An Undying Love

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An Undying Love Page 6

by Janet MacDonald

  “Hey, I’m not too early this time am I?” Memphis asked as he stepped inside. His gaze immediately went to the girl across the table. There was a broad smile on his face as his gaze continued to travel over her, and Dante growled deeply.

  “No, I was just going to go get ready. Remember, Memphis, the girl is mine,” he snapped as he stood, and Memphis shifted awkwardly from one foot to another.

  “I know…I-I’m sorry,” he stammered.

  “Good. I’ll be gone until supper time. Make sure she stays in the cabin and only let Beth in,” he demanded as he walked into the bedroom.

  He dressed as quickly as he could. Dante wished he could have had more time to spend with Anya before he left. He walked back out and noticed Memphis had made himself right at home, sitting at the table across from Anya with his own cup of coffee in hand. Dante could trust Memphis with her. His beta’s son would never tread that line. Still the way the boy stared at her didn’t sit well with him either. They were roughly the same age, and although Dante was only turning twenty-nine, he felt much, much older than that.

  “Beth will be by soon. She’s bringing you some clothes to wear,” he told Anya before heading out the door.

  As he walked to the docks where they keep their fishing boats, his mind was a flurry of mixed thoughts. If Mitch knew where Cora was and brought her back then Dante would have to let Anya go. It felt so wrong. He wished he’d let his wolf nature mate her. But without her as leverage, the Silverback pack would never deal with him. If his sister was there and mated to one of them, he would keep his word and foster the male. Now he knew for a fact the Silverback pack had her just by the way Anya had spoken. Tomorrow night if she wasn’t returned he would then have to follow through with his threat.

  Chapter Seven

  Mitch had just stepped into his home as the phone rang. He heard his mate answering it as he wearily pulled off his coat and then removed his boots. They’d just paused the search long enough for people to go home to rest as the rotation switched. Everyone was tired, the last few days draining his pack both emotionally as well as physically.

  “Mitch, it’s for you,” Kari called from the kitchen.

  “Who is it?” he asked as he walked in.

  “I didn’t ask.” She passed him the phone.

  “Yeah?” he asked.

  “I know where your sister is,” the male voice said on the other end of the line.

  “Where is she? Who is this?” he demanded.

  “Meet me in the parking lot of the Brookville general store in twenty minutes. I’ll fill you in when you get here.” The line went dead.

  Kari stared at him as he held the phone, his whole body shaking in both fear and anger.

  “He says he knows where Anya is.”

  “Is she okay? What happened?”

  “He didn’t say. Look, I have to go. Call Reese and tell him to meet me at the Brookville general store in fifteen minutes,” he ordered as he raced to grab his boots and coat again before bolting out the door.

  The drive took just under fifteen minutes, and as he pulled into the parking lot, he saw his beta’s truck pulling in behind him. Brookville was afforded neutral territory by the surrounding packs. Therefore, no blood could be shed by a werewolf there without breaking the laws. Whoever had called him must have known that, and Mitch assumed it was another werewolf.

  As he got out of his car so did Reese and both of them looked around. Mitch had filled him in when he’d called him on the way there. Movement from across the street caught both their attentions as a large mountain of a man crossed toward them. Mitch knew who it was—the Temple Island pack’s alpha, Dante, and the hairs on the nape of his neck bristled. He had both his hands stuffed into his coat pockets, and he wasn’t alone. Four of his pack members were with him, and they walked toward where Mitch and Reese stood.

  The other alpha eyed him and snorted slightly. He smelled heavily of salt air and cologne.

  “Where’s my sister? Is she all right?” Mitch demanded.

  “She’s fine for now.”

  “What do you mean for now?” he asked as he his rage built.

  “I’ve come to make a trade.”

  “What?” Mitch snapped.

  “Bring Cora back to Temple Island before tomorrow’s sunset, and you can have Anya back.”

  “How do I know you even have her?” he demanded with a growl.

  “Here, this is for you,” Dante said as he pulled his right hand from his pocket and threw something at Mitch.

  Instinctively he grabbed the object that was tossed at him. Mitch looked at the long, thin blonde braid and his eyes widened. He brought it to his nose and sniffed. It was Anya’s scent, and it was laden with her musky heat as well. His eyes narrowed at Dante. Horrible thoughts filled him of the things this alpha may have done to his little sister.

  “If you so much as even think about touching her, I will kill you,” he said with a growl.

  “Anya trespassed on my lands. You know what that means, Mitch. I was being courteous making this deal. All I want is Cora back. If she’s mated I’ll foster him, but I want her home,” Dante demanded in a stern tone.

  “If not?” Mitch asked, unsure if he would be able to convince Cora to go home. After all, the girl had run away to elope with Alex.

  Dante stood staring at him. He slowly pulled his left hand from his pocket, and Mitch looked to it. The braided strands of Anya’s hair were tied around his wrist. He knew what that meant to the Temple Island werewolves.

  “You have until sunset tomorrow night or I will claim Anya as mine.” Dante snarled, turned and stormed back across the street.

  A cold rage flowed over him. If Anya had really trespassed there would be little he could do. What the hell was she doing on the island? She knew it was off-limits. He cursed out loud as he stormed toward his vehicle. This was the last straw. Anya had left his pack in a panic, no one knowing where she was or what had happened to her.

  It was time she settled down, grew up and started being responsible. Her flights of fancy had gotten her into more trouble than he would be able to get her out of this time. Dante could do what he wanted to her. As a trespasser on his territory, she no longer was protected by pack law. Anya was lucky. Dante was willing to trade for her, which meant he hadn’t mated her, yet, as his words also attested to. Now all Mitch had to do was ensure he got her back safely.

  * * * *

  For the millionth time Memphis apologized for shooting her. The guy was a bit awkward-looking. Every male she’d seen so far that was a Temple Island member was tall, broad and attractive. Memphis’ face was extremely attractive, and he was also very tall, but he seriously lacked the bulk the rest of the men had. The guilt also showed on his face as well as his actions as he tried to dote on her all morning before Beth had showed up.

  “Please, just deal the cards,” she said with a grin. So far, she’d slaughtered him in every hand of hearts.

  “You know we could use a gal like you on our bridge team,” Beth said as she eyed the hand she was being dealt.

  “I’ve never played bridge,” Anya said as she looked her hand over.

  “It’s easy.”

  “It’s an old woman’s game. Now, me and the guys play poker…you’d like that, Anya,” Memphis said, and earned a glare from Beth.

  Despite herself, Anya was having fun. She liked both of them and found herself laughing at the hard look Beth had given Memphis. Not once did they ask anything about her pack, Cora or what she knew. Instead they had normal conversations about the weather, the coming winter, and soon the day had flown by. She’d almost forgotten she was a captive. The two treated her as part of their pack, and she was made to feel right at home.

  The soft sound of the door opening drew all three of their attentions. Dante stood in the doorway, looking at them all.

  “What are you playing?” he asked.

  “Hearts, and Anya is kicking our asses at it,” Memphis said, the young man’s grin showed he d
idn’t mind.

  “Is she now? Well, it seems our Anya is full of talents,” Dante said as he took off his jacket and hung it on the wall.

  “Yeah, glad she doesn’t play poker with us,” Memphis said in a chuckle.

  “Mmm, well, we all know how badly you play poker to begin with, Memphis. She would take you to the cleaners,” Beth said, and Anya couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Hey!” Memphis huffed, with a mock look of hurt on his face.

  “Did Chris get my order from the store?” Beth asked, ignoring the younger man.

  “Yes, do you really need that much cloth?” the alpha asked as he pulled up a chair beside Anya, and she got a heavy smell of sea air from him.

  “Baby diapers are something one can never have enough of,” Beth said sternly.

  Anya saw the look that passed between Beth and Dante. The moment the word baby was said Dante’s eyes softened greatly, and she had a sense that he was very happy about becoming an uncle.

  “Well, I hate to be a sore loser, but I got to go. Tessa and I are planning on going for a run,” Memphis said.

  “Tessa?”Anya asked with a slight smile.

  “It’s his sweetheart.” Dante chuckled.

  “She’s my best friend. We are not a couple,” Memphis said, sounding defensive.

  “Really, then why did you make her a necklace?” Beth asked with a giggle.

  “Cause she likes my jewelry.” The young man’s face turned a little red.

  “Uh-huh, right. Well, make sure after your run you let your father know we’re to patrol later,” Dante told him.

  “Will do. I’ll see you then,” Memphis said as he was headed out the door.

  “I should go too. I need to make supper and get a head start on making cloth diapers.” Beth attempted to raise herself out of her chair.

  Dante stood and helped Beth up, a loving smile on his face as he did. “You know you should be taking it easy, Beth.”

  “I will after I get what needs to be done finished.” She gave Anya a quick, warm smile. “I had fun today, Anya. I hope we get to do this again.”

  “Me too,” Anya told her as Dante walked Beth to the door.

  Now it was just her and Dante, and as he sat back down at the table, Anya tried not to stare at him. She silently cursed herself for feeling this attraction to one of her enemies, and now she was making friends among them as well. This place and these people were having an effect on her. One which would most likely have her brother in a more than pissed off state of mind.

  “Did you see my brother?” Anya asked as she looked at Dante.

  “Yes. Did you eat supper yet?” he asked in what seemed an attempt not to talk about the meeting.

  “You know this isn’t fair.”

  “Look, Anya, I’m not the one who came here. You’ve made your bed.” He stood looked down at her. He glared at her again, but his eyes showed no sign of the edge he had in his voice, and it now seemed forced.

  “So let me go then,” she demanded, her voice steady. As the words left her mouth, her mind pictured leaving there and part of her didn’t like the idea. That had her baffled.

  Dante looked suddenly sad. He turned his back to her and went to the stove, lifted the grate and prodded the fire to a full flame again.

  “Please, just let me go. I didn’t do anything to you,” she said, and he slammed the grate back into place. She sensed his whole body go tense, and he turned to look at her. Dante’s eyes nearly glowed with the inner light of his beast. She trembled in spite of her desire to remain calm in his presence.

  “You are mine, Anya.” He snarled.

  “I’ll never be yours,” she snapped back, but a part of her knew that really wasn’t true. The wolf in her wanted him, willingly bowed to him, and now she didn’t know what that would mean for her.


  The wolf in him was furious. She denied him after submitting to him. He stood and stared at her, his muscles tensed as rage washed over him. His hands shook as he fought to regain his human self and suppress the urges the wolf demanded of him. It took him several long moments to quell the beast in him, turning his attention back to cooking. He tried to keep calm. It didn’t help much as he burnt their supper and had to fight not to chuck it and the frying pan out the front door. He growled to himself and settled on making a few sandwiches now that the meal he’d been preparing was ruined.

  Anya sat there quietly, not saying a word as he placed her sandwich in front of her.

  “You will stay here tonight,” he told her. The words he uttered made more intimate images float through his mind. As pleasant as they were, he kidded himself they would happen.

  Without moving her head to look up, Anya slowly peered up at him. Her eyes seemed stormy and full of anger. She pushed the small plate away and turned her face toward the door.

  “I don’t need your food.” She growled. It made her sound more like an obstinate child. Dante pushed the plate back toward her.

  “You need to eat,” he said.

  With an icy sideways glare, Anya again shoved the plate away. Dante couldn’t be passive with her, no matter how much his heart wanted him to. After all, he was the alpha, and no matter what she may want to think, she’d submitted to his wolf last night. That meant she was more or less his.

  “Fine,” he snapped as he moved toward where she sat. Dante grabbed her and tossed her effortlessly over his shoulder, then stormed off to his bedroom.

  “Let go of me,” she screamed. She thrashed about like a child having a tantrum. He had to hold her tightly so she wouldn’t slip out of his grasp.

  “If you don’t want to act like a civilized adult, I’ll treat you like you’re acting.” He growled.

  “You have no right to touch me,” she screamed as she pounded on his back with her fists.

  “I can’t put you back in the shed so this is where you will stay.” He made it to his bed and unceremoniously flopped her onto it.

  Anya scurried to the back of it, the fury in her eyes letting him know he had more than pissed her off. Well, too damn bad, he thought. If she wanted to act like an adolescent wolf, he was going to treat her like one.

  “Now stay,” he roared as he turned and headed back out. He slammed the bedroom door behind him and heard her throwing a fit in his room.

  He needed to calm down, needed to vent off the rage building in him. The wolf wanted him to turn around and march back into his room. Take his mate and make her submissive to her alpha. After walking to the door, he opened it and peered outside. Several of his pack had been eying his house, and as soon as they saw him they went back about their business. No doubt curious as to want was going on within the walls of his home.

  Dante stormed toward his brother’s place and saw Memphis and Tessa just coming from behind one of the larger wood sheds. Both looked as if they’d been up to something as Tessa turned bright red, and Memphis looked like a lost sheep when they saw him.

  “I need you two to go over to my cabin and make sure Anya stays put,” he grumbled as they moved nearer.

  “Ah, oh, um, okay,” Memphis mumbled.

  “Make sure she stays in my room too.” Tessa gave him a startled look. She quickly looked away as he narrowed his eyes at her.

  “Does your father know you’re out and about with Memphis?” he asked.

  “Yes, we had his permission to go for a run,” she told him in a mousy voice.

  He gave them both a nod toward his cabin. He secretly was happy for his beta’s son and Tessa. Young love was a wonderful thing, although the sight of the two lovebirds had made Dante wish that Anya would look at him the way Tessa looked at Memphis. As he watched them hurry off to play guard for him, he grinned. If Memphis asked, he would allow the two to be mated.

  Dante made for Chris’ home. Both his brother and sister-in-law would help him calm down. He needed advice, needed to know what he should do about Anya. His heart told him they should be as one, so did his wolf. However, he didn’t believe Anya was willing
to be his mate. For some reason, that seared him in a way he couldn’t understand.

  * * * *

  Mitch was on his way to his brother’s. Reese sat in the passenger seat on the phone with Kari. He was explaining what was going on. His beta hung up and looked at him.

  “She said she would get things in order and have a boat ready at the slip.”

  “Good, now all we have to do is hope Cora will go home,” Mitch said.

  They had at least five more hours before they got to Fairbank, and given his own calculations, they might make it back in time. They would be cutting it close. Any obstacles would seriously shorten that narrow window, and as Mitch sped up, he prayed Anya was safe.

  Mitch tried to stay focused on the road, tried not to let the worry eat away at him. Still, all he could do was think of the things Dante may have already done to his baby sister. Those thoughts caused his grip on the steering wheel to tighten.

  “What if this is a trap?” Reese asked, breaking Mitch’s train of thought.

  “Why would he do that?” He took at quick sideways glance at his beta.

  “Because of what happened with your uncle.”

  That had been so many years ago, but werewolves tended to hold grudges forever. Mitch’s Uncle Edward and done something that even Mitch had found despicable. He’d stolen a woman from the Temple Island pack and had forced her to mate. Not just any female, either. She’d been the alpha’s mate, Dante’s mother, Victoria. That had lead to a short-lived war. Many died, most of them Silverback males. It had ended just after Mitch’s father was killed. Dante’s father had been the one to kill him, but not before suffering a fatal wound and then perishing as well.

  “We don’t have any other choice but to do this. I won’t let him have Anya.” Mitch snarled. “If I have to, I will kill him.”

  There was no way he wished for his sister to fall victim to Dante and his vengeance. The long-time feud between their packs had stemmed from that fateful day when Victoria had caught Edward’s interest in Brookville. The aftermath had left both packs without their alphas and had caused Edward to run with Victoria. Where his uncle had taken her, no one knew, but it was thought both were dead.


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