by Ben Austen
Horror of Cabrini-Green, The (Conn), 77–78
Housing Act of 1937, 16, 17, 34
Housing Act of 1949, 35–36, 234
Housing and Urban Development. See HUD
Housing and Urban Development Act of 1969, 58
housing segregation, 6–7, 29–34, 38–40, 53–54, 79–80
housing tax credits, 256, 277
Housing Tenants Organization, 105
housing vouchers. See Section 8
Houston, Whitney, 246–47
Howard, Natalie, 226–27
HUD (Housing and Urban Development), 79–80, 148
Cabrini-Green and, 81–82, 168–69
Clinton reorganization, 222–23, 224
control of CHA, 232, 253–54, 263
Moving to Work, 257
human rights, 270–71
Hurricane Katrina, 271
Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, 201
Hyde Park, 71
Ida B. Wells Homes, 20–21, 165
Iesha (wife of J. R. Fleming), 247–48, 260–61, 271
Illinois Bell Telephone, 72
Illinois Canal, 43
Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, 123, 193, 194
Illinois Department of Consumer Sales, Weights, and Measures, 97
Illinois Department of Corrections, 91–94, 97–98
Illinois Department of Human Services, 102, 206
Illinois General Assembly, 88
Illinois Housing Development Authority, 266–67
Illinois Institute of Technology, 305
I’m Bout It (movie), 247
immigrants (immigration), 6, 13–14, 17, 29–30
Imperial Gangsters, 87–88
Impressions, the, 34
Insanes, the, 87
Inside Job (documentary), 319
Integration of Major League Baseball, 37–38
Integration of public housing, 30–34, 37–40, 79–80
Interior Department, U.S., 34
Irish immigrants, 14, 43, 100
IRS (Internal Revenue Service), 245
Isham YMCA, 27
Israel Defense Forces, 321
Italian immigrants, 6, 13, 14–15, 17, 29–30
Italian Mafia, 16
Jackson, Janet, 147
Jackson, Jesse, 78–79, 92, 216, 229, 243–44
Jackson, Jesse, Jr., 165
Jacobs, Jane, 81, 209
Jacobson, Walter, 121
Jamaica, 94–95, 287
James, Rick, 99
Jane Addams Homes, 299
Jeffersons, The (TV show), 77
Jenner Elementary, 16, 28, 31, 40, 48, 53–54, 195, 197, 199, 218, 301, 334–36
Jesse White Community Center, 333
Jesse White Tumblers, 64–65, 67, 88–89, 121, 126, 177, 341–42
Jewish Council on Urban Affairs, 250
Jim Crow laws, 7, 37, 115
JJ Fish & Chicken, 245
Job Corps, 56
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, 259, 281
Johns, Henry, 187–88
Johnson, Gloria, 92, 93, 94
Johnson, Lyndon, 45, 56, 71–72, 96, 138, 161
Joliet Prison, 93
Jones, Jada, 298
Jordan, Lewis, 263, 305
Jordan, Michael, 124, 166, 175–76, 200, 235, 244, 251, 329
JPMorgan Chase, 281
J. R. Fleming. See Fleming, Willie “J. R.”
Juneteenth, 251
Kaczynski, Ted, 217
Kamin, Blair, 208
Kappa Alpha Psi, 65
Keith, Michael, 167–68
Keller, Pete “K-So,” 166–67, 228–30
Kelly, Edward, 17, 38
Kelvin Cannon. See Cannon, Kelvin
Kemp, Jack, 169, 222, 229, 235–36, 239, 275
Kennedy, John F., 41, 96
Kennedy, Robert F. “Bobby,” 41
Kennelly, Martin, 38–39, 44
“Kilgubbin,” 14
Killing Field, 69, 183–84, 187–88
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 53–54, 61, 65, 68, 73, 119, 243
King, Rodney, 182, 213
King assassination riots of 1968, 61–63
kitchenette units, 7, 10
Knight, George, 75
Knute Rockne, All American (movie), 64
Koch, Ed, 103
Kotlowitz, Alex, 185–86, 226
Ku Klux Klan, 105, 186
Lake Calumet, 21, 38
Lake Michigan, 3, 23, 84, 120, 220, 247, 273
Lake Parc Place, 221–22, 223
Lake Shore Drive, 14–15, 84, 273
Landon, Peter, 337
Lane, Vince, 148–49
Cabrini-Green redevelopment, 209, 221–26, 230–32
firing of, 232
murder of Dantrell Davis, 197–98, 202
Operation Clean Sweep, 149–51, 153–54, 204
Lane Tech School, 89
Lathrop Homes, 323
Lawndale Gardens, 119, 286–87, 291–92
Lean on Me (movie), 153
Le Corbusier, 22
Lehman Brothers, 280, 319–20
Lemon, Chet, 106
Leo Burnett Chicago, 269–70
Levingston, Cliff, 176
Lewis, Ramsey, 29
Liebling, A. J., 44
Lincoln Park Conservation Association, 60
Lincoln Park High School, 136, 155
Lincoln Park Zoo, 125, 193
Lindo, Delroy, 298–99
Little Anthony and the Imperials, 99
“Little Hell,” 13–14, 15, 17, 18, 30, 100, 138
Little League, 66, 108, 164, 204–5, 212, 216, 226
Little Sicily, 14–15, 16, 18
Los Angeles Lakers, 175
Los Angeles riots of 1992, 182, 213
Losier, Toussaint, 318–19
Lowden, Frank O., 314
Lower North Center, 27, 29, 40–41, 48, 56, 63, 187
LSD (Lords, Stones, Disciples), 72
Lucas, Frank, 144
Lusby, Jerry, 99
Lymon, Frankie, 99
Lyric Opera, 96
MacArthur Foundation, 259, 281
Madison Street Skid Row, 248–49
Magers, Ron, 121
Making of the Second Ghetto, The (Hirsch), 40
Maltbia, Cedric “Bo John,” 87–88, 89, 98–99, 128, 141, 238
mandatory sentencing, 75, 93, 153, 168, 216
Manierre School, 333–34
Marina City, 59–60, 344–45
Marion Nzinga Stamps Youth Center, 300
Marquette Park, 53, 119
Marshall Field Garden Apartments, 34–35, 86, 166, 212–13, 341
Martin, James “Eddie Murphy,” 164–67, 216, 272, 336
Martin Luther King Drive, 11
Master P, 247
Maxwell Street, 140
Mayer, Oscar, 27
Mayfield, Curtis, 28–29, 33–34, 99, 344
McCormick Place, 45
McIntosh, Marlene, 144–45, 146, 173
McIntosh, Joyce, 146, 147
McIntosh, Marzetta, 245
McIntosh, Veronica, 167–68
McIntosh, Willie, Jr. See Fleming, Willie “J. R.”
McIntosh, Willie, Sr., 144–45, 146, 156, 173–75, 245
McLean, Dan, 249, 269–70
McMullen, Jay, 101, 103–4, 108
Menard Prison, 93
Menard 38, 93
Merchandise Mart, 343
Metropolitan Planning Council (MPC), 148, 169
resident-management model, 160–62, 168–70
Michaeli, Ethan, 206–7
Michaels, Lorne, 122
Michigan Avenue, 14, 176
Michigan Canal, 43
Mickey Cobras, 69, 215
Midnight Basketball, 244
Midway Airport, 37
Mikva, Abner, 96
Milk Duds factory, 193
Minoso, Minnie, 106
mixed-income housing, 136, 222, 223, 224, 231, 254
–56, 258, 277–79, 282–83
Model Cities, 56, 65–66
Montgomery bus boycott, 65
Montgomery Ward, 23, 27, 32, 48–49, 122–23, 178, 284, 344
Moody Bible Institute, 230
Moore, Cora, 162, 171–72, 234, 238–39, 267, 274
Mother’s (tavern), 109
Mount Sinai Hospital, 32
Moving to Work, 257
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 137–38
Mr. T, 207–8
Murder of Innocence (movie), 227
Murray, Charles, 138
Museum of Contemporary Art, 298
Mustafa, Al-Jami, 215
My Chicago (Byrne), 97, 106
NAACP, 216
Natarus, Burt, 133, 135, 151, 177, 217–18
National Guard, 48, 61, 62, 202
National Housing Act of 1937, 16, 17, 34
National Public Housing Museum, 299
Nation of Islam, 125, 216
Naughty by Nature, 228
Navy Pier, 177
Near North Side
Cabrini Extension Area (report), 3–5, 8, 21, 25–26, 28
history of, 6, 13–18
revitalization of, 59–60
“urban renaissance” of, 136–37
urban renewal, 181–82
vice districts, 15–16
Near North Unity Program, 332–36
“neighborhood composition rule,” 30–31
Neighborhood Youth Corps, 56
New Deal, 30, 35
Newman, Oscar, 81, 107–8
New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina, 271
New Orleans City Council, 271
New Urbanism, 208–9
New York City, Central Park Jogger case, 151–52, 182
New York Daily News, 152
New York Times, 295, 311, 326
Nicaragua, 144
911 Teen Club, 65, 104–5
Nitti, Frank, 156
Nixon, Richard, 79, 80, 81
NoCA (North of Chicago Avenue), 332
North Avenue, 60–61
North Branch of Chicago River, 13, 120
North Burling, no. 1230, 95, 276–77, 285, 292–93
demolition of, 297–300, 301
sale of, 266–69
North Burling Resident Management Corporation, no. 1230, 171–72, 224–26, 234, 238–40, 267–69
North Chicago Rolling Mill, 13
Northern Jubilee Gospel Singers, 29
North Lawndale, 71–72, 116–18
Northside Stranger’s Home Missionary Baptist Church, 331
North Town Village, 277–78, 289–90
Northwestern Memorial Hospital, 339–40
Nzinga, Queen, 211
Oakwood Shores, 303, 337–38
Obama, Barack, 198–99, 304, 317, 319, 320, 321, 322
Occupy Wall Street, 325, 328–29
Office of Economic Opportunity, 56, 71–72
Ogden Avenue, 52, 120
Ogden Avenue Bridge, 50–51, 52, 60–61, 62, 125, 273, 331
Ogden International School, 334–36
Ogilvie, Dick, 148
Olajuwon, Hakeem, 166
Old King Coal Company, 51–52
Old Town Square, 249
Olympic Games (2016), 317, 321–22
Once Upon a Time in America (movie), 88
101st Airborne Division, 66, 342
Open Communities, 80, 83
Operation Breadbasket, 78, 80, 92
Operation Clean Sweep, 149–51, 153–54
Operation PUSH, 92
Oscar Mayer factory, 27, 249
Otis Elevator, 109–10
Owen, Joe, 64
Park Community Church, 332
parking meter leasing, 321–22
Park Manor, 323–29
Parkside of Old Town, 278–84, 331, 332–33
Abu Ansari and Mark move in, 279–80, 281, 283–84
construction of, 278–79, 281
Dolores Wilson and, 286
financial crisis and, 280–83
Kelvin Cannon’s relocation to, 288–91
“patronage,” 132
patronage system, 38–39, 44–45, 47–48, 91, 200
Payne, David, 56
Payne, Robert, 56
Pearl Harbor bombing, 18
Peck, Gregory, 149
Peery, Joe, 174, 301, 337–38
People, the, 69. See also specific gangs
People’s Organization of Cabrini-Green, 78–79, 80
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, 242–43
Peterson, Terry, 268, 269–70, 278
Pete the Tramp, 12
Pippen, Scottie, 178
pit bulls, 91–92
Plan for Transformation, 254–59, 263–66, 269–71, 277–78, 280–81, 289, 301–2, 305, 318
Plan for Transformation 2.0, 322–23
police. See Chicago Police Department
Pontiac Prison, 93
Population of Chicago, 6, 45, 59, 100, 181, 200–201, 305
Pork Chop Hill (movie), 149
Potts, Larry, 99, 100, 126, 127
poverty, 56, 96, 137–39, 161, 242, 265, 318
Prairie Avenue, 8–9, 10, 12, 21, 323–29
Pratt, Mark, 226–29
Princeton Park, 314, 315
prison mandatory sentencing, 75, 93, 153, 168, 216
Project! (musical), 122, 124
Project Cabrini Green, 297–98, 300
Prudential Building, 45
Pruitt-Igoe (St. Louis), 82–83, 170
Public housing. See also Cabrini-Green Homes; CHA; and specific buildings
brief history of, 34–40
Coalition to Protect Public Housing, 250–52, 257–59, 262–63, 267, 269, 288
concentrated poverty, 137–39, 161, 242, 265, 318
demolition of, 221–23, 231–34, 284–85, 297–300
median income of residents, 57–58
Operation Clean Sweep, 149–51, 153–54
Plan for Transformation, 254–59, 263–66, 269–71, 277–78, 280–81, 289, 301–2, 305, 318
public opposition to, 36–40
race riots, 37–39
racial integration of, 30–34, 37–40, 79–80
racial segregation in, 6–7, 29–34, 38–40, 53–54, 79–80
resident-management model, 160–62, 168–70
site selection, 38–40, 79
towers-in-the-park design, 22, 24–25, 208, 304–5
Public Works Administration (PWA), 16–17, 35
Puerto Ricans, 26, 60, 156, 292
quota system, 30–31, 33, 136
racial covenants, 6
racial quotas, 30–31, 33
Rand, Ayn, 35, 209
Raschke, James Donald “Baron von Raschke,” 178
Reagan, Ronald, 101, 132, 133–34, 138, 162
Record Row, 34
redlining, 6–7, 29–30, 37
“Reds,” 32, 47, 87, 106
Reinhold, Judge, 190, 191
rent-to-own contract sales, 6–7, 344
resident management, 160–62, 168–72, 224–26, 234, 238–40, 267–69
Residents’ Journal, 206–7
Ribicoff, Abraham, 242
Richard, Raymond, 344
Ricks, Annie, 115–23
at Cabrini-Green, 119–24, 177–79, 248–49, 251–52, 291–92, 295–96
Chicago move of, 116–18
death of, 339–41
early life of, 115–16
funeral of, 340–41
homelessness of, 118–21
relocation of, 291–96, 300–304
at Wentworth Gardens, 294–95, 300–304, 310–13, 336–39
Ricks, Cornelius, 117, 119–20, 121
Ricks, Deonta, 117, 248, 295
Ricks, Earnestine, 117, 178–79, 312
Ricks, Ernest, 117
Ricks, Erskine, 117, 338–39
Ricks, Kenosha, 117, 178–79
Ricks, Kenton, 117, 301, 341
Ricks, Latasha, 117, 118, 178–79, 278–79, 301
Ricks, Raqkown, 117, 179, 292, 301–2, 303, 310–12
Ricks, Reggie, 117, 249, 292, 301, 303, 304, 310–12, 341
Ricks, Rose, 178, 292–93, 295, 301, 303, 310–12, 341
Ricks, Shannon, 117
Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Museum, 193
River North, 59, 136, 278
Rivers, Lafeyette, 185–86, 226
Rivers, Pharoah, 185–86, 226
Riverview, Alabama, 115
Rizzato, Anthony, 74–75, 78, 80, 97, 107, 130
Robert Taylor Homes, 46, 55, 145, 148–49, 207, 213
Robinson, Jackie, 37–38
Robinson, Renault, 134, 135
Rockefeller Foundation, 72
Rockwell Gardens, 149–50, 186, 250
Rocky (movie), 320
Rolle, Esther, 124–25
Romney, George, 79–80
Open Communities, 80, 83
visit to Cabrini-Green, 79–80
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 20–21
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 16–17, 44, 262, 320
Roosters, the, 33–34
Rose, Bernard, 179–83
Royko, Mike, 215–16
Rubloff, Arthur, 60, 62
Russell, Kurt, 102
Saint Benizi School, 31
Saint Dominic Parish Church, 31, 80
St. Louis Housing Authority, 83, 169–72
St. Louis’s Pruitt-Igoe, 82–83, 170
Saint Philip Benizi Parish Church, 17, 29–30, 31, 42, 330–31
Sammy’s Red Hots, 190, 246
Sandburg Village, 60, 62, 64
Sandler, Adam, 244
Sanford and Son (TV show), 77
San Marcello Mission, 330–31
Santorum, Rick, 274
Saturday Night Live (TV show), 122, 123
Sawyer, Eugene, 148, 199–200
scattered-site housing, 257–58
Schiller School, 63–64, 66–67, 88–89, 177, 210, 248
School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 297
school segregation, 53–55
Scorsese, Martin, 182
Scott Street, 159
Sears, 72, 117, 119, 243
Sears Tower, 45, 120
Section 8, 223, 250–51, 253, 259, 264, 266, 270, 288, 301, 307–8, 323
Seeburg Jukebox, 27–28
in housing, 6–7, 29–34, 38–40, 53–54, 79–80
in the schools, 53–55
70 Acres in Chicago (documentary), 299
Severin, James, 74–75, 78, 80, 97, 107, 130
Seward Park, 27, 29, 178, 249, 333, 336
Shah, Manu, 225
Shah Engineering, 224–25
Shakman decrees, 133, 200
Shays, Christopher, 229–30
Shelley v. Kraemer, 6
Shorts, Doug, 29
Shuldiner, Joseph, 253–54
Shurna, Ed, 268
single-room occupancy (SROs), 256
Skee Love, 156, 174, 175, 176
Slaughter, Maurice, 92–93
Slick Boys, 166–67, 228, 249, 309, 336
Smiley, Tavis, 326
“Smoky Hollow,” 13–14
Social Security, 35