Inheriting A Mafia

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Inheriting A Mafia Page 1

by K. L Hart

  Inheriting A Mafia

  K.L Hart

  Copyright © 2020 K.L Hart

  All rights reserved

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

  Cover design by: Art Painter

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2018675309

  Printed in the United States of America

  To my Mum


  Title Page



  Inheriting A Mafia

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  About The Author

  Books By This Author

  Inheriting A Mafia

  K.L Hart

  Chapter One

  Casey rolls her eyes after snatching her detention slip from Mr. Barton and storms away, “Two months until I leave this stupid school!”

  I stifle a laugh as I speed up to fall in step with her, “One more of them and you will lose weekend access for a month!” Casey rolls her purple eyes at me, no one knows the actual color of her eyes because she wears colored contacts every day!

  Casey stops in her tracks and stares me down with a glare, “Why do you never get detention, Sienna? You do worse shit than me all the time!” I wiggle my eyebrows at her,

  “Because the teachers know who my family are!” We continue walking and she turns serious,

  “Are you ever going to tell me, we all know your last name is not Smith! Most obvious fake name ever by the way!”

  “Nope, not yet anyway!”

  “Why? are you a secret Princess? Love child of the President? Or a Vampire?” I grin at her,

  “When you have proven yourself trust worthy, I will tell you!” she throws her hands up in the air!

  “Nearly four years of being best friends! I think I have earned your trust twice over!”

  “Ok, I will tell you the night of Graduation!” A huge smile spreads across her face,

  “Yes! End goal in sight!” I link my arm through hers and continue walking towards the dorms! Casey is the kind of friend every girl like me wishes for, she is down to earth and genuine, she does not judge and takes you for who you are, I know that I could tell her the truth about me now, or even three years ago but I have this horrible fear that my one true girlfriend will be like everyone else, scared! Once people are scared, they run a mile or become robots, agreeing to everything you say, doing anything you ask and literally being so fake it's not worth having them around! Casey is wealthy, just like every student here at Coldwell Academy, she is from old money, and some students hate her for it! She is stunning, short black hair, that’s styled in a sleek bob, Perfect bone structure, slightly tanned skin, plump pink lips and a cute button nose! She is smaller than me both in height and figure, she is a teeny tiny size 0 and is only 5”3! I however am 5”9 with long, thick, Platinum blonde hair that is dead straight and goes to the tops of my thighs, I have blue eyes that turn almost silver when I'm mad, I have curves for days, wide hips and full boobs. I am pretty enough, nothing I dislike really but nothing that stands out as being extra!

  I pull out the key card for our dorm door and swipe it,

  “I feel like vegging out on the sofa with food and a movie tonight!”

  Casey gives me a smile at my suggestion,

  “Sounds perfect!” She heads straight to her bedroom to get changed, dorm rooms in the Academy are more like suites, two big bedrooms with en-suite's and an open plan kitchen/living area! They are all decked out with nice furniture and electronics and are nicely decorated! I grab a soda from the fridge and plonk down on the sofa, it only takes Casey a few minutes to join me, she is now dressed in sweats and a hoodie. Casey hates sitting at home and not being extra comfortable and as soon as she walks through that front door she transforms from the rich, fashionable girl to the grungy girl! We scroll through Netflix and finally choose white chicks; it doesn’t take long for us to relax and start laughing at the film. I Jump when there is loud, frantic knocking on the door an hour into the film,

  I raise an eyebrow at Casey, “One of your boyfriends?”

  “Oh, Ha-ha!” Casey swings open the door and my face falls when I see the man dressed in a crisp black suit, black shirt and black shades! I immediately go on the defensive!

  “Casey, back away and get behind me!”

  “What!” She darts her eyes from me to the man and back, I think she is frozen in place! Problem is I have no clue who this is, if he is one of Dad’s goons or an enemy that should not know about me let alone where I am!

  The man takes a small step forward, his expression is blank, “Miss Vellucci, we have a code Black, you need to get your belongings and come with me now!” My heart drops at the words ‘Code Black’, it means one thing, someone high in the family is missing or dead. I nod my head repeatedly but I don’t actually move! The man clears his throat and I snap out of my shock, I run straight to my bedroom and get my suitcase from under the bed, I shove as much in it as I can and as quickly as possible! Casey walks into the room and stares at me wide eyed!

  “Vellucci,” I realize why she looks so shocked; she has just found out exactly who I am! I don’t say anything, I don’t even look in her direction, I just keep packing! I don’t want to actually witness my only ever friend pull back, I don’t want to see her fear!

  “You could have told me! I don’t care who your family are, I love you for you!” I instantly stop packing at her words! Casey comes to me and pulls me into a hug and I release the breath I was holding in.

  “You are truly the best!”

  “I don’t want to know what Code Black is right now, it is obviously bad, but I expect a phone call in the next twenty-four hours, I need to know you're ok!”

  “Deal!” I release her from my hold and zip up the suitcase, Casey hands me my handbag and then we walk back out to the man. He takes my suitcase and I turn to Casey,

  “I’ll ring you as soon as I can! I love you girl!” I don’t give Casey a chance to reply, I spin on my heel and follow the goon out of my dorm! I know I won't be coming back here! My time at school is officially over!

  Chapter Two

  I walk through the front door of my home after a four-hour flight in one of the family’s jets, I am tired, anxious and on edge! The two goons sent for me would not tell me anything despite my constant asking. Goon number one puts my bags inside the huge foyer and turns to me,

  “Miss, you are needed in your father's office.” My heels click as they hit the white marble floor beneath my feet, I stride through the house, I hol
d down all my feelings and radiate as much confidence and grace as I can! I walk into Daddy’s office expecting him to be sitting behind his desk but the room is empty! It feels wrong to be in here, I am never allowed in this room without Daddy! Goon two comes in and plays around with the computer on Daddy’s large desk,

  “Hey! You're not allowed to touch that!” He moves aside and gestures to the big leather chair behind the desk,

  “Miss, the video call is all ready for you.” He swiftly exits the room, shutting the door behind him! My eyebrows burrow in confusion and I slowly round the desk and sit in the chair. A familiar face looks at me through the screen, Uncle Rocco! His podgy face is barely visible through the cloud of smoke from his cigar.

  “Ahh, Sienna!” He isn’t my actual Uncle but close enough to the family that he has the honorary title, Uncle Rocco has been at every family event, every birthday, every memory really! He is my father’s right-hand man and he is one of few that we all trust! I lean forward in my chair,

  “Uncle Rocco, what’s going on? I got told Code Black and nothing else!”

  “Sienna, I have some bad news! Your father was Killed in Chicago Late last night!” I freeze, my body goes ridged and my brain does not compute the words just spoken to me,

  “Daddy’s dead?” Uncle Rocco’s expressions softens ever so slightly at my whispered words.

  “I am afraid so!” Confusion hits me, but why am I here?

  “Where’s Luca? Shouldn’t he be here?” Uncle Rocco’s face screws up in disgust causing my brow to crease further,

  “Your Brother is missing; your father had a tip that he was working for one of the Russians!”

  “No! Luca would never!”

  “We have hard evidence, Sienna!” I let the information sink in for a moment before I nod my head, I know an accusation of that caliber would not be spoken unless there is evidence that could not be argued with! And if I'm completely honest it does sound like my asshole brother!

  “Uncle Rocco, what does all of this mean? What will happen now!”

  “You will need to take over the family, you are the only one who can! The businesses, the men, the turf, it is yours now and you need to protect it!” My mouth drops, he has to be joking!

  “I can’t! I am no more than a tool to marry off for a truce!” I knew that was my fate and I have known this since, well, forever! I was not trained to take over, I was not taught about the ins and outs of the businesses, Luca was and now that weasel has betrayed us all and left me to pick up the pieces.

  “You can and you will! I had specific instructions to guide and help you if anything happened to both your father and your brother! The men were always told to obey you if this happened, you have always been a contingency plan! One we hoped would never have to be played out, we didn’t want this burden for you but now you have to step up! You are now the Don of the Vellucci Mafia and one of the heads of the Five families of America!” I stare at the screen, eyes wide, mouth open! I cannot find any words; this is a bad idea. Right?

  “Sienna, you have tonight to get this into your head! You want to grieve, you do it tonight! You want to be sad or confused, you do it tonight! You want to smash the fucking place down, you do it tonight! Tomorrow morning at Nine AM you will be at your Casino, in your office and you will be the Mafia Princess your father taught you to be! We need you strong, no weakness remember!” He over annunciates the word ‘your’ in his slight Italian accent, driving his point home!

  “Yes, Uncle Rocco! I will be ready!” I say almost robotically, with a small smile he hangs up the video call and I slump back into the chair! I'm the Don of one of the biggest Mafia’s in the world, Me! Seventeen-year-old Sienna, a fucking boss! Fucking Luca, Daddy always said he was useless! Oh god Daddy! I will never see my father again! I let out a small sob as the last of my thoughts hits me properly! My father, the only person I could count on is dead, Killed! Anger roars through me and my weak tears disappear, good thing about being the boss of a mafia, you can enact some revenge!

  I get to the Casino Twenty minutes early so I can get a coffee from the bar and relax for a few minutes before I see Uncle Rocco, I spent half the night either pacing with worry about how I am going to be a Don, it’s ridiculous, I do not see how I could possibly be a Mafia boss! Or I would burst in to tears when thoughts of Daddy popped into my head and then I had random fits of anger, to say I was an emotional wreck was an understatement! I did however, manage to get a few hours' sleep in! My emotions are now in check, my face nothing more than stone, and my head is clear! I am not ready for this at all, but I have zero options, so I won't let them know that! I will act like the biggest, baddest, best Don they have ever seen and hopefully it just becomes the truth! That’s the plan and I am sticking with it! I walk into the private elevator, meant only for my family and their guests and head up to the 42nd floor, The Vellucci Resort and Casino is huge, I'm not sure how big it actually is, I never asked! I do know there are four floors that is off limits to the public and certain staff, the only way you can get too the 41st, 42nd floor and the two underground floors, is by this private elevator, you need a key card to even get into this elevator and on these floors is where the real business take place! The Casino may make a hell of a lot of money but it’s only a small dent compared to the undisclosed business ventures my family are involved in! I Walk into Daddy’s huge office and I fight the wave of sadness that rolls through me and sit behind the huge Walnut and Rosewood desk, The Office is decked out, plenty of chairs and two sofas, a flat screen on the far wall, a bar, Paintings Cover each of the walls, one is family portrait and even mother is in it. Luca is around four and I am a newborn, Daddy looks so happy in the portrait, bet he never thought it would end up like this! A knock at the door stops me from examining the dark old-world office and sit up straight.

  “Come in!” I say loudly. The door opens and Uncle Rocco walks in, I stand to greet him and his eyes look me over, no doubt judging my appearance. I am wearing a Wide legged suit trousers and matching Burgundy suit Jacket; the jacket is low cut and my plain white top is showing through. I matched the outfit with Burgundy stilettoes and wore light makeup and put my hair in a sleek ponytail! I have on my gold Rolex and small hoop earrings and I look every part of the rich business woman I intended when I chose this outfit! It is not my style exactly but I am comfortable in it and It exudes the power I now have! Uncle Rocco nods, approving my appearance. At least I know I got one thing right today.

  “Sienna!” He approaches me with a smile and air kisses each of my cheeks before taking a seat in front of the desk.

  “We have much to go through in the next hour! Then we must go to a meeting with the other four bosses, it is taking place here, down in the meeting room.” I watch him get out his cigar and light it, the smoke smells, cigarettes and cannabis I can handle, but the smell of Uncle Rocco’s stale cigars make me want to gag.

  “Let’s get started then!”

  “Good girl, Let’s start with the businesses, The Casino is doing well, turn over so far this year is Sixty-Seven Million dollars, we expect this figure to double as we have to quarters left in the financial year,” He says all of this like its nothing, like that amount of money is not worth getting out of his bed for! Sixty-Seven Million! Jesus Christ, how much money do I actually have now?

  “The Prostitution rings and drug dealings are going well no issues there at the moment and the weapons business is booming, that new war over in the middle east has done us some favor's!”

  “The Prostitution, how is that managed, the girls are willing right?” This is a big thing for me and I will not back down on this matter, I will not tolerate human trafficking or rape ever!

  “Yes, all the girls are well looked after, this is their profession of choice, we have women who look after them too, we make sure they are mentally and physically well!” His reassurance has settled my mind for now but I will be checking things out for myself in the coming days, I may never have had a say before, so I never
asked, I did not want to know if Daddy allowed sexual abuse to happen! But that will not happen while I am in charge!

  “How is the money laundering going, are we hitting any problems making the money clean?” Uncle Rocco’s eyes go wide,

  “What! You think I didn’t know about any of this, I may not know details Uncle but I know enough!” I state leaning back in my chair. A small smile graces his face and he shakes his head.

  “You know, your Dad always said you were the better fit for this life!”

  “You have met my weasel of a brother right; the guy is scared of his own shadow!” We both snicker at the same time, when things are funny it is most likely because they are true!

  “Speaking of your brother, I suggest...” I cut him off mid-sentence, I have to start making the decisions around here, if I need advice, I will ask for it but as for my brother I have my own plan,

  “I need to see the evidence of his betrayal, as soon as I confirm the evidence, I want him found and captured, I will decide what to do with him from there!”

  “Very well, back to your question! The money side is good for now, we have a deal with one of the Cartels and they are cleaning it for us for a ten percent cut. We are monitoring the situation carefully!” I nod, I have heard about the Cartels, I was kept hidden from most people but the Bratva and the Cartels were never to find out about me, I am perfect prey to either wind up a sex slave or a drug mule, never mind the ransom!

  “My Father's funeral, I would like you to make the arrangements!”

  “It would be my honor! I’ll go get us some coffee and then we can discuss how the next few days are going to go!” He gets up and strolls out the room, I pull out my phone and send a text.

  Me: Hey, Girl! I am ok so don’t worry but I may not be able to phone you today, A lot has happened and I have a pile of crap to work through!


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