Then her tongue touched me. At first, it tickled the little hairs around my font, and then it pressed against my most soft, sensitive flesh. She trembled and moaned, as did I, although I believe with far greater pleasure than she, but Molly did not shy or flinch. ‘Very good,’ said Miss Prior, ‘now you must begin to move it up and down.’
Molly did so, by moving her head in little nods. Miss Prior wanted her to do more than that. ‘Not just your head, Molly, move your whole tongue. Wiggle it, like you would around a tasty morsel of meat.’
I blushed at the crude simile, but was even more shocked at her next instruction, directed as it was toward me. ‘You may assist her a little, Catherine. Please use your fingers to present her with your most private flesh.’
I was appalled at what I had just been asked to do, but a flex of the cane and a threatening look from Miss Prior soon had me behaving myself. With shaking hands, I reached down and carefully pulled apart the lips of my sex. Molly gasped when she saw what was thus revealed, but only broke away from her task momentarily, before her tongue was once again busy, but this time on my innermost parts.
I lay back, enjoying the sweet girl’s attentions. There was no other sound in the bedroom now, apart from the clumsy but effective lapping of Molly’s tongue, and my breathing. Even the presence of Miss Prior and her cane seemed to have been forgotten by both of us.
Every now and again Molly would touch nub of my spot, and my heart would leap. Then my crisis was upon me. Oh Connie, if only words could express my feelings at that moment! It was the finest spend I have yet experienced, and seemed to go on for ever! I threw my head back upon the pillow and called out long and hard in my ecstasy.
When I had finally recovered myself sufficiently I looked forward to see Molly, her head now raised, and once again an expression of bewilderment on her pretty face. She seemed to believe she had hurt me in some way! I quickly reassured the simple girl that she had done nothing of the sort – in fact, quite the contrary – and sat up to kiss away her anxious tears. I was quickly rewarded when a smile flickered across her sweet mouth.
It was only now that we remembered Miss Prior. The governess had hung her cane on the back of her chair, and now placed her arms around Molly. She also kissed her, and directed her to the wash stand, where a bowl of water had been poured so that she might wash her face. Then she was told to replace her night clothes. I rose, believing that this order applied also to me, but was motioned back onto the bed by Miss Prior. I lay there, still naked, as she spoke to Molly.
‘You have done well,’ she told her, ‘and have earned this.’ Another half a crown was pushed into the maid’s trembling hand. ‘Now go back to your room, disturb no one, and tell no one of this incident. But from now on I wish to see that you and Miss Catherine are nothing but the best of friends.’
‘Yes, miss,’ said Molly meekly, dropping a curtsey as she did so. Taking up her candle, she went to the door and let herself out.
I was puzzled as to why I had not been sent away with her. Was I to receive my own lecture on manners and domestic discipline, which would have gone over poor Molly’s head? I prayed that there would be no further punishment for me. I was, therefore, relieved to see a soft smile playing about Miss Prior’s face when she turned to look at me again. ‘Now, Catherine,’ she said, ‘it is time for bed. Please, help me undress.’
I was startled, and somewhat shocked to be asked to perform such an intimate task, especially since I myself was in such an indecent state, but still rose quickly to do as I was bid. I unbuttoned her high-necked dress, and helped pull it down her arms, then held it as she stepped out of it. I unlaced her corset, noting her great sigh of relief as the constrictive garment was removed. She sat on the bed, so that I might remove her house slippers, then she herself unbuttoned her chemise.
She stood and asked me to pull it from her shoulders, baring herself from the waist up. She turned to face me, presenting me with a fine pair of breasts, not quite so big as either mine or Molly’s, but possessed of large and somewhat unusually erect nipples. I blushed and turned my face away, anxious not to be caught staring.
But Miss Prior did not seem to care. Indeed, she stripped off her drawers and peeled away her expensive stockings, almost as if I were not even in the room. Finally she stood before me. I looked at her cautiously, and found her smiling back broadly.
‘Well now, Catherine,’ she said, ‘now we are no longer pupil and teacher, charge and governess. Stripped of our clothes, we are merely two women, sisters in the flesh.’
‘Yes, Miss Prior,’ I mumbled, unsure of the point she was trying to make.
‘As were yourself and Molly when she also removed her clothes this evening. I hope you have learnt an important lesson tonight. Discipline and pleasure for their own sake are wrong. If you feel you must punish a girl, do it for her sake, not for yours. The role of disciplinarian carries with it responsibility. Do you understand?’
I did indeed, Connie. ‘Oh yes, Miss Prior!’ I cried. Suddenly the dam of my emotions broke, and I burst into tears. Miss Prior immediately wrapped me in her naked bosom. ‘Come, Catherine, let us go to bed.’
I did not resist as she led me to her bed, blew out her candle, and pulled me between the crisp, clean sheets.
Despite not being in my own bed, I slept well. I believe it was the emotional fatigue of the past hour’s activity. But there is one more strange incident to report, Connie. As dawn was beginning to creep through the blinds of Miss Prior’s window, I awoke. At first I believed I was still asleep, and dreaming of the events of the night before, but I soon realised that the pressure on my spot was real. I looked down to see my own naked body, the covers and sheets having been swept back, and Miss Prior’s head between my thighs, her tongue flickering about my secret place.
I was powerless to resist, so did not call out. She was far more expert than Molly or Lady Elizabeth, and I was soon panting out my second spend of the night, my cries of pleasure meeting the new day, along with the early morning bird song.
As my breathing returned to normal, Miss Prior released her grip upon my legs and moved back up the bed to embrace me. She kissed me on the mouth, tenderly sweeping back the hair which had fallen around my face. She calmed and soothed me for some minutes, before telling me to get dressed and return to my own room.
I went with a heavy heart, although knowing I had to before the chambermaid discovered I had not passed the night in my own bed. There was but an hour before I was due to rise, but I endeavoured to sleep. It was a pointless exercise, though. Oh Connie, if only you could feel for yourself the emotions which coursed through my veins at that moment! There and then I resolved a course of action for the following night, this very night. I will not tell you what it is, for if I see it written I know I will lose my nerve and my courage will fail me.
Please be thinking of me, my sweetest cousin, and I promise I shall tell you of the outcome, whether I succeed or fail.
Until then, I remain your most affectionate cousin, Catherine.
Adrienne sat back and exhaled with a long sigh. Rachel turned to look at her with a strange expression. ‘What do you think?’ she asked.
‘She’s quite a girl, isn’t she?’ said Rachel, a cheeky grin flickering around her mouth. ‘And she certainly got her comeuppance in a big way. I wonder what it felt like?’
‘What exactly?’ Adrienne’s stomach lurched. It was something about Rachel’s tone as she asked the question.
‘The cane. I wonder what it feels like to be caned. I bet you and Maria have tried it.
Adrienne felt her face flush, but with excitement, not embarrassment. ‘We have,’ she admitted, trying to keep her voice steady. ‘As a matter of fact, she helped me buy one from a sex shop in Soho.’
‘Get away! You mean you’ve got a cane? Here in the flat?’
‘Absolutely. And it’s a beauty. It’s got a proper crook handle and everything. It really made Maria squirm.’ She added the last sentence with relish, hop
ing Rachel would react. She was not disappointed.
‘Do you think it would make me squirm?’ Rachel pouted and fluttered her eyelashes coquettishly. Adrienne realised she was on the end of her friend’s infamous seduction technique.
‘Oh, you’d squirm all right! In fact, I guarantee you’ll be squirming, and very soon indeed.’ It was obvious Rachel’s curiosity could only be satisfied in one way. ‘Get your skirt and knickers off while I fetch the cane!’
Adrienne walked to the bedroom on feet which were less than steady. Behind her, she heard Rachel get up and unzip her black miniskirt. Adrienne opened the wardrobe and pulled out the cardboard tube. Tipping out the cane, she flexed it between hands she noticed were trembling. Then her eyes spied something else Maria had left for her to play with. A wicked plan grew in her mind. She unbuttoned her blouse and threw it on the bed. By the time she returned to the lounge, wearing just her bra and tight jeans, Rachel was naked from the waist down to the tops of her black hold-up stockings. Her tight sweater only came down to her belly button, leaving her pubes completely exposed. Her hands, rather than shielding her genitals, were behind her, clutching her bottom cheeks. She was clearly more concerned with the pain of her impending ordeal than with preserving her modesty. ‘Are you going to spank me a little first,’ she asked anxiously, ‘so the cane doesn’t hurt so much?’
‘Only if you’re a really good girl, and get yourself bent over the arm of the sofa straight away,’ Adrienne replied sternly, pointing to the couch with the cane. Rachel scurried to obey and Adrienne felt a thrill as she realised how much temporary power she exercised over her friend. She admired Rachel’s long legs, their length accentuated by her high heels and stretched position.
Putting the cane in her left hand, Adrienne ran her other palm over the taut skin of Rachel’s bottom. Without warning, Adrienne lifted her hand and cracked it down sharply on the left cheek. It wobbled and Rachel groaned, but it had not been a hard enough slap to cause too much pain. A second spank to the right cheek had much the same effect, bringing a pink flush to Rachel’s russet skin.
Adrienne increased the severity of the slaps little by little, until Rachel was groaning and rocking back and forth. Her thighs also began to slide apart, imperceptibly at first, but then more obviously. Adrienne paused after a couple of particularly hard spanks. She ran her finger up the lips of Rachel’s vagina, feeling their stickiness and hearing her friend’s breathing get louder as she rubbed lightly but persistently. ‘That’s it,’ Adrienne whispered, ‘open up and take it like the slut you are.’ Even as the words fell from her mouth, she wondered from exactly where inside her they had come.
It was obvious Rachel was getting too close. Adrienne wanted her at the peak of excitement when the cane bit. Taking her fingers away from her sex, she landed half-a-dozen more hard spanks, before lining up the malacca rod. ‘Now, young lady,’ she said in her best headmistress voice, ‘I hope you appreciate your predicament. You’re half-naked, obscenely displayed – I can see everything you’ve got – and you’re about to have six red lines drawn across your bottom, which, I suspect, is already very sore. Are you ready to take your punishment?’
‘Oh yes, miss. Yes, please,’ Rachel breathed, her voice thick with lust.
‘Let’s see if you’re so keen once you’ve got your marks. Here comes number one.’
Crack! Adrienne swept the cane across her target. Rachel squealed and lurched forward, her fingers clawing at the fabric of the sofa cushion. ‘Oooh!’ she moaned. ‘One, thank you, miss!’
‘Very good,’ said Adrienne, ‘at least you’re beginning to show humility, even if I’m not sure you really feel it.’ Rachel was also showing a deep red line across both her cheeks. Adrienne had landed the cane dead centre, and was quite proud of how accurate her stroke had been.
Crack! ‘Aaah! Two, thank you, miss!’ The second cut landed just below the first, exactly where Adrienne had intended it to.
Crack! ‘Eeeah! Three, thank you, miss!’ The third was placed above the first, creating three parallel lines, bright red and livid, across Rachel’s tender bottom.
Crack! ‘Oww! Oh four, thank you, miss!’ Rachel’s hands clutched desperately at the sofa covers, and her knees drummed against its side. That last stroke had crossed the others, creating that special sting which Adrienne knew was exquisitely agonising.
Crack! ‘Oooh! Five, thank you, miss! Oh, just one to go!’ Rachel seemed to be trying to reassure herself, as Adrienne sent the fifth vertically up across the marks of the first three, in the opposite direction of the fourth. She had always admired her friend’s figure, and now she revelled in having such a beautiful canvas on which to draw. She lined the cane up for the final stroke.
Crack! ‘Aaah! Oww! Ooh, six, thank you miss!’ Rachel’s hips rolled from side to side on the sofa arm as the cane landed across the middle of her bottom again. It had been the hardest stroke of all, and clearly had the effect it was intended to.
Rachel eventually became still, but made no attempt to get up. Adrienne tossed the cane to one side and ran her palms over the scarred buttocks being presented to her so wantonly. Rachel tensed and groaned as her sore flesh was gently massaged. Adrienne eased the cheeks apart to expose Rachel’s sex and anus, both pouting and moist from her excitement and exertions. Adrienne ran her forefinger down the cleft, stopping when she reached the lowest part of the labia. Rachel trembled and whispered something incomprehensible. Adrienne dragged her finger back up until it rested on the little bud of Rachel’s anus. She held it there for a few seconds, teasing and torturing the trembling girl, before forcing it home.
‘Aaaah!’ wailed Rachel, as Adrienne’s finger pushed deep into her tight, crinkled hole. She felt the hard sphincter muscles grip as it slipped deeper and deeper inside. She only stopped once she was in past her knuckle.
‘Can you feel that, bitch?’ Adrienne hissed. ‘That’s your dignity, and it’s gone, every last shred of it.’ She reinforced her words by wiggling her finger, making Rachel groan and squirm in utter humiliation.
Once she felt she was assured of Rachel’s complete obedience, Adrienne pulled out her finger. It came with a soft plop! and a moan of relief from the owner of the violated bottom. Adrienne dropped to her knees between Rachel’s parted thighs. Taking a firm grip of her buttocks, she prised her friend’s cheeks apart once again. Her face was level with Rachel’s damp sex. Adrienne rolled a ball of saliva onto the end of her tongue, then pursed her lips and sent it flying. It landed directly on Rachel’s labia, and she gave an astonished cry as she realised what Adrienne had done. ‘Ooh! You spat on my pussy, you filthy beast!’
‘And there’s plenty more where that came from. Only I’m going to put it on with the personal touch.’ Taking a deep breath, Adrienne thrust her face forward, poking out her tongue. She ran it up and down the length of Rachel’s lips, feeling her best friend shiver as she did so. She continued to lick and was gratified to feel Rachel push her bottom out further.
Adrienne moved her fingers inwards until the tips touched the swollen labia. Peeling them apart, she paused for a moment to stare into the depths of Rachel’s vagina before plunging her tongue back inside, this time using it to lash the most sensitive flesh. Rachel’s groans became more and more ecstatic, and she began to rotate her hips as her excitement grew. Adrienne speeded up, knowing Rachel was getting near. The little hairs in her bottom cleft tickled Adrienne’s nose, as she drove the redhead on to her climax.
It did not take long. Rachel screamed and forced her bottom back into Adrienne’s face, making her fight for breath. She had to push her hands farther into the plump buttocks to keep her grip. As she felt Rachel’s moist sex spasm she knew it was time to play her ace.
Springing to her feet, Adrienne fumbled with the button and zip of her jeans. As she ripped the trousers open, the black strap-on fell out, pointing menacingly at Rachel’s twisting genitals. The bending girl was, of course, completely unaware of her fate, at least until she felt the he
ad of the dildo push against her lips.
‘What … Who … Oh my God!’ she exclaimed, as she lifted her upper body and turned her head to see what was happening. ‘Adrienne, what are you doing with that?’
‘Well, what do you think?’ asked Adrienne, a sly smile creeping over her face as she took a firm hold of Rachel’s hips with both hands.
‘It looks like you’re going to fuck me,’ gasped Rachel, before she too started to grin. ‘So what are you waiting for, babe? Stick it in!’
Adrienne needed no further encouragement. She bucked her hips, thrusting the solid black rod deep into Rachel’s slick tunnel. She was already well-lubricated from her orgasm, and the shaft slipped in, then out, with ease. Adrienne felt an odd sense of power, imagining what it must have been like for all the men who had ever entered her and Rachel. She felt she had the redhead completely at her mercy, that she could use her in any way she wished. The thought made her head spin.
Adrienne began to move in a steady rhythm, plunging the dildo in and out. She felt the base slapping against her own vulva. Running her palm across her stomach, Adrienne slipped her middle fingers down inside the waist strap. She thrilled as she made contact with her own clitoris. The sight of the large, fake penis pumping in and out of Rachel’s vagina, her cane-marked bottom moving in time with the strokes, and the pressure of her own fingers all served to send Adrienne higher and higher.
Rachel herself was also heading for another climax. She had barely come down from her first orgasm, and now she began to moan and groan. The sounds were echoed by Adrienne, who began flicking her bean with her fingertips.
She felt the blood rush to her head. Her right palm slapped Rachel’s bottom twice, before grabbing the red, abused flesh and kneading it roughly. That was enough to send the submissive girl into orbit. Rachel screamed and slammed her bottom back into Adrienne’s groin. Adrienne felt her friend’s vagina as it began to squeeze the dildo of its own accord. Then her own sex went out of control and her knees buckled as she reached an ecstatic release.
Catherine's Letters Page 19