Days of Destiny

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Days of Destiny Page 3

by Aiden Vaughan

  The shop was crowded with people, but the line moved quickly. Jason and Daniel stood in the line while Richard and Jian-heng looked around for a table where they could sit. Luck was with them, as a family of three was just leaving. Quickly they sat down and waited for Jason and Daniel.

  About ten minutes later, Jason and Daniel returned with sundaes for each of them. Jian-heng was thrilled with his dessert. He had never eaten anything like it before, as ice cream was a very expensive commodity where he had come from. As they were eating, Richard explained to Jian-heng about what their plans were for him. “Soon we will arrive at my car, and we will drive back to the Silicon Valley, where we live. You will stay at my house, at least for tonight, and then tomorrow we can begin to figure how to help you find your sisters. We want you to know that you are safe now. Once we are out of here, those evil men will have no idea where you have gone!”

  After the boys finished eating their ice cream, they resumed walking back to the Mission Street garage where they had parked their car. During their walk, Jian-heng was wide-eyed with amazement as he looked at the sights and crowded streets of San Francisco. When they arrived at the garage, Jason suggested the Jian-heng sit up in the front seat with Richard so he could translate what they young boy would be saying. Jason was eager to find out more about Jian-heng’s background and figured that the hour-long ride back would be a good time to hear his story.

  Jian-heng’s past was filled with life changing and tragic events. Born in a rural province of China, his parents decided to move to an industrial area where they could earn a better living. When he was four, his parents made their move. When they first arrived, Jian-heng and his family stayed with his aunt, uncle and their two children while they looked for housing. All his parents could afford was a tiny two room apartment. Jian-heng was able to attend school for several years while his parents and sisters toiled in low paying factory jobs. Jian-heng loved school because he saw a good education as a way out of his poor circumstances.

  Then tragedy struck. There was a terrible industrial accident at the plant where his parents both worked. The plant processed chemicals and one day the safety system failed causing an explosion and fire in the building where they worked. Both parents were instantly killed in the conflagration.

  Now an orphan, Jian-heng and his sisters had no choice but to move back in with their aunt and uncle. But it was a crowded and uncomfortable situation with seven people trying to live together in a space that was crowded for a family of four. Their aunt told them that they would need to figure out what to do with their lives quickly, as their present living situation was not working well for anyone. That’s when his sisters got the idea of going to America. Unfortunately, they didn’t realize that they were signing themselves into a life of slavery when they were talked into traveling to America in the container ship crate.

  Jian-heng’s fate would be similar. In another year he would be old enough to work in a factory making consumer goods. These factories were nothing but sweatshops for their young workers who would be forced to work long hours with very low pay, no days off, and no educational opportunities. Jian-heng knew that he would never be happy being a factory worker. With his aunt and uncle’s flat being so crowded, Jian-heng spent most of his time elsewhere, at school or on the street hustling for food or doing menial tasks for a few cents. Whenever he could, he would listen into the window of a language school where English was taught.

  When he heard that his sisters were going to America, he decided to stow away, hiding himself in a box filled with supplies. Jian-heng really had no idea of what he was getting into, but he felt that eventually he could find a better life for himself and his sisters in America. After the boat was underway, he revealed himself to his sisters and the others. The others weren’t happy to have another mouth to feed in their cramped and confined quarters but there was nothing they could do about it. Jian-heng’s sisters were happy to have him along. They knew that they would probably never see him again if he was sent off to a factory.

  Unfortunately, the first reality that Jian-heng and his sisters discovered was that there were evil and unscrupulous men who preyed on young people like them. There was an active trade in young illegal immigrants who were lured to America with the promise of a better life, but when they arrived there, they found out that they would be forced to work in slave like conditions.

  “When I was separated from my sisters,” Jian-heng continued, “I was very scared. Those men were very mean to me, knocking me down, and then tying and gagging me with that tape. I struggled to escape, but they were too strong for me. They bundled me into a sack and brought me to the place where you found me. All during the trip, I was shaking in fear. Then something inside me said, ‘you have to be brave, Jian-heng.’ That’s when I started to fight back, as best I could.”

  When Richard finished translating Jian-heng’s story, Jason remarked, “I am really happy that we stumbled onto Jian-heng when we did. I’m sure that those men were planning to sell him as a slave to someone, probably a predator. Fate or luck intervened and now they can’t! It is really disgusting that in America slavery still exists in the underground world. The defeat and prosecution of slavers is going to become a priority for the Whatever Foundation!”

  “We certainly have had our run-ins with predators already,” Daniel replied. I know I would like to do whatever possible to fight them. I still cringe when I think of what predators did to our friends Eric and Nick. And those guys did have some support. What chance does a defenseless kid like Jian-heng have? Or for that matter, his older sisters?”

  “It’s a very serious problem,” Jason continued. “One that is not easily fixed especially when it involves illegal immigrants with no rights or local family.”

  “What can we do about it?” Richard asked. “There are many people who would just say ‘put them back on a boat and ship them back to wherever they came from!’”

  “And there are others who say that we need to help these people however we can, regardless of their legal status,” Daniel responded.

  “Those issues require some sort of national solution,” Jason went on. “But at the same time, I can’t in all good conscience just abandon a kid like Jian-heng. After what he has been through in his short life you would expect him to be a basket case, withdrawn and sullen. Yet he has already reached out to us, thanking us the only way he knows how.”

  Jason held up his thumb and index finger. “He came this close to being sold as a slave! The last thing I want to do is abandon this kid to foster care or see him deported! I can’t get over how brave this eight-year-old kid has been, and how sincere he is about trying to find and rescue his sisters. If he can help us find the perpetrators and root out a source of slavery that is poisoning our country, I say he deserves a chance to stay. I’ll be happy to cover any costs to make that happen through the Whatever Foundation.”

  Jian-heng then asked Richard in Chinese what they had been discussing. Richard told him that Jason and Daniel were pledging to help him, no matter what the cost. When he heard that, Jian-heng sat up, turned around and smiled at Jason and Daniel. “Thank you, thank you!” he said in his broken English.

  Jason and Daniel held up their hands to give Jian-heng a high five. This time the young boy needed no coaching as he gave each of them a high five back.

  Chapter 5

  Mrs. Liu Steps In

  (February 4 and 5)

  It was nearly eleven o’clock by the time that Richard pulled up his car into the Liu’s driveway. Richard explained to Jian-heng that they were at his home now, and that was where Jian-heng would be spending the night. Before they started their drive home, Richard called his mother on his cell phone to explain that they had found a kidnapped and orphaned young boy, and were bringing him home for the night. Richard and the others got out of the car and walked to the front door. Jian-heng seemed a little apprehensive at first, but Jason gave him a big smile, put his hand on the boy’s shoulder, and said in a reassurin
g voice, “Everything will be okay.”

  Mrs. Liu was waiting for them at the front door when they came in. Richard introduced Jian-heng to his mother. As soon as she saw Jian-heng, there was an immediate connection. She came over to him, hugged him, and began talking to him in Chinese, explaining that he was very welcome in her house, and that he was safe and would be taken care of. There were tears of joy in Jian-heng’s eyes. He had really missed his mother since her death in the accident, and had had very little mothering since then.

  Richard explained to his mother that Jian-heng had eaten a good meal at Aunt Mai’s restaurant, and that later they had eaten ice cream sundaes. He then told her an abbreviated version of Jian-heng’s ordeal, and how they had found him.

  “What this boy needs is a long bath and shampoo, some grooming, and a good night’s sleep in a comfortable bed,” she told Richard, Jason, and Daniel. “After being alone and on his own for so long, he could also use a good haircut. Tomorrow I will see about getting some new clothing that fits him.”

  “Don’t worry about the cost of new clothing, Mrs. Liu,” Jason said. “My foundation will cover the cost of a nice shopping spree for him, and I will bring over some new sneakers that are his shoe size in the morning.”

  “That is very generous of you, Jason,” she replied. “I know Jian-heng will appreciate getting some new clothing.”

  “After what he has been through, that is the least that we could do for him!” Jason exclaimed. “And thank you for opening up your home to him. I could not in good conscience leave him off at a police station or give him up to the foster care system. You will discover that he is a very personable and pleasant boy, something that is even more amazing given the adversity he has had to deal with in his life.”

  “Don’t worry about a thing,” Mrs. Liu continued. “We’ll take very good care of young Jian-heng!” Soon she had bundled Jian-heng off to the bathroom for a long soak in the bathtub.

  Jason and Daniel then were ready to leave. “Thank you again for taking us up to see the Chinese New Year festivities and parade,” Daniel said. “This has been quite an experience. And that food at your aunt’s restaurant! It was so good. I had never eaten anything like that before!”

  Richard beamed with pleasure at the compliment. “I was just happy to do something for the two of you, after all you have done for me and my family.”

  “I’m sure that rescuing a kidnapped boy wasn’t in your plans for the evening, but finding and saving Jian-heng from slavery is just icing on the cake for me,” Jason said. “I also had a wonderful evening. I will come back tomorrow morning with some shoes for him, and then we can go on a little shopping spree to get him some new clothing. I’ll see if Laura will want to come along. She loves to shop for other people!”

  Daniel and Jason walked together back to Jason’s house down the block, where Daniel had left his car. “I can’t believe how mysteries and crimes just seem to drop in our laps,” Daniel said.

  “It sure does seem that way sometimes,” Jason replied. “But maybe that’s a good thing. Most people don’t have the resources that we do. All I know that when I see a young boy buffeted by a tragic life and yet respond so bravely and optimistically, I want to reach out and help him somehow. And in Jian-heng’s case he was heartlessly kidnapped to become someone’s slave…..”

  “I know,” Daniel interrupted, “it makes your blood boil with anger!”

  “And here is another case literally dropped in our laps!” Jason went on. “We can’t just ignore it; I really believe we need to do something to help this kid.”

  “I totally agree,” Daniel said. “I’m with you 100% on this, Jason. I just hope that this new case doesn’t cause more friction between you and Laura.”

  “Thanks for bringing that up!” Jason replied with some frustration in his voice. “The last thing I need is another thing to come between us!”

  “I still can’t believe she actually broke up with you because rescuing Jonathan from that stupid drug dealer’s hideout made you late to her dinner party!” Daniel said in a voice edged with anger.

  “Nobody was more shocked by that than I was,” Jason continued. “At least she quickly saw the error of her ways, and we got right back together.”

  “I remember how upset you were and how no one could comfort you at the time,” Daniel went on. “I felt bad about that, because as your best friend, I wanted to be there for you.”

  “You are there for me when I need you, Daniel, and I am always thankful for that. But this was one time when I just needed to be alone in my misery!”

  “Well I hope the two of you can work things out. Helping others in need shouldn’t be a reason for two people to drift apart.”

  “You would think so, but what bothers Laura is the fact that I am so hands-on about everything. She would rather have me direct things from a safe distance somehow. And that just isn’t always possible.”

  “I understand her worry,” Daniel replied. “I worry about you too when you take dangerous chances. But as the one who pushed you in that direction in the first place, I feel obligated to be there for you when you do. So far your adventures have all ended happily. I just dread the thought that one day one won’t end successfully.”

  “As do I, my friend, as do I. But I refuse to live my life fearing what may happen to me. If everyone fighting against evil-doers had that attitude, the world would be a very unsafe and unhappy place.”

  Jason and Daniel were now standing by Daniel’s mini-SUV. Daniel held up his knuckles to Jason and said, “On that note, I think I will say good night. Let me know if there is anything I can do tomorrow.”

  “I will, Daniel. I am going to give Captain Garcia a call and get his advice on how to proceed. Good night and thanks for your loyalty to me. You are one awesome friend!”

  * * *

  The next morning Jason got up by 8:30. After showering, getting dressed, and having some cereal for breakfast, Jason rummaged through the boxes of sneakers he had on hand for the Chuck Taylor shoe giveaway program that the Whatever Foundation sponsored. Mostly the shoes were given to teenagers, so there were very few pairs in the smaller sizes. Jason was able to find three pairs that he thought might be close or at Jian-heng’s foot size. If nothing fit, they could always buy him something at the mall.

  Jason then called Laura and told her all about his adventure the night before in Chinatown when they discovered Jian-heng. He asked her if she would like to go shopping with Mrs. Liu, Jian-heng, and himself to buy a set of clothing for the young boy. On hearing that, Laura’s tone considerably brightened. “I would love to go along and help find him some nice outfits to wear.” Jason told her that they would pick her up in about an hour.

  Jason called over to Richard’s house to see if they were up and about. Richard told Jason to come on over. Jason got a plastic bag from the kitchen and placed the three boxes of sneakers he had found for Jian-heng inside the bag. He then quickly walked over to the Liu residence after telling his mom where he was going that morning.

  After he came inside, Jason could see that there was already a big improvement in the way Jian-heng looked. He was freshly scrubbed from his bath and shampoo last night, and Mrs. Liu had taken a pair of scissors and trimmed his hair. When Jian-heng saw Jason, he ran over to him and gave him a high five in greeting.

  Jason smiled back and said, “Look what I have brought for you, little buddy!” He opened up the bag and took out the boxes of chucks. “I hope that one of these pairs will fit you correctly!” Jason had brought over three pairs of high tops, one in black, one in red, and one in white. He also had a three pack of no show socks for Jian-heng to wear with the shoes.

  Jian-heng’s eyes widened as he looked at the brand new pairs of shoes Jason had brought for him. First Jason had the boy put on a pair of the white socks. He then measured the boy’s feet. As it turned out the white pair was too small, the black pair was a half size too big, but the red pair was exactly his size. Jason threaded the shoelaces t
hrough the eyelets of the red sneakers and helped Jian-heng to lace them up.

  “How do they feel?” Jason asked as he pressed on the toe caps to make sure Jian-heng’s toes weren’t too crowded. The fit was perfect.

  Jian-heng got up and walked around in his new shoes. He had a big smile on his face and rapidly said something in Chinese.

  “He says that his new shoes fit just right, and that he is thrilled to have a pair of shoes exactly like yours,” Richard translated to Jason.

  “Tell him that he looks great in his new chucks and that I want him to keep the black pair also. It won’t be long before he will need a bigger pair.”

  Later that morning, they picked up Laura at her house, and then went clothes shopping for Jian-heng. In about an hour they had picked out and purchased a complete wardrobe for him, outfitting him from head to toe. Except for his limited English, it was hard to tell Jian-heng apart from any other American kid with all of his new clothing. Jian-heng had a huge smile on his face as he excitedly tried things on. “Thank you, thank you,” he kept saying after each purchase. He had never had so much new clothing to wear in his entire life.

  After they were done shopping, Jason held Laura’s hand as they watched Jian-heng eagerly conversing with Mrs. Liu about his new clothing. “I think that you have done very well by young Jian-heng,” Jason said. “If clothes make the man, or should I say boy, you have picked out an awesome wardrobe for him.”

  Laura looked over at Jason and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “I love going on these shopping sprees you sponsor, Jason. Ask me along anytime!”

  Chapter 6

  Searching for a Lost Sister

  (February 5)

  After Mrs. Liu dropped off Laura and Jason at their respective homes, Jason set out to deal with Jian-heng’s situation. He knew he needed to discuss things with Captain Garcia, but due to the sensitive nature of Jian-heng’s legal status, he wanted to have the first conversation off the record. Jason decided that the best way to do this was face to face. On impulse he got into his Explorer and drove over to the Garcia residence. He wanted to feel things out a little before he confided in Captain Garcia. With Arthur Vincenzo now the Garcia’s adopted son, he could go over on the pretense of visiting him, especially if he sensed that the Captain was swamped with other things to deal with or was in a bad mood.


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