Red Hot and BOOM! A Sizzling Hot Collection of Stories from the Red Hot Authors

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Red Hot and BOOM! A Sizzling Hot Collection of Stories from the Red Hot Authors Page 35

by Randi Alexander

  He joined their hands, covering hers with his and weaving their fingers together. The whole time, he kissed on her neck and shoulders while his hips worked, plowing his cock in and out of the tightest, sweetest pussy imaginable.

  “I love this.” He panted. He wasn’t giving her up. He couldn’t.

  Lacy gave herself over to him and to an orgasm so strong, she almost blacked out. Just imagine, only days ago, she hadn’t known what one was like and now she couldn’t imagine life without one.

  But more importantly, she couldn’t imagine life without Jake.


  “Here goes nothing.” Jake held the door for her as they reached the board room. It was one of the most opulent rooms at Willow Cove, containing a huge oblong table with big leather office chairs on rollers. No expense had been spared from the amenities to the heavy drapes to the plush carpet.

  Lacy walked in and immediately felt like a bug pinned to a piece of foam. “Jake, I’m so sorry.” She began again to apologize.

  He turned to her and right there in front of God and the board, he placed his palm against her cheek. “Stop it. I wouldn’t change one thing. It was meant to be. What we did was good. And look where it brought us. Would you trade that?”

  “No.” Never.

  “Neither would I. I wouldn’t trade one moment we shared together this weekend for the whole lake, the resort and everything these old men own put together.” He kissed her on the forehead. “Now stop worrying. We don’t even know what they’re going to say.”

  “Mr. Knight, if you don’t mind, we need you and Miss Allen to take a seat.”

  Despite Jake’s assurance, Lacy’s guts clenched up into a knot. She looked around at the twelve men who held their jobs in their hands. Doc Barnes sat behind the Chairman, looking inordinately pleased with himself. Rick was there too, but he looked as uncomfortable as Lacy assumed she did.

  The Chairman began. “It has come to our attention that an act of reckless insubordination has taken place.”

  “Now hold on,” Rick began. “There was no insubordination.”

  The Chairman rapped his gavel. “Silence. We have standards and we have protocol. Our members are loyal and faithful to us and we must be loyal and faithful to them. A flagrant disrespect of our traditions and their wishes will not be tolerated.”

  “The Fourth of July event was a success. It was well attended, tasteful, fun and we raised a great deal of money for charity,” Lacy spoke up, defending her work.

  “Wait until you’re called upon, Miss Allen. Success is relative. We cannot allow employees to speak to our members in the way that Jake Knight addressed our eldest member and one of our area’s most influential citizens.”

  All eyes turned to Jake.

  “I said nothing that wasn’t true,” was all Jake said in his own defense.

  “We brought you here, we gave you a great opportunity to build a course—”

  “And I did build a damn fine course,” Jake stated flatly.

  “And it’s a shame you won’t be able to finish. Because of your actions, Jake Knight, you’re fired.”

  Jake didn’t even flinch.

  “No!” Lacy gasped. “No, it’s not fair.”

  “And you, Miss Allen, you are on probation. You did work hard and we believe your initial intentions were good. We will give you one more chance.”

  “Wait,” she protested, standing up and walking closer to the table. Jake tried to pull her back, but she tugged free of his grasp. “All of this was my idea. Jake wasn’t at fault. He was only trying to help me. If you want to fire someone, fire me.”

  “Miss Allen, don’t be foolish.”

  “No, I’m serious.” Lacy’s voice got louder. “I don’t know if I want to work at a place—”

  “No problem.” The chairman hit his gavel. “You’re fired too.”

  “Wait!” Jake yelled. Pandemonium broke loose. Apparently not every board member agreed. Jake pulled Lacy back from the fray. Two of the younger board members had got in the chairman’s face and Doc Barnes was waving his cane.

  “Come on, let’s get out of here.” Jake took Lacy by the hand.

  “But what are going to do?” She looked near tears.

  “Lacy, I know you hate to lose your job, but how do you feel about me?”

  She blinked, studying his handsome face. “How do I feel about you?” She swallowed. Now wasn’t the time to beat around the bush. She’d just lost her job for one very important reason, the same reason she was about to lay on the line. “I love you, Jake Knight.”

  “Good.” He picked up his cell, leading her down the hall to a quieter place.

  “What are you doing? Who are you calling?”

  He held up a finger. “Randy? It’s Jake. I’ve changed my mind. Is the offer still open?”

  Jake waited while someone else spoke. “Excellent, but I have a condition.” He laughed. “Yea, I’m negotiating.” Looking Lacy in the eye, he winked at her. “No, I’m not holding out for more money.”

  “What are you doing?” She pleaded with him. In answer, he bent over to kiss her. She felt his tender touch, even at this tense moment, his lips on hers made her wet.

  “Trust me,” he mouthed.

  “I do,” she whispered.

  Covering the speaker, he spoke to Lacy, “You’ll need to remember those two words.”

  What did he mean? Lacy was about to combust.

  “I have a package deal for you. Me and an event planner. I need a job for my lady. She’ll be coming with me. Lacy has experience, she’s talented, and she’s amazing.”

  Lacy’s mouth dropped open. “Jake, what are you doing?”

  Holding up a finger, he wound up his call. “Great, I’ll fax you her resume in the morning.”

  “What did you do?” she yelled as he pocketed his cell.

  “I just tied our futures together. And now I’m laying my heart at your feet.” Jake went to his knees, right there in the hall at Willow Cove. Right in front of her coworkers, members, board members—everyone. “I love you, Lacy Allen. I don’t want to spend one more minute away from you.”

  Lacy was speechless. She watched as he took her hand and kissed it.

  “Come with me.”

  She felt her heart fill to overflowing. Come with me. The same words he’d used when he’d shown her paradise, and now he was offering not just pleasure, not just romance, he was offering himself and a life together.

  Did she want it?

  Did she want Jake?

  “Come with me, Lacy,” he repeated, love shining brightly in his eyes. “Marry me.”

  “Yes! Yes! Yes!” Lacy said as she threw her arms around his neck. “I want you. I need you. I love you. With all my heart.”

  “That’s my girl.”

  And that’s what she was. She belonged to Jake Knight and she wouldn’t have it any other way.


  Pretty Face

  “I don’t know how to start,” Cody confessed, going to her knees and laying her head in her great grandmother’s lap.

  “Well, let’s see. You have three balls, three chances to show him how much you care, give him a glimpse at the real you behind the mask.” Cody smiled faintly. “Marnie and Trinity went to New Orleans and found me three fantasy gowns, one gold, one green, and one purple. I have a gorgeous mask to wear and slippers that look like glass.” “Sounds wonderful.” Nana stroked her hair. “Mardi Gras is a magical time. This is an ancient holiday, dating back to pagan times. Most people don’t realize it has its roots in Saturnalia and Lupercalia. Religion wove its way into it, but the grand themes remain. We grab onto life with both hands, we celebrate, we live, love and laugh, eat, drink, and be merry...” Nana paused for effect. “Because the time of sacrifice is near, the time when we give up what we need and what we want for the greater good.” “Oh.” Cody was amazed at how the circumstances of her life, the very choices she had made seemed to fit into this f
abled mold. Hunter had come. She, Sage, had this amazing opportunity to be with him, love him, enjoy him, grab onto the joy as hard as she could before she confessed her sins and repented, accepting the penance that would be her due. There would be no absolution for her, she was afraid. Once Hunter learned of her lies, saw her for who she really was, he would be gone. “The man may surprise you.” Nana tried to console her. “Outer beauty isn’t all that some men are attracted to. During the time you’ve been together, he has seen your heart, touched your spirit, and bonded with your soul.” “I hope so, Nana. I hope so.” She clung to the little woman’s frail knees. “What do I do? How do I act? What do I tell him?” Nana stroked her hair. “As trite as this may sound, be yourself. You are who he loves. Talk to him, touch him, make him see how much you care. Use the mystique of Mardi Gras to your advantage. The three colors have meaning. I saw in the paper that the balls will be centered around these colors and their themes. Gold is power. Use this night to give him what he needs, use your feminine power. Green is faith. Use the second night to prove to him there is more to you than meets the eye. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. The third color is purple, the color of royalty, the color of justice. Upon the third night you must confess, unburden your soul and tell him what is on your heart.” Cody sat back and wiped her eyes. “I am very nervous. Will you think about me tonight, Sage Donovan Napier?” She had to smile as she said the name. Cody hadn’t been terribly original when she’d coined an alias. “I will.” Nana assured her. “Be happy, Pretty Face. Nothing worth having is easy. Give yourself to Hunter, show him your heart, he will see the true you, the one he loves.”

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  Beau Coup Publishing:

  More by Sable Hunter

  Hell Yeah! Series

  Cowboy Heat

  Hot on Her Trail

  Her Magic Touch

  A Brown Eyed Handsome Man


  Burning Love - Cajun Style

  Forget Me Never - Cajun Style

  I'll See You in My Dreams

  Finding Dandi - Cajun Style

  Skye Blue

  I'll Remember You

  True Love's Fire

  Thunderbird – Equalizers

  Welcome to My World

  How to Rope a McCoy

  One Man's Treasure

  Texas Heat


  My Aliyah - Heart In Chains

  Hill Country Heart

  Unchained Melody

  Scarlet Fever

  Bobby Does Dallas

  Moon Magick

  A Wishing Moon

  Sweet Evangeline

  EL Camino Real

  A Breath of Heaven

  Loving Justice


  Be My Love Song

  Green With Envy (with Ryan O’Leary)

  For A Hero (with Jess Hunter)

  Love's Magic Spell

  Wolf Call

  Audio Books

  Cowboy Heat - Sweeter Version: Hell Yeah! Sweeter Version

  Hot on Her Trail - Sweeter Version: Hell Yeah! Sweeter Version

  White Chocolate Cherry: A Candy Man Delivery Story

  Red Hot and BOOM Series

  by Graylin Rane

  The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement (including infringement without monetary gain) is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Please purchase only authorized electronic editions and do not participate in, or encourage, the electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  White Chocolate Cherry: A Candy Man Delivery Story

  A Red Hot and Boom Story

  Copyright 2014 by Graylin Rane

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by Graylin Rane

  Chapter One

  “Hi, my name is Julia. I’m here to interview you.”

  Staring at my reflection in the mirror while I practiced made me feel ridiculous. I don’t know who came up with that idea in speech class, but it should be struck from professors’ memories. Going back to work as a field reporter may have been a bad decision. Straightening my shoulder-length light brown hair, I checked my make up again. Amber eyes surrounded by laugh lines reflected my tired expression. I was going to need under eye concealer for the upcoming Fourth of July family gathering.

  “Lifeguards aren’t as tall as football players, Julia.” My best friend, Amy, snickered behind me. “You might find one you can look in the eyes.”

  I’d been out of the game for a while, so to speak. A former news anchor at the local NBC station, I left to raise four sons and two stepdaughters with an amazing man. Jorge had been gone for three years. My beloved left a hole no one could fill. Twenty-five years of bliss left me grateful, fifty, and single.

  My first day back at work, and I was more nervous than thirty years ago. Reporting from the center of hurricanes and flooding in downtown Miami, I built a reputation as a solid reporter who didn’t flinch. The only time I refused to cover a disaster was during pregnancy. I’d risk my own life without a second thought, but not my children’s. They’ve been my greatest accomplishment and comfort.

  All four boys inherited aspects of my beloved Jorge, the chef who made me a spectacular, gravity-defying cupcake to celebrate every anniversary. Our youngest, Carlos, inherited his father’s love for food, even taking over the family restaurant. The other boys had Jorge’s passion for life and helping people.

  “I haven’t had sex in three years, Amy. I’m afraid my lady parts will jump out of my suit and assault him.”

  Three years since I’d felt the touch of a man. Five years since Jorge was healthy enough to leave me twitching. I hid the guilt I felt at even thinkin
g about another man. Cancer stole moments long before it took lives.

  The kids were grown now, making families of their own, scattered around the world. We raised travelers. Our daughters, with their parents’ Spanish looks, melted into the population of Madrid, heart and soul. Their mother’s family lived nearby, snapping pictures of the grandchildren, always including me. Our boys stayed in the area. Two were getting their degrees at the University of Miami, one a surgeon and the other a gynecologist. Julio was in his second year surgical residency at Broward health. His OCD got put to great use in surgery where he wouldn’t leave anything undone. Pedro, well, we always knew he wanted to spend his life in a woman’s crotch.

  “It’s strange to hear you talking about assaulting a hot man in this room.” Amy looked afraid, like Jorge’s ghost would show up in our bedroom and scold me for talking about another man.

  I forced a laugh. “Jorge was clear, Amy. I was supposed to get busy with someone else right away. I didn’t. He’s not going to show up pissed that I’m talking about banging a kid. He’d be ticked off it took me this long.” My beloved treasured our passion. When the kids got old enough to understand the noises coming from our bedroom, they begged their father to soundproof it. He did.

  “Well, then. Bang a lifeguard,” Amy joked, still shifting her gaze around the room.

  “Okay, you superstitious twit. Let’s roll.” I took one last look at the deep blue pantsuit Jorge bought me, paired with a white, cap-sleeved t-shirt.

  Amy had her long blonde hair up in a sloppy bun, blue jeans with frayed ends, flip flops, and the kind of tan people in colder climates paid for. My five foot six inch frame felt petite next to her almost six foot stature. Her husband, a local baseball player, picked her out of a spring break bikini contest. She was my cameraperson. We met when I started at the station right out of college.

  She was tall enough to stand in pounding surf and flooded streets with me while carrying a camera. There’d been more than one occasion when she’d pulled me out after I fell over, and then graciously deleted that section before transmitting back to the station. I didn’t want to be on the blooper reels.


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