The dominatrix took up a long tawse which she used with the same enthusiasm on the blonde as she had when whipping the brunette. As painful as the beating must have been for the suspended girl, it seemed the torture was even greater for Felicity, who was not allowed to indulge her obvious lust to perform cunnilingus. At last, the mistress relented, and Felicity’s busy tongue flicked into the blonde bush, bringing her friend to a quivering climax.
Maria pressed “stop” and crawled across the bed to put the final DVD on. She seemed to have become a little anxious, and Adrienne asked if there was anything wrong. ‘Not wrong, as such,’ she answered, ‘but I think you’re in for a bit of a shock with the last one. I wasn’t sure whether or not to show it to you.’
‘After the others, how much more shocking can it be?’ This one, thought Adrienne, must be really hot!
Maria pushed the disc into the machine, but instead of pressing “play” immediately, she knelt up and opened her jeans. Slipping them over her slim hips, she exposed her bare bottom to Adrienne, before falling backwards, stretching out her legs and pulling the blue denim over her feet, tossing them on the floor. Picking up the remote, the now naked girl scrambled up the sofa bed and back into Adrienne’s arms, before pointing the remote and pressing the button.
Adrienne found her hands wandering all over Maria’s naked body, almost with a mind of their own. They ran up and down her back, cupped her well-toned cheeks and squeezed them affectionately. She bent her face to kiss Maria’s forehead, just as the film started.
It was called Paying the Penalty, and featured the kind of cheap title graphics which home video makers are so fond of. It also had the sort of sound only a low-quality camcorder microphone could provide. One of the stars appeared straight away: a 30-something man in a cheap suit, sitting behind a desk in what was supposed to be an office, but was clearly a living room with the necessary furniture added.
He was writing, but looked up when there was a knock on the door. Adrienne braced herself for the appearance of the female lead and cuddled Maria closer. The door opened, and a pair of court heels clumped across the pine effect floor, the camera switching angles to follow the newcomer as she walked to the desk and stood before it. She seemed to have a good figure, shown off as it was by a white blouse, tartan skirt which came to mid-thigh, white knee socks, and the conservative black shoes. Even from behind, the Alice band which held back her collar-length hair was visible.
Adrienne felt Maria tremble violently in her arms and cast a worried look down at her to see why she had become so agitated. But her attention was pulled back to the screen as the actress spoke her first line. ‘You wanted to see me, sir?’ The sultry voice was unmistakable.
Adrienne stared in astonishment. By now, the camera had moved round to the girl’s face, and a very demure but apprehensive Maria looked back at her from inside the box. Adrienne stared for a few more seconds, hardly able to believe she was right, then looked down at the real thing, whose bare bottom she was still cupping.
Maria grinned back sheepishly. At the same time on the TV she was being lectured about the quality of her “college work” by the man, who in this scenario was evidently her principal.
Adrienne opened her mouth, but no words came out. Nevertheless, Maria answered her unspoken question. ‘I did it about two years ago, just after I got into the scene in London. The guy’s called Mickey and he’s a producer – well, that’s what he calls himself – and I met him through a girl I was having a fling with. She was one of his regular actresses, and one week he found himself with a film to shoot and a girl who let him down at the last minute. He knew I was into doing it for fun, so he asked me to have a go. I only did it this once,’ she added, pulling a contrite face.
Adrienne was still speechless, and looked back at the TV. By now Mickey had pulled a chair into the centre of the room and Maria had gone over his knee. The camera was behind her, as her kilt came up and her navy blue knickers came down. Adrienne was mesmerised as she watched her girlfriend’s perfect bottom being turned from its natural pale hue to a rosy red by Mickey’s heavy hand. Her gasps and groans filled the room, and echoed out of the TV speaker, as he admonished her verbally with every stroke.
Adrienne finally found her voice. ‘Did you … Did you enjoy yourself?’ She looked from the screen to the real Maria.
‘What do you think?’ the minx whispered coyly. ‘I loved it, every blistering second! Especially being told off while I was being spanked.’
‘Remind me to do just that, the next time you’re over my knee,’ said Adrienne, ‘which I don’t think will be too far away.’ After getting over the initial shock, she was starting to appreciate the novelty of seeing her lover in action with someone else, and settled down to savour the experience.
‘Ooh look, he’s smacking my bottom really hard!’ Maria squealed, wriggling at the painful memory.
‘Quite right too. Go on, spank her, she’s been very naughty!’
Both girls giggled and hugged each other even closer.
They kissed and cuddled as the drama unfolded, Adrienne fondling Maria’s naked body as it was gradually exposed on the screen. First, Mickey made her stand up and take off her knickers and kilt, before going back over his lap for another dose with his palm. Then the blouse came off, followed by her bra, and for about two minutes she was made to stand in a corner with her hands on her head, as the camera travelled up and down, shooting her from various angles, lingering over her crimson bottom.
Next, Mickey put her face down across the desk. She looked positively obscene, dressed in only her white knee socks and black shoes, and she gripped the desk tightly as he took out a large, leather paddle. He gave her a dozen with the broad blade, making her howl and cry. ‘Oh you poor thing!’ exclaimed Adrienne in genuine sympathy. She kissed Maria, as if she were still on the receiving end of the horrid paddle.
‘He gave me what for,’ Maria whispered back, ‘but that wasn’t the end of it. Look.’
On screen, Maria was completely naked and bending to touch her toes in the centre of the room. Mickey was taking aim with a crook-handled cane. He drew it back, paused for a few seconds, and swished it home with force. Maria yelled and rocked forward, but stayed in place.
Adrienne had expected her to get six, so was shocked when he went past that. Tears were forming in her own eyes when the total reached a dozen, and when Mickey finally stopped at the 18th hard stroke, she had been on the verge of begging Maria to stop the film. Now she watched as the man fondled Maria’s striped and angry cheeks, his fingers dipping into the furrow between them as she whimpered in pain and humiliation.
Eventually, he allowed her to straighten up, but did not let her remain standing for long. ‘Kneel,’ he ordered curtly. She did so without taking her beautiful but tear-stained eyes from his. Very slowly, he unbuckled his belt and opened his trousers to pull out a large, swollen penis. ‘Your final act of penitence,’ he growled. ‘You know what to do.’
Maria took his organ in her right hand, while plunging her left into his clothes beneath it. He groaned as she fondled his testicles and planted a kiss on his glans. The kiss turned into a lick, which was followed by another, then another. Her lips parted and Mickey’s manhood was sucked completely into her eager mouth.
She kept the oral up for several minutes, Mickey’s hand resting on her head for encouragement, until his groans grew louder and his hips almost gyrated. Maria looked up at him and her eyes opened wide. He took his hand from the top of her head in what was evidently a prearranged signal. She let go of his genitals and pulled back, resting her hands on the floor behind her. The camera zoomed in on Mickey’s penis, glistening with Maria’s saliva, as he fondled it with his own hand, once, twice, three times, before he exploded.
He aimed it straight at her. Some splashed on her lips and chin, but most landed square on her breasts, hitting the uppermost curves, trickling down to her nipples and running between her cleavage. Again the camera gave a detailed close-up o
f the action, as Maria massaged the sticky fluid into her breasts, her fingers pinching her hard nipples into even greater prominence. The camera moved up to her face, which stared back with a look of sheer beauty and lust as The End was superimposed over it, before everything faded to black.
Adrienne looked at the flesh and blood Maria, who now seemed very apprehensive. Adrienne thought very carefully before she spoke. ‘So, you do like boys!’
‘Oh, I never said I didn’t!’ Maria exclaimed. ‘They do have their uses, and I like a bit of real cock every now and then. It makes a change from rubber and plastic.’
‘And you were hot!’ To her surprise, Adrienne found the idea of thousands of men masturbating over Maria’s image a real turn-on. After all, they could only fantasise. It was she who was about to have sex with her.
‘I was hot, wasn’t I?’ Maria agreed, smiling sweetly. ‘But I was also filthy! I was so naughty, even I couldn’t believe it when I saw it again.’
‘You were,’ Adrienne agreed, sensing the start of a delicious game. ‘What are we going to do with you?’
‘I need to be punished. Like that man did to me. My bottom needs to be smacked.’
‘I think that’s exactly what I’m going to do to you! Turn over and put those pillows under your tummy.’
Maria followed her orders at once, and lay expectantly with her pale bottom offered for whatever attentions Adrienne decided to give it.
Adrienne knelt beside her and ran her palm over the tight moons, kneading the muscular flesh. After indulging herself for almost a minute she raised her hand and swung it down to land with a hefty slap, which made Maria’s bottom quiver. The brunette gasped, although there was as much pleasure as there was shock in the noise.
Adrienne began spanking Maria in earnest, taking great pleasure from watching her bottom grow more and more red. Maria parted her legs and allowed Adrienne a view of her damp, pouting nether lips. After three dozen slaps she lifted her head and spoke. ‘Excuse me, miss.’
‘What is it, you little minx?’ said Adrienne, secretly grateful for the chance to rest her palm, which was beginning to sting.
‘Please, miss, after I made the film with Mickey he gave me a present. It’s in the bottom drawer of my cupboard.’ Adrienne got off the bed, took the two steps it needed to reach the piece of furniture, and pulled out the drawer. Sitting on top of a pile of clean knickers was a leather paddle. Adrienne picked it up tentatively and turned it over in her hands.
‘It’s the very one Mickey used on me,’ said Maria. ‘He buys them by the bag load, so I asked if I could keep it as a memento. I think it would be very appropriate if you used it on me now.’
‘Yes,’ agreed Adrienne, turning to face her again, and slapping the blade against her left palm, ‘I think it would. Now get your arse up so I can paddle it properly!’ She shocked herself, so severely did the words come out. But they seemed to be exactly what Maria wanted to hear, as she pulled her knees up and took her weight on her arms to crouch on all fours. She lifted her head and dipped her back to offer her bottom more submissively as she waited with a mixture of tension and excitement.
Adrienne took up position on Maria’s left and aimed her paddle. The vivid prints from her hands were visible on the taut skin. For a few moments she contemplated their terrible beauty, before raising the paddle.
It slapped onto Maria’s tight and compact cheeks. ‘Oooh!’ she gasped, as a shiver ran through her, before she whispered a hoarse instruction. ‘Good, but harder.’
Adrienne could not disobey, even though it was she who was supposed to be in control at that moment. She slammed the paddle down with more force, provoking a squeak from Maria, followed by, ‘Better – but harder!’ This time, Adrienne brought it home with all the strength she could muster.
It seemed to do the trick. ‘Oh! Fuck! Yes!’ Maria shouted. ‘Now keep it up.’
Adrienne delivered another hard stroke, then another, and another. She continued to wield the paddle and watched as Maria’s bottom and hips lurched forward at every strike. But each time she pushed it back into even more prominence. Adrienne was fascinated by Maria’s anus and genitals. Her thighs were spread and the two sticky holes seemed to wink with each forward and backward movement.
Adrienne lost count of the number of strokes she delivered, but something instinctively told her when to stop. She tossed the implement onto the bed and seized Maria’s scarlet cheeks in both hands. The naked brunette winced in pain, but did not flinch. Adrienne sank onto her knees behind her and kissed the raw, tenderised flesh. She felt the heat on her tongue, which she ran over as much of the bottom as she could.
She moved into the middle and flicked her tongue over the little anus. Maria drew in a deep breath and pushed her cleft further back into Adrienne’s face. She gave the puckered hole a little bit more attention, then moved to the gash, running her tongue up and down its length before sinking it between the pouting lips.
Maria had grown so excited that it did not take long before her voice reached an ecstatic wail. Adrienne had to grasp the flesh of her bottom hard in order to keep up her oral work, and that sensation seemed to force Maria to even greater heights of pleasure.
Eventually her orgasm subsided and Adrienne eased the intensity of her licks, savouring the sharp contrast between the single explosion of a male climax, and the way a woman could draw out even the dying moments of her crisis.
Maria still lay with the pillow under her stomach. Adrienne gently pulled them out, and rolled the exhausted girl onto her back. Maria smiled sleepily, and Adrienne bent to kiss her. She felt Maria’s hands in her hair. As their mouths parted, the brunette whispered another instruction, very softly this time. ‘Strip, and join me.’
An hour later they cuddled under the duvet. They had just made love again, a slow 69 with Maria on top, and had reached an almost-simultaneous orgasm. Adrienne was now fondling Maria’s breasts with her right hand, while stroking her neck with her left. ‘So how does it feel to be in bed with a porn star?’ Maria asked sleepily.
Adrienne gave a light laugh. ‘Incredible. But with you it’s always incredible.’ She caught her breath as she felt Maria’s heartbeat under her hand. Now she knew she was falling in love.
Chapter Eleven
Friday night had made its welcome arrival, and Rachel sat on Adrienne’s couch with a glass of red wine. Her arrival had been the only moment of embarrassment, with awkward smiles and nervous giggles, but after a few minutes of frank discussion the air had been cleared.
‘So how was it for you, babe, as they say?’ Rachel had been her usual forthright self.
‘Er, it was fine, just great,’ Adrienne replied, still nervous but pleased the ice had been broken so quickly.
‘Only fine? I don’t think so, not the way you were screaming! I bet you’ve never come like that with a bloke.’ They both laughed, and Adrienne had to admit so far her orgasms with other women had been more intense. ‘Your mate Maria’s quite a girl,’ Rachel went on. ‘She was such a bitch when she was ordering us about. To look at her you wouldn’t think she had it in her.’
‘She’s good,’ Adrienne agreed. ‘She gives me just what I need. What about you, Rachel? Did you get pleasure out of it?’
‘I had a scorching come, didn’t I? Yes, it was brilliant. To tell you the truth –’ she leant forward and lowered her voice to an unnecessary whisper ‘– I’ve always been a bit, you know, curious.’
‘About other women. Sex with other women.’ At that point Adrienne knew miracles were possible, as the unshockable and scandalous Rachel actually blushed.
‘And now your curiosity’s satisfied, would you do it again?’ Adrienne was not sure if she wanted to sleep with her friend again, but felt she needed to know the offer of a repeat performance would be there.
Rachel seemed to be thinking hard. Eventually, she replied. ‘Yes. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not giving up cock. But it was nice to please ourselves for once, and
not have to worry about some delicate male ego. Or wait for him to get it up again between sessions. Yes, I’d fuck you again, babe.’
Now it was Adrienne’s turn to blush. She finished her wine and refilled the glass to hide her embarrassment.
The conversation turned to the letters, and when Adrienne told Rachel there were only two left unread the redhead became unusually interested, and was all in favour of examining them.
‘But it’s Friday night,’ Adrienne protested. ‘Wouldn’t you rather be out pulling blokes? Or have we turned you round more than you’ve let on?’
‘Get away! No, those letters have got me hooked. It’s like a soap opera, except it was someone’s real life, and I’ve got to find out how it ends.’
‘Then let’s find out,’ said Adrienne. Putting her glass down, she went to fetch the penultimate letter.
My dearest Connie,
I hope you will forgive me for the delay in writing to you again, but I have been distracted by another recent incident. This time it involved both Miss Prior and the maid Molly.
Yes indeed, Connie! Both Miss Prior and Molly! And to think I believed her to be a simple girl who knew her place! But let me not get ahead of myself. I shall start at the beginning.
Three nights after our return from London, I was preparing for bed. It was extremely late when there was a knock on my door. I was most surprised, not to mention a little annoyed at being disturbed. Pulling on my dressing gown, I opened the door to find Molly standing without. Her face was half lit by the candle she held, and her expression seemed somewhat apprehensive. I had not spoken to her since beating her, and assumed this was an indication of her new respect for me.
‘Please, Miss Catherine,’ she said, almost as if she were afraid of what she had to ask me. ‘Sorry to disturb you so late, but Miss Prior sent me.’ Molly too was in her shift and gown.
Catherine's Letters Page 17