Making a Point

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Making a Point Page 31

by David Crystal


  and commas 244–9

  and hyphens 268–9

  advertisements 170–71

  Ælfric 11–12, 25, 140

  aerated script 9

  aesthetic factors 91–2, 138, 309, 325

  air quotes 313

  Alcuin 24

  Alford, Henry 72–3, 80, 177, 343

  Alfred, King 1, 17

  Alfred Jewel 1–2

  Ambrose, St 7

  American vs British English 134, 165, 207, 226, 262, 269, 295, 302, 307, 309, 311, 335–6

  anaphora 231

  Anderson, James Byron 214

  angle brackets 303, 334

  anonymity 154

  Anthony, Piers 339

  aposiopesis 154

  apostrophe 275–94, 318

  early uses 51, 82, 277–81

  first recorded use 37

  greengrocers 283–4, 342

  hunt 275–6, 290

  in business 285–8

  marking elision 277–9

  marking plural 279, 283

  marking possession 279–82, 285

  not related to his 278

  omission 93–4

  spacing 80

  vs quotation marks 309–10

  Apostrophe Protection Society xiii, 276, 290

  Aristotle 5

  asterisk 82–3, 118

  Internet use 332

  triple 118

  vs dash 332

  asterism 118

  Augustine, St 7, 12–14, 89, 329

  Austen, Jane 97–102, 144, 154


  backslash 333–4

  Baird, Martha 359

  Barfoot, Cedric 286

  Baron, Naomi 173–4

  Bazin, Hervé 339

  Beale, John 52

  Beckett, Samuel 140

  Bede 17, 19

  Benbow, John 261

  Benedict, St 23–4

  bibliographies 224, 258

  Bierce, Andrew 339

  Billings, Josh 340

  Blake, Norman 33

  Block, Giles 40

  block quotation 315

  Bodley, Thomas 53

  bold type 132, 319–20, 326

  Book of Common Prayer, The 115–16, 278

  Boot, Jesse 287

  Borge, Victor 360

  brace 82, 302–3


  first use 37

  nesting 297

  round 295–306

  square 82, 297–8, 302

  types 302–3

  Bradley, Henry 101

  breve 82

  British English usage see American vs British English

  Brontë, Charlotte 69

  Brook, Peter 40

  Brown, Goold 176, 283

  Browne, John 194

  Bulawayo, NoViolet 94, 96, 315

  bullets 129–30, 148

  Bullokar, William 50

  Burton, Virginia Lee 128–9

  Butcher, Judith 254

  Byron, Lord 69


  Caesar, Julius 229, 232

  camel case 8, 331

  capitalization 131–2, 195, 225, 318–20, 334

  capitulum 27

  caret 82, 335

  Caretaker, The 159–60

  Carey, G V 255, 347

  Cawdrey, Robert 54

  Caxton, William 32–6, 67

  Chapman, R W 101–2

  Charlemagne 24

  chevrons 303

  child point of view 357–9

  choice 87–8, 108–9, 141–3, 354–5

  Christie, Agatha 161, 166

  Churchill, Winston 232

  Cicero 5, 20

  circumflex 82

  Cobbett, William 144–5, 227, 236, 276–7, 344, 346

  colash 219

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 67

  colon 216–26

  double 223, 339

  early uses 46, 51, 100

  first recorded use 37

  followed by capital 225

  frequency 228

  in headings 113–14, 133

  one per sentence 222

  vs comma 226, 233

  vs hyphen 101–2

  vs period 220–23

  vs semicolon 58–9, 207, 218, 220–22

  with dash 219

  Colter, Mary 275

  comma 227–58

  disputed 76–7

  early uses 46, 51

  ending a sentence 312

  first recorded use 37

  frequency 228

  given priority 84

  length factors 236–9, 244–9

  omission 234–5

  overused 72

  Oxford/serial 60–61, 250–58

  separating decimals 136, 258

  splice 204, 229, 353–4

  vs colon 226, 233

  vs dash 148–9, 235

  vs parentheses 298–300

  vs period 233

  vs semicolon 203–6, 230–33

  with adverbials 244–9

  command (in grammar) 142, 182, 190

  commash 219

  compositors 75–6, 79–80

  compounds and hyphens 261–71

  Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language, A 134, 228

  concrete poetry 200

  consistency 138, 356–7

  continuation dots 158

  copy-editors/correctors 71, 263, 328

  correlatives 148, 258, 295–316

  Cotgrave, Randle 176

  Crair, Ben 172–3

  crotchet 82, 302

  Crystal, Hilary 116–18

  Cummings, E E 95, 305–6, 347, 355, 360

  Cunningham, William 278


  dagger 335

  Dahl, Roald 355

  dash 37, 94, 144–56, 178, 206–7

  frequency 228

  in Jane Austen 100

  long 151

  swung 147–8

  vs asterisk 332

  vs comma 148–9, 235, 245

  vs hyphen 145–7

  vs parentheses 148–50, 298–9

  vs quotation marks 151, 315

  with colon 219

  Davies, Evan R 103

  Davison, Peter 209

  Davy, Humphry 67–8

  Day, John 278

  Deck, Jeff 294–5

  Defoe, Daniel 102–3

  Denham, Henry 194

  de Quincey, Thomas 59

  detective stories 161

  Dexter, Timothy 340–41

  diastole 21, 22

  Dickens, Charles 59, 139, 202, 204–6

  Dickinson, Emily 106, 144

  dictionaries 54, 128, 148, 270, 301

  dieresis 45, 82

  diglossia/digraphia 329

  dingbats 118, 130

  dinkus 118

  diple 15, 115, 308

  direct speech 224–5, 307–16, 324

  domain names see Internet Donne, John 202

  dot 136, 331

  Downing, John 357

  drop capital 131

  Dryden, John 68


  Eats, Shoots and Leaves ix, xiii, 13, 47, 89, 329, 342

  eccentricity 340–41

  editorial emendations 100–101

  electronic communication 161–2, 171–5, 291–2, 303–4, 326, 327–39

  Eliot, T S 169, 323

  ellipsis dots 82, 157–66, 206, 245, 331

  extended 162–3

  spacing 163–5

  elocution 61–4

  email 127, 212, 291–2, 327, 334

  em dash 80, 145, 153

  emoji 338

  emoticon 174–5, 212, 223, 336–8

  en dash 145, 270

  Eusebius 17

  exclamation (in grammar) 142

  exclamation mark/point 176–86, 350

  adapted 339

  early uses 26, 43, 51

  frequency 228

  gender differences 179

  in Internet 179–81, 331

  in names 184–5

nverted 187

  overused 72–3, 177, 182

  vs question mark 186, 193–4

  Expert Orthographist, The 89


  Ferlinghetti, Lawrence 169

  Ferreiro, Emilia 357

  Finch, Peter 200

  finger quotes 313

  First Folio 39–43, 153, 194, 216–17, 261, 279, 299–300, 308, 324

  Fitzgerald, F Scott 177, 184

  fleuron 118

  floating hyphen 270

  fonts 119, 132, 135, 197, 319

  Ford, Richard 199

  forward slash 333–4

  Fowler, Henry Watson 104, 182–3, 219, 235, 252–3, 256, 260, 262, 266–7, 283

  Franks, Augustus 2

  Franks casket 2–3

  full-block style 126–7

  full stop see period


  Gaertner-Johnston, Lynn 126–7

  genre see stylistic varieties

  glossaries 10, 18

  Good Child’s Book of Stops, The 86

  Gowers, Ernest 182, 253, 255, 258, 261, 283

  Gowers, Rebecca 253

  grammar 27, 50, 55, 80–84, 108–9, 140–42, 157, 189, 224–5, 230, 241, 268, 330, 352

  parallelism 206, 225, 232, 253

  grammatical/semantic vs phonetic/elocutional/rhetorical approaches 28, 39, 55, 61–4, 84–5, 191, 217–18, 236, 346

  graphic design 111–12, 318–26

  graphology 351

  Gray, Thomas 68–9

  greengrocers see apostrophe

  Gregory, St 17

  Gutenberg, Johannes 32


  Hale, Constance 328–9

  Hall, Nigel 358

  hand mark 82, 335

  handwriting 100, 128, 130–31, 144, 161, 197, 319, 326

  Hanff, Helene 185

  hanging hyphen 270

  hanging indention 128–9

  Harrod, Charles Henry 285–6

  Hart, Horace 79–81, 251, 262, 268, 309, 311, 315, 321, 324

  Hart, John 38, 43, 260

  hash 335–6

  hashtag 335

  Hazlitt, William 208

  heavy vs light punctuation 52, 61, 64–6, 81, 101, 103, 112–13, 135, 165, 177, 207, 244, 252, 308–9

  hedera 15, 115, 118

  Herrick, Robert 194

  Herson, Benjamin D 294–5

  hierarchy 84, 104–5, 107–10, 345–6, 354–5

  Historical Thesaurus 119–20, 128

  Hughes, Ted 139–40

  hyphen 260–72, 318

  early uses 46, 82

  first recorded use 37

  floating/hanging 270

  in Jane Austen 101

  in names 271–2

  vs comma 101–2

  vs dash 145–7

  vs period 137

  vs space 3, 262–70, 331

  with inflections 271


  IATEFL 174, 179


  shown by apostrophes 288–9

  shown by hyphens 271–2

  incompleteness 157–66

  indentation/indention 80, 119, 126–33

  child usage 128–9

  hanging/reverse 128–9

  old styles 131

  indexes 128, 224, 301

  index mark 82, 258, 335

  inscriptions 9

  Internet 327–39

  angle brackets 303, 334

  apostrophes 290–92

  asterisks 332

  domain names 6, 8, 136, 223, 270–71, 291, 331, 334

  ellipsis dots 162–3, 166

  exclamation marks 179–81

  hyphenation 262

  italics 326

  paragraphing 127

  period omission 138, 142, 171–2

  semicolons 207

  URLs 198

  website designers 319–20

  see also emoticon

  interpunct 19, 134

  interrobang 42, 186

  interrogation see question

  interruptions 153–4

  intonation see tone of voice

  inverted commas see quotation marks

  inverted marks 187

  irony marks 339

  italics 132, 197, 318–26

  in loanwords 324

  in titles 322–3

  with punctuation 325–6

  ivy-leaf 15, 115


  Jay-Z 271

  Johnson, Samuel, Dr 64, 176, 266

  Jones, Cynan 94

  Jonson, Ben 50–52, 57, 62, 67–8, 134, 202, 278–9

  Jonsonians vs Wordsworthians 67–9

  Joyce, James 93–4, 104, 169, 189, 315, 347, 355, 360


  Keats, John 68

  keyboards 147, 179, 264, 309, 320, 327

  Kimmelman, Ken 359


  language policy 356–7

  LARR test 357–8

  layout 111–24, 318

  Ledgard, F W 108

  Leigh, Percival 90, 176, 352, 360

  Leinstein Madame 86

  length of constructions 236–9, 265, 315

  letter-writing 131, 178–9, 226, 327

  Lewis, Mark 55

  ligatures 12, 21

  light punctuation see heavy vs light punctuation

  Lily, William 50

  Lindisfarne Gospels 13

  Ling, Rich 173–4

  lists 129–30, 148, 195, 270, 301

  literacy 114, 127, 345

  liturgy 22, 115, 347

  Lloyds story 286–7

  Lowth, Bishop 56, 60, 61, 83, 176

  ludic function 346


  Mackay, David 121–3

  Mackellar, Thomas 71–2

  Maggin, Elliot S! 185–6

  magic number five/seven 236–9, 247, 297

  Marlowe, Christopher 49–50

  Mason, C P 281

  Maugham, Somerset 214–15

  maximalism 327

  Mayer, Peter 200

  McCarthy, Cormac 92–4, 105, 168, 315, 327

  McGough, Roger 167–8

  McKean, Erin 215

  McWhorter, John 242, 253

  Memors, The 116–18, 157

  metalanguage 358

  Microsoft Word 115

  Miller, George 236

  Miller, Michael 207

  Milne, A. A. 30, 178

  minimalism 92–6, 254, 327

  miscues 5, 203–4, 269

  monasteries 16–17, 23–4, 26

  Morgenstern, Christian 359

  Moxon, Edward 68

  Moxon, Joseph 75

  Mulcaster, Richard 45–6, 57

  Murray, John 69, 100

  Murray, Lindley 59–61, 63, 72, 76, 79, 81–3, 102, 144, 167, 176, 196, 218, 235, 243, 251, 256, 281, 309, 332, 334–5



  and hyphens 271

  and italics 324

  nesting brackets 297

  Norris, Mary 214

  note of exclamation 37


  obelisk 82, 335

  oral fluency 352–3

  orthography 351

  Orwell, George 209

  outdenting 15, 126, 128

  Oxford comma 251

  Oxford English Dictionary

  comma policy 264–6

  first usages 37, 283

  Historical Thesaurus 119, 128

  Oxford Gazette 113, 131


  paragraph 125–33

  length 125

  mark 82

  quotation marks with 310

  vs section 115–16

  parallelism see grammar

  parallels 82, 335

  paraph 27, 82, 115

  parentheses 295–306

  early uses 46, 51

  frequency 228

  vs comma 298–300

  vs dash 148–50, 298–9

  vs quotation marks 298–9

  Parker, Henry 102

  Partridge, Eric 253, 347

  pausing 21–2, 62, 159–

  formula 38, 60, 71, 76, 86, 108, 216

  percontation point 194, 339

  period 134–43

  early uses 46

  first recorded use 37

  frequency 228

  in abbreviations 137–8

  Internet use 170–75, 331

  priority of 84, 108

  teaching 107–8

  vs colon 220–23

  vs semicolon 202–8

  with questions 196–7

  pilcrow 27, 115–16

  Pine-Coffin, R S 7

  Pinter, Harold 159–60, 166

  pipe 334


  and apostrophes 288

  and hyphens 272

  Plain English Campaign 120

  plays, punctuation in 47–50, 53

  Poe, Edgar Allen 144, 152–3, 218

  poetry 167–70, 292, 304–6, 346

  pointing 134

  positurae 24–9

  pound 335–6

  Powell, Padgett 198–9

  pragmatic approach 87–95, 111, 289, 321, 329–30, 342–8, 351–2

  apostrophes 287–91

  brackets 297–8

  colons 226

  commas 244, 254

  dashes 148

  ellipsis dots 165

  hyphens 263–4

  Internet 175

  italics 325

  paragraphing 126–8, 132

  parentheses 301

  periods 135, 137–8

  poetry 168–9

  quotation marks 309–12, 315

  sections 118–19

  vs dogmatic 342

  Pratchett, Terry 177, 183–4, 355

  prefixation 269

  prescriptivism 56, 147, 251, 345

  Priestley, Joseph 281

  printing 31–6, 44, 51–4, 67–83

  proof-readers 71–2

  prosodic features 353

  psycholinguistics 236–9, 330–31, 346

  Punch 60, 131, 133, 155–6, 178, 258–9, 273–4, 317, 332

  punctus admirativus 26

  punctus elevatus 25

  punctus interrogativus 25–6

  punctus versus 24–5

  puns 268

  Puttenham, George 38


  quadpoints 339

  question (in grammar) 142, 182, 189–90

  question mark 188–99, 349

  adapted 339

  early uses 46, 51

  first recorded use 37

  frequency 228

  in First Folio 41–2

  inverted 43

  reversed 194

  vs exclamation mark 186, 193–4

  question-mark tavern xi–xii

  Quintilian 5

  Quirk, Randolph 228

  quotation 223–5

  block 315

  element omitted 157

  typesetting 129

  quotation marks 307–16, 350

  early uses 66, 69–70, 82, 308–9

  first recorded use 37

  omission 92–3, 129

  scare 312–13, 317, 319

  vs apostrophe 309–10

  vs dash 151, 315

  vs parentheses 298–9

  vs space 315

  with paragraphs 310

  quotation quadrats 37


  Rao, Sirish 359

  relative clauses 241–2

  reverse indention 128–9

  rhetorical questions 42, 194

  Richards, John 276

  Robertson, Joseph 56–8, 61

  Roget, Peter Mark 187

  round brackets see parentheses

  running heads 113


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