by Donn, KL
The truth of the matter is, if Isabella hadn’t done what she did, I would still be behind bars. That doesn’t mean I approve of her methods, however. I hate that she felt this was the only choice we had.
Now, I have to do everything I can to get her back.
This won’t be the end of her and me.
This is the beginning, and before the day is over, she’ll be by my side once again.
* * *
He’s waiting for me. I know he is. I can feel his beady eyes locked on me as I slowly step out of Cross’ truck. It took longer to get here than I anticipated because driving is too difficult for me. I kept swerving off the road into ditches. I’d like to say it’s because of my lack of experience, but the truth is, I had to force myself to keep going, and my nerves made holding the steering wheel steady a bitch.
So many horrible memories are bombarding me as I close the truck door, and I notice the curtain in the front window swish with movement. Every nightmare a person can ever dream up is behind these walls. Hell resides here, and I’m at its mercy.
It only took three weeks for Cami and me to discover what it was our uncle did for a living. Running a brothel isn’t something easily hidden from the people you live with. After a couple of overheard phone calls, we were foolish enough to question him about it. That was the day everything changed, and we were locked in the cellar.
Beaten, cold, starved, we prayed every day someone would come find us. But then Sully began watching us more closely. Paying more and more attention to Cami and soon enough, she was wrecked. I tried to shield her. To block her from all the pain, but I was never strong enough to last more than a minute fighting them off.
I knew it was only a matter of time before Curtis would make us start working in the brothel, as well, and so I began to plot our escapes. With every dash for freedom, we were thwarted and left weaker than a newborn duckling.
Now, I’m trying to protect my husband.
Except he can protect himself, my inner voice whispers and I halt my steps. I’ve been so panicked that I allowed the past fear to invade my mind.
I’m torn. Indecisive.
I want Cross free. I don’t want him to have to carry the hassle of my old life on his shoulder, but at the same time, he has told me repeatedly to let him protect me. That he can, and will, handle himself and any problems that come our way.
I’ve had a glimpse of what our lives would be like, and I don’t want to let it go. I want forever with him. I want to grow old with him and learn more about the things he’s passionate about. I want to give him the baby he swears he’s not trying to plant in my belly.
I want Cross Malcolm.
And so, I begin to slowly back away from the house of horrors and towards the truck again.
The front door opens, and I panic as I fumble with the door latch.
“Don’t you fucking dare, Isa! We had a deal!” Curtis’ rage-filled voice sends slivers of terror up my spine as I quickly climb in the vehicle and slam the door shut behind me. Hitting the lock mechanism, I struggle to get the keys in the ignition as he comes barreling down the front steps straight for me.
“Oh God, oh God, oh God,” I mumble as I try to put the damn key in. Finally! It slides into place just as Curtis slams into the passenger side and bangs on the window. “Ahhh!” I scream and turn the ignition, put the stick shift in drive, and stomp on the gas pedal. I don’t wait as the tires spin out, gravel shoots up, and I barrel thirty miles per hour into a tree.
Pain explodes as the airbag smacks me in the face, and my chest hits the steering wheel because I hadn’t buckled my seatbelt.
Steam billows out from the hood, the windshield is cracked, and Curtis can be heard screaming and swearing at me.
Stars dance in my vision, and I see Cami…
Not dead.
Not bleeding.
Not broken.
She’s smiling and holding out her hand to me, beckoning me towards her…
“I’m coming, Cami,” I whisper as my head drops, and the horn of the truck blares.
Chapter Twelve
“Floor it, Colter,” I urge. He isn’t driving fast enough for me. There’s something…I don’t know what, but something is happening, and the urgency to get to Isabella is a driving force within me.
“Can’t go any quicker, man.” His jaw is clenched as we round a bend, two wheels off the ground, and I know we’re maxed out. But fuck.
“Something’s wrong,” I growl as the house in the distance comes into view. “Call a fucking ambulance.” Smoke can be seen the closer we get, and I just fucking know it’s because of my girl.
“Let me deal with him; you go to her,” Colter instructs, and as we pull up, I see Curtis trying to drag her out of the cab of my wrecked truck, then I see blood. Not just from her, but his, in my mind’s eye, and I want to spill it.
Colter skids to a stop, and I hear the others behind us doing the same. “You are one dead son of a bitch!” I shout at Curtis.
“Crew! Control him,” Colter commands as Curtis tries to run. A shot rings out, and the deadbeat falls to the ground. “Goddammit! Who fired?” The sheriff spins around, and I ignore everyone as I rush to Isabella’s fallen body.
“Sorry man, he was making a run for it. Besides, I only hit his leg.” Crew’s voice is so cavalier, I almost believe he was worried Curtis was going to get away.
Everything ceases to matter around me as I get a good look at Bella. “Sparrow,” I groan as I inspect her swelling face and the gash on the side of her head. “Fuck.” I allowed this to happen. She was trying to protect me, and I let this fucking happen.
“Ambulance is on the way. They said not to move her,” Nick tells me as we stare at her mangled body. “It’s probably worse than it looks because he moved her,” my best friend tries to reassure.
Maybe he’s right. Maybe he’s wrong.
One thing is for certain, though. “If she dies, I’m coming for you.” I glare at the man sitting handcuffed at Colter’s feet, blood dripping from a flesh wound in his thigh.
“He threatened me,” the pussy whines.
“I didn’t hear a thing. Sirens are so loud.” Colter’s response gains snorts of laughter from the men around us. “Where’s Sully?” he does ask the man.
“Gone.” I doubt it.
“At the brothel?” Curtis stares in shock at Colter’s question. “Yeah, we know about it. And if he is, he’s either dead or in cuffs. Heard there was gunfire.” He shrugs. Curtis remains silent.
“I’m here, sparrow,” I whisper into her ear, hoping she can hear me, feel my presence. She’s been through so much in her short life, there’s no way I’m letting her leave me now. Not a fucking chance in hell.
“Ambulance is here, man. You gotta move.” Nick’s hand on my shoulder as he and Crew try to drag me away only furthers my reluctance.
“Don’t fucking hurt her,” I growl at the EMTs. They ignore me and put a neck collar on Isabella and place a backboard behind her, preparing to roll her over.
“Gentleman, if one of you could hold her hips, we’ll roll on three.” Crew grabs her as Nick stands in front of me.
My knees weaken when I see the damage to her fragile frame as it’s revealed. Her tank top is ripped, and bruises cover her chest from where I can see. Cuts mar the surface of her face.
“Sir, are you her husband?” One of the paramedics asks, and I nod. “Come with us. We need to leave now.
“I’ll be right behind you!” I hear Crew yell, but I ignore everyone as I follow Bella into the back of the ambulance.
Doors slam shut.
Sirens blare.
Rapid beeping makes my heart freeze.
A flat line steals the breath from my entire body.
“I’m losing her!” The man says. “Clear!” he yells as the defibrillator forces her body to bow off the stretcher.
She pales.
He shocks her again.
he bleeds.
He does it again.
Nothing happens.
He does it again.
My very existence is dying in front of my eyes, and I’m helpless to do a fucking thing for her.
Chapter Thirteen
“I miss you so much, Cami,” I whisper into my sister’s warm embrace.
“It’s not your time, Bella, you have to go back to him.” Her voice is a mix of emotions.
“Nothing is the same without you. There’s so much happening, and I’m terrified to do it alone.” The tears scorch as they roll down my cheeks.
The warmth of her hand as she touches my face causes me to cry harder. “You’re going to have the most amazing life with this man, Bella. Cross is everything Mom and Dad have ever wanted for us. He’s everything you’ll ever need to prosper as a woman. I’m so proud of you, little sister.”
My heart cramps so hard I can hardly breathe. My lungs freeze, and my body trembles. “I failed you, Camilla. I failed so miserably!” Anger at myself rushes through me, and my fists ball as I thump them against my thighs.
“No!” she shouts, tears now welling in her own eyes. “I was the big sister; I should have been the one taking care of you. But for so long, Isabella, you watched out for me. I became glass, and you had to treat me like I was breakable. But now, I’m free. I’m here, and I’m so happy. I get to see our parents every day, and Bella”—she lifts my tear-stained face and forces our gazes to collide—“they are so damn happy with the life you are about to lead. Your future is bright, wide open for all the new possibilities we always dreamed of. Now, go back to your man, go live for you, for me, for all of us. Be the Isabella Sharp you were meant to be.”
“I don’t want to leave you again.” She’s already fading away, and I can feel the loss of her presence as she smiles and backs away from me.
“See you later, Isabella. I love you.”
“I love you, Cami!” I half shout, half cry as her form fades and the lightness that was here begins to dim into darkness.
“Cami, no!” I scream and bolt upright in bed. Pain explodes throughout my body, and I feel sick as I become dizzy and sway.
“Sparrow?” Cross’ voice in the dark room eases some of the dissipating fright. “I’m here, Isabella.” His soft voice, coupled with his loving hands as they help ease me down onto my back makes me whimper.
“You’re safe,” I whisper as I bring my hand up to his handsome face covered in at least three days’ worth of beard growth.
“Of course, I am. Thanks to you, I am.” He leans forward and presses his forehead gently to mine. I get a good look in his tumultuous dark gaze and see so much relief.
“Where am I?” It doesn’t smell like home.
“The hospital.”
“How long?” I don’t remember much of what happened after going to see Cross in jail.
“Four days.” He swallows as the door opens and a nurse walks in.
“So happy to see you awake, Mrs. Malcolm. You gave us all quite the scare.” Her smile is genuine as she checks my machines and takes my vitals. Everything is very routine until she asks, “What’s the last thing you remember?”
I struggle to recall my last actions, and I know that any mention of Cami will get me tossed in a loony bin for evaluation. “The sheriff’s office.”
“Seeing me?” Cross frowns. I nod. “That was nearly a week ago.” His concern mirrors my own.
“That’s normal with a head injury. It may come back, it might not. Only time will tell, but don’t rush it. The doctor will be by in a few minutes to speak to you.”
“When can I go home?” I ask before she can leave. I ache terribly, but I don’t want to be here if I don’t have to be.
“The doctor will answer all of your questions.” She leaves before I can press for an answer.
“You should rest,” Cross suggests.
Frowning hurts my head, so I lift my hand to try and smooth it out and get tangled in all the IVs and cords attached to me, pulling something on my skin. “Ouch.”
“Don’t be stubborn, Bella,” Cross growls, and I can tell he’s beginning to get frustrated.
“I don’t wish to be here. I want to go home. I want to forget. I guess it’s too late for that one.” I hate how helpless I feel.
Gripping my free hand in his, Cross stands and comes over to sit beside my hip, cupping my neck with his free hand. “I want you home, too, but Bella, you’re injured. You cracked a rib on the steering wheel when you crashed the truck, you have a concussion, and you coded…” His voice warbles, and I feel his agony. “I almost lost you, sparrow. Please, please do this for me. Stay here and get well. Home will come soon enough.” If not for the water pooling in his eyes, I’d probably fight him on this.
“Okay, Cross,” I agree. “I’ll stay.” My eyes are feeling sluggish, and I know the nurse must have slipped me something, with all the pain I was in previously.
“Thank you, Bella.” Cross’ voice is the last I hear as I doze off to a dreamless sleep, missing him, missing Cami. I want to go home.
Chapter Fourteen
Two weeks later.
Stubborn and emotional.
Time-consuming and unapologetic.
That’s my wife.
Especially the stubborn part. She refuses to listen when I tell her to stay. She tears up when I say no. Yet, every fucking day she brings me to my knees with her intense love, all for me.
Battered, broken, bruised, nothing stops her. Like right now, she’s out brushing Summer even though I explicitly told her not to.
I know why she’s doing it all, too. Because I haven’t taken the control back. She desperately craves to submit to me. She hasn’t asked, and I haven’t wanted to push her limits. But I think it’s time to give her exactly what she needs.
Entering the barn, I hear Isabella humming and watch as she slowly and methodically brushes the mare like I showed her. Taking extra time to reach places that likely cause her own pain to amplify. My woman is by no means healed, she has a long way to go, but she’s only been allowed out of bed the past two days, and I understand her desire to begin getting back into her own routine once again.
“I know he means well,” I hear her say to the horse as she struggles to reach under her belly with the brush. “And I know I should listen. But I feel so…useless. All my life, I took care of Cami. It was so refreshing when Cross started to take care of me.” She’s quiet a moment as she puts the brush down and grabs Summer’s mane of hair along her long neck, slowly styling it into loose braids. “But I’ve been pushing him, and he still hasn’t given me what we once had.”
The horse huffs at her, and I see my Bella smile from the side. Her love for the animal can’t be mistaken.
“Yes, I know, I should tell him what I need. But I’m afraid that now that he doesn’t have to be my savior, that he’ll be done with me.” Before I can speak up, she’s talking again. “I know he loves me, but what if he thinks we moved too quickly? What if in everything that’s happened, Cross has decided that I’m not the one for him?” I can hear the wobble in her voice as she finishes quietly, her chin quivering.
Moving forward, I don’t make a sound as I walk up behind her. “Never,” I whisper into her hair as I place my hands on her hips, “will I tire of you.” I turn her around to face me and crowd her into Summer’s broad back. “You are everything to me, Isabella. There’s not a fucking thing in this world that could make me give you up. Do you understand me?”
“Then why…?”
“Because I wanted you to realize you have options. That just because it’s something you expressed desire for and we tried, successfully, doesn’t mean that’s the life we have to continue with.” I hate that I caused her even a second of doubt about my desire for her.
“I want it. I will always want your control. I want you to make my decisions for me. I want us, Cross.” Tears and happiness radiate back at me as she places her frag
ile hands on my chest.
“Prove it.” I dare her.
“Out here?” Her whisper denotes scandalization, but her eyes shine bright with mischievousness.
“Right here,” I correct her. Both barn doors are open, letting the warm breeze flow through. The bright sun would put us both on display if anyone were to walk by.
She begins to unbutton her shirt, slipping the flannel material off her shoulders to reveal a tight white tank top that does nothing to hide her pebbled nipples. I close my eyes as her fingers grip my belt and undo it, pulling the leather slowly through the loops and then dropping it on the floor. The sound loud in the otherwise quiet building.
“I’ll need your help with more.” Her gaze, as she looks to me for guidance, is a huge fucking turn on.
“Whatever your heart desires,” I promise.
The playful smile gracing her face never fails to leave me breathless. So much is conveyed in the one small act, and I’m humbled that she belongs to me.
I know it’s archaic to think that way, but it’s true.
She’s mine.
And I’m hers.
* * *
My body throbs and aches with so many emotions that I can’t distinguish physical pain from my desire to give Cross what we both have been longing for most since the day we met.
We’ve made love plenty of times when there was lingering danger, but now, we’re doing it as more than husband and wife. Now, it’s because of this fixation we have for each other pounding through our bones.
He breathes life into me in a way I never knew I could attain. The beating of my heart is for him, my thoughts are constantly consumed by my desire to merely exist in his presence. This isn’t just about love and our physical cravings for each other, it’s so much more.