You Are Always on My Mind

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You Are Always on My Mind Page 23

by Sable Hunter

  “I guess ghosts don’t perform on command, do they?”

  “I suppose not.” She was watching the road, dreading each mile marker that passed.

  “Hey, there’s nothing but good going to come from this, I promise.” Revel hated to see Harper look so sad. “Afterward, I’ll take you out and we’ll celebrate.”

  She smiled weakly. “If we have anything to celebrate.”

  “We will, I have faith.” Revel squeezed her hand.

  Harper tried to keep what Revel said in mind as they parked, went into the quaint cottage and she registered, filling out a ton of paperwork. When her name was called, she glanced at Revel with what she knew was panic on her face. “I’ll be back,” she said, rising.

  “I’ll be waiting,” he assured her.

  His promise was nice but it wasn’t doing much for her spastic stomach. When the receptionist opened the door and announced her arrival, the first she noticed was that the chairs in front of the desk had footrests. “At least I’ll be comfortable while I spill my guts,” she murmured.

  “That’s the idea.” Lucas came around his desk to greet her. “Harper, it’s good to see you again.”

  She let the big Thor lookalike grasp her hand. “Thank-you. How are Dandi and Lucy?”

  “Good.” He turned one of the small recliners around for her. “Please sit, can I get you something to drink? Tea? Coffee?”

  Might as well. “Tea, please.” He handed her a wicker basket filled with different flavored packets and she picked one up. “Oooo, this pomegranate one, please.”

  “Coming right up.” In a few seconds Lucas brought her a steaming cup, then took his seat in front of her. He leaned back in his chair and put his feet up. “Lean back, we’re going to be informal here.”

  “I guess that’s good.” She sipped the tea, willing herself to be calm. “How do we start?”

  Lucas picked up a Mont Blanc pen and slid it between his fingers, letting one end and then the other touch the table. “When Revel called me, he said you’d tell me what you wanted to talk about. He wouldn’t give me any details.”

  This made Harper smile. “Good man, that Revel.”

  “Yes, he is,” Lucas agreed. He left it at that and let Harper start when she was ready.

  God, she didn’t know where to begin. “Well, I’m not normal.”

  Her announcement caused Lucas to sit up and lean forward on the desk. “Good place to start. There are many different kinds of normal, Miss Summers.”

  Harper groaned and buried her face in her hands. “When I was younger, I would hurt myself. I think the new politically correct name is self-harm, it used to be self-abuse.”

  Lucas looked at her evenly, not showing disgust or surprise, just concern. “What kind of things do you do?”

  Leveling her gaze right over his head, she answered, “I’ve cut myself, burned, pinched, bit the inside of my cheek, even banged my head against the wall a few times. But…”

  He ignored her ‘but’, “What triggered these episodes?”

  “Right to the point.” She teased, then took a deep breath. “I was abused as a child, by my father.” Hopefully that would be enough.

  To her relief, he didn’t pursue that point. “How often do you hurt yourself?”

  She tried to pace herself, now that she was talking, she just wanted to blurt stuff out. Maybe not everything, but at least how she was feeling. “Not as much as when I was younger.” She gave him a mischievous smile. “I found a more grown-up alternative.”

  “Like what?” He gave her an equally wicked grin.

  Harper leaned over and whispered conspiratorially, “Kinky sex.”

  “Ah, well, that’s good?” he said. “Isn’t it?”

  Her smile faded a bit. “I’ve made some huge mistakes. Gotten involved with people who wanted to give me more than a little pain with my pleasure.” She held up her hand. “Don’t get me wrong, the BDSM clubs have their place. I met some really good people and the lifestyle works for some. It would have worked for me, if I’d had the good sense God gave a grapefruit.” They both laughed at her poor analogy. “But I let myself be taken in by a psycho. Ajax assaulted me, brutalized me, he nearly killed me. I haven’t been able to be a part of that scene since,” she finished lamely.

  “Let me ask you this,” when she nodded, he went on, “did you enjoy it? BDSM and kinky sex.”

  Harper’s blush lit up her face. “Yes, I did. Sometimes I need it, but I always enjoy it.” She looked guilty. “I like to be spanked…and other stuff.”

  Lucas folded his hands. “I don’t think Dandi would mind if I tell you that we are adventurous sexually. Most people are nowadays.”

  This wasn’t really news to Harper. “Sure, nothing’s wrong as long as both partners enjoy it.”

  With a finger over his mouth, Lucas sat back, then he finally asked, “How have your sexual partners reacted to your desire for what you refer to as kinky sex?”

  Now, that was the million dollar question. “Not very well. The man I was seeing in Texas blew a gasket and Revel…well, Revel is trying very hard.” For the first time, Lucas wrote something down on a piece of paper. She resisted the urge to try and read what he’d written.

  “What do you mean, he’s trying hard?”

  Harper debated what to say. This was Revel’s friend. He had wanted her to see Lucas, to talk to him. “Years ago, we broke up over this.” Shaking her head, Harper corrected herself. “That’s not exactly true. He expressed concern to some things I asked him to do, he compared it to his father hitting his mother. I could see that he hated it. I didn’t know if either one of us could change, so I left.”

  “But you’re back together now.” He rested his chin on his hand and watched Harper carefully.

  “Yes.” She took a deep breath. “He never gave up on finding me and I…needed to be found, I guess.”

  “How are things different now, or are things different now?”

  Harper pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “He seems to enjoy it, what we do. I mean he…gets excited and finishes.” Her face was so hot, she bet her cheeks would fry an egg. “But, I feel guilty for asking him to do it.”

  Lucas gave her a gentle smile. “I’m a sex therapist, Harper. There is nothing I haven’t heard. What you tell me will be confidential between me and you and Revel if you so desire. Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” She nodded.

  “So, tell me. What are these things that you need, these things that keep you from resorting to self-harm?”

  Harper studied a spot on the floor intently. “I ask for spankings or to feel the bite of a quirt.” Her lips felt dry as dust, she licked them before continuing. “I like to be tied up sometimes and I enjoy nipple clamps.”

  Lucas stood up and came around the desk. “Stop fretting, Harper. Those things are so common, they’re vanilla now.”

  She jerked her head up at what he said. “Revel doesn’t think so. But he did build a playroom for me, he even studied how to do it so he wouldn’t hurt me, using the whip, I mean.”

  “I want to talk to Revel.”

  “No!” Harper protested. “He has done more than enough.”

  Lucas held up his hands in surrender. “Okay. Okay. Not yet. Tell me this, what triggers your need for these sessions?”

  “Memories and stress, I guess,” she whispered.

  “What kind of memories?”

  God, the man was nosy, she thought. Then she half-smiled. What did she expect? “Memories of my parents. They’re dead.”

  “Can you tell me about the memories?”

  Harper glanced up at him, this was the part she dreaded, the part she didn’t know if she could do or not. Balling up her fists, she tried to maintain an even expression. She didn’t want to embarrass herself.

  Lucas was watching Harper carefully. When he saw her tense, he went to her. “Give me your hands.” Harper jerked, looking up. “Hold your hands out.”

  Reluctantly, she followed his instr
uctions, embarrassed for him to see the bloody marks where her fingernails had dug into her skin. “I’m sorry.”

  Lucas sighed, kneeling beside her. “Don’t apologize. Here.” He took a piece of paper and a pen and brought them to her side of the desk. “Write down the memories that overwhelm you.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t want—”

  “Don’t show them to me. Instead, after you write them down, rip the paper to shreds.”

  Harper looked at him with skepticism. “This will help?”

  Lucas could see she was shivering. “Try it.”

  Taking the paper, she began to write:

  My father raped me. He held me down and raped me. Over and over again.

  My father is dead. My mother killed him and herself. It was my fault.

  I’m a slut.

  Lucas watched her hover over the paper, her arm wrapped around it protectively. Whatever she was keeping inside, whatever was triggering these feelings was powerful. “Now rip it up. Tear it up. Vent on the paper.”

  Locking her eyes with his, Harper picked up the paper. For just a moment she held it aloft, then she ripped it in half, then again—and again, and again—until there was nothing left but confetti. “Done!” she announced with surprised triumph.

  “Feel better?”

  Surprisingly, she did. “Yes.”

  “Any more desire to hurt yourself?”

  She grinned. “Not as much.”

  “Good, okay.” He went back to his chair. “Now, I have an assignment for you.”

  “Homework?” She looked surprised.

  “Yes.” He waggled his brows at her. “I want you to go home and seduce Revel. Take him to that playroom and you two have sex. Do things because you want to, not because you have to.” He came around and sat in front of her, taking her hands in his. “Don’t you dare be embarrassed by how you feel or what turns you on. There’s nothing wrong with you or the type of sex you crave. Since that book Fifty Shades came out, the majority of the bedrooms in America are enjoying some of this type of action.”

  Harper was a little shocked, she’d never thought of it like that. “Okay, I’ll try.”

  Lucas turned her hands loose. “I don’t think you’ll have to try very hard. I’m sure Revel will be easily seduced.”

  A feeling of relief came over her. At least she hadn’t had to tell him the bad part.

  “But I want to see you tomorrow, same time. And don’t worry, I’m not interested in changing anything about you, just determining how we can get rid of what makes you want to hurt yourself. Okay?”

  Harper stood. “Do you think that’s possible?” She would love to exorcise all of those old ghosts.

  Putting a hand on her shoulder, Lucas was honest with her. “It will be possible when you’re honest with yourself and me. My goal is for you to realize and understand what a great person you are and that you deserve every happiness.”

  What he said sounded wonderful, she just didn’t dare hope.

  Revel had been waiting impatiently for Harper outside Lucas’s office. When she emerged, she gave him a tremulous smile. “Okay?” he asked.

  “Yes, I’m ready to go home.”

  “Wait, let me speak to Lucas, then we’ll go out to eat.”

  Harper took his hand. “No, I want to go now, back to Wildwood. I have homework.”

  “Homework?” He looked a bit confused.

  “Yes,” she put her arms around his neck and whispered, “I have to seduce you.”

  “Well, damn,” Revel breathed. “That won’t be hard.”

  “That’s okay, as long as you are—hard, I mean.” She smiled at him.

  “Not gonna be a problem—I already am.”


  “What do you want?” Revel asked. “How can I please you?”

  “By pleasing yourself.” Harper went to her knees in front of him, sitting back on her feet, taking the classic pose of submission. Wearing nothing but a smile, she bowed her head and placed her hands on her thighs, palm up. “I submit to you. I want to be exactly what you want me to be.”

  Revel marveled at how beautiful and desirable she was. Her body was elegant, breasts full, and the way her legs were open, he could see she was already swollen¸ pink and glistening. “It’s all about trust, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Harper answered.

  “Do you trust me?” Revel asked levelly. “Do you trust me to give you what you need?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she repeated, dampness growing between her thighs.

  “Let me tell you what I’ve learned. A sub receives pleasure from giving her Master pleasure and the Dom’s pleasure comes from your willingness to give him what he needs. His pleasure is a direct result of yours.”

  She had never heard it put in such a way. The Doms she’d worked with were concerned only with obedience. “That sounds wonderful, Sir.”

  “Tell me what you want, Harper? Let me make you happy.”

  As always, Revel was giving instead of taking. Standing right in front of her, he was within easy reach. “This would make me very happy.” Wanting nothing more, she reached for his fly. With hands poised at the zipper, she glanced up at him, making sure she had his permission. When he nodded, she swallowed hard, a tremor of desire quaking through her.

  Revel steeled his responses, seeing her like this was so much more exciting than he ever imagined. He’d be lucky if he didn’t embarrass himself and cum before she even began. While she lowered his zipper, he toed off the moccasin style slippers he wore. “How do you feel?” Maybe it wasn’t the right time to ask, but her welfare was his main concern.

  Glancing up at him in surprise, her hands stilled, as if she was analyzing herself. “I feel excited, but peaceful.” Her summation seemed to please him, because he caught her wrists and brought her hands back to his clothing. His boner was grateful, he’d been ready from the moment she announced they would be making love. Well, she hadn’t called it that, but that’s what it always was for him.

  As she finished pushing his jeans over his hips, he kicked free of them and pulled off his shirt. “No underwear?” She teased.

  “I don’t like delays,” he growled, his cock standing straight up, proud and waiting for her. Harper sat back on her heels, her eyes hooded and her tongue dancing over her bottom lip.

  “Me neither, Sir,” she said as she slid her hands around his upper thighs and urged him closer. Taking her time, she ran an inquisitive finger around his navel, teasing the narrow trail of hair that ran south. “I used to fantasize about doing this for you.” He was tall, so she had to tilt her head back.

  Revel was hypnotized, watching as she swirled her tongue around before lapping at the bottom of his dick. He stiffened his body in anticipation as she finally stretched forward and enveloped the sensitive tip between her pink lips. He had to grit his teeth to keep from pumping deep as the silky heat closed around him. The only thing sweeter would be sliding into her tight pussy.

  Needing to hold on, he cupped the back of her head with his hand, weaving his fingers in the long tangle of dark curls. “Wait, baby,” he murmured as he eased back, sliding his cock from her mouth.

  “No,” she protested, reaching for him.

  “I just need a second, it’s too good.” Revel took his member in hand and traced her lips with the sensitive tip. It was the most erotic sight in the world as her tongue darted out to capture the damp trail declaring his complete addiction to her.

  Harper rubbed her palms up his legs. “Please, I love doing this,” she begged.

  Her husky voice made him shake, he felt like a damn caveman. His cock surged, swelling even harder. “You’re mine. You know that, right?”

  “Yes.” She nodded. To be his was all she’d ever wanted. If only he could be hers…forever. “Let me, please?” She gestured toward him.

  “Suck me, baby.” He grasped her head again as she guided him back into her mouth. As if she were starving for him, Harper sucked him deep, her hand
at the root as she moved him in and out of her mouth. Revel teetered on the edge as her tongue peeked out from lush pouty lips, lashing his dick.

  In and out. Pure heaven. When she drew back to take a breath and give him a siren’s smile, his cock jerked and twitched, straining toward her as if the fucking thing had a mind of its own. Revel threw his head back and groaned. There really wasn’t a question, every part of him wanted Harper—his manhood, his brain and his heart.

  “More,” he demanded. Teasingly, she leaned in, rubbing her lips across the swollen head. Making him wait. Every muscle in his legs and arms cramped tight, the anticipation was almost unbearable. He hissed when she finally made contact, licking his needy flesh like she was eating an ice cream cone. “Tease,” he grated, his voice deep and desperate. It felt so good, he was almost blind with it. And when she laved her tongue over the entire head, Revel felt fire flash through his blood. “I want you so much,” he groaned.

  As if she were granting a wish, Harper opened her mouth wider and swallowed him down, almost to the back of her throat. Revel bellowed, “Feels so good.” He loved the sight of his cock disappearing between her sweet lips, her eyes closed, her expression rapturous. “That’s right, you’re so perfect.” Revel wrapped her long soft hair around his fist as he fucked his way even deeper down her throat.

  Harper felt so alive, so fulfilled. This was where she longed to be. But he was wrong, she wasn’t perfect. And soon she’d either have to come clean or leave. Living a lie was no way to repay this man for his goodness and kindness toward her. But at this moment, she could give him this—kneeling at his feet, loving him, welcoming him into her body. For now, she belonged to him.

  “I need more,” he growled and Harper tried to give it to him with more suction, rolling her tongue over his cock, reaching down to cup his sac. But he pulled out and she fell back panting.

  “I need you, Revel. I just need you.” Her whole body was tingling, her nipples hard and thrusting, aching for him to touch them, to suckle them.

  “You got me.” Placing a strong arm under her knees and behind her shoulders, he carried her to the bed and affixed the padded restraints to her hands and feet.


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