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Shambhala Page 15

by Marta Martín Girón

  It felt like now there wasn’t anything, or anybody, there. Just me. The silence invaded everything, with the exception of a vague melody caused by water that slid down the pipes like a waterfall. The upstairs neighbor must be enjoying a shower. I liked that sound. Even knowing that it came from plastic pipes in the false ceiling and not from the street rain, it was melodic and relaxing.

  I closed my eyes. I wanted to sleep a little more. I wanted to dedicate my body to the rest I felt it deserved, especially since I was still sleepy. My eyes resigned themselves to the itch of wanting to be closed for awhile, and my body—yes, it was still weary.

  Remembering Enrique Paz’s meditation the day before, and not knowing if I was falling ill (a hypothesis that was gaining strength), or if it was just a one-time episode of acute tiredness, I decided to visualize myself inside a giant bubble of white light, a glow that would bring me harmony and help raise my vibration to finish going through that process.

  And it worked. Little by little, I felt more relaxed, last I was beginning to feel comfortable!

  I stayed awake though I preferred to keep my eyes closed to rest them as much as possible. I thought that, with a little luck, I’d fall asleep again.

  And there, immersed in peaceful repose, a sudden new vibration in my chest made me perceive a presence accompanying me. In a matter of tenths of a second, the figure of a being appeared at the foot of my bed.

  Without losing my composure, I opened my eyes, in the direction of his location so I could contemplate him. But I didn’t see anything. Disoriented, I closed my eyes, and his silhouette emerged before me again.

  That situation was outside the norm, and I didn’t remember having ever experienced anything like that before. With my visual sense, I couldn’t see that being but through my mind I could see him in detail, static a few inches from my bed, observing me. It was like seeing something on a canvas never seen before; as if, in the immensity of a black stage, you could see in high definition another reality that in general your rational mind cannot access. It was almost a dream, although it wasn’t. Now, those two parallel and complementary worlds of physical and energetic reality were fusing in front of me, before my own perception, to the delight of the eyes of intuition. In that moment, I learned that it’s possible to access, from our material three dimensional state, another quantum plane, just as real and experimental as the one I already knew. I, in my first contact, was doing it through the doors of our sixth sense.

  Amazed at the sight, I took a deep breath, satisfied and calm at the same time. Something new, some kind of unusual ability seemed to be waking up inside of me, and I decided to let myself be carried confidently into that fascinating world.

  But something even more surprising caught my attention. Not only could I see the shape of that being, but I could also feel his energy. His heat. His purity.

  Although I sensed that the answer was ‘no’, reason wanted to raise the possibility that this was a dream. For any mind, unaccustomed to extrasensory perceptions, it would be difficult to distinguish it or even admit it. My experiences in this sense were still limited, however, I was excited and, above all, I knew that I was not delirious.

  I was enjoying his presence, different and real at the same time. An almost hypnotic essence.

  I delighted in contemplating the light coming from his body, a whitish halo that completely enveloped him. His height, considerably taller than an average human, almost made him rub against the ceiling of the room. I would even say that, without the existence of the wall, he would have been even taller.

  As I watched, my body seemed stiff, quasi-petrified. I could not move. At that time, I did feel sick, like someone feels when they’re in a coma for a period of time, or you faint and lose consciousness. Except that I had fainted many times and I never saw things while I was unconscious. But this time, yes. In that instant I noticed everything. I saw him. Standing still. Watching me. As if he were guarding me so nothing would happen to me.

  I wanted to know who he was, but I was deprived of being able to articulate a single word. However, I thought that maybe I could get that answer through a mental contact, and I tried. I asked if, by chance, he were my guardian angel. Maybe, if he had been what I perceived as an energy touching me, a couple of hours ago, first one arm and then another, or my back.

  To my surprise, I received an answer. Without opening his mouth, without hearing his voice, the answer was negative. That wasn’t any guardian angel.

  He didn’t say more.

  I still didn’t know if he was the one who manipulated my body a couple of hours earlier, and for the moment, I had to settle for scarce information.

  On the other hand, he knew me. I felt that he knew me and that I’d seen him before, too, though I didn’t remember where or when.

  And suddenly, time on earth was distorted. While he continued by my side, I felt the days go by. To be exact, four days prostrate in a bed, in his company, in a semi-conscious state. Asleep and at the same time awake. Lucid.

  During the course of that unusual time, my body was changing. I noticed the cells wake up, transmute. The sensitive capacities developed: perception, telepathy, telekinesis.

  He hardly moved from the place he’d appeared. And, though he remained static, I was little by little able to listen to what was going through his head. He tried to maintain his distance, to not transmit any thoughts or data. He limited himself to observing my reactions.

  Meanwhile, my power of movement remained nil. I was surprised. Even though that kind of paralysis could have made me panic, I waited quietly.

  I trusted that visitor in spite of not knowing who he was, or where he had come from. I didn’t know if he was human, although something inside said no. He wasn’t from this planet. He didn’t seem to be from this time, either. But it didn’t matter. I felt I could put my life in his hands and he would protect it with his.

  His rigidity reminded me of the military. And his appearance...he had something special, unusual. Something I had never appreciated in someone of this world. His beauty was almost angelic as well as masculine.

  He contemplated me in the darkness of the room, at a distance, and I feared that he could be listening to everything that was running through my head. I trusted that it wasn’t like that, since I couldn’t stop it.

  The time passed and we were still in that parallel space-time in which I was conscious of lying down, letting him do something that only he knew what it was, and without the will or strength to avoid it.

  From my limited perspective, I began to observe our surroundings, now, yes with my eyes open. I wasn’t sure when I’d opened them, but they were open. And I was surprised and happy at the same time to discover myself with the ability to see him, although not directly, with my usual vision.

  The room that surrounded us was translucent and vaporous, allowing me to appreciate a kind of linear structure interspersed with it, similar to a network of threads, that enveloped us. They covered everything. The room seemed to have been molded in such a way that the walls were not where they usually were, but were yards away. It looked as if they were made of jelly, as if the lines that traced the environment and the space in which I found myself were overlapping the space and the vaporous environment in which he remained immobile, and in turn, I could appreciate.

  After an indeterminate time (at least by my perception), I saw him approach me with a mechanism in his hand. Something similar to a square box, a kind of sophisticated machine that, at the risk of sounding crazy, I could perceive with my own intelligence. Regardless of whether the device in question could have its own intelligence or not, and despite not being able to see it in detail, since it emanated an unusual brightness that mixed with the blunt light that its carrier gave off, I knew that contraption was used to measure energy and review molecular composition. Among other things, it examined my body with the intention of discovering my level of hydration, and in case of deficiency, hydrating me; checking my vital signs, heartbeat
breathing, temperature...apparently it was very interested in whether my body was in balance or not. I did not know why.

  I took the opportunity of him being closer to me to observe him in more detail. During the time he was at my side, he tried to avoid making eye contact, but now there wasn’t that much distance between us and I tried to look into his eyes. And I did. My heart jumped, making my pulse and respiration speed up, which caused him to break eye contact and he focused once again on the cube he held in his right hand. His attention to it was almost hypnotic, as if through his mind he could transfer knowledge or orders that I intuited would later be transferred to me, bringing me harmony.

  My frustration surged strongly. With what it took to catch his eye, and then I got had that scaredy-cat reaction!

  On the other hand, although his pupils were stuck on that device, the being’s features and those blue-gray eyes had already been etched in my memory like the mark of a red-hot iron on my skin.

  “Those eyes...I’m sure I’ve seen them before,” I thought.

  Yes, I rightly had the feeling of knowing him. It was the being from the mountains, the same that I saw in the dream image...

  I breathed deeply, frustrated again. It seemed like I knew him but he didn’t know me. And that made me doubt whether this scenario was the result of a very complex dream or was really happening to me. But my whole body confirmed the authenticity of that strange circumstance, different from the reality I was used to, but in the end, real.

  Meanwhile, time passed. I didn’t know what time it might be in my supposed reality, which disturbed me a little. Even so, I wanted to continue in the company of that beautiful entity.

  I felt a strong attraction to him, although I wasn’t sure why. As far as I remembered, I’d only seen him once before in a dream.

  “Is it possible that the mountain and that group of people is a premonition? If this being exists, maybe the rest of it does, too. If I only knew what this was all about...”

  “A name!” I thought. “If I had a name, I could investigate something about this.”

  But maybe this wasn’t the time to know those things. I tried to relax, enjoy the unusual moment, trust that what needed to happen would happen, and give myself without resistance to whatever it was that was being done to me, since I knew it was positive for me.

  Only one thing bothered me: that he was noticing what his presence alone awoke in me. That kind of excitement, passion and, at the same time, longing that I could not understand. No doubt, a part of me wanted him.

  I prayed that he wasn’t aware of anything. That seemed possible, since he seemed impassive and cold, as if I were using an unknown language and therefore did not disturb him. In the end, that idea gave me a progressive tranquility, leading me to feel safe from my own thoughts and emotions—until once again his gaze met mine and I again felt vulnerable, transparent, and small before his large blue-marble eyes that examined me firmly. Questions flooded my brain.

  “Why is he looking at me so fixedly? Has he noticed what I feel? Can he hear me?”

  I thought that, at best, it was just a fake impassivity and, deep down, he felt emotions just like me.

  That thought made my heart race once again, like a child when he’s caught doing something wrong, or even more, when the boy you like suddenly notices you...

  Making it more unsettling, this time he didn’t look away, he kept eye contact. Serene. Fixed. Intense.

  I wanted to ask him so many things. To know if he knew me, if we’d met before. Why he was in my house. Where he was from. Why I had that dream a few days ago. Why my body reacted the way it did when he looked at me. Where were those mountains, were they real? What was his motive for being there? And who were those people? Did Enrique Paz have anything to do with all that? Maybe Enrique was a clue, and the images really carried some message...

  Suddenly I stopped my ruminations cold.

  “If he’s listening, he’s going to think I’m crazy,” I reconsidered.

  But he remained undeterred. He moved gracefully to the foot of the bed causing our eye contact to break again. I knew that his assignment had ended, but I didn’t want him to leave. I didn’t know anything about him. If he somehow listened to my concerns, it didn’t matter, he did not deign to resolve any of them. However, something made me realize I hadn’t actually directed any question at him—it had all been conjectures that flew from one side of my brain to the other.

  “If I ask him a concrete question, maybe he’ll answer,” I thought.

  The shape of the room started to change, back to how it had always been, the same one I saw in my reality.

  “Oh, no, he’s going!”

  Fear seized me. Now that I was finally enjoying his company...without knowing how, I managed to keep eye contact without either of us breaking it...

  I refused to accept that he had to go. Not without knowing something about him. Without at least knowing if I would see him again. I needed to find him where he heart wanted to get close to his. Oh! My heart was pumping hard, nervous...vulnerable.

  “And if I don’t see him again?”

  That thought tormented me.

  I couldn’t even imagine that. But how could I find him again?

  “What’s your name?” I finally managed to ask him with obvious anguish about his leaving.

  There was silence.

  His body disappeared in the darkness—he left the same way he arrived. The bedroom went back to the way I was used to seeing it. The walls went back to their places, their usual state, their solidity.

  I sighed sadly.

  “He’s gone,” I thought.

  Still in bed, I turned over and moved into a fetal position, with my face to the door. I didn’t know what to think or to do. Maybe there was something I could do? No, it was too late. He’d gone and I didn’t know if I’d see him again.

  Little by little, my heartbeat slowed down. Grief gave way to resignation.

  “It would be best if I sleep,” I told myself.

  Even though the fatigue and bodily heaviness disappeared when he did, also with his departure, the desire to do anything also faded. I just wanted to sleep, disconnect from my reality and hopefully see him in his again. But I knew it was useless. Something told me it wouldn’t be possible. Not today, anyway.

  “If he’d told me his name, I’d at least have a piece of information to look for him,” I reflected, feeling emotional.

  His absence caused a pain of loss in my chest that I couldn’t identify. It was incredible, but not even losing my mother and my brother had produced such an intense loss.

  I turned over again and rested on my other side. I tried to forget what had just happened. Nothing made sense, including my reaction. I closed my eyes, ready to sleep until I couldn’t sleep any more. Maybe, to let it also try to lessen the pain that had lodged in my chest.

  But suddenly I heard a firm male voice echoing in my head as if I were hearing it through my ears.


  I opened my eyes wide.

  “Eset?” I repeated slowly, nervously, hesitantly, and excited at the same time.


  The word sounded repeatedly in my mind echoing my disbelief. Someone had telepathically transmitted it.

  I couldn’t stop a satisfied smile from forming on my face. That term was familiar to me though I didn’t know what it meant. On the other hand, it was likely to be the clue that I had to follow in order to find him someday. I didn’t need more than that.

  After that, I fell back asleep.

  Chapter 19


  I woke up startled. I didn’t know how long I could have been asleep. I jumped out of bed and went to the office to get my cell phone to see what time it was.

  Six in the afternoon?! I spent the whole day sleeping!

  “If Ian or my father have called, they’ll be worried,” I mumbled as I unlocked the phone.

  I looked through the texts I had. Joaquín had texted
around 1 and Ian had been texting every hour since two o’clock. A strangled sigh escaped me. I didn’t feel like talking to either of them at the moment, and maybe Ian less than my father. I doubted that if I told them what had just happened, they would know how to understand it.

  Both of them asked that I call them when I got up. They seemed to want to tell me something. But despite their requests, I decided to answer with just a message.

  “Hi! I just got up. I was a lot more tired than what I thought. How was last night?”

  That was the text I sent to each one. Exactly the same to both of them. I copied and pasted from one to the other one.

  I saw Ian go online right away, which made me grimace with apathy and reluctance.

  There was nothing worse than compromising yourself to answer someone with whom you didn’t want to talk, and who immediately returned the message, making it impossible to escape. It made me think he was anxiously waiting for me to answer...

  “Hi. Can I call you?” he wrote.

  Ugh. His insistence exasperated me.

  “I don’t feel like talking,” I said in a childish tone to myself. “How can I get rid of him without upsetting him?”

  But it was too late, the phone was ringing in my hand.

  “Hello?” I faked sounding enthused.

  “Daughter, how are you? You had me worried,” the voice I heard on the other end of the phone wasn’t the one I expected.

  “Dad?” I asked, surprised.

  “Yes, who else?”

  “I thought you were Ian.”

  “No, I’m your father.”

  “Ha, ha. I got it.” That made me laugh.

  “Are you okay?” He wanted to know. However, his voice was quite calm. I didn’t know if he was really worried or it was just a normal question to start a conversation.

  “Yes, I’m fine. I slept a lot and I feel much better now.”

  “Did something happen to you last night?” he blurted out. That made me lose it.

  “Geez! What do you mean?”, I said, startled.


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