Claiming the Evil Dead

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Claiming the Evil Dead Page 24

by Mary Abshire

  "You know I will," I said, and she yawned. "Hey, I better get off."

  "Are you sure everything is all right?" she asked in her motherly voice.

  "Yeah. Get some sleep. I'll talk to you soon."

  She yawned again. "All right. Bye."


  I set the phone on the nightstand, then lay back on the bed. Hearing her voice had cheered me up. I missed her and her carefree, brutally honest, fun-loving attitude. Even if everything turned out poorly, I still had my normal life and friends.

  I turned onto my stomach, then squashed the pillow between my arms. My mind still refused to shut down, so I tossed and turned more. When I heard a click from down the hall, my heart rate accelerated. In a matter of seconds, my flesh tickled as if a ghost had just touched me. Drake had returned.

  I inhaled a deep breath as I tried to calm my nerves and rapid heartbeat. I should have been happy and leaped from bed to greet him. Instead, I stayed lying on my belly and dreaded being near him.

  Soft taps over the hardwood floor were louder. There was the light sound of a zipper. The bed moved and I remained still. A soft hand glided over my arm and came to rest over my hand while he pressed his unclothed body against my backside. He felt warmer than earlier, yet cool as always.

  I didn't move while he nuzzled his nose into my hair, near the back of my neck. His lips touched behind my ear and a tingle of need spread through me. I so enjoyed his touch, his bare flesh pressed to mine.

  "Are you awake?" he whispered, and I nodded. "My apologies if I woke you."

  I lifted his hand to my lips. As I kissed his fingers, I inhaled the scent of strawberries. The body wash he'd used for me still clung to him. I smiled while I enjoyed the fond memory of our time in the shower. Content with my lover on top of me, I closed my eyes and dozed off.


  A sharp spasm in my body jerked me from my slumber. I glanced up at the clock on the nightstand. The time showed almost seven. To my surprise, I'd slept for a few hours.

  "A dream?" Drake asked, his body still pressed upon mine.

  "No." I wriggled from underneath him and sat up. It took me only two seconds to know I hadn't been dreaming. The twinge in my body was a wake up call.

  Drake moved next to me, then brushed the hair away from my neck. "Is everything okay?" He planted a kiss on my shoulder.

  "Yeah," I said, lying through my teeth. God, how was I going to do this with his naked body at my side and his lips pressed to my flesh? "I, uh…feel hungry."

  He rested his chin on my shoulder. "I can order something for you."

  The temptation to call off my deal with Jeremy besieged me. Drake's gentle touch, his kisses, the way he cared for me all weighed heavy on my heart. Knowing I had to deceive him made me want to vomit. Hungry? Food was the last thing on my mind.

  "I'm going to take a bath." I stood.

  "Do you want me to order some food?"

  "Sure. Anything will be fine," I said on my way out of the bedroom.

  I shut the bathroom door to add a little more privacy, but I didn't lock it. If I had and he attempted to get in, he would probably question me. Questions were the last thing I needed if I was going to pull this plan off.

  I showered, then returned to my room and dressed. Thankfully, Drake wasn't in sight. The thought of sticking around and facing him until noon seemed impossible and unbearable. Trying to show a casual and relaxed appearance, I tied my hair in a ponytail and let my bangs cover my forehead. I hoped to avoid any suspicion.

  The scent of bacon drifted into the room and I perked up. The knot in my stomach continued to mute any hunger, but I had to eat something to get me through the day. After I pushed my cell and debit card into my pocket, I headed down the semi-dark hall.

  Curtains hid the view of the city as I passed through the living room. The light fixture above the black dining room table lit up the room. Drake sat at the table in his usual spot, newspaper in hand. He wore jeans and a plain red t-shirt. A black plastic container with a bottle of water lay on the table in front of an empty seat. I slid into the chair without saying a word, then removed the plastic lid. Two pieces of dried bacon, a piece of lightly toasted bread cut in half, two sausages, and a scrambled egg smelled delicious. I took a bit of crispy bacon and chewed slowly. The tightness in my stomach began to disappear.

  "How is it?" Drake asked from behind the paper.

  I swallowed. "Good."

  As I chomped on bacon, I sifted through the bulky newspaper on the table, searching for the metro section. My fingers stuck to the thin sheets as I searched for the weather forecast. I finally found it and the outlook called for a sunny day with a high in the mid-seventies.

  I nibbled on a piece of toast as Drake set the paper down. His frown and downcast look indicated trouble.

  "What's wrong?" I asked.

  "The police are still searching the area she was abducted from. They don't have any new leads." He rubbed his forehead.

  "What else?" I asked, suspecting he was holding back something important.

  "They found other DNA at the site. They believe it was the child's DNA."

  Stomach tightening, I dropped the half-eaten piece of toast into the container. If the blood found at the site was the little girl's, that meant he had probably bitten her. And if he bit her, she might not have much time left.

  "How long can someone…" I paused to think of the right words to use. "Live if they are being…bled?" I finished with a disgusted curl of my lip.

  "Because she is young, a few days maybe."

  Sorrowful eyes looked at me. I knew what I had to do. No more questioning, no more whining, and no more second-guessing. I popped the lid back on the container and pushed it away from me.

  "Tomorrow is Monday. I was supposed to return on Monday," I said grimly.

  "I'll pay you an extra twenty-five thousand to stay another week."

  Money didn't matter to me anymore, but I nodded.

  "I want to go for a walk and maybe do some more shopping." I rose, then scooted the chair under the table.

  Drake stood, then came to stand in front of me. He gripped my shoulders and I stiffened, keeping my gaze lowered. If I looked into his eyes, I would cave and start crying. I couldn't. I had to save the child.

  "We'll get him." He stepped closer, then pecked my lips.

  The seed of anxiety sprouted. If I stayed much longer, I'd crack under the pressure.

  "I need some air." I backed away from him.

  "It's early."

  "I know, but I need to walk for a bit." I headed for the door.

  "Jessie." He took my hand and tugged it. I settled my eyes on his chest until he put his hands on the side of my face and tilted my head back. "Is something wrong?"

  I swallowed. "My life has changed in the last week. I went from avoiding supernatural creatures to falling head over heels for a vampire. I need air and time to think for a bit." Guilt weighed a ton on my heart for what I was about to do.

  "Am I rushing you?"

  "No-no. I just…need to walk. It's daylight out. I'll be safe."

  He stared deep into my eyes as if he was searching for an answer to an unspoken question. On the verge of trembling, I pressed my lips to his. I wanted to forget about everything for just a few minutes and enjoy his loving embrace. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and fondled my tongue with slow, gentle strokes. My heart pumped quicker, excited from his kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rubbed my body along his. As if he had received the answer he wanted, he wrapped me in his arms and backed me up against the wall. The impact brought me to reality and I cast an invisible shield around my heart.

  I braced my hands on his chest. "Please."

  He kissed my chin, then my cheek. "I will wait for you."

  He stepped away from me. With slow, painful steps, I headed for the exit. Tears were building in my eyes. I had to leave.

  I opened the door and walked out of his condo without glancing at him one last time. I knew
if I had, the tears would've flowed. By the time I reached the elevator, a drop had escaped. It ran down my cheek and I quickly wiped it. God help me, I had to do this. I had to save this child.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  I sat in a small Italian restaurant staring out the window. The smell of bread baking filled the air. The aroma smelled good, but it did nothing to appease my distress. A knife twisted deep into my heart as I thought about Drake. I was half tempted to run back to him and call off my arrangement with Jeremy. Then I reminded myself a little girl's life was at stake. I couldn't walk away.

  I leaned back in my chair and flattened my arm over the cloth-covered table. A few customers had settled at tables in the back, near the kitchen, and in front of the window. The rest of the spacious restaurant remained empty.

  "Can I get you more tea?" the bright-smiling waitress asked.

  "Yes, please," I replied. She left and I was alone once again.

  I sucked down the remaining iced tea then set the glass next to my Jackie-O sunglasses on the table. I hated wasting the money on the ugly shades, but the bright sun gave me such a terrible headache I had to stop at a store and buy something to shield my eyes. I couldn't go back to the condo for my regular pair.

  The waitress set a new glass of tea on the table and I thanked her. After she disappeared, I dumped two packets of white powder into the glass then stirred. Sipping through a straw, I leaned back against my chair and returned my gaze out the window. Watching people pass by helped distract me from thinking about Drake.

  I'd finished my tea and another before Jeremy walked into the restaurant. He stopped near the entrance and kept his dark shades on while he surveyed the room. I straightened and raised my arm to capture his attention. He saw me and headed toward me. As he drew near, he lifted his Blackhawks t-shirt slightly then withdrew his wallet from his pocket.

  "We're leaving." He tossed a ten dollar bill on the table.

  I drew my brows together. "Leaving? Why?"

  "Because we need to go." He shoved his wallet into his pocket, then strode to the exit.

  His answer wasn't really an answer. But what choice did I have? And why was he in a hurry to leave? His urgency worried me. Without finishing my drink, I grabbed my sunglasses then rushed to catch up with him.

  Jeremy held the door for me. I slid my shades on my face as I stepped outside.

  "This way," he said as he guided me along the sidewalk. "New sunglasses?"

  "Temporary replacement. Where are we going?" I asked, rattled by his expeditious entrance and exit.

  "Did he follow you?"

  Peeved, I stopped. Then he stopped. I couldn't see a hint of his eyes behind his dark sunglasses.

  "I have to be sure, Jessie," he said in a firm tone.

  I crossed my arms. "No, he didn't follow. He doesn't know where I am."

  He turned his attention down the street, back toward the restaurant. "No offense, Jessie, but I don't trust your dead friend."

  "Funny you mention that. He feels the same about you," I snickered.

  Jeremy stepped close to the curb and raised his arm. A cab driving up the street stopped near him. After he opened the door, he looked at me.

  "Please get in," he said.

  I stared at him for a minute as I debated what to do. I didn't like being rushed. I didn't like that I knew so little about his plan to save the girl. I especially didn't like that I'd deceived my lover and probably destroyed my relationship with him.

  "If you want to save the girl, please get in the car," he said calmly.

  That was all it took. He knew how to get me to move. I ducked my head and slid across the back seat. Jeremy sat next to me.

  "The zoo," he said to the driver.

  "The zoo?" I glared at him as the car took off.

  "We can walk in the sun and talk." His knees pressed against the seat in front of him as he dug into his pocket again.

  "Do you think he could follow us in the zoo?" I knew Drake wouldn't follow me out in the sun—at least, I didn't think he would. But how did Jeremy know he wouldn't follow us?

  "No, not unless he wants a blistering sunburn."

  "How do you know what would happen to him?" I asked.

  "I've fought a few of his kind before. Fuckers won't burst into flames when the sun hits them, but it does burn them badly."

  I glanced up at the cab driver. He had dark skin, a mustache and beard, and wore a turban on his head. I wondered if he had an inkling of what we were discussing.

  The ride to our destination was short and quiet. Jeremy reached over the seat and handed money to the cabbie. Then we exited from his side of the vehicle.

  "It's a beautiful day," Jeremy said as I shut the cab's door. "Let's try to enjoy it." He smiled.

  Beautiful day? I’d deceived a person I cared about so I could face an evil vampire and take his soul to Hell. Maybe the last part was beautiful, in a sense, but the rest was far from it.

  With a reluctant sigh, I walked next to him into the Lincoln Park Zoo. In front of us, kids ran wild yelling and gawking at animals. Parents pushed little ones in strollers and adults walked clutching bottled drinks in their hands. The first exhibit we reached contained seals. I smiled as we approached the dark-gray, wet lards with large catlike whiskers.

  "See, I got you to smile. When's the last time you enjoyed a day at the zoo?" Jeremy asked with a playful grin.

  Okay, maybe it had been a while since I last visited a zoon. Come to think of it, I had been twelve. Mom took me every year. The lions and tigers were our favorite. I always reveled our special bonding day at the zoo.

  A little boy slapping his hand on the Plexiglas brought me back to the present.

  "You said you spoke to Alexander," I said.

  "Let's walk." He made a gesture with his head.

  I strolled by his side as he led the way.

  "Last night, I received a call from one of my friends who was helping me track down Alexander. He was at one of the clubs on the list you gave me. After you told me about him, I decided I had to see the fucker for myself. I showed up at the club and decided to have a chat with him." He peered over his shoulder.

  "You decided to have a chat with him?" I asked with a high pitch in my voice. "Why?"

  "Because I can help you." His pace quickened, heading for the next animal exhibit. "Oh, look—my favorite." He sounded as giddy as one of the kids in front of us.

  The creatures slithering behind the protective glass gave me pause. "Snakes. I should've known."

  "Do you like snakes?"

  I shrugged one of my shoulders. "Well, they don't frighten me…much. I just think they're creepy and disgusting."

  "They're very tranquil creatures unless you irritate them or get in their way." He stared in awe at the gray and black snake that looked twice his size in length and wider than his bulkiest muscle.

  I stepped to the side where the next exhibit was. A small, dark mass fluttered within the small confines. I couldn't quite see the object, so I backed up to see if I could get a better view. I bumped into Jeremy.

  "Bats," he said. "Now they're the disgusting creatures."

  I looked closer and saw a brown winged creature dangling from a net. "They are so ugly."

  "Yes, they are." He took a step away. "Come on."

  We walked further along the path and came upon an area with ducks and swans. We slowed to watch them as we passed by.

  "What did you say to Alex?" I asked, returning to our prior topic.

  "I told him I knew a sexy, dark-haired woman looking for him." He had a crooked grin.

  "Why would you do that?" I asked in a gruff voice. Jeremy's motives confused me. I never asked him to talk to Alex or sit down and have a conversation with the evil beast.

  "I did it to get his attention, and it worked."

  "What did he say?"

  "He said he was very interested in meeting with you. I told him I didn't know anything, but I could get you to meet with him if he turned over the young gir
l to me."

  My temperature rose. I wanted to save the girl and I would gladly exchange my soul for hers. But the fact that he made the bargain without my knowledge irked me.

  "You bartered me for the child?"

  "I have a plan, Jessie." He halted in front of me. "I can help you get the girl back and give you his soul. All you have to do is trust me."

  He placed his hand on my cheek and, for a brief moment, it felt warm and good. I wanted to believe him. Then I snapped to my senses.

  "How can you help me?" I asked, removing his hand from my face.

  "You have a gift that makes you special and so do I."

  I glared at him with intense skepticism. "Go on."

  He pivoted and walked with slow steps. "Do you recall how it felt when I touched your vein at dinner a few nights ago?"

  "Yeah, it burned, badly."

  "I can burn him. I can light him up like a fucking match."

  I stopped. "You can set people on fire?"

  "I have to touch the person, but yes, I can set people on fire."

  My eyes enlarged as I stared at him. He could burn people with a simple touch. Now there was a gift. I guessed that explained why he didn't fear Drake. I doubted he feared anyone.

  "Does he know about my ability?"

  "No, absolutely not. He doesn't know about mine either." Jeremy began walking and I stayed close to him. "Here's my plan—we're going to meet him at Rednofive tonight. He's going to have someone bring me the child outside the club. I will hand the child over to a friend of mine and then escort you to Alexander. He knows you're working with Drake so he can't be around. He's going to have vampires in the area to make sure Drake doesn't show up. If he suspects Drake is in the area, the deal is over and they leave with the child."

  A cramp in my stomach pained me and I almost bent over. After my run-in with the vamps from last night, I'd lost the desire to go back to Rednofive again.

  "Who chose that place?" I asked, holding my arm over my stomach as we reached the gorilla's exhibit.

  "He did. Why?"

  "Oh, that's where I was last night when those two vampires picked me up."

  "Motherfucker!" He stopped. "I didn't know that." He shook his head. "Burning him will be a pleasure."


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