faced off with his opponents. Two Odaps, a Suesue, an Aphrosian and a Rlabek. All excellent fighters, but manageable. None of them were men the T'shav had trained with, and for that he was thankful. He'd killed enough friends in this arena to last a lifetime.

  "Remember what I told you," he whispered to Bianca as Taskus Draw repeated the stakes for whoever might not be up to date. "Your best defense is speed. Run. And if you can't run—"

  "Aim for arms. I'm not strong enough to pierce through metal. I know." Bianca fell back several steps.

  Gylden raised his broadsword, the pinkish traluthian steel flashing in the artificial sun. The Odaps would have to go first. With their wings, they could easily take flight and go over his head for Bianca. He shifted into a fighting stance as the other gladiators did the same. He gripped his weapon tightly.

  "Fight!" Taskus cried, and the other gladiators charged.

  As expected, the Odaps' wings started beating at once. Gylden could hear Bianca running around the edge of the arena, and he lunged into the center of the group. His swung his sword from side to side. Most of the gladiators jumped out of his way then turned to face him, but one Odap still went after Bianca, daggers flashing in its hands.

  Gylden elbowed the Aphrosian in the face. It stumbled back; he grabbed it and threw it onto the Rlabek's sword. The Aphrosian squealed, a dagger dropping from its hand. Gylden rolled, kicking the Rlabek and Suesue off their feet, and grabbed the dagger. The first Odap was almost on Bianca as she ran. With a grunt, Gylden threw his dagger; it sunk deep into the Odap's neck and the alien crumpled. The motion left his side unprotected, though; the second Odap struck a blow across him. Metal screeched on metal as the Odap's sword skittered off his armor, but it managed to turn at the last second and scrape his arm. Blood welled out of the wound.

  "And it looks as though our hero is drawing strength from his love, while the woman merely flees and lets him fight for himself!" Taskus Draw shouted over the clash of battle.

  I am going to kill him, Gylden vowed, dropping his sword to grab the wrists of the Rlabek and Suesue
and turn them into each other. The swords they both held pierced the cheap armor they were wearing. Both fell gasping, and Gylden quickly put distance between himself and them. The Odap looked at him, hefting its blade. Its wings fluttered.

  The two began circling one another, waiting and searching for an opening in the other's defense. Gylden's heart pounded. Perhaps Taskus Draw had decided to put public opinion over his own desires after all. That had hardly been a fight, and four were down already. Bianca was far from them and there was only this single Odap left.

  "It looks as though Gylden has won. But wait," Taskus shouted, as though reading Gylden's mind. "Didn't I say there would be six opponents? Why yes, I did! And here is our sixth champion… Huenal the Ernesian! They say he has a taste for human flesh."

  The Odap lunged clumsily. All Gylden needed to do was dodge his enemy's blade while holding his own still. The alien impaled itself. Gylden whipped his sword out of the body and turned. Bianca was running back towards him, pure terror on her face. A gigantic, hairy Ernesian chased after her on all fours. Gylden ran towards her, but he was too slow.

  Everything seemed to stop as he saw a silver blade pierce through Bianca's shoulder. She stumbled, a scream twisting from her mouth. The Ernesian behind her grabbed her by the back of the neck and laughed. His teeth were filed into sharp points. Gylden urged himself to go faster, but the sand beneath his feet seemed to suck in every step, slowing him. The Ernesian bit into Bianca's neck.

  A roar of rage filled the stadium. Even Taskus Draw's voice was drowned out in it. The Ernesian looked up, blood dripping from his mouth. The last thing it saw was Gylden's blade driving directly into its eye. The T'shav stabbed clean through the alien's head, then withdrew his blade and swung in in a wild circle. Blade bit through flesh and bone, and the Ernesian's head went flying.

  Gylden dropped to his knees beside Bianca. Her eyes were wide, blood pooling from the fingers pressed to her throat, but she was alive. He gathered her into his arms, his chest so full of anger and helplessness that he felt hollow. His mate clung to him. What was he supposed to do? How could he save her? If any arteries were cut…


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