Red Hot and BOOM! A Sizzling Hot Collection of Stories from the Red Hot Authors

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Red Hot and BOOM! A Sizzling Hot Collection of Stories from the Red Hot Authors Page 61

by Randi Alexander

  It took all the time he gave me for my pulse to stop pounding in my ears, for my heart to quiet with my pulse, and for my curves to quit heaving in rhythm with his muscles as we gasped for air.

  Ever so softly, he pressed a kiss to my neck, trailing up to my lips. With all the urgency gone, what remained was sensuality. Stars, sparks and sensuality.

  I smiled against him. “I ordered a box of condoms online to avoid any rumors.”

  “Fuck rumors. I want everyone to know that I’ve staked my claim on you.”

  I laughed. “Most couples do that with rings, not condoms.”

  He studied my face. I was sure I was messy and flush, but he didn’t seem to mind. He looked at me with the same adoration he always did, with the same desire he always had. “I’ll do it with both.”

  I pursed my lips, pretending to contemplate his statement. “I might need a bit more proof before I’m comfortable enough to print it.”

  He hauled me off the table. “You and your damn proof.”

  “Proof is what protects every journalist.”

  He searched my eyes. “One of these days, you’re gonna stop lettin’ proof do what a good man will.” He squeezed my ass.

  Feeling sassy, I reached around and copied his move, planting a kiss on his chest as I did so.

  His eyes glittered like stars in the midnight sky. “Let’s go to bed, darlin’.”

  I angled my head, nibbling my bottom lip as I stared at him. “What about dinner?”

  He smirked, showing a hint of his dimples. “I’m pretty sure Weasel can talk LuAnna into making a delivery from the diner.”

  “Promise me a chocolate croissant and a large cappuccino will be waiting for me in the morning, and I’ll say we can skip dinner and go right to dessert.”

  “Done.” He kissed me once again before letting go of me. He gently removed my arms from around him and spun me towards the hallway. “I want to watch those sexy hips and even sexier ass sway as you walk to the room.”

  Glancing back at him over my shoulder, I gave him a devilish grin. “Done.”

  For most of my life I’d considered Atlanta my home, but Bear taught me, it wasn’t about where you lived, it was about who you were with. From that night on, I was always home. Home is where the heart is, and this journalist’s heart was with the man she spent forever with: Bear Jacobs.




  About the Author

  Christin Lovell was born and raised in Charleston, SC, but now lives in the hottest place on earth: Orlando, FL. She has three beautiful children who keep her running non-stop, but would love to adopt a few more. When she’s not juggling life and kids, you'll find her huddled away somewhere writing her next book or happily reading someone else's. Like most authors she’s come across, she’s a coffee addict, owns far too many books than she can fit on her shelves, and she goes to work in her pajamas a lot.

  Connect with Christin Here


  Twitter: OR @christinlovell





  by Desiree Holt

  Chapter One

  The rodeo arena was jammed. Red, white, and blue bunting celebrating the Fourth of July hung in every available spot, and American flags waved side-by-side with Texas Lone Star state flags. Between events, the loudspeaker blared patriotic songs from the Marine Band’s version of the national anthem to Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA.” Rodeo competitors were in the swing of things with their clothing and accessories, and one penning team even wore red, white, and blue Stetsons.

  Crowds had jammed all of the events for three days, screaming wildly for their favorites. With the rodeo in its final day, the winner of each competition would be the overall winner of their event, so the excitement level was riding high.

  Chad Bailey had just seen the last of the bulls he leased to the circuit loaded onto trailers for transport to the next stop on the tour. The trucks would be on the road any minute, so he had a chance to relax and enjoy what was happening. Enjoy was definitely the word. He leaned on the pen railing by the entryway and watched the woman in the glittery red, white, and blue shirt expertly race her horse around the three barrels in the rodeo ring. Dirt flew from the hooves of her mount as she wove a precise pattern, and the encouraging shouts of the arena crowd filled the air.

  “She sure is a firecracker,” he said to the man standing next to him.

  “No doubt.” Brody Hunter nodded in agreement. Chad’s bulls had often helped him win a number of prizes along the circuit, including today, when he took top honors. Now he, too, was finished with his obligations and enjoying the show with his friend.

  The woman who held their attention, Dani DeLuca, was competing in the finals of barrel racing on the last day of the Golden Spur Rodeo. Cowboy hat anchored firmly on her head, long red curls flying behind her, she leaned gracefully one way or the other as she worked to shave another tenth of a second off her time.

  When she finished her run and her time flashed on the big readout, she was two-tenths of a second ahead of all the other competitors. The crowd roared its approval. Dani was a perennial favorite of all the rodeo fans. She acknowledged them now by standing in her stirrups and waving before she trotted back down the entry tunnel.

  “Thirteen seconds,” Brody noted. “Damn, that girl is good.”

  “She’s been competing a long time, you know. Gets better every single year.” Chad had been watching her for the last five of those years, mouth watering whenever he saw the graceful movements of that lithe body.

  “You know,” Brody drawled, “I sure do enjoy it when the three of us have dinner together.”

  “Me, too.” Chad laughed. “I’d like to have a lot more than dinner with her, though.”

  “She’s definitely a tasty treat.” Brody snorted. “Man, whenever I see that woman, my cock gets so hard I’m afraid it might break off.”

  “No shit.” Chad let out a slow breath. “Same here. She’s one fine little package.” One he’d love to unwrap.

  “Amen to that.” Brody rubbed his jaw. “Think she’d be interested in some after-dinner activities?”

  Chad’s cock hardened as images of the three of them naked in bed popped into his head. He and Brody had frequently shared women, with resulting pleasure for all involved. If they could convince Firecracker....

  “I’ve never heard a breath of a whisper about her,” he said in a slow voice. “Although, we’re all pretty discreet about our extracurricular activities.”

  “I don’t know. We’ve been friends, the three of us, for a long time. I’d hate to do anything to upset that applecart. What do you think?”

  “I think she was giving us some hot, sexy looks the last time we were together. I’d like to see if there’s anything behind them.”

  “You know, we’ve never played games with anyone on the circuit,” Brody pointed out.

  “Neither does Dani. We’re all adults here. If she’s into it, and we are, no strings attached, I think it would be a fine night for all of us. And maybe something we can repeat now and then.”

  “As long as it doesn’t get too heavy, right?”

  “We can test the waters at dinner, get a feel for things.”

  “I don’t think she’d complicate a situation.” Brody rubbed his jaw. “She’s a smart cookie. Maybe, like us, all she wants is some smokin’ hot sex with some good friends she can trust.”

  “And if she wants more?”

  Brody shrugged. “Who’s to say we wouldn’t want more, too?”

  “Then I say let’s see what happens when she’s done here.” Chad smiled to himself as anticipation curled through him. He’d love to be in bed with a firecracker. “If she shuts us down, we’ll keep on being friends.” He pause
d. “But I hope something’s simmering under the surface.”

  “It sure would be nice, though,” Brody drawled, “to find someone we could settle into a situation with. Know what I mean?”

  “I do. We’ve discussed the possibility. We both know all the drawbacks. And finding the right person to fit into this?” He shook his head. “Damn near impossible.”

  “Yeah, but one can still hope.” Brody sighed then nudged him. “Here’s the last competitor. Let’s see how she does.”

  “Damn. It’s the champ. Be nice if Firecracker’s time held up.”

  The men turned back to the ring as the final contestant was announced. The woman had taken top honors more times than they could count, but Firecracker had beaten her out a few times recently. They watched intently as she completed the cloverleaf pattern around the barrels then focused on the scoreboard, along with the rest of the audience.

  “Holy shit,” Chad breathed as the lights blinked.

  “Amen to that.” Brody stared at the numbers. The board showed the contestant’s time as fifteen seconds. “Firecracker just beat the champ.”

  “Hot damn.”

  “Ladies and gentlemen.” The announcer’s voice boomed out over the arena. “Today’s winner and Golden Spur Rodeo barrel racing rodeo champ is Dani DeLuca. Dani, come on out for your victory ride. Folks, let’s hear it for Firecracker.”

  “Here she comes.” Chad elbowed his friend.

  In celebration of the Fourth of July, laser lights in red, white, and blue danced over the arena and from the sound system came the familiar strains of “God Bless America.” Chad watched the entrance to the ring, and in moments, here she came, Firecracker herself, standing in her stirrups as she rode around the ring. Her mouth was curved in a wide grin, and she pumped one fist in victory. Then she pulled her mount to a halt right in the center and waited for one of the judges to walk out, shake her hand, and present her with her award.

  “Let’s have a hand for this year’s Golden Spur barrel racing champ,” the announcer boomed. “Dani DeLuca. Firecracker, herself.”

  The applause was thunderous as she circled the ring one last time then rode out of the arena. Chad and Brody clapped hard and emitted raucous whistles.

  Chad smiled. “Seems fitting Firecracker should win on the Fourth of July, don’t you think?”

  “I do,” Brody acknowledged. “Think she might be interested in us taking her out for a celebration?”

  “Now that’s the best idea you’ve had in a while.” Chad stared into the arena. “I’ll bet that name Firecracker really suits her, and not for just her red hair.”

  Brody raised most of the bulls Chad rode on the rodeo circuit, and the men had become good friends. They shared a passion for the sport. One other thing they’d discovered they shared a passion for was sharing women. Both had a lot of experience as partners in a ménage and by now were used to each other’s needs and signals. They had enjoyed many pleasurable evenings on the circuit and always made sure the women involved were well satisfied.

  They had been drawn to Dani for some time, not only by her mouthwatering body but also her spirit and enjoyment of life. The time, however, had never seemed quite right.

  “Maybe we can take her to the rodeo’s big Fourth of July party tonight,” Brody suggested.

  “And carry on the celebration after that. “ Chad headed down the exit corridor. “Come on. Let’s go track her down now.”

  Dani rode out of the arena, exhilaration pumping through her veins. First place! Lordy, she’d wanted this one in the worst way. Although she’d beaten the champ a few times in the past couple of years, the best she’d finished in this particular rodeo was second. And the Golden Spur held a special place in her heart. It was the first rodeo she’d ever competed in and the last one where her dad had watched her before he died. She’d wanted to win this one for him as well as herself. Tonight definitely called for a celebration. Something extra special.

  Unbidden, images of Chad Bailey and Brody Hunter flashed into her mind. Damn, those were two very sexy men, Chad with his golden good looks and broad shoulders, Brody as dark as Chad was light and so lean and muscular. They had two things in common, however. Both were ultimate alpha males, and both of them set off sparks inside her that made every erogenous zone in her body sit up and beg.

  She’d had dinner with them several times over the past couple of years. They were always fun to be with and never did one single thing to indicate an interest of a sexual nature. But she was sure she saw desire flaring in Chad’s chocolate brown eyes and Brody’s black-as-onyx ones.

  Dani had never been in a ménage. Never experienced one, although she’d heard other women on the circuit talk about them in discreet tones. She’d read about them in the erotic romance novels that were her secret vice, including situations where the arrangement became permanent. She didn’t know how she’d wrap her mind around something like that. In fact, she wasn’t sure she’d ever find one person to settle down with.

  But a threesome for a night? Or two? Tantalizing. Not that she was a sexual novice, although her experiences were limited by choice. The last thing she wanted was gossip circulating about her. And maintaining a relationship in this environment was damn hard work. So, she had a pretty hard-and-fast rule about playtime on the circuit, preferring instead to hook up with longtime friends in some of the cities on the tour. If any men could change her mind, though, it was Chad and Brody.

  This is the Fourth of July. Don’t I deserve to live up to my name? Enjoy some real fireworks?

  She’d known them for a long time, and sometimes she wondered—

  People coming by to congratulate her interrupted her mental wanderings, By the time she dismounted and walked Rosie to her stall, well-wishers surrounded her, hugging her and shaking her hand. This victory brought with it a special feeling of exhilaration. Tonight, at the party, she’d really be celebrating. She finally had her tack removed and Rosie brushed down, fed, and watered.

  “We did good today, girl.” She hugged the horse’s head and stroked the soft white blaze on her face. Tomorrow, she’d hitch up the trailer and they’d be off to the next stop.

  “Great riding today, Firecracker.”

  Chad and Brody stood at the stall door.

  Speak of the devils.

  “Thanks.” She gave her horse a quick kiss. “But I think most of the credit goes to Rosie here.” She slipped her arm through the straps of the bridle and lifted the saddle from the stall door where she’d stashed it for the moment.

  “How about if we give you a hand there?” Brody offered, taking the saddle from her.

  “I can do it.” She reached to take it back.

  “I know. But my grandma used to say many hands made light work.”

  “Besides,” Chad put in, “how often do you get two studs to help you?”

  Dani laughed. “Studs, huh? You guys have a pretty high opinion of yourselves.”

  “We’ve been told,” Brody laughed, “but I’ll never say by who.”

  Chad took Rosie’s bridle from her. When their hands connected, a jolt like the explosion of a firecracker sizzled through her body. Heat flared in his eyes. Her breath lodged in her throat, and her pulse suddenly beat so loud she was sure he could hear it. When he moved his hand away, she felt an unexpected sense of loss.

  With the men carrying her tack for her, she slid past them and locked the stall door. These two definitely made her hormones sit up and take way too much notice. She’d known them for a long time and constantly battled her attraction to them. Not only that, they were among the few men she trusted completely, so either or both of them could make her break that rule. She had to be really careful around them. Her recent daydream slammed into her, and heat crept up her cheeks, making her turn away from them.

  Get it together, Dani. Maybe they’re just being polite and friendly.

  She blew out a breath and turned back to them. Then Chad smiled at her, a slow, lazy curving of his lips that made
her body tingle and all her special places dance. The man was positively lethal, with his sun-streaked blond hair, chocolate-brown eyes, and broad shoulders.

  “We came to congratulate you.” His words disrupted her thoughts.

  “What? Oh, thanks. Yeah, I’m pretty excited about this.” She led the way out of the barn to where her truck and trailer were parked.

  Brody was equally as sexy, only wrapped in a different package. He had a lean bull-rider's body and thick black hair that hung to the top of his collar and begged for fingers to tunnel through it. Eyes the same midnight color took her in from head to toe. She forced herself to make a conscious effort not to lick her lips.

  “We were thinking,” Brody drawled. “That is—“

  “Yeah,” Chad broke in. “About the party when the show closes?”

  “We’d, uh, really like you to go with us.”

  Dani put her tack in the bed of her truck then set the alarm she’d had specially installed. Her equipment was worth a fortune, much more than the cost of the security to protect it. She also made it a point to park close to the security guard, as an added precaution.

  “The party, huh?” She faced them. Why not? They were going anyway. It would be more fun if she were with them. Even though a lot of acquaintances would be there. “I’ll probably only stay for about an hour, though.”

  “We don’t expect to be there that long either.” Brody looked at Chad then back at her. “We, uh, wondered if you’d like to have dinner with us. After.”

  “Dinner?” Her heartbeat sped up a little. What was the matter with her? They’d had dinner many times before, the three of them. Why did she think this time might be different? Wishful thinking? God, it was so tempting to think of being in bed with the two of them.

  Dani, you hot little firecracker. Get your hormones in order. Dinner is probably all they mean.

  “I’ll need to shower and change first.”

  “Tell you what.” Chad took her arm and guided her back toward the arena. “I think today calls for a celebration. Let’s head downtown after the party, check into a fancy hotel, and enjoy a special dinner. A celebration. For your big win today.”


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