Jagger_The Hottest Guys You'll Love to Love

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Jagger_The Hottest Guys You'll Love to Love Page 1

by Jessie Cooke


  Best of the Bad Boys (Book 3)

  Jessie Cooke

  J. S. Cooke

  Redline Publishing

  Copyright © 2017 by Jessie Cooke

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  This book is available exclusively on Amazon.com. If you found this book for free or from a site other than Amazon.com country specific website it means the author was not compensated and you have likely obtained the book through an unapproved distribution channel.


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  1. Jagger

  2. Skye

  3. Jagger

  4. Skye

  5. Jagger

  6. Skye

  7. Jagger

  8. Skye

  9. Skye

  10. Skye

  11. Jagger

  12. Skye

  13. Jagger

  14. Skye

  15. Skye

  16. Skye

  17. Jagger

  18. Jagger

  19. Skye

  20. Jagger

  Excerpt from Kyle

  Bonus Book - Nick

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16


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  I don’t know why people watch movies. I had a day off today…shit; I had a fucking week off…so far. Bradley won’t let me fight because little Lucy wanted more than a closet fuck and she turned me in for a dirty test. I haven’t had a bar gig all week. So, I’m sitting on my couch in my shitty little apartment, watching this movie about a guy like me…supposedly. He plays guitar in these shitty dive bars in Los Angeles and some little red headed chick comes in one night to get out of the rain. They zoom in on his face and zoom in on her face…and boom! It’s on! By the end of the two-hour movie they were getting married and imagine this…it turned out her daddy was some kind of big time producer and he got discovered…bull shit! That’s not real life. He’s not even good-looking enough to be me. Fucking Lifetime movies, man.

  I took another hit off the bong. I tried to tell Lucy and Bradley both…it’s just THC man! It’s not like I’m shooting heroin or popping pills. I’d never put that artificial shit in my body. Cannabis is all natural…it’s an herb! They didn’t buy it. They freaked out…or at least Bradley did. Lucy was fine with knowing I was smoking and fucking me daily in the closet. She didn’t mind having a little fun with me and the hot MILF next door on the weekends…then all of a sudden, she was like, “I need more.” I’m not like this…I don’t do guys in closets…I don’t do three ways. She did…a lot…and if it wasn’t her thing she was a damned good actress. I’m talking multiple orgasms.

  The thing that chicks don’t understand is what they get is the best of me. There is no more. They watch these Lifetime movies and they think life is all serendipity and shit. It’s crap. Why can’t they see that? All any of them need to do is look around my apartment and ask themselves what I could possibly have to offer? I can take care of all of their needs under the sheets…or in the supply closet, but beyond that, I’ve got nothing. Shit! Another sappy movie just came on. I have to get out of here and get laid.

  I dragged my ass into the shower because it’s next to impossible to get a girl who has anything going for her to fuck you when you smell like you’ve been sitting on the couch dropping a dab and watching Lifetime all week…I literally just stepped in and closed the glass door when someone was banging on my front door. Shit! I’m pretty sure that I paid the rent already this month, maybe.

  I stepped back out of the shower and dripping water, I went to get the door. “What?” I pulled it open and Jacob and Brock were standing there. Their eyes dropped to my cock and after getting an eyeful of my impressive package, Jacob grimaced and said,

  “Fuck man, don’t you own a towel?”

  Jacob’s a bad ass, but his attitude sucks most of the time. He’s way too uptight for my taste. “Of course I own a towel, but in my defense, you’re the one banging on my door first thing in the morning.”

  “Um…Jagger, it’s two o’clock in the afternoon and if you wouldn’t mind using one of those towels, Jacob and I need to talk to you.” Brock at least tries not to be an ass.

  “Yeah sure, come in. Have a seat while I go get dressed. I think there’s a beer or two in the fridge.” They gave each other a “look.” I don’t know if it was the beer or the sorry state of my apartment. I don’t really give a shit either way. They’re the ones invading my space. I finished drying off although I barely even got a chance to get wet. I put on a pair of shorts and went back out into the living room. They were still standing. “So, what’s up guys?”

  They looked at each other again and finally Brock said, “We want to help you.”

  I furrowed my brow. “Help me do what?”

  “Do you like fighting? Would you want to do it for a living?”

  “It’s okay, not as much my thing as the music, but I enjoyed it while it lasted.”

  “You have to stop the drugs,” Jacob said.

  I raised an eyebrow at him. “Why? Bradley already tossed me out. I’m not peeing in anyone else’s cup.”

  Jacob looked at Brock. It was easy to see that he was here just because Brock asked him to be for some reason. “You’re the best rookie that Bradley ever had. He’s willing to give you a chance, Mick…but only if you get clean and stay that way.”

  “I’m not a drug addict. I smoke a little now and then. It’s legal in most states. I’m not sure why Bradley has such a stick up his butt about it.”

  “This is pointless,” Jacob told Brock.

  “Just give me a second, Jake.” Turning back to me he said, “Jacob’s going to retire and start training for Bradley at the gym. He’s generously willing to train you if you’re willing to do what he says. The first thing is the dope man…you can’t do that and do what we do. Your lungs have to be healthy and your thoughts have to be clear.”

  “He’s generously willing?” I said with a laugh. If he was a chick that phrase would impress me. As it were, I had to wonder why Brock still kissed Jacob’s ass. He took the title away from him almost two months ago.

  “I told you this was a bad idea, Brock. Come on, let’s go.”

  “Just give me a second, Jacob.” The big man rolled his eyes. Brock looked at me again and said,

  “My point is that it’s a good opportunity for you both…that is if you’re serious about fighting.”

  “Like I said, it’s okay. I’
m not sure I’m willing to dedicate my life to it the way you guys do.”

  “Fair enough, but Jacob’s only going to take on one guy for a while. I’m the one pushing for it to be you. I see your potential man. Give it some thought…”

  “But don’t think too long,” Jacob said. “Let me know by Monday.” Today is Friday…I think. Generous of him.

  “Okay, thanks man.” I got the head tilt from Jacob that he probably started practicing in his “cool guy” classes when he was four. He had it down. Brock clapped me on the shoulder and after Jacob stepped out in the hall, in a hushed tone he said,

  “Don’t throw away your potential, Mick. Give it some serious thought, okay?”

  “Sure, I will. Thanks.” I closed the door and looked around my shithole apartment. Obviously what I’ve been doing hasn’t been working for me…but these guys aren’t offering me a gig or even a job opportunity. Fighting the way they do it is a lifestyle and I’m not sure that I’m ready to make that many changes all at once. What I needed right now was something to take the edge off…a no-strings attached fuck with a hot girl without a name. Get in, get off and get out. A no-frills orgasm…that’s the ticket.

  I finished the shower, got dressed and rode the bike downtown…away from the strip. I needed anonymous tonight. My cock was aching just thinking about it. Las Vegas was hopping even in the middle of the afternoon. People constantly littered the streets. You might think that no one in this town had a job from the looks of it. The restaurants and bars were packed as people with normal social skills sat around and got to know each other. I used to wish I was like that…main stream…but not anymore. I’ve found out the hard way that I just don’t fit in with the main stream. For a singer, that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. As far as getting women in the sack goes, it only acted in my favor.

  I parked the bike in the IHOP lot. They never close so it should be okay there for a bit. I walked along the dirty street, checking out the bars and trying to decide which one looked like it would hold a woman that I’d like to fuck. I found one called “The Kit Kat Lounge.” If that didn’t sound like the place to find anonymous sex I don’t know what does. I pushed through the door and the big, bald bouncer looked up at me. The intimidating look etched into his face changed when he saw me…they usually do. They’re just hoping I’m not here to start trouble. Since I was twelve years old, I’ve always been the biggest guy in the room. Sometimes it sucks and sometimes it’s fun, but scaring people was never something I got off on like some big guys do.

  “What’s up?”

  The bouncer smiled…kind of. “How’s it going?”

  I scanned the dark little bar and spotted a sweet piece sitting right up at the bar. “I think it might just be going my way. Take it easy.”

  “Yeah, you too.”

  Long, wild dark hair, low-cut t-shirt and black jeans, leather stilettos and a colorful tat rising just above the swell of those delicious looking tits. The Gods have lined it up in my favor today. I slipped onto the stool next to her and she didn’t even glance in my direction. I stretched my arms out on the bar so she could see my tats in her peripheral vision. She turned to look at me then and holy shit my cock did a cartwheel. Her lips were full and she had a little dark beauty mark just above them to the right. Her eyes were as big as her lips and the darkest blue I’d ever seen. If I didn’t have those lips wrapped around my cock before I left this place, I may as well just kill myself.

  “Hi there.”


  “I’m Mick.”

  “Sandy, and I’m married.” Even better, it saves me the trouble of trying to get her to leave and go home later.

  I smiled and winked at her. “That’s okay darlin’, just sitting next to a woman as gorgeous as you, makes me look good.”

  She ran her eyes from the top of my head to my feet. It took a while…I’m a big guy. When she brought them back to my face she said, “I doubt you need any help looking good.” Yes! I practically had my hands down her panties…figuratively speaking that is.

  “Well thank you, darlin’. How about I buy you a drink?”

  She looked towards the door. Fuck! Hubby’s joining her…. “Sure, I’d like another,” she said. Hmm…maybe she’s waiting for a girlfriend.

  “Bartender, give me a Crown and Seven up and another of whatever this lovely lady is drinking.” It was something pink. I was hoping it was her third. I’ve discovered over the years that with women, number four goes a long way in lowering the inhibitions. The bartender sat our drinks down and Sandy said,

  “Thanks. I should head out after this one…”

  “Sure beautiful, whatever you need to do. Are you meeting the man for an afternoon of marital bliss?”

  She chuckled, but her pretty blue eyes looked sad as she said, “Fat chance. The man will probably be at work until way past my bedtime.”

  “I’m sorry and shocked to hear that. I can’t imagine any job that could come before some quality time with you. Hell, I might even quit my job if I had a wife as hot as you.” I smiled and winked. That way if she was offended I could say that it was all in good humor. Her pretty face colored and she said,

  “What do you do, Mick?”

  I bring pleasure to the female body…. “I’m a musician…and a fighter.” She leaned towards me. The motion and distance were so small that they would have been invisible to an untrained eye. My eye was well trained however. She was responding.

  “You look like a fighter,” she said. Her eyes burnt another trail down my body and they lingered just a half a second longer this time on the bulge in my crotch. Yeah baby, it’s as big as it looks. “What kind of music?”

  “I sing and play guitar. I take a gig here or there, just for fun.” You know, like the fun of paying Mrs. Niemeyer the rent every month.

  “Wow, a singer and a fighter. Multi-talented.”

  I took a long sip of my drink and then with a smoldering gaze I said, “My list of talents goes on and on.”

  She blushed again. “I’ll just bet it does…” her eyes flickered to the door.

  “Are you waiting for someone?”

  “No…I mean yes, I was…but it looks like I got stood up.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Guy must be blind and stupid.”

  She smiled. Her smile and her looks were getting bolder. This was definitely on. “He’s never seen me…I mean, not really…he’s seen a photo…”

  “Oh! Online hook-up huh? I tried that once too. I wasn’t fully satisfied though. No guarantees there.”

  She gave me another smoldering look and said, “And what are the guarantees here?”

  I laughed. “I guess you got me there. But hey, at least you know you’re not getting stood up. What time was he supposed to be here?”

  “Half hour ago.”

  “I’ve been here for a half an hour. Maybe it’s me.”

  Now she laughed. “No. I met him on a website for married people who are just looking for meaningless…I mean anonymous…”


  She blushed again. “Yeah, that. He’s an accountant. Five-eight, slightly balding…you sure don’t fit that description.”

  “I’m pretty good at math though…and my imagination has no limits. I could be an accountant…” She looked at her watch.

  “I only have twenty-five minutes now. The accountant supposedly knew of a place close by. I have to pick up the kids…”

  I leaned in close to her ear and said, “How about this, baby…We go out back and I give you a little sample, like a trial to see if it’s something you might be fully satisfied with. If so, we can meet up here again. If not…you never have to see me again.” She shivered. Those full lips were practically shaped in a very large “O” already.

  “What’s out back?” she asked, breathlessly.

  “A cozy little alley,” I told her. I had no idea if that was true, but she’s so hot I’m guessing she’ll go for whatever at this point.

  “Let’s go,” she sai
d. I threw a twenty down on the bar and grabbed her hand to help her off the barstool. Once she was up on her feet I slid my hand down her back and grabbed a handful of sweet, full ass. My cock was doing back-flips.



  The stupid bastards were going to take everything I had. I finally found a quiet place in this hellhole of a city to sleep and some freaking teenaged hoodlums were going to ruin it. If there had only been one…or even two of them, I could have kicked some serious ass…but I was way outnumbered with five and I’ll be damned if I protected my cherry on these fucking streets for over five years to lose it to a sixteen-year-old who still had acne covering his face. They surrounded me, grabbing at my tits, and wagging their little wieners at me. I could smell the alcohol coming out their pores. One of them had a letterman jacket on from a high school in Utah…probably in town for a basketball game or something. I tried talking to them, but when they started touching me, I grabbed my back pack and I ran.

  The little rich fuckers chased me…two of them anyways. I think I finally lost them when I turned down this street. It was crowded with people and it was still daylight, so I doubted that they would risk it. I ducked in this alley behind the “Kit Kat” bar to recover and think. It was only a couple of hours until the sun went down and that meant I needed to find a new place to sleep tonight. A place where I won’t get raped or arrested or kidnapped and sold into some sex trafficking mess…shit! That little spot in the far north side of the park was perfect! Bastards!


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