Jagger_The Hottest Guys You'll Love to Love

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Jagger_The Hottest Guys You'll Love to Love Page 12

by Jessie Cooke

  The man in the suit looked at me and said, “That’s right, Sarah. You’ve been running too long. Let’s put an end to all of this, okay?” I felt like I was going to throw up. I looked at my grandfather. My eyes were filled with tears; I saw that his were too. He held his arms open and I folded into them. He ran his rough old hand through my hair and said,

  “You’re not alone anymore, Skye. You have a family and this family is not going to let anyone hurt you, ever again.”

  “What about me? What happens to me?” Aunt Hannah asked in a whiney voice.

  “If you tell the truth about what happened that day…all of it,” the detective told her, “I suspect the D.A. will slap you with a fine for tampering with evidence and send you on your way. If you lie...what you just told your father was being recorded and it will be presented to the D.A. and a judge…and you will be charged with conspiracy to molest a minor, conspiracy to rape a minor and anything else we can think of.”

  Hannah’s eyes had fire in them as she looked at Grandfather and me. “I hate you both!”

  Grandfather only stared back at her until she looked away. After she was gone from the room I said, “I will go with Bear and do what you’re asking me to do…but first, can I say good-bye to Kyle? He won’t be here when I get back.”

  Grandfather looked at Bear and Big Todd and said, “Give me a minute with my granddaughter please.” The two big men left the room and he turned that piercing gaze of his on me. “Sit down, Skye.” I did as he asked and he said, “Did Kyle share his history with you?”

  “Some of it,” I said. “I know that he just got out of rehab and I know that he’s been arrested twice for drugs…”

  Grandfather sat down behind his desk and said, “Kyle came back here before he landed in rehab. He blew through our little village here like a hurricane. He brought strangers with him…his “entourage” he called them and he had wild parties where he handed out drugs and alcohol and then he would have sex with women who were promised to other people…”

  I interrupted him. “I know that Kyle is not a saint, Grandfather. He and I are only friends and I don’t believe you should judge your friends by their past. He got famous fast from what he tells me. He went from dirt poor reservation boy to multi-millionaire rock star overnight. I find it understandable that went to his head.”

  “Did he tell you what happened his last night here that last time?”

  “Not exactly. He just said that being home made him realize that his life was out of control and he needed help.”

  “The day before he left, his parents came to me and we talked to him together. Kyle was flip and sarcastic about the whole thing. He was disrespectful, not only to me but to them as well. He went home and he threw another party. There was a young man there that night named Charlie Bannock. He was twenty-one years old. He was home from college for the weekend…a good kid; he’d never been in trouble in his life. The next morning Charlie Bannock was dead. Sometime during the night he had overdosed on heroin. He was lying right out in the open and no one even noticed. The party just went on around him. After everyone left the next morning, the girl that had spent the night with Kyle finally realized something was wrong. It was too late to help him…”

  “Oh no! That’s terrible.”

  “Do you see why I have such distrust for that young man?”

  “I do…but that young man obviously made a choice to use those drugs…right? I’m not saying he deserved to die, just that it’s not really a tragedy that can be blamed on anyone. And the guy who brought the drugs and the parties here that you dislike so much…Kyle’s not that person anymore. He’s been clean and sober for six months now he told me.”

  “He might be clean and sober…but he’s still a cocky son of a bitch.”

  I laughed. Grandfather gave me his stern look. “I’m sorry. I laughed because it’s so true. He is a cocky bastard. I can’t argue with that. But underneath…way down deep, there’s a decent guy in there. I think a lot of the cocky is to cover his insecurities. Either way, he won’t corrupt me. Trust me.”

  I could see the corners of his lips curl. “Trust you, huh?”

  “Yeah, the way I’m trusting you when you tell me I get to come right back with Bear after I give my statement.”

  He smiled. “Okay Skye, I’ll trust you…but my trust doesn’t extend to Kyle Case. I’m sorry.”

  “That’s okay, Grandfather. I trust you too. But, I will remain wary because my trust doesn’t extend to the State of Nevada.” He threw his head back and laughed.

  “You are my granddaughter, that’s for sure.”

  I found Kyle down near the creek out along the back of his parent’s house. I knew that was where he would be. He hadn’t shared a lot about his life, but he did tell me this was his favorite spot when he was growing up and he had a lot on his mind. There was a tree that had a low branch shaped like a rope. He would sit there and skip stones in the creek and wait for his head to clear before moving forward. He told me it was one of the few old Paiute customs his grandfather taught him that he still held onto.


  He turned and looked at me and smiled. Even when he was worried or upset, he was gorgeous. It was easy to see how he ended up with a different woman in his bed every night. “Hey. What did the Chief want?”

  I laughed. “Don’t let him hear you call him that. He already thinks that you’re a disrespectful bum.”

  Kyle laughed too. “He has a lot of opinions. That’s why I call him Chief.” I shook my head at that and then I told him what happened and what I agreed to. I could see in his eyes that he was worried but he waited until I finished and then he said, “Do you have a good feeling about this?”

  “I guess I have a better feeling about it than anything that has happened so far. Hannah is visibly shaken…she’s really intimidated by Grandfather…”

  “That’s a shock. He’s such a sweet guy…”

  I laughed in spite of myself. “Stop it. He is a sweet guy, to me at least.”

  Kyle jumped down off the tree and put his arms around me. He pulled me in for a hug, kissed me on the side of my face and said, “Promise you’ll call me as soon as you’re back here, free, okay?”

  “I will.”

  “And once you’re free of this, promise you’ll come to the next show, wherever we are at that moment.”

  I laughed. “I promise to do my best.”



  Bobby tossed my amp into the van like he was pissed off at it. “Hey! Watch it, man. I don’t have money to replace that shit.”

  “Sorry Bro, I’m just pissed. Did you see Natalie in there?” Natalie is Bobby’s wife…soon to be ex. They’ve only been split up for a few months. Poor guy had only been out of rehab for a week when she told him she wanted a divorce. He was devastated. I gave him a lot of credit for not having a relapse. Then tonight she shows up at this club we’re playing with some Columbian dude and they practically fuck on the dance floor. Yeah…I’m pretty sure everybody saw her.

  “Yeah, I saw her. That’s tough, man but you know she was doing it to piss you off. Don’t give her the satisfaction.”

  Changing the subject he said, “Are you fighting tomorrow?”

  “No, tomorrow is Lance’s fight. I just have to be there as part of his team.”

  “So you can party with me for a while?”

  “I could probably be talked into it, but I hate to see you go sideways after all of your hard work.”

  He rolled his eyes at me. I’m not going to drink. What I am going to do is find me some grade “A” pussy, that’ll make me forget that bitch ever existed.”

  Anything was preferable to going home alone and moping about Skye. I can always use a little “grade-A pussy.” It pisses me off that Skye left four months ago, and I’d still rather that pussy was hers. I spent the first month trying to track her down. She was just gone, without a fucking trace. I couldn’t track down the aunt and when I finally tried callin
g the Reservation it took me three days to get her grandfather on the phone. When I finally did, he was formal and professional…but there was an undertone of annoyance in his voice. He told me that he hadn’t seen Skye since she was a baby and then he hung up. The cops wouldn’t tell me anything about her case, but they got suspicious that I knew where she was and started following me around for a while. Cassie and Jacob got a package from her that contained a hundred-dollar bill, a pawn ticket and a note that gave them the address and phone number of a pawn shop in Vegas. The note also said, “I’m so sorry, I know it takes a lot of nerve to say ‘I stole from you, yet I’m not a thief.’ I hope you can forgive me and I hope the bracelet is still there waiting for you.”

  I hoped they forgave her too…My life on the other hand, as fucked up as usual. Getting laid would at least take the edge off. I still hadn’t smoked or done anything stronger than alcohol…stupid Jacob has a way of motivating me and making me want to be a better person. I’m not sure how the sneaky mother-fucker managed that.

  Bobby and I went to a club inside the Paris hotel where he knew the promoter. Bobby knew a lot of people. Before he got a taste for oxycodone, he opened for a lot of big acts in Vegas. When he started fucking up, the invitations stopped…that’s when he hooked up with my band. I never gave a shit if he showed up or blew me off. I just figured we all had our demons to chase. This place was a little more upper class than my usual hangouts, but there was alcohol, loud music and half-dressed women so hell, I was in. We bypassed the line and entered the club after Bobby’s friend David came out and confirmed we were on the VIP list. We were led through a private lobby and taken up in an elevator to the top floor of the hotel. When the doors opened, we stepped off into the entryway of Blue Paris. Neon lights flashed in varying shades of blue around the door and along the walkway to the main bar. There were two other, smaller bars, one on each solid wall of the club. I say solid wall because one of the walls is made entirely out of glass and on the other side of that is a panoramic view of Sin City. The bass was thumping and the dance floor was packed. It was like a smorgasbord of female flesh and my dick was twitching in my pants just thinking about which one…or two that I would take home with me.

  “Follow me man, you ain’t seen nothing yet,” Bobby told me. I followed him down a long hallway again, lit up with blue lights and onto a set of stairs that led up to the glass roof. There was another, separate club up here that you could stand on and look down into the one below. Too bad for the voyeurs down there, it was only a one-way glass. From the bottom floor the ceiling looked like a big mirror. It was mostly open air up top and had two bars and a dance floor of its own. The women here weren’t as plentiful…but definitely of a higher caliber. It was absolutely the sickest club I’d ever been to.

  Bobby saw his promoter and while he went over to B.S. with him, I bellied up to the bar and ordered a Crown and seven and checked out the scenery. It took me about two minutes to pick out tonight’s delights. A couple of big breasted babes in tiny skirts who looked like they’d already consumed more alcohol than it would take to get my big ass drunk, were making out on the dance floor. It looked just like my kind of party.

  I downed my drink and was about to head over when a collective gasp seemed to run through the crowd. I heard the girl next to me at the bar tell her boyfriend, “It’s really him! Thank you! I thought you were lying when you said he would be here! You are so getting a blow job tonight!” I turned to look at what had excited her so much. I must admit, I almost got wood myself when I saw who it was. Kyle Case and his entourage just walked in the door.

  Bobby sauntered up about that time and I said, “That’s fucking Kyle Case.”

  Bobby grinned and before I could say anything else, the cocky mother fucker walked straight up to Kyle and the two of them shook hands and Kyle looked happy to see him. I was so fucking jealous. I watched them talk for a few minutes. Bobby looked psyched about whatever it was Kyle was saying and he kept nodding his head. Suddenly Bobby hugged him. Kyle looked amused. Then suddenly Bobby was leading him my way. I was about to meet Kyle Case. The man is a fucking rock legend and he’s still in his twenties. I nearly came in my pants.

  “Mick Jagger, this is Kyle Case.”

  Kyle laughed. “Mick Jagger, really?” I laughed too. I was like that dork in high school that would laugh at whatever the football jock said at that moment. I wanted to be as cool as him.

  “Yeah, really,” I said. “Mom was a fan of the Stones. It’s fucking incredible to meet you, man.”

  He grinned again. Something told me in that moment that he knew it was. I didn’t mind. I’d be that fucking cocky too if I was Kyle Fucking Case. “You too, man. Bobby tells me you’re in his band?” His band? I shot Bobby a look. I got the “Hey, I know Kyle Case” look back. Fucker.

  “Yeah, I’m his lead singer.”

  “He played an old demo for me when we first met. It sounded good. My opening band flaked on me for Saturday night. The lead singer is having some kind of surgery. Bobby says you guys are available. What do you think? The show is sold-out at Caesars.”

  What do I think? Opening for Stone Mother? I think my heart is going to explode and I know I’m going to come in my fucking jeans. “Hell yeah!” That was all I could manage.

  Kyle laughed again. “Well Bobby has all the details. If I don’t see you again tonight I’ll see you rehearsal tomorrow night.”

  I wanted to kiss him. Seriously, I wanted to French kiss that mother fucker right there. I refrained. “Thanks man!” I watched him walk away, surrounded by bodies and then I looked at Bobby and said, “How the fuck do you know Kyle Case?”

  Bobby grinned and said, “Rehab pays in more ways than one.”

  “I’ll be damned.” I was so happy I could barely contain myself. I looked out on the dance floor and saw a girl in a micro-mini with a huge ass, dancing next to her friend and another guy. “I’ll catch up with you in a bit,” I told Bobby. I think I found my date for the evening.”

  I walked over to the dance floor and stood about a foot back and just watched her shake that body for a few minutes. She noticed me watching and her movements became more seductive and her facial expressions more exaggerated. This one was definitely ripe. She finally made eye contact with me and I held out my hand to her. She took it and I spun her around and pulled that big, bouncy ass against me. I put my hands on her hips and ground mine into her. I was really turned on. I was going to open for fucking Kyle Case and Stone Mother on Saturday night…and I had a sweet, young ass rubbing against the front of my pants tonight. For a few minutes, all my recent angst was forgotten and I started to believe I was going to get past my feelings for Skye and move on.

  I let my hand move up to her left shoulder and I pulled down the skinny strap of her dress. Leaving it to dangle off the shoulder, I lowered my head and kissed her there and then I moved in closer to her neck. When she felt my lips there, she tilted her head back and flipped her long blonde hair over her other shoulder. I kissed, licked and nibbled my way up until I reached her ear. I flicked the lobe with my tongue, sucked it into my mouth and bit down on it softly. She moaned and ground her ass back into me.

  “You like that?” I didn’t know her name…I’d forgot to ask.

  “Mm hmm…I like it a lot.” I let one hand slide around to the front of her throat and let it rest there while the other slid down her side. I started by letting it brush across the side of her breast and I continued down across her abdomen and to the top of her bare thigh. She suddenly realized through her drunken stupor that we were still in public. “Um…maybe we should…go somewhere, private,” she breathed out.

  I let my hips gyrate against her ass a couple more times and then I rested my mouth against her ear and said, “Your place or mine?”

  “Mine,” she said in a husky voice. “Let me just tell my friends we’re leaving.”

  “Okay, baby.” I whispered that in her ear and before I let her go I casually grazed my hand across her tits
and felt her hard nipples pressing against her dress, begging to be let out to play. While she was saying goodnight to her friends, I found Bobby and Kyle in a private booth way in the back. Bobby had some middle-aged looking chick on his lap and his hand was all the way up underneath her skirt. A pretty blonde that looked like a centerfold model sat over on Kyle’s side of the table, but he didn’t look all that interested. I was still jealous of her.

  “Hey Bobby, I’m gonna take off.”

  Bobby looked up from the pair of tits his face was in and said, “Okay man…Caesar’s at five tomorrow night for sound check and rehearsal.”

  I grinned. I couldn’t help it. My band was opening for Stone Mother. I was stoked. “I’ll be there,” I told him. I looked at Kyle. “Thanks man,” I said, reverently. He grinned and said,

  “Lots of bands got their big breaks by accident. This could be your big chance. I’m glad that I could help.”

  I went and found the sexy blonde. She had another girl with her, a red-head with a smaller ass, but bigger tits. “This is my roommate Heather.”

  Score! “Hello there, Heather. Why don’t you introduce me to your roommate? She forgot to tell me her name.”

  The blonde giggled. “Sorry. You took me a little by surprise. I’m Candy.”

  “Of course you are. I’m Mick and I’m so pleased to meet you ladies. Heather, are you joining us?” The girls put their heads together and whispered and giggled. Finally Candy lifted her head up and said,

  “If you don’t mind, she will be. It looked to us like there was enough of you to go around.” There definitely was…and my cock was aching for it.




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