Hellbound Second Advent

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Hellbound Second Advent Page 12

by Decoyar Brown

  “You’re lying…” Claudius stooped down, watching him about to slip off.

  “Why would I make something like that up? It makes sense, right?” Nathan looked down and he was a bit scared. He did not know how deep the fall was. “Let’s go back and confront them. They could have killed her if you didn’t show up.”

  Claudius reached down, “Is that so?” He yanked Nathan’ hand away from the brick and held him. He began to pull him up slowly.

  Nathan was smiling under the helmet, without Claudius’ knowledge.

  “Come to think of it, you were there also…” Claudius gave Nathan a displeased look. “On my way back, you were the one that confronted me in the sewers. Father did asked if she was distracting me and I remember the look on your face. You’re guilty also.”

  But then, Claudius heard a sound behind him. He looked back and saw another one of Nathan’s clone about to jump on him.

  Nathan rushed up from bellow and jumped in to attack Claudius now that he was distracted.

  Claudius grabbed the clone and slammed him into Nathan. They both fell into the darkness below.

  Before Nathan fell to his demise, he created a few clones of himself.

  Claudius knew that he did it to use the clones as a cushion to break his fall. When he heard the bodies colliding with the pavement, he knew Nathan was okay. In his armor, he could not be killed that easily.

  Chapter 12

  The Kabbalist

  “You’re telling me all those people lost their lives because he need souls?” Peter asked. “He needs souls to fuel a tower?”

  “Yes. The tower is called Entre Ciel et Terre.” Terrence held up the torch that guided them to their destination.

  They were drawing closer to a deeper part of Newark. The subway station led to an abandoned underground area that was built before the first World War.

  “I mean, the name is obvious, but what’s it for?” Peter asked.

  “The prophecy said that Christ would return a second time to earth. The Second Advent it was dubbed. The day judgment should be passed on the people of this world.”

  “I’m waiting for the Second Coming. There was a rumor saying it should happen on December 12, 2012. Less than four years from now.”

  “That may be true, but Gabilon is building a stairway to heaven that will open the gates prematurely. Sooner than we have predicted. He only needs one more relic to complete his tower—”

  “Yes, the remains of Saint Ignatius. They are safely hidden below the Church of Saint Paul.”

  “The remains of Saint Ignatius? To my understanding, he already has that relic.”

  Peter stopped in his tracks. “Are you certain about that? But Father Davis told me…” Peter swore in anger. Father Davis had fooled him again. The interest Peter showed in the relic made him an easy target. Father Davis knew Peter would go by the church to check on it. “How long ago did he gain the last relic?”

  “The last relic? He has not gained the last relic yet. The last relic is said to be a human—a special kind of person or human.”

  “What? Are you sure about that?” Peter asked. “Why a human?”

  “It is said that a person of some sort is the final key, a special person who can read one of the ancient books to raise the tower. The tower will cause the sun to be blocked out by dark clouds and the Hellbound to be able to walk the earth again.”

  Peter said, “What book? And do you know who this person might be? Does it matter if it’s a person with powers or something special?”

  “I don’t know, but I do know the book was last seen in New York. This morning on the news, it said that a school was attacked and a bishop was killed. I have a feeling that it was the school that was attacked a few weeks ago. Some believe it was some kind of cult or terrorist that attacked the school, but I think it’s more than that.”

  Peter mumbled, “The book of Enoch.”

  “What’s that? The book of Enoch?” Terrence’s eyes lit up. “Yes, that’s it! That is the ancient book they sought—one of the first books that was written before the birth of Christ. It is said that it was the original. One of the first books before the Bible.”

  “So, let’s just say that they have this special book, right? Without the human, they can’t read the ancient book?”

  “I don’t think so. I believe they need both.” Terrence didn’t sound confident.

  “Entre Ciel et Terre means between heaven and earth, the stairway to heaven. All those people lost their lives a few days ago because their vitality was needed to power the tower. Humans are going to be caught in the battle between angels and demons again.” Peter shook his head. “When the gates open, that is my time to walk into heaven and personally ask the Almighty for forgiveness.”

  “So that’s your plan?” Terrence chuckled. “You plan on just walking into heaven when the gates open and ask God for forgiveness? What about your brothers and sisters? Do you think the warrior angels—the nine children of Sephirot—are just gonna let you walk into heaven?”

  Peter knew Terrence was right. He would not be able to walk into heaven without challenging his siblings.

  “You’re lucky Gedulah his helping you. He turned his back on his brothers and sisters to aid you. That’s one less angel you have to fight against. I heard Kether, the older sibling, is the most powerful of them all. You and Gedulah have to be crazy to fight him. Chochmah and Binah are forces to be reckoned with. Gedulah is not going to sacrifice his position to aid you. Here on earth is as far as he goes in helping you.”

  “Whose side are you on anyway?” Peter sounded agitated. He quickly changed the subject before he got into a foul mood. “What else can you tell me about the Kabbalah army. And how long before we get to our destination?”

  “There was a prophecy in Jerusalem that the demons would rise to take over the earth, shaping it in their image. The Apocalypse they called it. The Kabbalist army was at work to prepare for this massacre.”

  They soon came to a stop. Peter and Terrence were surrounded in total darkness with only the torch shining on them. The blackness seemed to howl at them like a hungry wolf under a full moon.

  They were in an area that anti-slave drivers used to free slaves in the seventeenth century. The tunnels led to Canada and most of the northern area. No one had been there for centuries. The side of the bank was made of cracked bricks. Peter felt as though the foundation would crumble if he sneezed too loud.

  “How big is this army? Dabney Garrison is also building a hellish army. I fought two of his soldiers, and they were formidable. Do you think this army stands a chance?”

  “I’ve never seen a member of the Kabbalist army. Your brother told me they are descendants of Machnolin, one of the first fallen.” Terrence pointed to an area in the middle of the room.

  Peter sensed a pulse coming from the surface. “What is this? What am I standing on?” Peter grabbed the hilt of his sword.

  “Don’t worry. No harm shall come to you, Demon Slayer. You’re standing on the back of Stagness.”

  “Stagness?” Peter pulled his sword from its sheath. “One of the nine lords of Sheol?”

  “Don’t be threatened. No harm shall come to you. Stagness is now a peaceful demon. He has been hiding here for centuries. I don’t think Lucifer is aware that he is here…alive.”

  Peter frowned and put his sword away.

  Terrence stooped down and opened a large manhole in the corner. He threw the metal disk to the side, reached in, and started to turn a wheel. Chains and gears began to squeal.

  “Why is Stagness hiding on earth? Why is he helping us?” Peter asked as he looked around.

  “I don’t quite understand the writings about the Hellbound. One of Gedulah’s manuals that he translated to English said that the Hellbound is trapped on earth. This one is the only one I remember him writing about. After the Hellgates closed, centuries ago, a covenant was issued between Gedulah and the Hellbound. Stagness can shift through the earth. Stagness will take you
to the earth’s core—and you can travel to Jerusalem instantaneously.”

  “He can travel anywhere in the world by using the earth’s core?” Peter sounded mystified.

  “Yes. He can circle the earth’s core by using his body as a transference frame. After he circles the core and takes you to Jerusalem, you can take an elevator to your destination.”

  “Okay. Do you have any idea why the Hellbounds are crossing over?”

  “Gabilon has figured out a way to open the gates. I think he’s only able to open one gate though. So far, the demons have only been seen in the Northeast parts of North America.”

  Peter looked down and saw a pinkish-white glow under his feet. An elevator began rising from the transparent area he stood on. The elevator halted and made an unpleasant, sticky sound.

  “Don’t be alarmed, Demon Slayer. Stagness will take you there safely. You will ride inside his body. You’ll be on the other side of the world within minutes,” Terrence said as he waved good-bye.

  The elevator smelled like the dead bodies of the many demons Peter had slain in the past.

  Peter nodded to Terrence as he was lowered into the demon.

  Peter could hear a slow pulse within Stagness as he came to a stop. The elevator created a cocoon around Peter to protect him from any digestive gases within the demon. He felt Stagness lowering into the earth. Thereafter, he was moving to the earth’s core.

  “You did well, Charles. Our ratings have gone up drastically,” Mr. Gordon, the editor in chief of Channel 2 said. “I can’t believe it. Calls have been coming in all day.” He had a sonorous voice because he smoked cigarettes daily. His hair was white and he was dressed pleasant at all times.

  “I couldn’t have done it without Gloria. She did well, sir. She stood there in the face of danger and did not flinch,” Charles said.

  They were celebrating the fact that they had successfully captured the Demon Slayer in action. Mr. Gordon was kind enough to throw them a party because of their accomplishments.

  Thirty employees cheered and applauded.

  Gloria had a broad smile. They had gotten a close-up shot of the Demon Slayer, and she had spoken with him.

  Charles slowly walked away from everyone to be by himself. He had witnessed a lot of carnage that day and had trouble sleeping.

  Gloria saw him sipping a glass of champagne by himself. “Charles, why do you look so distracted? We should be celebrating now.”

  “I know, but I feel terrible.”

  “Terrible?” Gloria moved in closer. “Terrible about what?”

  “Don’t tell me you feel no remorse for all those people. So many people lost their lives that day. It’s a ghost town out there for Christ’s sake.” Charles rested his face in his hands.

  Gloria walked over and rubbed his back. “I know, but there was nothing we could do. Don’t feel bad about it.”

  “Don’t feel bad about it?” Charles looked around to see if anyone noticed him raising his voice. “How can you not feel bad about that? I’ve never seen so many dead bodies. I went back out a few hours after everything happened, and it was terrible. Most of those people were kids—not even old enough to drive—and they just lost their lives just like that. I have a feeling that Crouzer knew something like that would happen.”

  “Come on, Charles. He was just as shaken up as everyone else. What would Crouzer possibly gain from that? We reaped the benefit. Because of that, we are being paid well. We gave the world something that no one else was brave enough to deliver. The video is all over YouTube and other networks. We were the only reporters there.”

  “Is that all it is about? Is it about the money? Come on, Gloria. I don’t believe I’m hearing this from you.”

  Mr. Gordon approached and said, “What are you two babbling about? I can hear you both from across the room.” He smiled and rested his hands on their backs.

  “We are okay, sir. We’re just having a discussion.” Gloria smiled, not wanting to ruin the good time they were having.

  Charles shook his head and looked away.

  Mr. Gordon rested a hand on his shoulder. “Is something bothering you, son?”

  “I just feel terrible about what happened.”

  “I know how you feel, son. I was a marine before you guys were born. I’ve seen my friends shot down before me—and there was nothing I could do to bring them back. You have to be grateful you were not one of those who lost their lives.”

  Charles shook his head. “I have a feeling it’s not over.”

  “What do you mean?” Gloria asked.

  “It just doesn’t make sense. Why is this happening now? What if something bigger is coming? What if it’s not over? It feels as if the end of the world is coming. That … thing just came up out of the earth and killed all those people. What if we’re next?”

  “Don’t be silly, boy.” Gordon giggled. “The world is not coming to an end. That was just the devil’s work. Terrorists must’ve created that thing. It’s some sort of machine.”

  “Sir, I mean no disrespect, but you sound silly.” Charles giggled and shook his head. “That thing was real. I’ve never seen anything like it, but it’s real. Maybe one of those UFOs everyone has been talking about.”

  “Maybe so, but I’m glad the slayer came along when he did,” Gloria said. “If it weren’t for him, I would not be alive right now. I have to meet him again. I have to thank him personally for saving me.”

  “And we need to know more about him,” Gordon added.

  “What are you guys talking about?” Charles asked. “We need to find out if that thing—or something like it—is going to attack again. We need to find him and ask him what was that all about.”

  Charles walked to the window and looked toward Times Square. It was empty, and most of the streetlights were not on yet. People were scared to go there. Charles had heard that the military and scientists were trying to study what happened.

  The old elevator was built like a small iron cage. Peter could hear the old gears and chains screeching as they pulled him up from the dark tunnels of Mamilla, just outside of Jerusalem. Stagness had lowered its body below the area it had risen from, waiting for Peter’s return.

  Peter stepped out from the elevator and saw that he was buried in three stories of mountain and rocks. The sun was piercing down on him, and he wished he could take his coat off. He hadn’t bought a shirt before he left New York, and he did not think it would be appropriate to walk around without one. All he had covering his body were his coat, his combat boots, and a cargo pants. Peter was used to the cool weather of New York, and it was nearly ninety degrees in Mamilla.

  He walked on a dirt road toward Jerusalem and saw the Great Wall. Peter hadn’t been there in ages. He had been there when King Agrippa of Judaea rebuilt the wall in 41 CE.

  Women and little girls in headscarves were carrying baskets of fruits and vegetables in their hands and on their heads. Upon seeing him, one of the women dropped her basket, ran to Peter, and began to hug him. She spoke in a language that was not English.

  Peter gently fought them off since he didn’t want to hurt them.

  A little boy was walking behind Peter with a wireless device. He was watching the video on YouTube of Peter fighting with Minosa. When he saw the Demon Slayer, he began screaming joyously and jumping around. People all around heard him screaming and rushed to the area. They all were in won­der at seeing Peter. Peter managed to get free from the ladies and jumped to a nearby building's roof about a story high. Some were taking pictures of him and some of the men were trying to climb up to the building to get to him. Peter was in disbelief. He ran to the next side from his crazed fans.

  As he jumped from the roof to the graveled road, Peter saw a man in black clothing walking in his direction. He had a Kippah, a beard, and glasses. The man walked closer to Peter.

  “Shalom. You have finally come, Demon Slayer. We have heard about your heroic feats all the way here in Jerusalem.”

  Peter smirked. “Wh
o are you?”

  “I am Yehuda Ashlag. I’m a Kabbalist rabbi.” He gestured for Peter to follow him as he began walking.

  “You are the one I’m supposed to meet,” Peter said.

  “No. I’m just here to escort you to our domain. Follow me.”

  Chapter 13

  A Worthy Opponent

  Peter gazed out at the open field in wonder. The pentagon-shaped training ground was the size of two baseball fields. He saw numerous weapon racks, drills, and parade grounds. Peter had not seen so many soldiers in centuries. More than eight hundred men and women gathered.

  The Kabbalist army was training and sparring with each other. They sported one dark brown wing behind the right shoulder. Peter could sense something powerful within them.

  The soldiers showed great skill as they wielded their swords and swung their shields. They wore white loincloths, heavy breastplates, shin guards, and gauntlets that resembled blocks of iron.

  “I don’t understand,” Peter said. “Why do they only have one wing?”

  Ashlag snickered.

  “Why do they train so valiantly?” Peter asked. “Why so much armor?”

  “This is a old method of training. It builds up their strength and speed simultaneously.”

  “What’s the history behind the wings?”

  “You mean one wing. The army is the descendants of Machnolin, one of the first fallen. Strangely, when a Kabbalah child reaches thirteen, only one wing sprouts. We never understood why it was never a pair. But to us, that was unique. We never tried to scientifically change that feature.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Peter giggled. “That’s the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard. What is the wing used for? I know they can’t fly with one wing.”

  “True. But I know you’ll find this interesting. Due to the fact that they only have one wing, we developed an artificial one they can use to fly and to use in combat.”

  Peter looked at him. “What? Artificial?”


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