Erotic Flights of Fantasy II

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Erotic Flights of Fantasy II Page 3

by Melanie Thompson

  Angie had a nasty temper, and when she set her sights on something, there was no stopping her. When they got to the bottom of the stairs, Maggs stopped.

  “Okay girl, you stay here. I’m going to get rid of that red-headed bitch. When I’m done, just swoop in and take her seat. Then I’m gonna tell Frank to keep an eye on Angie and make sure she leaves you alone.”

  With all that said Maggie walked up to the town drunk Jimbo and pressed her breasts against him. She whispered something in his ear, giggled and took his beer out of his hand. Maggie brushed her lips over his withered cheek and turned into the milling crowds of people.

  Kyrie watched in fascination as Maggie wound her way through the tables until she was right behind Angie. She faked a trip and dumped the entire beer on Angie’s tinted hair and down the front of her yellow dress.

  Angie jumped up, knocking her chair over, and screamed obscenities at Maggie. Kyrie giggled as Maggie tried to dry her off with a napkin. Angie pushed Maggie out of the way and stormed up the stairs.

  Maggie turned around and winked. Taking the hint, Kyrie walked slowly to the table. Butterflies erupted in her stomach and her tongue felt like it was twice its normal size.

  * * * *

  Ryder didn’t even glance up from his card game when the new whore slid into the chair next to him.

  “What’s your price, beautiful?” he asked.

  “Well, that depends on how much I like you, handsome.”

  A huge grin spread across his face exposing two dimples. He turned his emerald gaze on her. “Well, you’re a saucy one. Let’s have a look at you.”

  His expression changed from curiosity to desire as he looked her up and down, gripped her upper thigh and squeezed as he moved it upwards toward the juncture where her legs met. The heat from his touch set her sex on fire as his smoldering gaze met hers.

  “You are beautiful and firm; how much for your charms all night?”

  Kyrie stopped his hand before he reached her throbbing center and ran her tongue along her bottom lip. “Why don’t we go upstairs where we can be alone to discuss this further?”

  Ryder cleared his throat and met the curious gazes of the other men at the table. “Gentlemen, if you would excuse me I…uh, have some things that need my immediate attention.”

  His companions guffawed as Ryder scooted his chair back. He grabbed Kyrie around the waist and pulled her body tightly against his. She felt his breath whisper across her ear, closed her eyes and inhaled the familiar scent of wood, spices and musk that was all Ryder.

  He breathed soft words into her ear, sending shivers down her back. “I have to go out to my coach and get some things. What room is yours, darlin’?”

  Sweat beaded on her forehead. Her masquerade suddenly didn’t seem such a great idea. She still had to figure out how to tell him who she was. And when he knew, would he still want her?”

  Kyrie blurted, “Go around back and use that entrance. I’ll be in room 202.”

  He took her hand and kissed the inside of her wrist. “I shall count the minutes.”

  Her heart pounded as Ryder walked away in his pinstripe pants, white button up shirt and grey vest. He wore a gun belt lined with bullets, showing of his two peacemaker revolvers. She noticed he now had a slight limp and wondered what had caused that.

  When he was finally out of sight Kyrie sprinted up the stairs and threw open the brothel door knocking Angie on her rump.

  The bitch balled up her fists and screamed. “What the hell you little wench? Watch where yer going before I…” She stopped in mid-sentence when recognition hit.

  “Miss Kyrie, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know it was you. Don’t tell Madame Renee, please.”

  Kyrie brushed Angie aside “Don’t tell anyone you saw me here or I will tell Madame and my father. Got it?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Thank you.”

  Kyrie dismissed Angie with a wave of her hand and raced down the hall stopping in front of an old door with 202 branded into the wood. She took a deep breath to steady her nerves, opened the door, went in and quickly slammed it behind her.

  With her back against the door, she breathed deeply and stared at Carla’s old room. The walls were covered in a gold wall paper torn in spots and faded. A sagging mattress filled the wrought-iron bedstead covered with a crimson quilt and throw pillows. It filled the small room. There was one tiny round window with a sconce on either side. Kyrie lit the two guttered, red candles with a Lucifer match casting the room in a subtle pink glow.

  A sharp rap on the door sent her heart racing. She took two deep breaths to calm her nerves and cracked the door to peer into the hall. Ryder stood there with a stupid grin on his face.

  “Are you going to let me in, Kyrie, or should I go away and come back again in five years?”

  Kyrie felt her face turn three different shades of crimson in her embarrassment. She stepped back and Ryder swept through the door closing it behind him.

  “How did you know?”

  Ryder cupped her chin and lifted her face to meet his gaze.

  “I would recognize those beautiful golden eyes anywhere, Sunshine. You’re the only reason I came back to this hell-hole. I had a promise to keep…remember?”

  Shaking with anticipation, she let him pull her against his hard body. She was mesmerized by the look of desire in those green eyes as he bent his head and gently kissed her. She outlined his lower lip with her tongue and plunged into the minty depths of his mouth. Their tongues danced in rhythm while their hands explored each other’s bodies.

  Ryder pulled his head back. “Kyrie, come with me to my carriage. I have things I need to show you in there.”

  Kyrie grabbed his head and kissed him deeply again. “Ryder, I don’t want to stop kissing you yet.”

  He gripped her shoulders and pushed her away. “We will continue in the carriage. I promise. There are things I need in there. Please come with me.”

  “I’d follow you anywhere, Ryder. You’re all I ever wanted.”

  He scooped her up in his arms and kicked open Carla’s old wood door breaking the top hinge. She hid her head in his chest as they went through the common room to avoid the curious looks from all of the other ladies waiting for a customer.

  When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Kyrie noticed Ryder had moved his strange machine behind the brothel. He gently put her down in front of an intricately inlaid door and opened it.

  The sight that met her eyes took her breath away. A royal-blue bed took up half the coach, but it was all the strange levers and copper tubes hooked up to various sized boxes that gave Kyrie pause.

  “What are all of those contraptions, Ryder? Are they safe?”

  His smile was sad and wistful. He took Kyrie’s hand and kissed her palm.

  “I promise you, my darlin’, they are all safe and very fun.”

  She climbed into the carriage and settled on the plush-blue coverlet. Ryder hauled himself in behind her and flipped three large switches. The carriage vibrated as it came to life, well-oiled metal gears spun, and strange high-pitched squealing noises came from the metal tubing as hot steam passed through.

  She shivered with awe and a little fear mixed with anticipation as she wondered what Ryder did with all this stuff. He grabbed her around the middle and pulled her tight against his body. “I’m going to pleasure you now.”

  He nibbled on her neck sending lightning bolts of pleasure straight to her throbbing sex. Kyrie was still a virgin. She’d had many experiences in the bedroom with Maggs, but she’d waited for Ryder, always sure he would one day come for her. Now that day had come and she was more than a little frightened. All these strange machines and boxes and Ryder seemed so distant. It just wasn’t what she’d thought would happen.

  Trembling, she allowed him to lay her on the soft feather mattress and pull her black dress down, spreading tiny kisses and nibbles across to her aching breasts. He took one small rosy nipple in his mouth and pinched the other between his fingers.

p; She kept her eyes open as she enjoyed the familiar warmth his caresses generated, running her hands through his thick dark hair. “Ryder I’ve never been with a man, only with other girls. I waited for you.”

  He released her nipple. “I have things to make it easier; you just have to trust me.”

  “I do trust you…I think.”

  He pushed two buttons on a large copper box and a dull hum filled the interior of the coach and the bed began to vibrate. He kissed her as he whipped off her dress and pantaloons, leaving her stockings and garters.

  The vibrating of the bed was strangely exciting. Her eyes smoldered as she watched Ryder remove his own clothing. He pulled his white shirt over his head and tossed it to the side followed by his gun belt. He stared at her intently as he unbuttoned his pants and slowly pulled them down. His cock popped out and she gasped. She’d seen many but his was huge.

  “Oh my, your…your…your thing, it’s enormous.”

  She had to touch it, reached a trembling hand out and wrapped her fingers around the throbbing oddity. They didn’t even come close to touching. She marveled at how hard it was; like a solid branch of wood.

  He pushed her back on the bed and opened a small box removing a variety of instruments. He shoved a glove on his left hand made out of a strange smooth material and connected a tube from one box to another small box, and then he flipped a switch and turned it on.

  “I’m going to prepare you for my entry.” Ryder whispered as he bent his head and took one of her aching nipples in his mouth.

  Her eyes were huge, wide open and staring. She lay stiff and trembling with fearful anticipation as Ryder spread her legs, exposing her pink center. Her face flamed and she covered it with her hands as he spread her wet labia with his un-gloved hand and inserted a finger. As he pumped in and out of her flesh, he took the gloved hand and began to rub her bud of pleasure. She arched her back and screamed. “Oh, my, god, what are you doing?”

  He grinned up at her. “This will make you want me, love.”

  She screamed again as electrical pulses buzzed into her. Overcome with need, and never having felt anything like this before, Kyrie grabbed the gloved hand and pushed it towards her hot opening.

  “Here, rub me here,” she gasped. She felt like a molten river of lava was pouring out of her. She whimpered and moaned uncontrollably as Ryder inserted two of his pulsating fingers into her slick hole.

  She bucked like a wild horse while the glove sent pulses of electricity into her and Ryder pounded her willing flesh. Just when Kyrie thought she would explode, he withdrew his hand, slid his body on top of her and probed the lips of her still-pulsating vagina with his abnormally large cock.

  She gasped as she felt the head of his penis push past her vaginal barrier causing a sharp pain. He stopped. “You okay darlin’?”

  “Yes, dammit. Fuck me!” She grabbed his buttocks and pulled him into her.

  He reached between them and put the electric glove on her hot button again as he plunged all the way into her depths. Kyrie screamed. He was so big. His cock stretched her open so far, she burned. But it felt good, the aching adding to her excitement, bringing her close to climax. It was better than anything Maggs had ever done, better and more exciting.

  The glove sent shocks through both their bodies as he held it tightly to her clit. She wrapped her legs around his back and road his monster cock like a professional jockey.

  He growled as he drove into her virginal tightness shooting his hot seed. Kyrie screamed again as wave after wave of pleasure shook her like a tornado.

  They fell back on the bed together, basking in the aftermath.

  When she could breathe, she propped herself up on an elbow and looked at Ryder with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

  “You waited for me,” he said.

  “I would have waited forever. I love you. I always have.”

  “I had a tough time during the war. I had to recover from some serious wounds.”

  “What kind of wounds?”

  He rolled onto his back and held his cock. She was stunned to see it was still erect. “I lost my appurtenances in an explosion.”

  She bent close and examined his penis. It did look a little strange and there were scars. “What do you mean?”

  “I had to invent a way to replace my organ.” He took her hand and allowed her to touch it. “It’s my flesh on the outside, but inside, it’s a machine.”

  “Oh, Ryder, how you must have suffered.”

  “I was afraid you wouldn’t accept me with a machine for a cock.” He pulled her close and buried his face in her hair. “I was afraid you’d think me a monster.”

  She took his face in her hands and stared into those familiar green eyes. “You’re my hero. I’d love you even if you didn’t have a dick.” She grinned. “But I’m sure glad you do.”

  He ran his hand down her flat stomach and across her mound. “You are everything I always dreamed of, Kyrie. I’ll love you forever.”

  She grinned and moved his middle finger between the lips of her sex. “So, big boy, what other interesting things do you have to show me?”

  Dr. Frankenfurter and the Search for the Perfect Penis

  “Chervil, look you at what we have created.” Dr. Venis Frankenfurter pointed to the huge machine completely filling the dungeon of his castle, Beadlow Priory. Wires snaked towards the tiny skylight twenty feet above. The wires connected to a complex structure designed after the Alessandro Volta studies of animal electricity and galvanism. From the machine, more wires ran to a monstrous table. On the table lay their creation…a man.

  The doctor walked around the inanimate creature formed of parts of dead bodies harvested from the cemeteries of Hertfordshire immediately after burial. It had a huge set of shoulders from the dead blacksmith in High Wycombe, long legs from a nobleman buried in Biggleswade. His face and head were beautiful to behold, harvested from a young seminarian destined for the church.

  There was only one problem with his creation…the penis. It was by far too small while the testicles were enormous. Chervil had taken them from the same blacksmith who provided the shoulders. Apparently, his other endowments had not matched his size.

  “Chervil, open your clothes and show me your penis.”

  “You’ve seen it often enough, master.”

  Frankenfurter smiled. “I know that, Chervil. I wish to examine it and compare it to our creation’s organ. We must find something to fit. Can you not see? This,” he lifted the flaccid penis of the monster on the table with one finger, “is way too small.”

  Chervil wore dove-gray pantaloons, a striped shirt, suspenders, a long white laboratory coat and black-rubber goggles. Frankenfurter’s costume was much the same. Chervil obliged the command with a sullen pout. When he opened his pantaloons, the sight of his cock stirred Frankenfurter. His own dick thickened and swelled inside his trousers. He opened them and allowed it to spring forth. “Look what you have done to me, Henri. Now you must suffer the consequences.”

  Over-head clouds roiled and a bolt of lightning shot across the sky visible through the opening. Frankenfurter ignored it. His huge machine thumped and rumbled, vibrating the stone floor of the priory’s dungeon. He ignored that as well.

  Chervil’s eyelids grew heavy with lust as he stared at Frankenfurter’s arousal. His own exposed organ slowly filled with excitement, rising until it thumped against his stomach in time to the blood pounding through his veins.

  Chills raced up and down Frankenfurter’s arms and spine. He grabbed Chervil in a crushing embrace and kissed him, using his tongue to plunder the inside of Chervil’s mouth. His servant whimpered and grew limp in his arms. Frankenfurter allowed him to drop to the cold stones and followed him down, tearing at the man’s clothing until Chervil lay on his back naked.

  Frankenfurter fell on Henri’s body, kissing his nipples, pinching them and tugging at them until Chervil groaned. He grabbed Chervil’s erection and stroked it, pulling the foreskin up and down, stretc
hing it and pushing it down hard. Henri arched his back and spread his legs, grabbed Frankenfurter’s cock and caressed it.

  “Yes, Henri, you know what I want.”

  Frankenfurter knelt while Chervil sucked his engorged penis, licking and tickling the head, then sucking it into his mouth. Overhead, thunder boiled and roared as lightening crackled. A bolt hit close to the priory lighting up the dials on Frankenfurter’s machine. The tempo of the thumping increased. He ignored it. Chervil’s mouth on his cock was all he could think about…that and the dark, secret passage between his assistant’s round buttocks.

  When Chervil’s sucking had him close to spewing, he pushed him away. “Turn over.”

  “Yes, my master,” Chervil croaked as he fell onto his stomach presenting his smooth ass to Frankenfurter’s hot gaze.

  The doctor grabbed Henri’s buttocks and squeezed. He opened them and closed them searching for the pink mouth hidden between the ripe globes. A brown jar of lubricant for the leads connected to the creature on the table sat open near the stout base. Frankenfurter scooped up a dollop and thrust it into that pink mouth.

  He inserted his finger up to the base in Chervils’ anus. He added another finger and spread them. He worked his fingers in and out until his whole hand was in Chervil’s passage. Henri whimpered and writhed on the hard stones as he shoved his fist in and out. Another crack of lightening hit the rod attached to the skylight. The entire room lit up when the electricity shot down the wires into the machine.

  Unable to withstand the torment of his passion for even one more minute, Frankenfurter mounted Chervil, cramming his aching penis into Henri’s passage. Henri screamed while Frankenfurter grunted. Chervil had the tightest asshole. Suddenly the clamping pressure of Chervil’s anal sphincter relaxed and Frankenfurter was able to enter all the way.

  Overcome with ardor, Frankenfurter plunged in and out of Chervil while he reached around and stroked the man’s throbbing organ. The two grunted and moaned as they rutted on the stone floor until Frankenfurter, his penis unbelievably sensitive and swollen to twice its normal size, began to erupt. At the same time, Chervil’s organ exploded, spewing into Frankenfurter’s hand.


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