Shannon was lost in those thoughts when Seth returned.
"Is everything all right?" she asked.
"It is now. Bill's horse was tied out back and he somehow got tangled in the rope. Damn near hanged himself before I got there, which was absolutely unnecessary."
"I don't understand."
He sighed heavily, apparently letting off a little of the steam that still simmered inside. "There were three cowboys standing around watching him thrash against that rope—three. Do you think any one of them tried to help Isham? No, they were afraid of him, afraid they might get kicked in the... knees or something."
Shannon actually felt her heart skip a beat as he spoke, especially since his anger was not directed at her, but toward a group of men who would not or could not help an animal in distress.
"What did you do when you got there?" she asked a little breathlessly.
"I walked up to Isham, got right in his face and told him to halt. Then I stroked his ears and neck a little and convinced him I was there to help. His eyes were bulging a little, from fear, not the rope, but he used his brain and quieted enough for me to get to work on freeing him."
Shannon swayed a little as she said, "I wish I could have seen you doing all that."
Seth cocked his head and furrowed his brow. "Exactly why did you come out to the corrals?"
As if a fog had suddenly lifted, Shannon blinked and said, "Bethel told me I had to help out besides doing my performances. Since I can't cook or sew, she told me to come help you with the horses."
Slowly shaking his dark head, Seth smirked. "So it's just as I thought. You're a spoiled rancher's daughter with servants to do everything for you."
Her first thought was to set him straight, but Shannon was tired of defending herself. She simply said, "Think what you will. I'm here to work. What do you want me to do?"
Obviously deciding, Seth studied her from one end to the other. His perusal gave her a distinctly uncomfortable sensation, the sense that he was measuring her and finding her lacking. Shannon was just moments away from unleashing her tongue when he finally answered her with a question of his own.
"Are you seriously considering staying on with the show?"
"I am."
"But what about your brother? He seemed pretty insistent on taking you back to the ranch."
Shannon almost laughed as she thought of him with the lovely Mirabella and her fancy camera. "Caleb is not going to be a problem."
Seth nodded and chuckled a little as he said, "Then I guess I'm looking the real problem in the eye."
Shannon stiffened her spine. "I do not see how I've been a problem. All I've done since I got here is come up with a great act and offer my services with the horses. How does that make me a problem?"
This seemed to take him back some. Seth raised his eyebrows, grinned and said, "I guess I'm thinking of the problems ahead. You have no idea what goes into putting this show together and taking it apart. We also travel most every day. I just think you might be a bit too, I don't know, delicate? to withstand the trials you'll endure as a member of this troupe."
Shannon couldn't help herself. She laughed, a real from the bottom of her belly guffaw that eased the tension some. Then she said, "Me delicate? I guess you forgot that I'm the delicate female who rode Dolly after she threw me halfway across the camp. I'm also the delicate female that has the nerve to fall between two galloping horses and roll to a stop without breaking my neck. All that and you think I'm too delicate to ride on a train?"
Seth shrugged, glanced down at the ground and dug the toe of his boot in the dirt. "I guess I didn't explain it right. I just meant that you don't understand how hard it can be on a woman traveling the way we do."
"And what way is that? Do I have to ride on top of the train? I can do that if I have to."
"No," he said with a quiet chuckle. "I'm talking about the schedule. Tonight we'll be heading to Evanston where we'll give two shows, then the next day we're in Ogden, Utah for two more shows, then—"
"Utah?" she cut in, filled with excitement. "I've never been to Utah."
"You're in luck then because we have three stops there, then it's on to Idaho—"
"Idaho? I've never been there either."
His gaze was puzzled. "What about Oregon and California? Been to either of them?"
"No, and I simply cannot wait to see all of the places Mister Cody takes this show."
"Just where all have you been?"
"Ummm, Wyoming."
Seth was incredulous. "That's it?"
She nodded and said, "That's one of the reasons I wanted to join the troupe. I've always wanted to travel and see the rest of this great land, but my father's idea of adventure was taking us to Cheyenne—once."
This didn't match Seth's opinion of her or the vision he had of Shannon being surrounded by servants. If she was as spoiled as he suspected she was, she could easily have talked her father into taking her anywhere she wanted to go. Europe even.
Testing that theory, Seth said, "I've seen a lot more than this great land as long as I've been with Bill. Three years ago we were in Paris for the World Exhibition."
Her green eyes caught fire. "Paris, as in France?"
"One and the same. Ever been there?"
"Gracious, no. I've tried to keep up with all the places the show performs as best as I can, you know, reading newspaper articles and seeing posters, but I never knew the troupe went to France."
"It's been to a lot more places than that." He chuckled softly and shook his head. "Too bad you won't last long with us. The day after Christmas, we'll be opening in London, England and are booked there for four months."
Shannon bit her bottom lip and for a moment, Seth thought she might even burst into tears.
"Hey," he said softly as if speaking to one of his ailing charges. "Why are you so upset?"
Shannon's eyes fluttered a moment and then opened. "I'm not," she said. "It's just that I never knew this show went anywhere but the United States. I never dreamed that it, that I would go to Europe."
Aware there were workmen all around them, Seth sharpened his tone. "You're not there yet. I'll bet you don't even make it to San Francisco."
"Really?" Chin raised high, she dared, "How much you want to bet?"
Damned if she wasn't irritating. He hadn't meant for her to accept the challenge, but now that she had, he had to come up with some kind of bet. Deciding it should be worth something if it was going to test her mettle, he glanced into the corral and said, "How about your father's horse?"
"Stormy?" Her eyes were huge. "You want to make a bet for my horse?" At his solemn nod, she added, "But I love that horse."
"A bet that doesn't hurt a little isn't worth making, now is it?"
She wrung her hands, thinking it over, and then said, "And what do I get from you when I win the bet?"
"Oh, I don't know." Inspiration suddenly struck. "How about my blue kerchief? You always seem to be staring at it when I have it on."
"My horse for a scarf? You must be out of your mind."
"Not the first time my mental state has been called into question. What do you think would be fair? Fifty bucks?"
As Shannon glanced into the corral a smile slowly spread across her face. Then she said, "Here's what's fair. If I should happen to lose, you get Stormy. However, when I win—and I will win—I'm taking Charlie."
Seth held up both hands. "Not Charlie. I need him for the show."
"The same goes for me and Stormy. And what did you just say? A bet isn't worth making if it doesn't hurt a little?"
Seth pushed out a heavy sigh and considered the offer. In actuality, he didn't think Shannon would make it as far as Oregon, much less California. Charlie would be safe enough.
Seth stuck out his hand, Shannon met it with her own, and the bet was on.
* * *
Later, after the grand parade and several performances had been concluded, Shannon donned her stained pink gown and boarded the Deadwood Stag
ecoach as a helpless passenger. A couple of dozen menacing Indians chased the stagecoach around the arena until at last, Buffalo Bill arrived on his great white horse and ran the Indians off. The stagecoach and the passengers, some of them members of the audience, were saved and it was time for Shannon to get ready for her act with Seth.
He'd put her to work after their foolish bet. First she had to tend to Lucy and her injured fetlock. After carefully binding the ankle, Shannon found a quiet spot away from the other horses where she tied the animal. After that she merely had to groom Stormy and Charlie, a chore she relished, and get them ready for the show.
Now she and Seth sat perched on their mounts and waited for their musical cue. He'd barely said a word to her once the show began, and he showed no inclination to engage her in banter now.
Figuring he needed encouragement, she said, "All set? Do you remember that you have to kind of toss me away from Charlie?"
He gave her a sideways glance. "I've got it. You'll be fine."
And then, before she could respond, the band cued their act. Shannon and Stormy shot into the arena, she playing the terrified damsel aboard a runaway horse, and then she slid sideways off the saddle.
Everything went perfectly after that. Seth and Charlie caught up to her, Shannon 'fell' after he reached for her, and she hit the ground with no damage to her body.
Seth then spun Charlie around and leapt to her aid. After he gathered her into his arms, she chose to go completely limp.
"Shannon?" Seth asked, sounding worried. "Did you hurt yourself?"
Still no response. Seth checked her temples and forehead, apparently looking signs of injury, but he would find nothing. "Shannon? Come on, gal, wake up."
At last she opened one eye. Then she cracked a sly smile and said, "It's true then, you care about me, you really do. You'll never fire me."
An incredulous Seth stared into her eyes for a long moment, but his comment when it came, was not an agreement to ensure her place in the show.
"You're insufferable."
Then he gave her a kiss that darn near melted her toes.
Chapter 8
After the show's finale where all of the performers once again gathered in the arena to take their last bows, Shannon was astounded at how quickly the encampment was torn down. The work crews took apart and loaded the grandstands onto wagons along with props ranging from Gatling guns to stagecoaches, not to mention all the tents and corrals. Seth supplied a team of draft horses to haul the heavy wagons to the rail cars where they were unloaded.
Shannon's job was to help Seth and the cowboys load the horses into the cars set aside for them. She was to lead Lucy into the first car ahead of the herd, thereby insuring that the mare would have relative privacy in otherwise packed circumstances.
While she and Lucy stood outside their designated car waiting for the crew to finish preparing the floor with plenty of straw, she counted eighteen cars in total, all of them rolling advertisements for Buffalo Bill's Wild West. Most of them were filled with equipment, including an entire car set aside as a storeroom for the enormous food supplies necessary for the large ensemble. There were separate sleeping cars for men and women, but Shannon would not have the luxury of riding in one tonight.
She would be traveling with the horses and doing her best to make sure that Lucy did not suffer any further injuries.
After the horses were loaded and Shannon was busy trying to make herself and the mare comfortable, Seth climbed aboard carrying a large pile of straw.
"This ought to help make things easier for you," he said, depositing the load against the wall where Shannon stood. "Are you still sure you want to do this?"
"Yes, of course. I really hope to save Lucy, and if I miss a little sleep doing it, so what?"
Behind them the horses were growing restless with a lot of head tossing and nickering. They were used to traveling by rail, but were as impatient as their riders to get underway. One of them, a big sorrel, moved up and aggressively nudged Seth in the back.
"Take it easy, Red," Seth said as he turned and softly tapped the horse on the snout. Red immediately backed away and reclaimed the spot in which he'd been standing.
"What just happened there?" Shannon wanted to know.
"It's a little trick that might come in handy for you tonight in case the horses get restless. If one of them gets to crowding you, just tap him a little on his nose and he'll skedaddle."
"I never heard of that before. Where did you learn to do that?"
He smiled, flashing dimples she hadn't noticed before. "Where I've learned everything I know about horses—from watching them. If a horse is being pestered by another horse, he just gives him a peck on the nose. Works every time."
Shannon had learned a lot by watching the animals, but not to the extent that Seth had. She could hardly believe it, but she'd actually found a man who knew more about horses than she did. It was also obvious that they shared an equal love of the animals.
Admiring him inwardly, she asked, "Anything else I should know?"
Seth pointed to the door that led to the next railroad car. "There's a necessary room just inside the doorway of the next car. It's also the men's sleeping car so I wouldn't venture past that room. If you get too tired to do this all night, I don't know what to tell you. The lady's sleeping car is five or six cars ahead."
"I'll be all right until morning," she assured him. "Where will you be?"
"In this next car, so if you or Lucy get into trouble, just come on next door and call my name."
The train whistle blew then, informing all that they would soon be underway. Seth pointed to the pile of straw and said, "Better sit down and get settled. The ride's a bit bumpy until we pick up some steam."
With that, he tipped his hat and disappeared into the next car.
* * *
A few hours into the journey Seth awoke with a start. Had he heard something, maybe a commotion in the horse car? Concerned about the animals as well as Shannon, he climbed down from his bunk and pulled on his Levis.
Barefoot and shirtless on this very warm August night, he left the sleeping car and stepped into the equine quarters. All was quiet save for a sound he only remembered hearing while slopping the hogs.
Using slivers of moonlight that slithered into the car through ventilation slats, Seth saw that Lucy's eyes were closed and she was leaning against the wall. Shannon was on the floor, the lower half of her body sitting, the upper portion including her head, listing off to the left. Her mouth was opened and she was snoring loud enough to wake the dead.
Thinking to make her more comfortable so she wouldn't wake up with all manner of kinks, Seth settled in beside her and gently shook her shoulder.
Shannon's eyes abruptly popped open. Then she gawked at him and asked, "Are you naked?"
"What?" Seth glanced down at himself as if he wasn't quite sure. "No. I'm wearing my Levis. I thought I heard noises in this car so I jumped out of bed and came to check on you."
"Oh, then thanks." She rubbed her neck and worked her shoulders. "I guess I fell asleep."
Seth laughed. "I don't know how you could sleep through all that racket."
Shannon glanced at Lucy, then at the other horses. "What racket? They all seem to be asleep."
"The sound I heard wasn't from the horses, in fact, it didn't sound human." At her puzzled expression, he laughed and said, "You were snoring, and loudly. The cowboy band couldn't compete with you."
Shannon raised her chin a notch. "I don't snore. It must have been one of the horses."
"That's probably what I heard," he said, giving her a break. "And I've learned never to trust a horse that snores."
Shannon pressed her lips together and favored him with a sideways glance.
Keeping things friendly, he asked, "So how's it been going in here? Have any trouble with Lucy or her friends?"
Shaking her head, she said through a yawn, "It's been very quiet. I didn't even get a chance to try out that trick of yours
"Don't worry about that. Once I figure out a regular job for you working with the horses, you'll have plenty of opportunities to pop one on the nose."
Shannon laughed at the thought and then slid down the wall until she was reclining in the straw. As she pushed a lump of straw under her head to prop it up, she said, "Oh, that feels better. I've got a really sore neck."
Before the words even left his lips, Seth knew that what he was about to suggest was a very bad idea. He said them anyway. "Come sit in front of me. I'm told I have good hands for finding and loosening muscle knots and kinks. I've even been known to give a tired horse a massage."
Surprising him, Shannon didn't hesitate. "Oh, that sounds wonderful."
After flattening himself against the wall, Seth spread his legs wide and positioned Shannon directly in front of him. Then he gathered up the waves of her hair and impulsively buried his face in them for a moment. She smelled of wildflowers and sunshine, horses and buckskin, all the things he loved.
Mentally slapping himself, he threw the bulk of Shannon's hair over her shoulder and then slid his hands around her neck.
Her skin was warm, soft, and slightly damp. Trying to think of other things, anything but the way she felt beneath his hands, he began to knead the muscles there, searching for lumps and knots as he worked.
"Oh, my Lord," Shannon said with a groan. "That feels so good I can hardly stand it. Don't ever stop."
She wasn't helping her cause the least bit. Determined to keep his mind from going places it shouldn't, he said, "What happened to that brother of yours? Did he finally come to his senses and go back home?"
"Umm, probably. I haven't seen him since the end of the first show."
"That's the best news I've heard all day. I just hope he gives your father a good report." Seth found a knot at the side of her neck and pressed his thumb against it. "I'm going to work out this kink now and it might hurt a little bit at first. That okay with you?"
Pistols and Petticoats (A Historical Western Romance Anthology) Page 22