Red Hot and BOOM! A Sizzling Hot Collection of Stories from the Red Hot Authors

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Red Hot and BOOM! A Sizzling Hot Collection of Stories from the Red Hot Authors Page 53

by Randi Alexander

  Conceding defeat he decided to go in search of lunch for Sunshine and him. After he returned to the room Sunshine was on the phone trying to get comfortable in the bed.

  “Yeah, that’s what I said. I’m out.”

  Good. At least Sunshine was being reasonable today.

  “Of course, no I wouldn’t miss that for the world. I’ll see you tonight. Yankee’s going out with style... bye Danny.”

  “They’re starting early today you know?”

  “Yes, what do you have for me?”

  “Something called a Pronto-Pup.”

  “It looks like a corndog.”

  “That’s what I said and was corrected.”

  “Anything else?”


  “Breakfast of champions.”

  “How are your ribs?”

  “I’m bound up like a fat woman trying to fit into a size two dress. Luckily I’m just numb enough to not mind breathing.”

  “There’s a positive.” JT leaned back against his headboard and stretched his legs out. “I’m gonna miss this.”

  “You’ll be riding everyday.”

  “Not the riding. BSing with you in the room.” JT bit his pronto pup. “Clint better take care of you on the road.”

  “If he’s still on it in six months. Maybe I’ll get a regular job after I’m healed.”

  “It’s a good idea. I hear someone needs to stroke Yankee. You think that job pays well?”

  “No, but I’m not the one boarding animals.”

  “I’ll get my own in time. The three I’ve got should cover the mortgage, I just need one more and all my costs will be covered.”

  “You have it all figured out don’t you?”

  “I need to. I can’t ask Betsy to marry me otherwise. It wouldn’t be right to ask a woman to take on a ton of debt and help me dig out of a hole.”

  “Where is Betsy? I thought you’d be with her all day.”

  “Couldn’t find her,” JT said and tried to not be worried as he ate a few French fries. “I’m sure she just went to get her ankle checked with her free time.”

  “Call her.”

  “She hasn’t given me her number.”

  Sunshine slowly turned in his bed and placed his feet on the floor.

  “The woman you want to marry won’t give you her phone number.”

  “I haven’t asked for it.”

  “Because asking for her hand first makes the most sense.”

  “She’s been sleeping across the hall from me and I see her at work everyday. It didn’t seem necessary right now. I’m busy, she’s busy.” Even though JT knew Sunshine had pulled out of the rodeo, a part of him wasn’t relaxed until all of the bareback riders had gone.

  He did see Betsy that night, but she was at the top of the stands instead of by the gate. Her tablet was out and he saw her scratching notes on a legal pad.

  There was something about the way Sunshine was acting in the back; it wasn’t like he was watching the riders. In between JT’s shoulder blade he was getting a too familiar itch. There had been a few dozen times he’d gotten it and all had been right before Sunshine did something stupid. He hadn’t had it for years. That mixed with how depressed he’d gotten over losing Betsy made him realize it was time to do what ever he needed to, to get her back. Now the itch was back and Sunshine wouldn’t look at him.

  The saddled riders finished and JT and Clint took a break as the barrel racers had their competition. He couldn’t find Sunshine anywhere.

  “Jeff, you seen Sunny?”

  “No, not since check in.”

  “What do you mean check in?”

  “He was givin’ Killon shit sayin’ he’d finally have a chance to win. You know, being a pain in the ass.”

  “Yes, he could get a gold medal in that.”

  Maybe he had enough time to make it to the top of the stands. There were still eight riders left. He headed out only to run into Ron and Cole.

  “Stay away,” Ron warned. “You’ve done enough damage.”

  “Damage? What did I do?”

  “You weren’t even man enough to dump her to her face.”

  “I didn’t dump her.”

  “That’s why I took her home last night and not you,” Cole said as he crossed his arms over the front of his chest.

  “You did what?” JT growled as every jealous bone in his body tinged like he’d just witnessed Betsy and Cole rolling in her bed.

  “I cleaned up the mess you left.”

  “JT,” Clint called. “They’re on the last rider.”

  JT ran his hand over his face and reset his cowboy hat. He looked up in the stands to see Betsy looking down at him. She was on the verge of tears when she turned away.

  “JT,” Clint called again.

  “I’m coming,” he yelled over his shoulder then growled at Cole. “This isn’t over.”

  “You already ended it.”

  By the time JT got to the back of the chutes his temperature was at a thousand. Clint was pulling his gloves back on when JT grabbed him by the back of his shirt and flipped him around, slamming his body against the gate.

  “What did you say to her?” he snarled as he snatched the front of his shirt.

  “Who? What the fuck JT?” Clint kept his hands up in surrender. “I think you have your people messed up.”

  A few of the riders came around, but didn’t intervene. If anything they were blocking the action from the fans.

  “Betsy. What did you tell her last night?”

  “I don’t know...” Clint stumbled as he tried to push away from the gate, only to have JT shove harder. “I said something about you going with Sunny.”

  “Where did you tell her I went with him?”

  “I don’t think I did.”

  “What exactly did you say?”

  “I don’t remember, Jesus, JT, what’s going on?”

  “I need you to rack what few brain cells you still possess and think hard.”

  “I... I... I told her you couldn’t make it because you had to go somewhere with Sunny.”

  JT shoved Clint as he released his grip and began stalking around the circle of cowboys that had formed. If she knew that Sunshine went to the ER, maybe... fuck! It didn’t matter. He’d picked Sunshine over her again. He never picked her over him. Most times she didn’t care. Hell she didn’t care until he broke her heart and went on the road with Sunny. She asked for thirty-six hours and within twelve he’d taken off to help Sunshine.

  “We cool?” Clint asked as he smoothed his shirt out. “I still don’t know what I did.”

  “You didn’t do anything. I did. Let’s get this damn thing over with so I can try to fix it.”

  The best part of the bull riders, JT could stew as he watched. They were the last line of defense. Those guys loved jumping off the bull to the ground.

  “Next up with got a young bull and an old rider,” Danny kidded. “Riding Peach Nehi is New Mexico’s own Sunshine Parker.”

  JT’s head shot up and he kicked Smashed to get him across the arena before they released the latch and it’d be too late. The world slowed as he saw through the gate to the guys asking if Sunny was ready to go. Sunshine was tugging on his rope to make sure he had a good grip. His head was beginning to nod yes right as JT pulled up along side the gate, blocking it, but more importantly making the bull fighters see they shouldn’t release the latch.

  “I’m not sure what’s going on here folks,” Danny said. “It appears our pick-up man took off a little early.”

  The crowd laughed, but JT didn’t see the humor as he looked into Sunny’s eyes. Hatred was staring back him. Perfect, the two people he loved the most in the world could hate him. He didn’t care any more. Sunshine had some nerve pulling this shit. He may of lost Betsy because of last night and all Sunny could think of was himself.

  “You lied to me. You said you pulled out.”

  “This sounds all nice, but can you two keep your private life, private,” Jeff sai
d as he tried to push Smash.

  “JT, get out of the way or you’re getting run over,” Sunshine warned. “Let’s go boys, I’m ready to ride.”

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “I’m gonna final. And I’m gonna win that purse.”

  “You’re going to die.”

  “Come on JT,” Jeff ventured into the conversation again. “Cut the cord man. If he wants to pop his cherry on one of the meanest bulls around let him.”

  “He has three—”

  “Don’t,” Sunshine sneered. “Don’t you do it, JT. If you were ever my friend.”

  “If I was your friend. I gave up everything for you, Sunny. Everything!” JT shook his head at his friend. “Get the refs over here. Sunny can’t ride.”

  “Why not?” Jeff asked.

  “I’ll never forgive you,” Sunshine warned.

  “At least you’ll be alive to hate me.” JT turned to Jeff and let out a long breath as if it was even a consideration. “He broke three ribs last night.”

  “What?” Jeff balked. “You damn fool, get off that animal. Get off now.”

  “No. I have every right to ride.”

  “You do,” Jeff said. “When there isn’t a chance of you piercing a lung or worse, that little piece of shit you call a heart.”

  Jeff looked at JT, nodded, and JT turned Smash to go back to his spot. Danny announced the change and the riders continued. JT felt like he’d been run over by a truck.


  “What did I miss?” Betsy asked as she sucked down a soda.

  “Nothing much,” Ron replied as he popped a cheese curd in his mouth. “One of the riders got disqualified or something.”

  “Which one?” Betsy asked as she pulled out her program.

  “Sun...I don’t know. The one I didn’t put a score on.” Ron waved his hand and Betsy scanned the program again.

  “Sunshine Parker was supposed to ride a bull tonight?”

  “I guess, but he didn’t. Your ex rode over and locked the gate or something.”

  “He can’t...” she looked down to see JT hunched over watching the antics in the center as they announced the finalists that would be riding to end the rodeo.

  He was pissed off about something. Maybe it was because Ron and Cole were keeping them apart. She couldn’t deal with him tonight. She just wanted to go back to her apartment and stare at the brick wall instead of dreaming of open spaces. It’d be years before another rodeo would be this big and she wouldn’t cover that one.

  “Let’s head down there. You’ll want to get film of Yankee’s last ride. That’s the whole damn reason we’re here anyway.”

  When they got down to the press area Sunshine was storming out and knocked her shoulder as he passed.


  “What the hell did you just call me, Sunshine Parker?”

  “You heard me. Bitch,” he snarled. “JT acts like the last five years were all my damn fault. I never asked him to leave you, but he still blames me. I never wanted him as a partner.”

  “Then why am I the bitch and not him?”

  “You’re right. He’s the asshole. Fuckin’ blamin’ me. I’m the one who found your ass on the internet for him. I’m the one... never mind.”

  “You’re the one who did what? Got me here. Yeah, thanks for that. It showed me exactly where I stand with him.”

  “Well, good then, maybe he’ll get off my back.”

  Sunshine stormed away and Betsy shook her head in confusion. JT chose Sunshine again. How would that get him off Sunny’s back?

  “You okay, Bets?” Cole asked as he rubbed between her shoulder blades.

  “I’m good. Just ready for my last broadcast so I can go home.”

  Betsy reviewed her scores and watched as the final rider was thrown from Yankee, making him perfect for the whole season.

  “Once again Yankee Scum threw his rider off in less than five seconds. What can I say, this bull is going down in the record books. Reporting live from Brainerd, I’m Betsy Flynn for KSPC News.”

  Betsy rushed to the news van and Ron respected her need for privacy as they drove the almost three hours home. She cried for the first hour, passed out for the second, and didn’t wake until Ron was outside her apartment building.

  “You gonna be okay to get in by yourself?”

  “Yes, thanks Ron. I couldn’t have gotten through this weekend without you.”

  “Kiddo, they’re not all like him.”

  “I love his loyalty for his friend. I just want it once in while. If he could put me first once I’d die for him.”


  JT angrily stuffed his clothes in his duffle bag. He was regretting that he had to pick up the horses before he could head to his new house. It was three in the morning and he just wanted out of his room. He wanted the road more than anything. He needed as much space as possible between Sunshine and him before he said something he couldn’t take back.

  Sunshine had brooded to the room drunk around midnight and passed out. JT knew he shouldn’t be mixing his drugs and alcohol, but he wasn’t his damn mother— he was his friend. He’d checked his breathing and rolled him on to his side before he went through his latest frustration.

  “What you doin’?” Sunshine groggily asked.


  “What time is it?”


  “It’s dark.”

  “It’s the middle of the night.”

  “Then go to sleep you pussy.”

  “I can’t sleep.”

  “Why? Betsy loves you.” Sunshine finally opened one eye and looked at JT. “Why aren’t you fuckin’ her right now?”

  “She checked out before I got up this morning.”

  “So? She coulda slept here. I won’t watch... well maybe for a little bit.”

  “She cut out right after her broadcast. I’m sure she’s home now.”

  “Oh, that sucks. You seeing her soon?”

  “How would I do that? Clint told her I went somewhere with you last night.”

  “We did go somewhere... Didn’t we?”

  “He didn’t say it was to the ER and her baseball stud took her home.”

  “Oh...” Sunshine snuggled against a pillow. “That sucks. So you gonna sell that farm and stay on the road with me?”

  “I probably should,” JT lamented as he dropped his head back against the headboard.

  “Yeah, I love how I can count on you.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You’ll never leave me hanging.”

  “Sunny, you know I love you like a brother, but sometimes I wonder if you ever notice how self centered you are.”

  “Is this that bullshit about me making you leave her again?”

  “You don’t remember how you pleaded with me to go do you?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I told you I bought Betsy a ring and went into this long diatribe about some stupid promise I made when I was ten. You said if I didn’t go with you, you couldn’t rodeo anymore and you’d be stuck being a damn farm hand scrambling for cash. We promised to help each other get to a point that we’d both could run our own land.”

  “Damn, I’m a pussy. And you’re obviously whipped by it. You give me anything I want, but have you ever tried to show Betsy the same thing.”

  “I had this rodeo and I failed.”

  “Guess I know the real reason you don’t ride. You fell off a couple of times and were too chicken to get back on.”

  JT glared at Sunshine and sucked in his breath.

  “Betsy’s not a horse.”

  “Besides picking me a few times over her, what have you done wrong? You fuck another girl? Hit her? Take her money? Say what you want, you ran because you were afraid your daddy was gonna stick you with the ranch. Now what’s scaring you? Walter’s not only taken on ranch duties, he’s already knocked up Sierra three times. You’re not going to have three thousand acres with your dad
and grandpa looking over your shoulder.”

  “I love the Long Ranch.”

  “But you never wanted to work it. You can blame me all you want except a few months ago you finally found your nut sack and decided to go after what you wanted, instead of running away from what you didn’t want to do.”

  There was nothing like being slapped upside your head verbally to send your head into a tailspin. The last thing JT wanted was the truth getting in the way of his excuse making.

  JT crashed for a few hours before he said good-bye to the rodeo guys and Sunny. He GPS’d the farm and got there a few minutes early. The man who owned the horses had a trailer for him and he started hooking it to his truck when a familiar face got out of a newer SUV.

  “Why are you here?” Cole asked as crossed toward the stables.

  “I’m picking up some horses.”

  “Are you Jonathan?” an older man asked. He resembled Cole with gray hair. “I’m Howard Gardner.”

  “Howard,” JT shook his hand. “Nice to meet you in person. You can call me JT.”

  “Alright JT, my three are supposed to be in the pen on the other side of the barn.”

  “What are you doing here?” Cole asked again.

  “I’m the guy who’s boarding your dad’s horses. I assume you’re his father.”

  “Yes, I am. And Cole, why are you being rude?”

  “He was at the rodeo this weekend, we just have a difference of opinion when it comes to Betsy.”

  “I should have known it had to be about Bets,” Howard sighed and shook his head. “When will you get it through your skull she likes you as a friend.”

  “A good friend,” JT said under his breath.

  “I thought you lived in Texas.” Cole crossed his arms over his chest and made JT have a flashback to Betsy’s brothers cornering him in the parking lot in Vegas.

  “I did live in New Mexico, right on the border. Now I live in Forest Lake. I moved here for Betsy.”

  “She know that?” Cole’s arms relaxed and his eyes conveyed a different interest than kicking JT’s ass.

  “No, I wanted to be set up before I approached her again. I didn’t expect to see her this weekend, but... well now I am going to—”

  “You moved to the Twin Cities before you even knew if she was with somebody.”

  “I love her. I have since the first day we met.”


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