Between Two Realms: Awaken

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Between Two Realms: Awaken Page 8

by Amber Flora

  I was still trying to wrap my mind around what happened. She had to be a friend; there was no way a foe would have sent me packing so easily.

  Mac handed me a glass of water and I took a sip, trying to get the bitter taste out of my mouth.

  “Well I guess we know you’re not half human now.” Mac proclaimed.

  “We do?” I asked confused.

  “Your dear ol’ dad is a wizard. It explains why your eyes change color and how you were able to flash to the magic realm without having been there. Home was calling to ya, lass. That’s a good thing, it helps narrow down my search.”

  Cody looked at Mac with disdain.

  “You're looking for her father, why would you do that? We don’t even know if he is aware of her or whose side he could be on.”

  The world was spinning, and I had a headache the size of a boulder. I was transported to another world without my consent and, to top it all off, I discovered there was a high probability that I was half Dreamwalker; half Wizard.

  “I asked him to. I need answers. You can help me or you can take me home, but one way or another I will find him. Now, if you two will excuse me, I’m going to go lie down for a while and try to stop my head from pounding.”

  Cody attempted to help me up the stairs, but I jerked away from him and stomped up to my room like a two-year-old. I didn’t care. Everyone was telling me what I should and shouldn’t do, but if I really was the Phoenix it’s time I started acting like it and took control over my own fate.

  Cody waited until he heard Ashtyn’s bedroom door close before turning his attention to Mac.

  “You can’t do this. What if her father tries to take her back to his realm or, worse, what if he wants nothing to do her? It would crush her, she can’t handle all of this stress.”

  Mac was looking through his list of contacts from Magic realm, deciding whom he could and couldn’t trust to do some digging. It had never dawned on him that her father could be a wizard. If it were true, what would that mean for Ashtyn? Could she survive an eternity in dream realm?

  “You’re a real spanner sometimes, Dakota. All you care about is your agenda. You don’t care about this girl, just your precious revenge. I've supported you all these years because you are like family to me, but I won't let you ruin her life for your gain. She has a right to know where she came from, to know her true self, and not the girl you’re trying to make her into.”

  Cody walked over to Mac, shoving him against the wall and knocking the book out of his hands.

  “Oh I know your agenda— I've seen it one too many times with the great Mac Donagh, I heard you call her Macree. All she is to you is just another conquest. You’re hoping you can reunite her with her father and be the hero just to get into her pants and run off like you do with all the other women who make the mistake of trusting you.”

  Mac pushed away from him but retained his composure.

  “Aye, you caught me, because all these years you have known me you have heard me call one other person Macree. Is that why you’re upset, because you think I’m betraying Sarah by caring for someone else, or is it because you have competition? Ashtyn is a bright light, I know you feel it too, the calm that takes over you when she's in the room. I loved Sarah, but we were kids and that was so long ago. I’m allowed to move on and so are you. I don’t want your precious Phoenix. She’s sweet on the eyes, but she’s got too much fight in her for my liking. ”

  Cody let go of a throaty growl and began pacing the floor. He wasn’t interested in Ashtyn; at least he didn’t think so. He was more upset with the thought of Mac using her. He was well aware of the endless number of women who Mac left in his wake, but he couldn’t deny that she was different, she was changing them both.

  “You need to be smart about it, Her father can’t know you are looking for him until we're certain he would be on our side. We also need to determine how much magic she has inside her. Her eye color changing isn’t a typical Wizard trait. We can’t have her skipping realms, it’s too dangerous, and we could lose her for good.”

  Cody didn’t like it, not one bit, but he knew he wasn’t going to be able to stop the both of them. “This is my job. I’m a watcher I think I can handle being covert. I’ll find the lass’ father and then you can handle it from there.”

  I was sitting on the bench watching the ripples dance in the moonlight on the pond when Cody came and sat beside me.

  “This is your favorite dream, isn’t it? I can’t count the number of times I’ve watched you sitting on this bench just looking out at the water.”

  I grinned realizing I was asleep and Cody was dreamwalking; in a way it was kind of intrusive but another part of me felt safe. It was nice having someone watch over me. I had been so alone since my uncle passed away; I learned how to cope over the year, but humans weren’t meant to be loners, sometimes we just want to know someone is there looking out for us.

  “It’s not nice to spy on people you know. This place draws me to it somehow, it has since I was a child. I know it sounds crazy, but I feel connected to my parents here, like if I talk to them they can hear me. If my father really is a Wizard I guess your people have even more of a reason not to accept me now. I still can’t figure out my uncle's place in all this. Why would my mom ask a human to raise me? Nothing makes sense.”

  I picked up a pebble from the ground, tossing it into the water.

  “We will find the answers to all of those questions, you have my word. I would like to take you in front of the council. I want them to meet you in person; if you have the same effect on them you have on Mac and myself, then they can’t deny our requests.”

  I looked at him in confusion.

  “I’m going to need you to back up a smidge. What effect do I have on the two of you?”

  Cody gave me a look of embarrassment like he was about to read his diary out loud.

  “You have this presence about you. I’m not sure if it comes from Deandra, your father, or if it’s all you, but when you're in the room you draw people to you. You’re like the sun on a snowy day, those around you seem to seek out your warmth.”

  I snorted.

  “Maybe you Dreamwalkers are just too uptight. It’s possible I’m just a delight to be around.”

  He looked deeply into my eyes. Tingles formed in my stomach; he was so beautiful, well beyond comparison to any man I had ever known. He wasn’t the kind of sexy that made you want to tear his clothes off; it was more like he managed to make all your worries and fears disappear with his smile.

  “Well that I can’t argue, but it’s more than just your lovely persona. Let me show your abilities to the council; I want them to see the Phoenix in person.”

  I sighed wondering how disappointed they would be when they actually meet me. Would Cody and Mac give up on me once they realize I’m not who they think me to be?

  “OK, but you have to do something for me, too.”

  Lori’s jaw dropped to the floor when she walked into the boy's apartment.

  “Ashtyn, are you kidding me? This guy is loaded! If his mother wanted you to meet him that is a sign from God, honey.”

  I convinced Cody to let Lori come over to watch a movie. I missed her and if I didn’t see her soon she was going to get suspicious. I made up an elaborate lie of how my mom's long lost friend sent me to her son's house for some pictures and one thing led to another and now we're friends. Okay, so it was a stretch, but I was desperate and if Cody wanted me to play nice with the council he owed me one.

  “We’re just friends, don’t go getting any ideas in that head of yours.”

  Lori giggled, taking a look around.

  “Friends who invite you over to watch a movie? Right, I’ll be sure to keep room on the couch for the two of you to play footsie.”

  In hindsight, this probably wasn’t one of my best ideas but the damage was done and she was here so I might as well enjoy myself.

  “Well hello there, lass. Did you bring a horror flick to watch? Those are my

  Oh lord what have I done?

  “Lori, this is Mac. Make sure you keep a ten foot distance at all times.”

  He wagged his finger at me.

  “Don’t ya fret, I’m saving a spot for you right on my lap.”

  I slapped his shoulder.

  “You are a pig.”

  Mac scrunched up his nose.

  “Oink,” he snorted, walking off into the kitchen.

  Cody walked in carrying a bowl of popcorn.

  “Miss Cobb, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.”

  Lori’s eyes got as wide as a tree frog when she laid them upon Cody. I thought her tongue was going to flop out like a cartoon character.

  “Well, she certainly didn’t mention how exquisite. … ”

  I nudged her in the side.

  “... Your apartment was, Mr. Mass.”

  Oh my God, Lori, if I survive this I’m going to kill you. Cody laughed, taking the movie from Lori’s hand, and headed to the DVD player. I showed her to the big white sectional patting the seat beside me for her to take her spot. Mac strode over ready to sit on the other side of me. I stopped him with my foot, pushing him backward.

  “Oh no you don’t, Casanova. You can sit in the recliner.”

  “You are a difficult vixen, lass. Fine, but don’t try to come hugging up on me when you get scared.”

  Lori chuckled. “It’s not a scary movie, it’s a chick flick.”

  He threw his hands up in frustration and rolled his eyes.

  “A weeper movie? I’m out, I’ll be in the game room shooting bad guys if you need me.”

  Cody handed me the bowl of popcorn.

  “I have some work to do in the study, you ladies enjoy yourselves.”

  I jumped up.

  “You’re leaving?”

  I don’t know why I was upset over that, maybe I was afraid if he left me alone with Lori I would spill the beans about the last few days. I wasn’t so sure I could be trusted with myself.

  “I'll just be in the study. You don’t want me in here, I’m not good at girlie movies. I cry like a baby and we’re out of tissues.”

  Lori giggled, wrapping herself in the blanket that was sitting on the back of the couch. Cody strode off and Lori whipped around, pulling me back onto the couch.

  She was bouncing around like a fourteen-year-old girl.

  “Tell me everything! Which one are you into and whichever one you don’t want, can I have the other one?”

  I started the movie, shushing her with my finger.

  “Hush! They will hear you! Nothing is going on with either of them, and trust me you don’t want to get involved with these guys; they aren’t, um, conventional,” I said, trying to find the a way to say but not say they aren’t exactly human and don’t really age or live in this realm. Unconventional was the best word I came up with.

  “Bad boys huh? I like bad boys, nothing wrong with a little shuffle between the sheets. Maybe if you did a little more of that it would help remove that stick up your ass.”

  I jerked the blanket off her in a huff.

  “I do not have a stick up my ass! I just don’t feel the need to curb my sexual desires with strange men.”

  Lori threw a piece of popcorn at me.

  “You have sexual desires? Since when? I’ve known you since we were kids and aside from a few romance novels I’ve seen you read I didn’t think you even knew what sex was.”

  I picked the piece of popcorn off my shirt and put it in my mouth. I wonder what Mr. Clean would have thought about that.

  “I had a boyfriend, remember? You think we just played board games in bed?”

  Okay, while we didn’t have an active sex life, we did rock the bed on occasion.

  “It was Tim, that wouldn’t be too far-fetched.”

  She had a point there. Tim was immature; I thought being with him would make me more fun, help me to loosen up. Instead I did his laundry, helped him pay his bills and spent lonely nights wondering where he was or who he was with when he didn’t come home without even a phone call. I don’t know why I stayed with him as long as I did— fear of being alone maybe? When I finally did break it off he didn’t even put up a fight; he was gone the next morning. I heard he left my house and moved straight in with another girl.

  “So what is the deal here? This whole thing seems off. Don’t tell me that made-up story about he’s your mother’s friend’s son. It looks like you’re staying here and I know you well enough to know you wouldn’t be inviting me over to some stranger's house to watch a movie.”

  She had me there, but I couldn’t tell Lori everything that had transpired. If she didn’t put me a nut house I doubt she would want to stay friends with a freak like me.

  “That part is true, there is a little more to it, but I need you to trust me. I will tell you everything as soon as I can. I am staying here for a while, but they aren’t bad guys. Mac can be a perverted ass, but he’s a good guy once you get to know him.”

  Lori looked at me with concern on her face.

  “Are you in some kind of trouble? Don’t get me wrong, I’m fine with you shacking up with the hotties for bit, I think it’s good for you especially if you drop your guard enough to have a little fun. But, sis, I worry about you. Maybe I should stay here too just to watch over you,” she said with a wink.

  I picked up a couch pillow and playfully swatted her with it.

  ”I’m fine, O’Hara, honestly.”

  Was I? As I heard myself saying the words out loud I wasn’t so sure I believed it myself. I knew Mac and Cody wouldn’t hurt me—at least not physically— but given my current mental state fine was probably the best I could do.

  Lori and I finished the movie—well, talked through the whole thing actually— and I realized I was a little protective over the boys. Every time she made a joke about their muscles or getting in the sack with one of them I felt a tinge of jealousy. It was crazy, I barely knew them and had no claim to either of them, but a part of me wanted to keep them all to myself. Cody came out to tell Lori goodbye and suggested we do it again sometime. Lori gave me a glance as if to say how long are you going to be here. I hugged her, gave her a kiss on the cheek and closed the door.

  “Thank you for letting her come over, it means a lot to me.” “You’re welcome, but remember our deal, tomorrow you meet the council. Now go get some sleep, we have a long day ahead of us.”

  I wanted to argue and tell him I was too old for bedtime, but he was right and I wasn’t in the mood to listen to another one of his fatherly rants.

  “Will you be there? In my dreams tonight, I mean.”

  He kissed my forehead spreading warmth through my body.

  “Yes, little Phoenix, I’ll be there.”

  I smiled shyly and headed up to my room.

  I passed one the doors in the hallway and heard strange sounds coming from it. Curiously, I quietly pushed open the door.

  “To the left, ya damn spanners. Flank, flank.”

  Mac was sitting in a mesh chair with a headset wrapped around himself, yelling obscenities to a screen that flashed with bright lights— I could only assume they were grenades being thrown in some war game. I giggled.

  He turned around and noticed me, yanking off the headset.

  “Sorry, I heard a noise and, well, I’m sorry I’ll go.”

  He motioned me over to him.

  “Ah, lass, not to fret, I was done with these langers anyway. How was your slumber party?”

  I sat on the floor next to him tilting my neck from side to side, trying to pop it.

  “A slumber party is when they spend the night,” I informed him.

  He gently put his arms around my waist, scooting me right in front of his chair.

  “Aye, so we're having a slumber party. Isn’t it customary to have a naked pillow fight at those things?” he said suggestively as he started to massage my shoulders.

  It felt amazing, I didn’t realize how tense I was t
ill he began working out the kinks. I became putty in hands.

  “You’re impossible, you know that? Is everything sexual with you?”

  He laughed, continuing to work out the knots.

  “I like food, but then again when I have a nice prime rib I get a little aroused. I guess everything is sexual with me.”

  I don’t know why Mac put me at ease the way he did. He was vulgar and a neat freak who liked to make people feel uncomfortable any chance he got, but he had a sweetness about him that he tried hard to hide. Under that tough exterior I knew there was a decent guy who wanted more than a quick thrill in the sheets.

  “We’re going to see the council tomorrow. Do you think they will help us find my father?” I asked, looking up at him.

  Mac stopped rubbing and pulled me up to his lap, stroking my hair as I rested my head against his chest.

  “I don’t rightly know, but I won’t stop my search either way. I plan on going to the shop in Cardician tomorrow to have a chat with the mystery woman. If she knows who your father is I’ll get it out of her.” I cringed at those words.

  “You won't hurt her will you? She seemed like she wanted to protect me and I don’t want anyone harmed.”

  He ran his index finger softly down the length of my arm.

  “Now, lass, I know I look scary, but I wouldn’t lay my hands on a woman. There are other ways of persuasion you know.”

  I snorted.

  “I think I can guess your persuasive ways.”

  He stood with me in his arms and my head still on his chest.

  “And one day I hope to show you those tricks, but tonight you need your sleep.”

  Mac carried me to my bedroom, gently placing me on top of the sheets. I looked up at his beautiful blue eyes and saw something in them that I couldn’t quite place.

  “Goodnight, Macree, have only the sweetest of dreams.”


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