Meldoran spoke, his voice raspy with age. “General Borlock, this sorcerer hearing is called to consider issues pertaining strictly to sorcerers. It is our usual practice to allow only sorcerers to attend, non-sorcerers being excluded. Because you are Sorceress Aetria's commanding officer, I have granted you special permission to be present. I would appreciate it if you would refrain from interfering with our proceedings.
"Now, you have made an excellent point and perhaps the Counselor phrased her opening statement incorrectly. Our intention at this point in the proceedings is to ensure that Sorceress Aetria's attention is focused on this hearing, and that she understands her future as a practitioner of Power use is the subject of this hearing.
"Nothing we can do will prevent her from remaining a Captain of Cavalry with all her attendant duties. However, she must realize that, as a result of this hearing, she may lose all duties associated with being a Sorceress. Have I made the Council's concerns clear, General?"
"Perfectly, Leader Meldoran,” Sonja said, sitting down.
"Please continue, Counselor."
Corerilla moved stiffly past the center table, turning so her back was to Aetria, facing Mage Meldoran. As angry as she was, she spoke softly, without spite in her voice. “I may have gotten ahead of myself in my opening remarks, Mage Meldoran, and I thank you for making the Council's concerns clear to Sorceress Aetria, her mentor, Magess Trelana, and her commander, General Borlock. However, from the charges I am about to read, I believe the army's rule will stipulate my opening statement concerning her duties will be correct."
The Counselor turned abruptly and her eyes, steely with contempt, locked onto Aetria. Her voice was now loud, each word enunciated carefully. “Sorceress Aetria, you are charged with the improper use of the Power, disregarding sanctions placed on you by the Council and—” Her voice raised almost to a shout. “—High treason against King Phyrlatus.” Dropping her voice to a near whisper, Corerilla spoke to Sonja. “The charge of treason will be deferred to the jurisdiction of General Borlock."
The word “treason” surged through Aetria, echoing in her mind. Her heart felt as if it had stopped. She became conscious of Trelana moving to her side and supporting her. She looked at her mentor, the shock of the last charge plainly etched in Trelana's face. The Magess faced the Council Leader, still supporting Aetria with an arm around her shoulders.
"Mage Meldoran, I was not aware of this final charge and am quite shocked it has been preferred without my being notified, both as the mentor of the accused and as a member of the Council. It has unsettled my student, and I request a stay in the hearing until I can fully understand the charge and its ramifications for Sorceress Aetria."
Corerilla cut in quickly. “I counsel no delay, Mage Meldora. The last charge has been deferred to the army. It will not be considered by the Council.” The Counselor looked between Trelana and Meldoran, willing the latter to rule for her.
The Council Leader sat frowning, wondering why his Counselor was not following the agreed-upon plan. Her dramatics had placed him in a position where he had to make a decision that would further the split between Council members favoring Sorceress Aetria and those favoring Corerilla. He had made the decision to defer Pleates’ charge of treason against Aetria last night. Why bring it up now?
"Magess Trelana, Adept Pleates’ preferring of that charge only came to my attention last night. As it was not a matter the Council need act on, I deferred it. You were made fully aware of the other charges, so I see no reason to delay the hearing, but I will do so for one hour to give Sorceress Aetria time to regain her composure. This hearing is recessed."
The Council members rose and left the room through a door in the north wall. Corerilla walked slowly past Aetria, her face set in stony indifference. She left the room by the same door as the rest of the Council, closing it firmly behind her with a thump.
"Treason?” Aetria asked at barely a whisper.
"I don't understand why Corerilla did that,” Trelana said, turning to hug her distraught protégée.
"To get her way,” Sonja said, unbuckling her sword and laying it on the table. “She knew I would exert myself when she tried to remove Aetria from my control. By formally adding the charge of treason, she has forced me to relieve Aetria of her duties, pending an army hearing on the charge."
Steering Aetria over to her chair, Trelana released her, insisting she sit down. “I must go see what Corerilla is up to, Aetria. This late maneuvering is typical of her, but I sense Meldoran is not part of it. But he knows something more than he is telling the Council, and I for one am tired of surprises."
For her age, Trelana fairly bustled out of the room, her black robe billowing out behind her as she sought her peers beyond the north door. Sonja shifted her chair over closer to Aetria getting the Sorceress’ attention with a slap on her knee.
"Advisor, advise me."
"I have been relieved of those duties, General."
"Not yet, you haven't. Tell me, this hearing seems to be fairly informal. How is it supposed to proceed?"
Aetria forced her mind to focus on the general's question. She wanted now only to sink into oblivion, but duty called. “Corerilla presents the charges, then presents the evidence she has supporting the charges. Trelana presents a counter argument. Corerilla answers that. Trelana gives a final argument."
"And what are the rules of evidence?"
"Rules of evidence? I don't understand?"
Sonja shook her head in disbelief. “How can the evidence be submitted to the Council? Surely it is more than Corerilla saying you are guilty and your having to prove otherwise?"
"Magi aren't supposed to lie, General."
"Then it is her word against yours? That is a very uneven match, Sorceress."
"It is the way of the Council. We can't change that."
"This is a war of wits, Aetria, and I am still a general who is good at war. Corerilla has tried to cut me out of the picture once; she will try again. Here's what I intend to do."
* * * *
Aetria watched the Council members in their black Mage robes file back into the room, the Counselor entering first. She glanced at Trelana as her mentor put a steadying hand on her arm. Trelana had returned ahead of the rest of the Council to tell the general and her how the Council had reacted to the new charge of treason. She also confirmed the general's supposition of the Counselor's motives. Sonja barely had time to brief her plan to Trelana before the Council returned.
Taking her position in front of the Leader's table, Corerilla wore a smug smile on her face. When the members had all been seated, she stepped forward to speak, stopping abruptly when Sonja stood up to speak.
"Council Leader Meldoran, pardon my interference once again so soon after you have warned me not to do so, but your decision to defer the charge of high treason against Sorceress Aetria forces me to take the following action before her participation in this hearing can go any further. I must relieve Captain Aetria of her duties as my chief advisor pending a hearing on that charge. I will do so now."
The smile on Corerilla's face broadened. She had beaten the great general.
Mage Meldoran nodded, but said, “I appreciate your telling the Council that, but whether she is acting as your advisor or not does not affect this hearing—"
"I'm sorry, Council Leader. You misunderstood what I said. I said, ‘I will do so now.’ I meant I am calling a hearing on the charge of high treason."
"What?” screeched Corerilla.
Confusion reigned.
Meldoran stood up, igniting a palm flame that made Aetria's previous displays seem like a feeble candle flicker in comparison. By tradition, when the Council met formally for judgment, only the Council Leader was allowed to possess Power; all other sorcerers entered the room unPowered. This prevented what had occurred in the earliest years when arguments often ended in spell duels. Everyone in the room instantly stopped talking and shielded their eyes from the brightness. It had the desired effect of qu
ieting the assembly.
"Magi, please calm yourself. General Borlock, please explain what you meant by your decision to convene a military hearing on the charge of high treason preferred against Sorceress Aetria."
The general moved from around her side of the table and stood next to Corerilla, giving the Counselor a perfunctory glance before addressing the Council leader.
"The charge of high treason against the king takes precedence over any other charge that can be brought against Sorceress Aetria, military or otherwise. As the Commanding General of the Armies of Delmathia, I have the authority granted to me by King Phyrlatus"—Sonja paused to ensure the Council heard her invoke the king's name—"to pass judgment on crimes committed by military personnel under my command. Before I normally execute that authority, I like to hold a hearing to ascertain that the charges are valid and worthy of a trial being held. Does anyone here care to dispute I have the right to do this?"
The silence in the chamber was so intense the creaking of the wood roof adjusting to the heat of the midday sun could be heard.
"There being no dispute, I will continue. It seems to me the charges preferred by the traitor Pleates against Sorceress Aetria are all related. I propose that, rather than hold two separate hearings, one by your Council and one by me, that the efforts be combined into one. You will be free to take action on those ‘charges’ that concern strictly your Order, as they are not currently criminal charges under the king's Justice Code.
"I will be able to determine if Sorceress Aetria will stand judgment by me for the charge of high treason as your Council has deferred that charge to me. We can resolve all issues at the same hearing.” Sonja turned and walked back to her seat behind the table. She stopped in the process of sitting down, stood erect again and looked at Corerilla. “Oh, I almost forgot. The hearing will, of course, be under the rules of the king's Justice Code. High treason is a very, very serious charge."
A murmur of disgruntled whispering between the members rose from the Council seats.
Corerilla spoke out angrily. “This is not acceptable, Council Leader. General Borlock has no right to tell us how we conduct our hearing. She has no jurisdiction over a sorcerer's violation of our laws—"
"The king's law is above all others in the land,” Sonja said, cutting across the Counselor's protest, her own voice raised louder and with the full power of command behind it. “We can either hold my hearing now, here, with your cooperation, or I will hold it at the king's court, at my convenience, with or without you. I assure you the king will agree with whatever decision I make on this subject."
The tension between the two women filled the room. Each strong-willed, confident in her authority, sure of herself. One was going to win, and Aetria knew it would not be Corerilla. General Borlock, Conqueror of Hermania, Savior of the Land, was just too powerful in this war of wills. From the look of Meldoran's face, he thought so also. Having sat down during Sonja's explanation, he arose.
"General Borlock, I do not dispute your authority on this case and I know the charge of high treason takes precedence over our concerns. I do not wish to speak for the Council until we have had a chance to discuss your proposal. I know the Council will be concerned about discussing our affairs in the presence of non-sorcerers. By requiring us to use the king's Justice Code, you force us to do that."
Looking around the table at the angry faces of the Magi, defiant and resentful of her interference, Sonja put a smile on her face and relaxed her stiff posture, removing her hand from her sword where she had, by reflex, put it.
"I do not see that as a problem. I will accept as my court scribe Sorcerer Meloses from my staff. I see no need for any other parties. If I do, I will use sorcerers if at all possible. I reserve the right to hear the testimony of non-sorcerer witnesses, but I assume you would do that also. I think we can resolve any other issues just as easily. I await your decision on this matter."
Sonja started for the southern door, looking back over her shoulder at Aetria. “Captain, you are under military arrest. Please come with me."
The Magi watched their departure from the room, most wondering what in the name of the Power had just happened.
* * * *
Aetria paced nervously in the general's tent as she awaited Sonja's return. The Council had made their decision before the evening meal and requested the general's presence in their chambers. Aetria had not wanted Sonja to take this action, for it pushed her even farther in conflict with her Order, but the general insisted her Chief Advisor was not going to be led to the slaughter by that witch Corerilla.
The usual crashing of sword salutes by the Royal Guard announced Sonja's presence moments before she swept into her tent, tossing her helmet at Lieutenant Valetti and unbuckling her sword as she crossed over to her table. Valetti caught the tossed sword easily as Sonja's now free hand reached for the wine bottle.
"They've agreed—not that they had a choice. Corerilla wanted time to prepare her case of treason against you, but I told her this wasn't a trial, just a hearing. Present what she had and not try to convince me of your guilt. A court lawyer would be called to do that. That woman really despises me. I wonder if her hatred of me is driving her vendetta against you? Perhaps we shall find out tomorrow."
The general was seated at a table below and directly in front of the Council Leader. Seated next to her was Sorcerer Meloses, acting as court scribe, and next to him was Novice Holendal, assisting. Aetria wondered who was the most nervous—herself or the Novice. The young Provisioner's hands were actually shaking, and noticing it, he set his pen down and clasped his hands in his lap.
Aetria sat at the same table she had before, but this time the table was pushed further back towards the bench seats to make room for the general's table. Trelana sat on her left, an empty chair on her right. That chair had been occupied by the general, but would now be used by the witnesses, as was the case in a court trial. Sonja had told her Meldoran had suggested the general sit next to him at the raised Mage Council table, but Sonja said she wanted to keep a clear distinction between the two hearing leaders. Privately, Sonja liked the idea of inserting herself between Corerilla and the Council Leader. This way the Counselor had to look at her instead of turning her back to the general, as she was wont to do.
It was time to start. Corerilla left her seat at the far left of the Council table and approached the center of the room. “I call Sorceress Brusilla to give testimony before this hearing."
Aetria turned to look at the southern door where the witnesses would enter. She had not seen her village's Healer in several years. When she had last seen her, Brusilla was quite old. She would have been retired years before, but Healers were needed for the war, and no replacement was available. She entered slowly through the door, using a cane in her left hand, her right arm supported by a tall, thin young man—Verdilan! The Healer Novice's attention was focused totally on the Sorceress Healer. Hearing a chair scraping back, Aetria turned to see Mage Kelristo leave his place at the Council table and scuffle quickly down past her, moving to assist Brusilla.
The smile Brusilla gave him lit up her face, showing the beauty she had once been, and as Kelristo saw her now. Verdilan gave up his place to the Mage Healer and retreated out the door. He gave Aetria a fleeting smile of recognition before the door closed behind him.
Aetria stood and pulled the chair back for Brusilla. The Healer gave Aetria a friendly hug and sat down. Kelristo hovered by her side, asking if she was well and could he get her anything? Shooing Kelristo off with a little hand wave, she turned to Aetria.
"My, my. What a beautiful young woman you have become. You look so trim and strong, and not like the waif you used to be. I remember—"
"Sorceress Brusilla,” Mage Meldoran broke in, getting the attention of the old woman. She had been a Novice when he had first arrived at Inhestia to begin his teaching career. Fifty years had passed since then.
"Yes, Meldo.” Brusilla seemed a little confus
ed by the interruption. Aetria could not stop the smile on her face upon hearing the Mage Council Leader called Meldo.
"Brusilla, you are here to give testimony before the Council."
"I know that! Why else would I travel for two long days to get here? You must think me senile."
The Council Leader was a patient man. “I meant, now is the time for you to give your testimony. Counselor Corerilla, please proceed."
Brusilla was Corerilla's witness, so the anger that teased around the corners of the Counselor's eyes could not be released. Calmly, in a clear voice, she asked Brusilla, “You are the Healer for the village Torrelon, are you not, Sorceress?"
"I am."
"About how big is the village's population, Brusilla?"
"Oh! It is quite large. Close to a thousand people, I'd say."
"That is a lot of people. A village that large must mean you don't get to know the people very well."
A look of indignation crossed the old Healer's face. “Of course not. I was at the birthing of almost all of the living at Torrelon, and if anyone has died without me being there, then they did so far away from their home. I cared for them all. I know them all."
"Then you know Sorceress Aetria well?"
Looking at Aetria, Brusilla gave her a soft smile and patted her hand affectionately. “Gave her the Test. No one has ever scored higher. Such a wild imagination she had."
"Was she a happy child, Brusilla?"
The Healer shook her head. A touch of melancholy entered her voice. “No, poor thing. Kept to herself. She was teased so badly because—"
Corerilla stepped closer to the Healer, “Because why, Brusilla?"
The Healer looked down for a moment, then glanced at Aetria out of the corner of her eye. “Because of him."
Wild Sorceress Page 26