Claiming the Evil Dead

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Claiming the Evil Dead Page 28

by Mary Abshire

  "Go away and do not come back. You never saw us here." Once he removed his hand, she disappeared.

  "Now…" He turned to face me. "I don't believe we have been properly introduced. You know my name, but I don't know yours."

  "Does it really matter?" I rubbed my hands together under the table. Goose bumps were having babies on my flesh.

  The dark centers of his eyes enlarged, forming black holes of emptiness. He parted his lips and the tips of his pointed teeth emerged.

  "My name is Jessie." I decided to play nice. Besides, I didn't want to provoke him too much just yet. Five minutes was spent getting the child, which gave me ten long minutes left with the evil bastard before Drake would arrive. I had to stall.

  "Who's this?" I asked with a tilt of my head.

  "This is Kuri. He is an old friend of mine."

  "Older than you?"

  Alexander smiled, revealing his pointed teeth. "Yes, much older."

  Not good for me or Drake. Jeremy had better show back up. A barbeque of vampires might not be a bad idea.

  "I have to admit, I am surprised to see you sitting in front of me. I've never met a demon willing to exchange their life for another. And your appearance without your partner surprises me even more. Tell me, how did you manage it? I'm certain he would have talked you out of coming to meet me."

  "He doesn't know. If he did, he probably would have tied me down."

  Alexander's brow rose and he almost smiled. "Are you his lover?"

  "No," I lied with a straight face.

  He scrutinized me with his keen eyes. "No, of course not. He hasn't been with a woman in so long I doubt he would know what to do with one."

  I grinned, pretending the joke amused me. Truth was, the high amount of anxiety coursing through me along with the tight knot in my stomach was causing me a great deal of agony. But I couldn't let him know. Same for Kuri, who sat at my side speechless and emotionless like a mummy.

  "What are you doing with Drake?" Alexander asked.

  "What will you give me if I tell you?"

  He laughed at me. "Give you?" He leaned back and outstretched his arms over the back of the seat. "I'll give you life."

  "Something tells me you're not going to let me live to see the sun rise."

  "Actually, I have an agreement with your demon friend. You tell me what I want to know, share a little of your blood, and I'll give you back to him."

  Give me back to him? Jeremy made a deal and didn't tell me? My blood boiled while my pulse raced. Jeremy had held back telling me everything. Damn him! Maybe I should send his soul to Hell sooner rather than later.

  "What do you want to know?" I asked calmly.

  "For starters, I want to know what you are doing with Drake."

  Body freezing, I rubbed my hands together under the table. "He wanted me to help locate you."

  "Obviously," he sneered, not liking my answer. "What is your gift?"

  "I…feel things."

  Confused eyes jumped from Kuri to me. "Explain."

  "I can sense you and others. I feel different sensations. Right now, I'm freezing because of you."

  "You're lying. Drake doesn't need a demon to track me down. He can find me on his own," he snarled. "Give me your hand."

  I swallowed hard. "He can't sense you the way I can."

  "Give. Me. Your. Hand," he demanded, showing his fangs.

  Kuri reached under the table and grabbed my wrist. I pulled, trying to fight him, but his strength made me feel as weak as a ninety-year-old lady. He laid my arm flat on the table. Alexander slapped his hand over mine and squeezed.

  "Now," he said, tightening his grasp. I bit my lip as my knuckles crushed into each other. "I know your bones will heal. This little bit of pain is just a taste of what I can do."

  "You broke my neck last time. I'm quite familiar with what you can do."

  His hand tightened and bones crunched. Molten hot pain rushed through me and consumed my thoughts. I lowered my head, trying to stop myself from screaming. I stomped my heel on the ground as a few whimpers escaped me.

  "Yes, I do believe you know what I can do. But how much can you take?"

  "I'm telling you the truth." The agony was torture. It hurt so bad I wanted to scream bright and colorful curse words at the top of my lungs, and then cry.

  Alexander looked at Kuri. "She is cool to the touch," Kuri said.

  "Vampires emit cold energy. Demons let off hot. That's how I found Jeremy," I told him behind clenched teeth.

  Alexander let go of my hand and I slid it off the table. I took deep breaths to combat the nausea rising. The pain slowly lessened within seconds, but remained strong and feverish.

  "How did Drake find you?" Alexander asked as he relaxed his arm over the back of the booth again. He held a look of pure contentment.

  "I'm in the yellow pages," I answered smugly. My hand burned as if I'd stuck it in a fire.

  Alexander snickered. "I can see why the demon wants you—blue eyes, attractive." He lowered his gaze to my chest. "Full of zeal and very tasty."

  Antsy and in pain, I bobbled my knee under the table. A few more minutes longer and we could leave. Or had it already been ten minutes? I didn't want to spend a minute longer than I had to with him.

  He put his arm back on the table. "Give me your other hand."

  I looked at Kuri. His merciless eyes offered no comfort. Slowly, I gave him what he wanted. Alexander took my hand and jerked me forward. My rib cage crushed into the table. Pain jabbed my chest. I tried to brace myself with my crushed hand on the table, but my strength didn't compare to his. I only made my hand and chest hurt worse.

  "How did Drake find you?" he asked again, squeezing my hand and pulling me toward him.

  My ribs hurt so bad that I stood up to ease the pressure. I slid over the table slightly. Alexander grabbed me by my neck in a blink of an eye. As I started to struggle for air, I cursed myself for standing.

  "Am I going to have to crush your neck to get the answer?" He tightened his grasp and started crushing my windpipe.

  "No," I rasped.

  He loosened his grip.

  "Friend," I said, barely audible.

  He let go of my throat and I fell back into my seat. I gasped for air as he squeezed my hand.

  "What friend?" he asked, crushing the bones in my hand.

  "A warlock," I whimpered. Pain consumed my thoughts. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs.

  "What warlock?"

  "Someone we both know. He gave Drake my contact information. Call him if you don't believe me. His number is in my phone. Kuri has it."

  I was lying through my teeth because I knew any more evasiveness would bring more pain. Giving him some kind of answer was better then nothing and if he called Sean, Sean would back up my story.

  Alexander shifted his attention to Kuri. The Asian reached into his pocket and withdrew my phone. He handed it to Alexander.

  "What is the name of your warlock friend?"

  "Sean. His name is Sean."

  Alexander held my cell in front of his face. He released me from his grasp, then moved his thumb over the screen. I held my hands in my lap as they both burned and tingled—a good sign the healing process was under way.

  "Is this the warlock?" Alexander showed the number to me.

  I peered at the screen. "That's him."

  He slid the phone over the table to Kuri. "Okay, I'm going to believe you, for now. Quite honestly, I'm not surprised. Drake has many connections."

  Predatory eyes glared at me. He had the look of a vicious killer, someone who holds no remorse or sympathy for anyone. The vamp could rip my heart out with his bare hands or bleed me dry in a heartbeat. I stared back and refused to let fear dwell within me. I was minutes away from claiming his soul. Mere minutes. The fucker would burn in Hell.

  "So your deal with Jeremy stands. You'll release me to him?" I asked.

  "Not just yet." He leaned over the table, curled his upper lip, and licked his pointed f
angs. "I'm taking you back to my car and we will go for a ride. I'm going to feed straight from your pussy. You're going to scream, but I promise, you will climax and beg me to fuck you. When I'm done, I will release you."

  My heart rate jumped off the charts from his threat. I swallowed hard. "I don't think that was the deal."

  "He didn't specify details. You should know by now, details are important in any deal."

  I was going to kick Jeremy's ass to China later, assuming I survived. Dear God, please let Drake find me, and please help me claim this evil fucker's soul.

  "Kuri, bring the car around back. Make sure no one is around."

  The Asian nodded before he left. Great. Now I had to stare at the evil prick by myself. Under the table, I flexed my fingers. My hands were sore and they tingled, but everything moved just fine.

  "I hate you," I said with a malicious glare.

  "That I believe one hundred percent."

  "You are one sick fuck."

  He laughed. "Don't play innocent with me. We're both destined for the same grave. I'm simply living my life to the fullest, or shall I say, my immortality."

  "There's no way in the world I'm going to the same place as you."

  "Darling, you're killing me." He held one hand over his heart while he chuckled more.

  Not yet, but I will.

  A classical melody interrupted his joyous moment. He reached underneath the table and brought up a cell. He pressed it to his ear, then lowered it after several seconds.

  "Time to go for a ride."

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Alexander's icy fingers gripped my wrist as he led me through the club toward the back. Similar to the first time I saw him at the Beaumont, he was moving in slow motion and so was I. The only audible sounds were my breaths, the taps of my shoes over the hardwood floor, and the heavy thumps of Alexander's boots. All the chattering voices in the club, the clinking of glasses, and the loud dance music didn't exist. Nothing seemed real, except the evil vampire walking next to me.

  Reality returned with the loud snap of the metal bar on the door as Alexander pushed it open. Every sound that had vanished inside suddenly emerged at maximum volume. A gust of wind hit me and I inhaled. The stench of garbage was strong and egged my nausea to rise.

  The door slammed shut behind us as we stepped away from it. All the noise drowned. I surveyed the area. A small light above the door illuminated about ten feet of the alley. Beyond the circle of light was darkness. And beyond the darkness beamed a pair of headlights at the end of the alley.

  Alexander jerked my wrist. "Come on, demon."

  I walked next to him, but kept a small distance between us. My body shivered from his arctic touch. I bit my tongue to keep my teeth from chattering.

  "Demon, I do believe you were telling me the truth in the club. Your skin is as cold as a vampire's. I wonder if you are storing all your heat inside of you. I will have to find out."

  I'd had enough of his dirty mouth. The man repulsed me. I planted my feet on the ground and resisted taking another step.

  He tugged on my wrist. "Come along."

  "No!" I grunted.

  "Am I going to have to carry you?"

  He tugged me and I resisted. My shoes slid over the pavement.

  "Fuck you!" I blasted.

  "Oh darling…" In one quick movement, he moved behind me. Grasping my arms, he pushed me forward. "It will be an honor fucking you. And so you know, I will brag about it for eternity."

  Grunting, I thrust my back against him. My feet skidded on the ground as if I were dancing on ice. Where was Jeremy? Where was Drake?

  "Did I mention that I nearly exploded in my pants after I tasted your blood? I hated leaving you. Maybe your demon friend will let me borrow you five nights a week. What do you think?"

  "You disgust me, you evil fuck!"

  "Now, now. I know you don't mean it."

  A loud thump hit the ground behind us. I gasped when Alexander lifted me up and spun me around.

  "What the fuck was that?" I asked. My heart wanted to leap from my throat.

  "Sh. Stop your whining."

  I peered into the darkness, searching for movement. We were beyond the circle of light and a good thirty feet from the car at the end of the alley.

  "What do you see?" I asked, knowing the vamp had better vision than I did.

  A louder, heavier thump came from behind us. Alexander spun me around.

  "What the hell is that?" I asked.

  A loud plunk came from the back of the car and I jumped. The lights flickered. Alexander held me tight pressed to him. Something moved on the ground.

  "What the—" Two more thuds, then a heavy thump behind us interrupted me.

  "Move," he growled, then shoved me forward.

  I nearly tripped over my feet trying to regain my balance. By the time I managed to stand upright, Alexander had my arm in his grasp again and was cutting off the circulation. He moved me closer to the car.

  A second later, a dark mass fell from the sky and landed with a heavy thump on the hood of the vehicle. Shocked, I jumped back. Alexander's firm grasp of my arm didn't waver.

  "What the fuck is that?" I excitedly asked.

  "A corpse," he answered.

  I stared at the headless corpse on the hood. Blood dripped fluently from the open wound.

  Alexander spun me to face him. He snarled and showed off his fangs. Panic flamed within me as I thought he was going to bite me.

  He brought me hard pressed to his body. I struggled and wiggled against him with all my strength. He curled his lip while he zoned in on a spot on my neck. From behind him, another large blur fell from the sky, then hit the roof of the vehicle. Glass from the front window shattered and metal groaned as the roof caved in. A high-pitched gasp expelled from my lungs while I cringed from the sudden and loud impact.

  "Alexander!" Drake shouted.

  He stood up from the roof of the car. Streaks of blood covered his arms. He walked down to the hood, then jumped to the pavement. His dark hair flowed behind with each step.

  I gaped at the man with the noble soul that came to save me. His eyes were large black pits, frightening to most, inviting to me. In his bloodied right hand, he clenched a knife—the same large knife he used to sever Veronica's head. His powerful and strong façade added extra beats to my already fast beating heart.

  "Let her go," Drake demanded. "Your fight is with me."

  Alexander snarled in protest. "I don't think so. I plan to taste every bit of this sweet demon."

  "Let her go!"

  "Careful, you might wake the neighbors."

  Drake growled, displaying his elongated fangs. Impressed, my eyes widened. I couldn't recall seeing them that long before.

  The deep roar of an engine emerged from the alley behind me. I spun my head around. A pair of headlights rushed toward us. Jeremy, I thought.

  The large vehicle came to an abrupt halt and skidded over the pavement. Jeremy jumped out from behind the passenger side door.

  "Jessie!" he yelled.

  Alexander hissed, jolting my attention. He curled his lips and exposed his two sharp fangs. Drake rushed toward us with the knife up in the air. Alexander tilted his head back as he prepared to bite me. As he brought his teeth down, I thrust my hard head forward and bashed it into his mouth. A sharp razor sliced my temple. If that weren't enough, the force of hitting him nearly sent me to Wonderland. He released me from his grasp and stumbled backward. I fell and landed hard on my ass.

  Drake sank his knife into Alexander's shoulder. Alexander growled with the ferociousness of a lion and I cringed. He grabbed Drake by his throat and tossed him toward the battered car.

  Woozy and numb, I stayed sitting on the ground. Alexander yanked the knife out of his shoulder. He dropped the knife and it clanged on the ground near my feet. Roaring, Drake peeled himself from the car. He rushed toward Alexander with the zeal of a football linebacker. Alexander lunged for Drake.

  Jeremy dropped to
his knees next to me while the two vampires crashed into each other with a solid thud. "Jessie, are you all right?" Panic was thick in his tone. "You're bleeding! You should get out of here!"

  My head throbbed and a rivulet of blood rolled down the side of my face. He wrapped his arm around my back and slid his other arm under my legs.

  "No!" I wiggled my legs out of his grasp. "I have to stay. We have to see this finished."

  In front of us, Drake and Alexander were making a scene Wild Kingdom would be proud of. Alexander pushed Drake into the building. Bricks cracked under the pressure. Drake grunted and fought back, pushing Alexander across the alley into the wall. More bricks cracked. Alexander thrust Drake back and the two spun around, throwing punches. Both buildings had large dents and dark red spots from the violent impacts.

  "This is crazy, Jessie. I can touch them and end this now," Jeremy grumbled with a glint in his eye that frightened me.

  "No! Don't you dare," I snapped with haste. "I won't spend another minute of my life with you if you touch Drake."

  Jeremy clenched his jaw, then looked away. Let him be angry with me. I didn't care. I wasn't letting him torch Drake.

  The two fighters were an arm's length apart, circling each other. Dark smears covered their white flesh and Alexander's blond hair was now a dark color. Blood coated the exposed flesh of their bodies.

  "You can't beat me," Alexander snarled. "I'm older than you."

  "I will beat you. And when I'm done, I will watch your soul go straight to Hell."

  Drake lunged for him and pushed Alexander to the ground. The two rolled around, throwing punches and growling louder than feral dogs. Alexander spent more time on top of Drake. He thrust Drake's head into the concrete pavement several times. Drake relentlessly threw punches into Alexander's sides. The two were beyond savage.

  "You can't destroy me," Alexander sneered, sending a bone-crunching punch into Drake's face.

  Drake spit out blood. "I can and I will."

  Drake rolled, tossing Alexander away from him. Drake struggled to stand up. As soon as he did, Alexander lunged for him. He thrust Drake into the building. Bricks crumbled to the ground. Drake shoved his thumbs into Alexander's eyes. Alexander stumbled away with his hands over his face. Looking exhausted, Drake leaned against the wall. Oh God, he was weakening.


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