Hellbound Second Advent

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Hellbound Second Advent Page 19

by Decoyar Brown

  Cerebrius lunged forward to swallow Peter but it missed him. The demon gasped after it saw Peter slid under him. The demon cried out after it felt the scythe impale its belly. It felt its muscle open and its intestines were about to fall out. It stomped its feet to crush Peter but barely missed him.

  Peter rolled to safety and darted to the back of the demon. When he dashed behind Cerebrius he ran up on one of the tall rocks. He jumped thirty feet and prepared to stab the creature in the back.

  Cerebrius threw its legs back and kicked Peter, but Peter managed to block some of the impact with the scythe. He collided with the mountain and felt as if a few of his bones were fractured.

  When Peter stood up he saw that Cerebrius was slowly turning around. He dashed off towards the chain that bounded the demon. He slashed the demon free, grabbed the giant chain and threw it on his shoulder. He faced the arrow on the scythe and shot the demon in the head. When the chain retracted, it pulled Peter and he landed on Cerebrius’ back.

  The demon tried to shake him off. “Child of Sephirot. I will crush you.”

  Peter wrapped the giant chain around the three heads, pulling them closer. He didn’t want to risk getting bitten if one of the heads turned to face him. He raised the scythe and stabbed it into the demon’s back.

  Cerebrius howled, and its back legs began to shake when Peter dislocated part of its spine. He pulled out his sword, jammed it into the creature’s neck and twisted it. Cerebrius fell on its front paws and shook its heads from dizziness.

  Peter used the chain from the scythe to wrap around its necks. He then twisted a part on it, and the scythe to turn into a chainsaw. He heard Cerebrius roared and fought to get away as the chain cut into its flesh. But Peter was not merciful. He tried to balance himself before the creature gets lose.

  Peter hung on and tugged one last time. Blood squirted everywhere as the three heads fell off. Peter retracted the chain as Cerebrius fell to his doom.

  The giant gate began rising slowly. He limped toward it and turned to the amulet’s aid, pulling healing factor from it. When Peter got through the gate, it closed behind him.

  Chapter 20

  In a Deadly Trap

  “So what’s the plan?” Claudius asked Zack as they walked slowly through the sewers. Claudius’ senses were amplified to see or hear anyone. “Are we just going to walk in there and say, ‘Hello, we’re back’?”

  Zack chuckled. “Very funny, wise guy but I don’t know.” He was wearing his armor and he used its power to scan for any weapons and tried to not sound off any of the secret alarms. “I was hoping you had one.”

  “Why me? You were the one who was in the army. You should know some military tactics.”

  “Unfortunately, I don’t. I do better following orders. I’m a soldier.” Zack was uneasy because he was hoping to not walk into a trap.

  Claudius sighed and shook his head. “Okay. I think we should go through the secret entrance under the cafeteria—”

  “Under the what?”

  “There are three or four secret ways to get into headquarters. My father had a blueprint, and I don’t believe he knows that I looked at it. The cafeteria entrance should be close. Give me a moment to find it.”

  Zack nodded and continued to look around.

  Claudius tapped the brick wall. “The entrance should be behind this wall. This is where I normally snuck out to go see Dawn.” He pushed a brick, and a door slid up. “There!” The door was three feet tall.

  Zack said, “That’s pretty clever of you. You knew about this entrance all along and no one followed you?” When he saw that they got to the hidden path, he deactivated his armor.

  “Not exactly. I thought I was careful until Nathan confessed that he and Talia had followed me. But I never used this one.” Claudius crawled in and started climbing up a ladder. He looked down and saw that Zack was still on the outside. “Everything ok out there, Zack?”

  Zack took a few steps away from the secret entrance. “I thought I saw something moving over there.”

  Claudius slid down the ladder and walked back outside. “Where?”

  “Who’s there?” Zack activated the antibiosis on his back, and it covered him in armor.

  A voice answered, “Both of you are so stupid. I cannot believe you two were foolish enough to come back here.”

  “Who are you?” Claudius heightened his eyesight to see who it was. The man was a lower-ranking officer from the Order.

  The man walked closer. “Your father knew you would return for revenge. He told me you would be coming back, but I didn’t think Zack would too. How foolish of you to think everything would be the same when you return?”

  “Revenge? What do you mean?” Zack glared at Claudius. “What is he talking about, Claudius?”

  “Nathan confessed to him that they were trying to kill his girlfriend.” The man chuckled, held out his hand, and showed them a detonator. “He told me to blow you to bits when I see you.”

  Claudius said, “Whoa! Is that what I think it is?”

  “Yes. This entire place is wired with explosives. No one gets out alive.”

  Zack disabled his armor to show that he didn’t want to threaten the officer. “Be careful with that. Everyone in this area will be harmed or killed if you press that button. Don’t be foolish.” He raised his hands up.

  “Everyone is already gone, fool. Do you really think we would be stupid enough to stay here when you two went rogue? You are the two dumbest people I’ve ever met. You guys are so predictable. Lord Garrison knew someone would return, but he was hoping it wouldn’t be you two. I think he really likes you two.”

  Claudius said, “What are you talking about?”

  “Don’t worry about it. You won’t live to find out.” He pressed the switch before they could react. “Nnnooo!” Claudius screamed as the explosion erupted.

  Large amount of energy pushed against the foundation of the sewer and trembled it. Fire, bricks and dust crowded the area while Zack and Claudius ran the opposite direction to get away.

  Moments later, Claudius got up from the crumbs he lay upon. He coughed from dust in his lungs and fanned it from his face. He looked around in the darkness to see where Zack was.

  “Zack? Zack!” Claudius screamed and dug through the bricks. He heard a rustle and he looked behind him. Claudius saw a hand shot up from the crumbs on the floor.

  Zack crawled out of the dust and bricks. He was wearing his armor.

  “You’re okay,” Claudius said. “Thank god.”

  “What happened to the officer?”.

  Claudius tried to sense him. “He’s dead…”

  “Suicide bomber.” Zack disabled his armor. He felt suffocated in the carnage that surrounded him.

  The young men were happy to be alive, but they were trapped in a small area. They tried to dig through the bricks.

  Zack said, “He was right. We were foolish for coming here. We should’ve been smart enough to know we were walking into a trap.”

  “Well, the past is the past. We need to find a way to get out of here.” Claudius continued to dig.

  Zack Slammed his fist on the brick wall “Damn it! We’re trapped.”

  “I have an idea.”

  Zack turned to face him. “You do?”

  “Yes, and it might just work. If I remember correctly, there is a hollow area near the cafeteria that leads to another entrance to headquarters. We may be able to escape if we can get to it.”

  “But how are we going to get through it? There is no way I can break through the walls without making it worst.”

  “But I can.” Claudius smiled at Zack and walked towards him. “I can use the glove’s abilities to get us out.”

  “Don’t be hasty. This area might cave in and kill us if we make any more foolish moves.”

  “Just trust me, will ya? It might work. I may not look it, but I can think better when I’m in a corner.”

  “Oh really? You’re like a pit bull, huh?” Zack scoffed aft
er he folded his hands. “So, what’s your plan?”

  Claudius began to study the ceiling.

  Zack looked up also, wondering what he was doing.

  Claudius walked around in the rubbles, trying to remember the angle he was facing before the explosion. “If I blast a hole though here, you may be able to fly us out.”

  “That’s your plan?” Zack asked with surprise in his voice.

  “Do you have another one?”

  Zack shook his head and looked away. “I guess we can try your way.”

  “Okay, this might be risky, but if we stay calm, we might just pull it off. Are you ready?”

  Zack nodded. His suit covered him instantly.

  Claudius channeled his energy into the glove. It glowed an orange light in the dark area. A hellish figure formed in the sewer of a humanoid centaur's upper body. With a motion of his hands, Claudius unleashed the form to shoot up at the brick roof. The humanoid shot upwards with his large flaming sword pointing up. Bricks scattered when the blade collided with the roof.

  “Zack, follow it—and fly us out!” Claudius screamed.

  Zack grabbed him and flew behind the centaur as it parted the way for them. The foundation crumbled as they flew past it.

  Claudius pushed the fiery figure before him to clear his path. Sweat rushed from his cheeks as the centaur parted the way for them. Pipes burst, and electric cords flickered.

  When they were close to the street, the young men slowed down. Claudius extinguished the ghostly demon before he ripped a hole in the street. He did not want to risk hurting anyone above or causing a panic.

  They stopped in a desolate subway area. Claudius was relieved that he hadn’t ripped apart the railroad tracks. “We did it!”

  “Yes, you did it. I can’t believe you pulled it off. Your crazy plan actually worked. So what’s the next plan?”

  “I think we should head to Wall Street. My uncle said he was gonna check it out for any clues about Crouzer. We need to tell my uncle about this. He may have another plan.”


  After Gedulah searched the damaged building for clues, he walked down the stairs and hopped across to get to the parking garage. He had felt a dreadful presence earlier before Gloria and Charles had made their leave. The garage was empty when he entered, cars had cleared out and so did the security guards. When he walked, his boots clattered an echo when he strode on the forth floor.

  Gedulah stopped in the darkness and looked around. He had a feeling they were waiting for him, luring him to get close.

  “So, you finally showed up,” a voice echoed in the empty garage. The per­son walked from behind one of the pillars.

  “Garrison?” Gedulah chuckled. “Why are you here? Don’t tell me you want to throw me a welcome party.”

  “So we meet again, warrior angel, in the perfect time and the perfect place.”

  “hhmmm…I wonder why is it so perfect.” The angel twirled around slowly to make a mockery of Garrison.

  “I heard you sparred against my lead Naraka Knight and he proved to be a worthy opponent.”

  Gedulah shook his head and folded his arms. “Worthy is not the word. He was a total loser if you ask me. He didn’t even lay a finger on me.”

  Garrison was a bit upset. “Why you, arrogant twit.” He tried to not make the angel's words get to him. “Mark my words, vengeance will be mine.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re just here to congratulate me for defeating your precious knight.”

  “I’ve come to inform you that the tower will rise in twenty-four hours—and there is nothing you can do to stop it.”

  “Oh really? My brother is on his way to Sheol to prevent that from happening as we speak. You and your lord’s plans will not prevail.”

  Garrison chuckled and walked closer to the angel. “Gevurah will fail. It was a trap, and you sent him straight into it … straight into hell.”

  Gedulah held silence.

  “I see you don’t have anything smart to say now. What’s the matter, the cat got your tongue?” Garrison enjoyed the look on the angel’s face. “The child’s real purpose was to lure Gevurah into hell. The forces of hell will devour him and bound him there—just as you did with the Hellbounds. Crouzer knew you would be foolish enough to send him to get the boy. He knew Gevurah would be foolish enough to venture into hell alone. With him gone, we have one less threat to worry about. Heaven will fall when the tower rises.” His laughter echoed in the enormous garage.

  Gedulah smiled.

  Garrison had a bemused expression. “What is so funny? Don’t tell me you found a little hope to cling to.”

  “Well, the Almighty saw that day coming. We are not the only ones you should fear if the tower rises and the Hellbounds are free to walk the earth again.”

  “What foolishness do you speak of, warrior angel?”

  “You see, like you and your master, we too have being planning ahead. Have you ever heard of the Kabbalah?”

  “Yes, the Jewish cult. What of them?”

  “Centuries ago, we found out that one of the fallen, Machnolin, had children of his own. The Kabbalah made a covenant with the fallen when they won the battle against the Roman emperor. Secretly, they have been growing an army to rival the Hellbounds for when—and if—they come through the Hellgates on Judgment Day. Recently, we had the privilege of making a covenant with them to help us fight against your knights. This army has more than four thousand super soldiers who are ready to destroy the Naraka Knights and whatever evil comes to walk this earth.”

  Garrison was thunderstruck by his words and his eyes were wide open. “So what? The tower rising toward heaven is our second plan. The grand finale will be the biggest and most memorable—the day your God falls from his grace. Lucifer will rule heaven, and we will be at his side, reshaping this world and the universe in our image. In twenty-four hours, the land will be covered in darkness for forty days and forty nights. A war against the forces of hell and heaven is a war that is inevitable.”

  “You will never succeed. The forces of heaven are mighty. If I alone can bind the nine lords of hell, what makes you think we would be easy to defeat? The nine children of Sephirot are the first warrior angels to conquer—and my brother and I have been cleaning up the mess Crouzer has been sending to this world. You have no chance to shake the foundation of heaven.”

  Garrison smiled wickedly. “Your brother will not return. Only you stand to face us now. Your strength is not enough, warrior angel.”

  “I’m never alone. Your adopted son and Zack have joined our little demon-slaying group. We will take out the Naraka before the tower rises.”

  “Oh, we will see about that. As a matter of fact, why don’t you start now? I have a guest here for you. She’s been dying to meet you.” Garrison turned his head over his shoulder and clapped his hands twice.

  From behind another pillar, Talia walked out. She stood by Garrison in her uniform, and her black hair in a ponytail. She smiled and folded her hands across her bosom.

  “And who is she supposed to be? Don’t tell me this innocent little girl is one of your knights.”

  “She may look young and innocent, but—”

  Talia raised a hand, and Garrison stopped speaking. She walked closer to the angel and smiled seductively. She rested a hand on his shoulder, walked around him slowly, and rubbed his muscular body.

  “I finally get to meet the infamous Gedulah.” Talia squeezed his triceps. “Women go crazy over your brother, but I don’t like the bad-boy type. I like a man with charisma, a sense of humor, and a tasteful style of dressing.” She ran her index finger down the grooves of his ax. “And I like a man with big, heavy weapons … if you know what I mean.”

  Gedulah smiled and looked over his shoulder. You wanna dance or make out? I didn’t think you came here seeking a boy-toy.”

  Talia placed a finger in her mouth seductively and said, “Ooh, I like a man who gets straight to the point. The question is … do you like to dance
… and do you dance well?” She pressed the activation switch on her wrist and was covered in armor within seconds.

  Gedulah turned around to face her.

  Talia hurled a black tar-like substance at the angel’s face, and it formed into a venomous snake.

  Gedulah somersaulted backward to avoid it. When the angel landed, the inky substance bound him to the floor that Talia had placed there unknown to his knowledge. The angel struggled to move his feet but couldn’t. “What in the world is this black stuff?”

  “How foolish of you to fall for such a trap,” Garrison said. “You said you alone could defeat us.” He shook his head. “Finish him off, Talia.”

  Talia nodded and unleashed a much thicker substance that shot the angel backward to one of the pillars, binding his hands by his side. He fought to get free but couldn’t.

  She walked slowly over to Gedulah, and her helmet opened, revealing a smile. “I must admit that you’re a babe. It’s going to be hard to mess up that pretty face of yours.”

  “How thoughtful of you.” Gedulah struggled to get free. “I’m touched.”

  “You should be. I normally torture my victims before I kill them, but because I’m a fan of yours, I’ll make it quick.”

  “A fan?”

  Talia giggled. “Hard to believe? But it’s too bad. I’m going to use your own weapon to kill you.” She got on the tip of her toes to reach behind him and pulled on his axe, but it wouldn’t budge. “What the hell? This thing weighs a ton.” The helmet covered her face, and she struggled but eventually pulled the axe out.

  “I’m a bit surprised. Humans normally cannot lift my axe.”

  “You shouldn’t be. You know this armor gives me an advantage.” She twirled his weapon and threw it in the air a few times to show she had control. She raised the axe over her shoulder and looked back at the angel. “Hasta la vista, baby.” With all her strength, Talia swung the massive weapon at Gedulah’s head.

  A loud clang rang out in the garage. Redemption and the inky substance remained on the pillar, but the angel was gone.


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