Strength Enduring

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Strength Enduring Page 18

by Carrie Ann Ryan

  But he had his mate, had his Dhani, so that had to count for something.

  And it sure as hell did.

  Somehow, the humans hadn’t come after the Talons for what had happened at the cellar. Nor, from what they could see, had they gone after the Aspens. Kam wasn’t sure if the human world even knew how close the Aspens were to the brink. And maybe that was a good thing. Because once the world knew about Blade and his plans, everything would change—and not for the better.

  Perhaps those who were watching them were starting to understand that some things weren’t for human consumption, weren’t for their eyes. He didn’t know exactly what would come next, but he had a feeling it would be big, whatever it was.

  However, he didn’t have the burning need to go out and take care of it himself like he once had. He knew he needed to rely on his Pack, his family. Because he couldn’t do everything on his own—something Gideon had been trying to explain to him for what felt like years. He had a mate now, someone who had fought by his side and was still learning herself and her own strengths.

  The Talons would win, he was sure of it. Even if they had to endure some pain along the way.

  His bruises might have faded, but he still hurt from the idea that he’d trusted the wrong man. Dave was dead, and could no longer betray them. But no matter how many times others said it wasn’t Kameron’s fault that he hadn’t been able to see the treachery, he knew he’d still shoulder the blame for a long time to come.

  But he wouldn’t do it alone.

  “You’re scowling,” Gideon said from the other side of the living room. The Brentwoods had gathered once again at Gideon and Brie’s, and this time, Kameron didn’t feel like the odd man out. Everyone had brought their mates—though the children were at daycare since the adults were discussing war and death and the pups needed to retain their innocence for as long as possible. Max was the only one without a mate, but with so many family members around making sure he was included, it didn’t feel like something was lacking…yet.

  “I’m always scowling,” Kam said deadpan.

  Dhani pinched his side, and he narrowed his eyes as he looked down at her.


  “You don’t always scowl. But why are you doing it now?”

  He shrugged, squeezing his mate at the same time. Just a gentle squeeze, but his wolf needed to know that she was okay after everything that had happened. It would take a long while before Kam and his wolf were ready to let her out of their sight. Thankfully, Dhani not only understood but didn’t want him out of her sight either.

  “Just thinking about what to do next.”

  Brie leaned into Gideon as she studied him. “With Scarlett dead, as well as a few of Blade’s top men, things are about to come to a head, I think.”

  “But he ran, right?” Ryder asked. He and Leah were sharing the smaller couch with Kameron and Dhani. Leah had been over at the house every evening since they came home, doing her best to help Dhani with her new powers. He had a feeling that Leah was going to become one of Dhani’s closest friends before long, and he figured that was a good thing. Because the idea that his mate was a witch hadn’t been surprising in the end. Her raw power, however, was startling, and something they all needed to get used to—and she needed to get a handle on.

  She would, though. He didn’t think his mate would allow anything less.

  “He did,” Max put it. “Kameron clawed up his face, and Blade ran as soon as the choppers sounded.”

  “He’s still fucking strong, you guys,” Kameron added. “Don’t think just because he ran that he’s weak.” He hated the idea that Blade was indeed stronger than he was. But that was the difference between an Enforcer and an Alpha. Only Gideon and maybe Kade, the Redwood Alpha, would be able to stop Blade unless a new player came into the game and changed everything.

  “He’s strong, but together, we’re stronger,” Finn said from the comm where he and Brynn were streaming in from the Redwood den. They might not technically be Talons, but the Redwoods and Talons were so interconnected it was hard to see where one Pack ended and the other began. Kameron knew they would all be meeting with the Redwood hierachy soon for a battle plan, and he was ready for it. Today’s meeting was just an informal family gathering where their wolves, cats, and other powers could get settled in, knowing they were safe…at least for now.

  “Damn straight,” Shane said from his perch on the couch beside Bram and Charlotte. With everything going on in the den and outside it, Shane was never far from Gideon’s side these days. He was the official lieutenant that covered their Alpha to the point where he and his mates were practically living with the Alpha couple. It was working for now, and once they had Blade taken care of, hopefully, things would go back to their normal—whatever that was.

  Brandon and Parker sat in front of them on the floor, Avery in their laps. She’d had headaches recently with so many visions bouncing back and forth, one after another. That was another reason they were having this meeting because she couldn’t tell them exactly what would happen next, only that a huge game-changer was coming.

  What that was? They didn’t know, but Kameron didn’t have a good feeling about it.

  “I’m going to have to pick up training shifts,” Mitchell added after a moment. “I know we’re stronger than we’ve ever been, but I want to work things around so we all get rest and still find ways to keep up our strength.”

  “I’ll help you figure out the plans,” Dawn said from his side. “We’ll make it work.”

  His cousin kissed the top of her head before relaxing a little. It was odd to see Mitchell anywhere near relaxed, even in this atmosphere, and Kameron was glad that he had Dawn to help him do that.

  “I’m also going to need to start training up field medics again,” Walker said with a hint of disgust so unlike him, it took Kam a minute to remember that Dave had been one of those medics in the previous battles. It seemed as if it wasn’t just Kameron who felt Dave’s betrayal deep in his soul.

  “You’re afraid we’re going to need them more than ever,” Aimee said, and it wasn’t a question.

  “From what Avery’s said, yeah.” Walker tucked his mate close, and Kameron did the same with Dhani.

  His family had been through Hell and back, yet they had grown tremendously over the last few years. They’d come from the deepest parts of despair and pain and had clawed their way out to become one of the toughest and strongest Packs out there.

  Only they weren’t the strongest in the area. That title was held by the Aspens. And with what Avery was seeing and how everything had panned out over the last few years, Kameron and his Pack would soon see what came from two or three Packs with such strength fighting head to head.

  There would be no more hiding. No more trying to wait it out until they uncovered all the information.

  “We’re going to have to take Blade out,” Gideon said with a growl. “There’s no other way.” Brie squeezed his hand, and Kameron knew she was scared. Because of all the people in this room, only her mate, Kameron’s Alpha, had a chance of besting Blade.

  “For Pack,” Kam said softly.

  “For Pack,” the others answered.

  And it was true. They would do anything for their Pack. No matter what. No matter the cost. He just prayed to the moon goddess that the cost wasn’t so great that they lost everything in the end.

  They didn’t know what was to come with Blade. The other wolf might have lost his witch, but he still had an army, a Pack that could take out numerous others without breaking a sweat. The Aspens hadn’t been forced to deal with a demon and a dark Pack like the Redwoods had. The Aspens hadn’t been on the front lines during the war with the humans like the Talons had. They’d been able to build up their numbers, and now Blade was changing the game.

  Kam still couldn’t get in touch with their insider, Audrey, and he feared the worst. She’d risked her life and her sanity for Walker and Aimee, and now they might have lost her before they even had a ch
ance to see how their alliance could work.

  But as he looked around at his family and his mate, he knew that they were stronger than he and Blade had given them credit for.

  They could handle this threat.

  Because they had to.

  They were fighters. They were Healers. They were wolves.

  They were Pack.

  They were Talons.

  And they would not give up.


  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Dhani arched her back as Kameron slid into her one final time. “Yes, fill me. Take me.”

  Kam kissed the spot he’d just bitten, then whispered into her ear, “Always.”

  And when she came around his cock, he came with her, filling her up until they were both sweaty, a little messy, and beyond sated.

  “I think you broke me,” Kam muttered against her neck, and she laughed.

  “You broke me first.” She pushed at his massive shoulders. “Get off me, you big wolf. I need to breathe.”

  He laughed then rolled with her so she was splayed over his chest, and she didn’t mind one bit. They only had an hour or so before they had to go back to their normal lives. The pups needed a teacher, and Kam needed to head back to the war room. And then, after that, she needed to train. Not only with her new powers but also in hand-to-hand because she’d be damned if she would let Kameron fight without her.

  She had no idea how to use her powers. The whole force field thing was actually much harder than expected, and she’d only gone on instinct in their time of need. She couldn't do it again, and it would be dangerous to try since she'd used too much of her energy making it happen the first time.

  Kam hadn't been happy when Leah told them that.

  But now, she was a witch. She knew her past, knew her family. Things were different now, but she knew this was who she was meant to be the whole time. A teacher. A witch. Kameron's mate. She wasn't going to be a wolf, and oddly, she was okay with that. She wasn't fully human, but she still had a hold on her humanity, and for her, that was what she needed.

  And she’d also found out something else along the way. Something she hadn’t known she needed. Her parents had also regained their magic and memories when the binding wore off. They’d come to the den right away, their eyes wide, begging her for forgiveness. There hadn’t been anything to forgive. Leah had been right in that her parents had not only gone through hell in losing a part of themselves, but they had been hexed on top of it. Once the fire witch died, so had the hex.

  Now, her parents were planning to move closer to the den and were looking into joining the Coven. They were rusty in their magic and in their relationship with their daughter. They’d learn again and, hopefully, would help Dhani in the process.

  But they weren’t the only ones trying to help her. She had a meeting with the Coven later to see if she could train with her parents and other spirit witches—if they could find them. Spirit witches were rare but coveted, and in this new world, her family wouldn’t have to hide like they had before. For now, everyone was being super helpful and loving and caring—which was a change, apparently, from how things used to be.

  Dhani had her morning with Kameron and didn’t want it to end, but that evening, it was all about her and her girls for a dinner where they could come together and remember where they had been and face this new journey of theirs together. Cheyenne had said that she was busy and wouldn’t be there, and Dhani was worried about that. But she wouldn’t let her friend slip away, even if it would be hard. If Cheyenne needed them, then Dhani was stubborn enough to make sure they were there for their friend, even if the other woman didn’t want to need them.

  But now it was just about her and Kameron, in bed, their bodies pressed together, and their breathing slowing from their exertions. She’d never thought to have him in her life, never thought she’d have this kind of life at all. Yes, they’d found their way to each other in the most unconventional way, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t right.

  She ran from fate for far too long, thinking she had to be the one to make all of her own choices. But now, she knew that fate had been right—at least in this instance.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  Kameron ran his hand down her back. “I love you, too. You’re it for me, you know. Even if having you in my life is apparently costing me my street cred of being an asshole.”

  She levered herself up over him so she could smile into his face “Yeah? Well, I think once training starts again full-tilt, you’ll get that asshole reputation back quickly.”

  “You say the sweetest things,” he said with a laugh and then pulled her in for a kiss that once again took her breath away.

  She loved this man, this wolf, with every ounce of her being. Because of him, because of her, she’d found all the pieces she’d been missing for so long.

  And because she loved him, she knew that he was her most important piece.

  The two of them had endured their paths before each other, but together, they would stake their claims along the path they forged.

  She was his as much as he was hers. Their future, their present, and their past were all wrapped up and tangled with their bond.

  And as her powers danced along her skin, she knew that she couldn’t be happier—even with her grumpy wolf.


  Blade turned on the system that the Voice of the Wolves, Parker of the Redwoods and Talons, had set up for each of the Packs. It was a way for all of them to communicate without the prying eyes of the humans.

  And it was exactly what he needed.

  He might not like the idea of using something that little spawn had made, but in the end, it would be for his benefit and would show the world whom he was.

  He was done waiting for others to fall around him.

  It was his time to show the others his full strength and what he held in his hand.

  The camera faced him, and he gave a nod when the green light said that they were airing live.

  “I am Blade, Alpha of the Aspen Pack. For too long, we have allowed others to weaken us, to dilute our lines to the point where we’ve been forced to hide away in secret, begging for scraps. We’ve allowed the humans to make the rules, to forge alliances where they pretend to have the power. I know you have watched this with horror and disdain, but know this…the time has come for change.”

  He paused for effect.

  “And I am that change.”

  He pressed a button, not on the important piece in his right hand that he kept out of camera range, but on the trigger in his left. He knew the explosion would hit the airwaves soon, and the humans would know whom they were dealing with.

  Only a few hundred would die, but they would know who their master was. It didn’t matter where he placed the bomb. It only mattered that it had been placed.

  “I am Blade, Alpha and ruler. And it is time for our people to come together under one sovereign, under someone who can protect and rule with an iron fist. Therefore, I am Blade of the Aspens no longer, but rather Blade, Supreme Alpha of all Packs who see this feed. Cross me and know my wrath. Cross this Pack and know the end. The time has come for true leadership. The time has come for a true ruler.”

  He snapped his teeth at the camera.

  “The time has come for vengeance.”

  And as the other Alphas around the world either bowed in deference or howled with rage, Blade knew that this was only the first step. Because he could declare himself easily, but soon, the world would know exactly how he would maintain his rule.

  One bloody Alpha at a time.

  * * *

  Coming Next in the Talon Pack World:

  The Talon Pack ends with FOREVER BROKEN.

  A Note from Carrie Ann

  Thank you so much for reading Strength Enduring! I do hope if you liked this story, that you would please leave a review! Reviews help authors and readers.

  The Talon Pack is an ongoing series and not over yet. The final book, Forever Broken
, will end the series with Max and Cheyenne.

  Is that the last of the world that hols the Redwood Pack and the Talon Pack?

  I sure hope not.

  Just wait and see…

  If you want to make sure you know what’s coming next from me, you can sign up for my newsletter at; follow me on twitter at @CarrieAnnRyan, or like my Facebook page. I also have a Facebook Fan Club where we have trivia, chats, and other goodies. You guys are the reason I get to do what I do and I thank you.

  Make sure you’re signed up for my MAILING LIST so you can know when the next releases are available as well as find giveaways and FREE READS.

  Happy Reading!

  * * *

  The Talon Pack:

  Book 1: Tattered Loyalties

  Book 2: An Alpha’s Choice

  Book 3: Mated in Mist

  Book 4: Wolf Betrayed

  Book 5: Fractured Silence

  Book 6: Destiny Disgraced

  Book 7: Eternal Mourning

  Book 8: Strength Enduring

  Book 9: Forever Broken

  About Carrie Ann Ryan

  Carrie Ann Ryan is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of contemporary and paranormal romance. Her works include the Montgomery Ink, Redwood Pack, Talon Pack, and Gallagher Brothers series, which have sold over 2.0 million books worldwide. She started writing while in graduate school for her advanced degree in chemistry and hasn’t stopped since. Carrie Ann has written over fifty novels and novellas with more in the works. When she’s not writing about bearded tattooed men or alpha wolves that need to find their mates, she’s reading as much as she can and exploring the world of baking and gourmet cooking.

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