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Greywolf Page 18

by Mary A. DeCarlo

  Did she know, she wondered. Had Michael found a way to tell her the truth, or had he just married her with hope of keeping it hidden? How was she going to find out without letting her know if she didn't already?

  Altheia saw the questioning look on Michael's mother's face. What did she want to know? As the silence went on, she suddenly realized what it might be. Michael's mother was the only other person who knew what he was and she had to be wondering if Altheia knew about Michael.

  "I know about your son,” she said, breaking the silence.

  Michael's mother stared at her for a moment, then a smile lit her face. “And you accept this?” she asked quietly.

  "Yes. It's still sometimes hard to believe, but yes, I accept what he is."

  "And what did he tell you about himself?” She had to be sure of exactly what Altheia knew before she revealed anything. Altheia hadn't really said what she knew.

  "Michael said he was a shape shifter and a werewolf and showed me."

  Michael's mother gasped and looked up in shock. “He showed you!"

  "Oh yes. I didn't believe him. I told him seeing was believing and made him prove it,” she chuckled.

  "He never let anyone watch him, not even his father after the first time. Even I didn't see that. His father bared me from the room.” She shook her head in disbelief. “Only twice did I watch his father. It was too dangerous. I knew Michael was safe except during the full moon, but he would never let anyone near him.” She looked at Altheia thoughtfully. “He must love you very much to trust you like that."

  Altheia smiled at the thought. Any doubts about the rightness of their relationship vanished.

  "Yes, I believe he does."

  "Will you have the strength to bear his children, knowing that they may be like him?"

  Pain crossed Altheia's face. “I can't have children,” she answered sadly. “But I would have loved to have had Michael's child, more than anything."

  Windflower felt the loss deeply. She knew now that she would never have a grandchild to hold, and she grieved that her soul mate's bloodline would not continue to walk the earth. She sighed, but at least her son's days would be shared with one who loved and accepted him. She had worried that he would be alone when she passed on.

  "Enough sorrow, you are what his heart desires and that is all that matters. Now, we have a celebration to plan. You will stay here in Michael's room tonight and he can stay with his uncle. Tomorrow night we will celebrate my son taking a bride."

  "Can't Michael stay here?"

  "No. Of course not. There is much to be done. We must get you a dress and a number of things. We can't have Michael underfoot. He will only get in the way. It's only one night; he will survive."

  Altheia giggled.

  "What's so funny?” she asked.

  "Sort of an inside joke between Michael and me. Just be sure to tell him that ‘it's only one more night.’ He'll understand. But don't expect him to be happy about it.” She knew Michael was going to be far from happy. Actually, she wasn't too happy about it either. She missed him already and wished he were here to hold her in his arms. It was probably good that she couldn't have children or she'd end up with a dozen before they were through.

  * * * *

  Michael sat at the meeting hall nursing a soda while his relatives made plans for the celebration. He'd gotten the call from his mother an hour ago that he was staying at his uncle's for the night. He knew Altheia must have been amused since she had sent the message about one more night. Damn, they had slept through last night and left early this morning. He hadn't felt the need, knowing they would be here tonight. But now they were going to be apart. And he already wanted her.

  He sighed. Maybe he could sneak out tonight and go for a run. That might ease his need.

  Finishing the soda, he stood up and walked over to his family and offered to help. He didn't want this celebration delayed. One night was more than enough.

  * * * *

  It was late when Altheia was finally alone in Michael's old room. There was only a single bed. She couldn't help but think of how cozy it would be with Michael and her in that bed. It was going to be a very long and very lonely night.

  The bedside clock said it was just after midnight when she woke up. She lay there listening, trying to figure what had awakened her. It was too dark to see anything and at first she couldn't hear anything. Suddenly she heard a soft thump. Her head jerked toward the darkened window and her heart began to beat faster. Dear God, had someone sneaked into the room?

  Altheia opened her mouth, ready to scream, when a hand covered it in the darkness. A small squeak managed to escape before the hand stifled the rest. Her hands flew out to repel her attacker, when a mouth was pressed to her ear.

  "Shhh. It's me. Michael."

  Then the hand was gone and his lips covered her mouth instead. She whimpered in relief, her arms circling his neck, pulling him closer.

  Michael moaned as her arms moved around his neck. God, how he'd missed her. When he had sneaked out, he had full intentions of running through the countryside. But then he found himself outside his old bedroom window, only a foot away from his mate, and he remembered that he had unlocked that window when he had been here a few weeks ago.

  He had always left it unlocked so as to have a convenient access without going through the house and disturbing his mother. Unable to resist, he was compelled to try. Maybe his mother hadn't discovered it yet. Finding it unlocked, he knew he had to hold his mate in his arms.

  In moments they were stretched out on the bed, chest to chest, belly to belly. Altheia could feel his hard shaft pressed demandingly against her stomach. She shivered in his arms as the flames of lust licked at her body. What was it about this man that set the blood in her veins on fire?

  "Michael,” she whispered. “What are you doing here?"

  "What do you think?” he whispered back as he thrust his arousal against her soft, warm belly.

  "But your mother will hear,” she reminded him.

  But Michael had already thought of that. Releasing her, he stood and pulled her up from the bed. Dragging the covers from the bed, he threw them onto the floor and tossed the pillows after them. Taking Altheia in his arms, he gently lowered her to the blankets. Dropping to his knees, he reached for her gown and pulled it over her head. Swiftly he divested himself of his garments and lay down, taking her in his arms.

  "God, I need you,” he groaned. “What kind of a spell have you cast on me?"

  "It's you who have enchanted me,” she whispered against his lips. “It must be your animal magnetism,” she laughed softly.

  With a growl, Michael drew Altheia up to straddle his hips. Capturing her mouth, he swallowed her cries. His hands swept her body, her skin growing hot beneath his touch. His shaft throbbed against her soft bottom. Impatient, he grabbed her waist, then lifting her up, impaled her. Her cries of ecstasy were muffled in his throat. With a groan, Michael began to thrust deep into her wet, welcoming core.

  Altheia threaded her fingers in his silky, silver hair, anchoring herself. Slowly she began to rock back and forth, taking him deep, then letting him go. Soon she set the pace of his moves as his hands fell to her hips to encourage her.

  Lust spiraled out of control till she threw her head back, tearing her mouth from his, and a long, low moan fell from her lips.

  Michael thrilled at her response, his own passions dragging him rapidly toward completion. Groaning, he thrust deeper. He wanted to be as close to her as possible. He wanted to be one with her.

  "Oh God, baby,” he whispered through clenched teeth, “I can't wait much longer.” His fingers tightened around her soft bottom, rocking her faster.

  Altheia whimpered and writhed above him as Michael encouraged her to move quicker.

  "Fly with me, baby,” he groaned. With a determined thrust, he buried himself in her warmth and restrained her with his hands. But she should not, could not, stay still and she writhed uncontrollably. With a cry of triumph,
Michael stiffened. His release ripping through his frame as he held her impaled to the hilt.

  As she felt him throb deep within her and as his warmth touched her womb, she felt explosions rock her body. As she began to keen with the orgasm rocketing through her, Michael grasped her head, pulling her mouth to his, covering her cries.

  Minutes later, sprawled over his body as the pleasant aftershocks gently rippled through her, she fought to control her rapid breathing, quiet her still racing heart. Michael had one hand intertwined in her hair and the other possessively spread across her bottom.

  "I thought about doing that all day,” he whispered against her ear, his tongue lapping at her earlobe.

  "Mmm,” she murmured against his chest contentedly. Then she sat up with a gasp as someone knocked at the door.

  "Altheia, are you all right?” Michael's mother called through the door.

  Michael rolled her over, rising gracefully to his feet, pulling her up with him.

  "I'm ... I'm fine,” she answered as Michael threw the covers and pillows back on the bed. “I just had a bad dream."

  He grinned as he handed her the gown. Grabbing his clothes, he went to the window and tossed them out.

  "Altheia? Would you like a cup of tea to relax you?” his mother asked.

  With a wolfish grin, Michael blew her a kiss, slipped out the window and was gone.

  Pulling the gown over her head, Altheia took a deep breath and opened the door.

  "Yes, I think I would love a cup of tea.” A smile hovered about her lips as she heard a howling out in the night.

  Michael's mother also heard the howl and, turning away, hid her smile. Just as she thought, her son hadn't been able to stay away. That was good. She was sure this young woman would make her son very happy.

  * * * *

  The wedding feast was a success. Just about the entire reservation attended, since Michael's uncle was now Sachem, the Chief. Michael's grandfather had died four years ago.

  The partying carried on till the early morning hours. Michael insisted they leave a little after midnight when Altheia began to show fatigue. She tried to protest, but Michael could see she was dead on her feet. Probably too much excitement. These last two weeks were catching up with her. He refused to let her get sick on him, not if he could prevent it.

  Back in his room, he settled her in his bed and sat with her, stroking her back till she fell asleep in his arms. His wife, he thought with awe. He didn't know how he had ever lived without her. How could he have fought this feeling between them for so long?

  He growled softly when he remembered how close he had come to losing her to the stalker. The thought sent a shiver down his spine. Never again, he vowed.

  * * * *

  Michael was concerned. Altheia had been getting more and more fatigued as the days went by. She tried to pretend she was fine, but he could see she wasn't. She wasn't eating as much and she'd lost a few pounds. She tried to dismiss it by saying she needed to lose a few pounds anyway. Not if he could help it, he thought. He liked her just the way she was. And she was getting dark circles under her eyes.

  On Friday he decided to cut the trip short and take her home. He wanted to check in with the Sheriff about the stalker anyhow. Besides, almost a week of his family was about all he could take at one time. They were monopolizing Altheia's time and he hardly got to see her.

  They left Saturday around noon and he figured they'd take their time, stopping Saturday night en route.

  Altheia was tired. She knew Michael was worried about her, but surely it was just fatigue from all the excitement. God, she thought, it had only been a few weeks since the first time they had made love. Then she found out he was a werewolf. Then they got married! And all that was after being attacked by a psychopath. Then meeting Michael's mother and a few dozen assorted relatives ... no wonder she was tired.

  As for not eating, all the excitement had her stomach in an uproar and she found herself occasionally nauseous. She really could afford to lose a few pounds. She certainly didn't want Michael comparing her to those thin model types you see every day in print and on screen. Even his mother was tiny and thin.

  It would be nice to be home again. Maybe they could relax and get to know each other better so they could figure out how and where they wanted to live. Hopefully before they had to visit his grandparents in New Orleans. All these relatives were making her remember she had none. It made her a little sad. Well, by tomorrow afternoon, they should be home.

  The next morning, Michael woke her before he went out to pick up coffee and breakfast sandwiches. She was glad he did.

  When she sat up to get out of bed, she was hit with nausea so bad she almost didn't make it to the bathroom. She managed to collect herself by the time he returned. By distracting him with loading the car, she was able to dispose of the sandwich without him finding out. She didn't want him to worry.

  When they got home, she made a light lunch of soup and crackers, which she managed to finish. She was feeling much better now that she was out of the car. It was probably just a twenty four hour bug and she was glad she hadn't said anything.

  Michael wanted her to go into work with him on Monday, but she refused. She convinced him she would be safe. After all, no one knew they were home yet. When she told him she wanted to get some rest, he relented.

  He also repressed his urge to make love to her. For the second night in a row, she fell asleep in his arms. She was too fatigued to object. At least today she'd eaten something—a little roast chicken for dinner.

  After he was sure she slept soundly, he slipped out. Changing quickly, Wolf was soon racing through the forest. Pausing briefly, he sang out. Koani answered him from deeper in the forest and he ran to meet her.

  It was shortly after midnight when Michael let himself back into the cabin. Slipping silently beneath the covers, he took his mate in his arms and, snuggling closer, drifted contentedly off to sleep.


  Altheia was glad she'd stayed home. At least Michael wasn't here to see her get sick again. Whatever was bothering her, it was apparently not a twenty four hour bug. But since she didn't have a fever, she wasn't too worried. If she was still feeling bad tomorrow, she would see a doctor for a checkup.

  She spent the day cleaning the cabin and finding room for the few things she had with her. They were definitely going to have to decide on where they would live. The cabin was just a bit too small for two people.

  After Michael called at noon to see if she was all right, she began to feel a little hungry. On checking out the pantry, she found little besides canned meats. After exploring a bit, she found a chest freezer in the rabbit shed. Again, nothing but meat, except for one lonely loaf of bread.

  She took that and a can of potted ham and made a sandwich. She was definitely going to have to do some grocery shopping if they stayed here for long.

  She'd noticed her husband's preference for meat to the exclusion of fruits and vegetables, but unless his metabolism was totally foreign, she was sure he could use some veggies. She would have to be creative in getting him to eat more.

  She decided on a beef roast for dinner and wondered what to serve with it. She knew she couldn't keep consuming all this cholesterol. Remembering there was still food at her place, she decided to run there and back.

  Michael wouldn't like her going alone, but the thought of a dinner of just beef made her slightly nauseous. She would take Michael's shotgun with her, providing some protection.

  After starting the roast, she took the trail through the forest. It was a beautiful day, bright, sunny and in the low 70's. Hopefully she wouldn't meet anyone. She didn't want to have to explain the shotgun.

  The trip was uneventful and she returned with carrots, onions, potatoes and even some flour for gravy.

  Around four o'clock she began to feel fatigued again and decided to take a nap. She slept till Michael came home.

  * * * *

  Michael missed Altheia something fierce
and worried about leaving her home alone. When he called just before noon, she sounded fine, but he wished he'd insisted harder about her coming with him.

  He called his lawyer about the status of his trust fund. He'd already faxed him a copy of his marriage certificate so he could free up the funds. It seems he would have access by the end of the week. There was also a message, more of an order really, from his grandfather. He wanted to see Michael immediately. Well, Michael was in no hurry to face his grandfather again, but he knew he wouldn't be able to put him off for long.

  In the meantime, his lawyer had arranged a healthy line of credit that would hold them more than long enough.

  He made arrangements to start the improvements on the garage and transferred funds to the business account so that Joe could take care of things for him, like hiring another worker when school let out in a few weeks. Michael had made up his mind that he wasn't going to go back to work anytime soon. He needed to spend time with his mate.

  Maybe they would do a little traveling like Altheia had suggested. He thought she would like that. He really didn't care what they did, as long as they did it together.

  There was nothing new with the sheriff except that Altheia was going to have to vacate the bungalow by the end of the month. It seems Jorden's family wanted to sell it as soon as possible. There was no progress on finding out who the stalker was. Michael finally left about 4:30 and eagerly headed home.

  When he reached the porch, he smelled beef cooking and a smile lit his face. He hadn't had dinner waiting for him since he'd left his mother's. This was a benefit of marriage he hadn't thought about.

  He noticed Altheia curled up on the bed asleep. For a second he just stood and watched her. Coming closer, he inhaled her special scent, the scent of his mate. He felt his body tighten in response. Lowering himself effortlessly to the bed, he contented himself with lightly stroking her hair in a sort of grooming motion. After a while, she shifted, throwing an arm across his waist. As if sensing his presence, she snuggled closer, her arm tightening around him as she threw a leg over his.


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