I.N.E.T 5

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I.N.E.T 5 Page 16

by Brenda Cothern

  “She isn’t going anywhere,” Lita repeated and maneuvered Randy back enough so he could squeeze between his partner and the window.

  Randy didn’t resist being moved, nor did he stop Lita from squatting down between him and the wall beside the window. He looked down into Lita’s green-eyed gaze and received a wink at the same time his partner opened his jeans. Randy’s mind was prompting him to say something, anything, to stop what was Lita’s unmistakable intention. His body, on the other hand, was totally on board with the desire to feel his partner’s lips wrapped around his aching cock.

  All Randy could do was stare down at Lita. His partner never looked away when he relieved his cock from the suddenly tight confines of his jeans. He never looked away before moving his dick across his lips like Chapstick, either. Randy braced a hand against the wall next to the window and watched Lita open his mouth to take him inside. The warm wet heat and sensational feeling of Lita’s tongue pressed against the underside of his cock caused Randy’s hand to fist against the wall.

  Lita smiled around his girth before he pulled back. “You aren’t watching Burke.” Lita grinned at him before sucking his cock deep into his mouth.

  Randy’s toes curled in his boots and he hissed out, “Fuck Burke.”

  He went to move his other hand to cup the back of Lita’s head and realized he still clutched his 0.38. He wasn’t about to drop his gun, but Lita must have sensed his dilemma because Randy felt the man’s hand cover his. He surrendered his weapon without any thought. Hell, the only thoughts which currently bombarded his mind were those consumed with the man currently on his knees at his feet. Once relieved of his gun, Randy raised his hand to the back of Lita’s head and curled his fingers into his partner’s long blonde hair.

  Lita moaned around Randy’s cock when he felt the man’s fingers threading through his hair before Randy fisted it hard enough to shoot straight to his groin. He totally loved his hair pulled. It was why he kept it so long. However, the next moan that worked its way from his chest to surround his partner’s cock wasn’t because Randy tugged on his hair. No, it resulted from the combination of Randy closing his eyes and tilting his head back in pleasure at the same time he used Lita’s long hair like a handhold to pull him closer.

  Lita didn’t mind, not at all, and was only encouraged to take Randy further into his mouth. In fact, he encouraged Randy to fuck his face by planting both hands, even the one still holding the 0.38 on Randy’s ass and pulling him toward his face. The hard slap of Randy’s hand on the curtain covered wall next to the window was Lita’s reward before Randy indulged his desire to feel the man thrusting into his mouth. Lita would have grinned if he hadn’t wanted to keep his lips around his partner’s girth.

  Randy had no idea when his hand untangled from Lita’s long hair so he could brace himself on the wall next to the window. Not like he gave his current position much thought especially since all thought had fled his mind the moment he felt the wet heat of Lita’s mouth surround him. He wasn’t going to last and he barely had the thought capacity to know he was going to explode any second. Randy tried to delay his impending orgasm. Lita’s mouth felt too incredible for this to be over so soon. His attempt to prolong the inevitable was blown all to hell when he felt his cock sink into Lita’s throat.

  “Fuuuck,” Randy barely managed to hiss out before he sunk even further down Lita’s throat.

  Lita swallowed around him and he was done. Well fucking done. Randy couldn’t remember, not that he had the brain cells to even try, the last time he’d come hard enough to see glitter behind his closed lids. His legs shook uncontrollably as he emptied pulse after pulse down Lita’s throat. When Randy’s orgasmic-fogged brain finally kicked back on, he realized he was leaning so far toward the wall that his head practically pressed against it.

  Lita’s strong biceps were wrapped around his thighs and Randy could feel his partner’s hand pressing against his lower back. Lita’s warm breath ghosted over his groin and slowly deflating cock. It wasn’t until he opened his eyes and looked down that he realized how badly he was crushing the man between him and the wall. Neither of them was small. Lita was the larger of the two of them, and seeing the man squished between him and the wall made Randy pull back.

  Lita didn’t allow Randy to move far. He was still squatted, Randy’s legs between his spread knees and holding the man close to him. The position was only slightly uncomfortable, but not nearly enough for Lita to be ready for Randy to pull away. Still, Lita finally conceded to Randy’s intended movement to stand upright. He loosened his grasp around Randy’s thighs and allowed his hands to caress over the man’s ass and thighs as Randy stepped back.

  He didn’t hesitate to look up at his partner. Lita expected Randy to avoid his gaze as he had done after he had jerked them off the night before, but that wasn’t the case now. No, Randy’s gorgeous hazel eyes were staring down at him. His eyes were glazed and his face was flushed. It was a sexy as fuck look on the man and one Lita not only wanted to see more of, but promised himself he would. Lita used the back of his hand not holding the 0.38 to wipe the spit off his chin while he grinned up at his partner. Without a thought, he flexed his legs and pushed his back against the wall to stand.

  “I believe this is yours.” Lita continued to grin and held out his partner’s gun for him to take.

  Randy laughed softly and accepted his weapon. This whole situation was surreal. From all the bullshit surrounding protecting Burke to her attempted escapes from custody and her now successful one to being insanely attracted to his new partner and not only allowing their fooling around together, but wanting way more than that to happen. His focus should be on their job. On the damn CIA agent who was currently sitting in an SUV surrounded by a few feet of snow and planning only God’s knew what, but instead all he could think about was the man currently sandwiched between him and the wall. Thoughts of returning the favor, of what Lita would feel like, taste like, on his tongue and how the man would feel buried deep in his ass were more than distracting him.

  He closed the mere inches between them with the sole purpose to at least give Lita some relief, but his partner grabbed the wrist of his hand which was well on the path to touching his cock. Lita’s other hand came up and grasped the nape of his neck. Randy didn’t resist when Lita pulled him forward. He didn’t hesitate when Lita kissed him, either. What he did do was try to free his wrist from Lita’s grasp so he could feel his partners cock under the palm of his hand. Lita didn’t let up on the pressure in his grasp. Randy pulled back, breaking their kiss, even though the taste of Lita mingling with his release was intoxicating. He looked at Lita with a raised, questioning brow and just received a smile before a quick peck on his lips.

  “I’m going to get changed.”

  Lita ignored Randy’s inquiring look which quickly turned to an expression of confusion as he maneuvered Randy to the side. He only moved his partner enough so he could slip out from between the man and the wall. Lita wasn’t surprised that his partner intended to get him off after he done just that for him. However, there was no need. Lita loved giving head. Almost more than fucking and being fucked. It didn’t happen often, not in many, many years in all reality that he was into someone enough to get off just from giving a blow job. In fact, the fact he had with Randy should give him cause for concern. Not only because they were on a job, but more importantly because he really didn’t know the man long enough for his body to react in such an intense way.

  Granted, he was more than attracted to the sexy Marshal, but still… His thoughts of how easily he came from just blowing Randy were passing at best. Lita rolled with the punches and believed everything happened for a reason. So, if giving head to his partner caused him to cream in his jeans like some teenager it just was what it was.

  Lita gave his hands-free orgasm no more thought as he removed his boots and shucked his jeans. He used his dirty T-shirt from the day before to clean up his groin before he put on clean boxer briefs and jeans. Lita was
about to leave the bedroom before he thought to take his jacket with him. He tossed it on the couch next to Randy’s when he returned to the living room. Randy had resumed his post looking out the front window.

  “She’s still just sitting there,” Randy commented when he heard Lita return. “What the hell could she be thinking? It’s not like she can go anywhere or call someone to come get her.”

  Lita had stopped next to him and Randy felt the man looking at him. He had no sense his partner’s gaze had anything to do with what had just transpired between them. Lita had a thoughtful look on his face when Randy turned toward him.

  “What?” Randy asked because it was clear Lita had thought of something.

  “Did the Marshals provide Burke’s clothes?”

  Briefly, Randy wondered why Lita said ‘Marshals’ instead of ‘we’ but his partner’s question was more important than the semantics he used.

  “No. She had a bag when we took custody of her.”

  The people Randy took into custody before they went into WITSEC full time, more times than not, brought at least one bag of belongings with them. So, Randy wasn’t sure why Lita asked. His partner should know as much, too.

  “Shit,” Lita cursed and Randy had no idea why, but had a feeling whatever Lita had just realized wouldn’t bode well for them.


  Chapter Thirteen

  Son of a bitch! Lita mentally cursed himself. He knew enough and had plenty of experience with the cartels not to have made the connection sooner. The previous attacks on Randy while protecting Burke and her attempts to escape protective custody should have shined like a fucking neon light to him. They hadn’t and as much as Lita would love to blame his attraction for the Marshal distracting him, he couldn’t.

  He had questioned Fish about the possibility Burke turned, but his boss hadn’t suspected she had. Instead, Fish believed his acquaintance that there was a mole in either the Marshals or the CIA. Of course, a mole was the most probable explanation for Burke’s location being discovered even after Randy moved her. Plus, even if she had flipped, and was working for the cartel instead of against it, a mole was still the most likely explanation for the safe house locations being compromised. Well, it was the most likely explanation until Randy’s comment prompted him to ask about Burke’s belongings.

  Lita had enough knowledge of Juanita Ruiz’s Cartel to not put it past her to have placed some sort of tracker on her lover. At a minimum, the tracker could be in a piece of favorite clothing or jewelry. Or, Juanita could have implanted it into Burke either with Burke’s permission or not. Lita wasn’t ignorant of the fact that if INET could use implants to track their agents then there was nothing stopping criminals of Juanita’s caliber from using similar technology.

  Shit. If Lita ever wished he wasn’t out of contact with Hunt before, he sure as hell did now. He had no doubt if he could give Hunt his suspicions, his techie teammate would find some way to verify his tracking signal wasn’t the only one in the area if Burke was indeed tagged for location.

  “What is it?” Randy asked when Lita returned.

  “I think she’s wearing a tracker,” Lita cursed out. “If she is, then Burke doesn’t need to do anything more than wait for them to come for her.”

  “That makes no sense,” Randy commented. “They’ve tried to kill her twice.”

  “Have they? Or were they trying to take us out?” Lita countered. “Plus, her escape attempts make a lot more sense now.”

  Randy couldn’t argue Lita’s logic even though he thought it was unlikely Burke had a tracker on her. The CIA put her into their custody after they extracted her from the Ruiz’s Cartel. There was no reason to be suspicious of the CIA doing so, either, since they didn’t operate on US soil. But…

  “You think she was turned?” Randy asked and was sure he already knew Lita’s answer before he turned his gaze back out the window.

  “It makes more sense than having a mole in the CIA or your organization,” Lita replied almost absently.

  His mind was already estimating how long it would take the cartel to reach them. They had been at Randy’s house for two days and Lita was positive the snow was the only reason the cartel hadn’t shown up yet. They needed to retrieve Burke and figure out how to get back to civilization so he could call HQ.

  “What do you mean ‘my organization’?” Randy frowned and put some distance between him and his supposed fellow Marshal.

  “What?” Randy’s voice snapped Lita out of his mental planning.

  “Who the fuck do you work for, Lita?” Randy demanded to know.

  He didn’t realize he gripped Lita’s borrowed 0.9 mil tighter. Lita proved he could be trusted to help him guard Burke, but what Randy couldn’t figure out was why the man posed as a Marshal. He also couldn’t figure out who Lita actually worked for, but the CIA would be his guess.

  “We need to get her back inside,” Lita stated instead of answering Randy. His slip of the tongue only proved how much he trusted the other man. Otherwise, Lita wouldn’t have been distracted by his planning.

  INET was an agency that was known, but didn’t broadcast themselves while in the field. Anytime agents went into the field, they used another agency as a cover. It was the only way to ensure they could go undercover when needed without their true identities being discovered beforehand.

  “Who. The. Fuck. Do. You. Work. For?”

  Lita started to turn with the intention to get his jacket from the couch when Randy grabbed him by the bicep. He was only tempted for a moment to tell him that he was CIA or DEA, but something in Randy’s angry gaze squashed that temptation. Lita reached up to the metal chain which disappeared into his T-shirt. He lifted it and grasped his real badge before letting it drop against his chest.

  The badge Lita removed from inside his T-shirt wasn’t the same one in a billfold the man flashed him when he showed up at the last safe house. A glance at the oblong silver metal and lack of the distinctive gold star inside of a circle more than confirmed Lita wasn’t a Marshal. Randy had seen a few FBI badges in his time, but he didn’t need to inspect the badge before him more closely to determine Lita wasn’t FBI. The scrolling black words International Narcotics Enforcement & Tracking were more than prominent on the badge.

  “INET. What the fuck?” Randy wasn’t sure if he was more pissed off or surprised. “Explain,” he demanded.

  “Is now really the time?” Lita lifted a questioning brow. “The cartel likely already knows our position and is heading this way.”

  “The cartel,” Randy echoed and Lita saw the moment the man answered his own question. “Fuck.”

  Randy let go of Lita’s arm before he dragged a hand down his face. He was still pissed he’d been lied to by both his boss and Lita even though he thought he understood why INET would be involved with Burke’s custody. They sure as hell had more experience dealing with cartels and how they worked. But, as far as Randy knew, INET didn’t do protective custody. He might know next to nothing about the covert agency, but he was sure he knew at least that much.

  Suddenly, a thought struck him. “Is Burke bait for Juanita Ruiz?”

  “What?” Lita sounded sincere in his confusion over Randy’s question.

  “Is INET using her as bait?” Randy asked again as he stared at Lita. He wasn’t sure how he felt about the idea if that was the case. Randy wanted to know either way, though.

  “No, but if I had some of my teammates here that wouldn’t be a bad idea.” Randy’s expression was unreadable and Lita was a pro at reading people. “We still need to get her back inside before they get here, though.”

  Lita was glad Randy put his jacket on and didn’t question what they would do once they retrieved Burke, or what they would do when the cartel eventually made an appearance. Lita didn’t doubt for a second they would make an appearance, too. He was forming a plan to prevent that from happening, but he didn’t like the only solution to guarantee they get back up. He didn’t like it one bit.

p; The INET tracker he and the rest of the team agreed to have implanted in their armpit did more than just send out a GPS location. It would also alert HQ the minute he went unconscious for more than three minutes. It would also alert them if he ended up dead, but he had no plans for that to be the signal sent to HQ. First thing first, though.

  “Where are the weapons?” Lita asked and headed toward the kitchen.

  “So sure there are some?” Lita just gave him a ‘don’t be stupid’ look and it dawned on Randy his partner probably knew way more about him then he’d shared with the man.

  No wonder he didn’t get spastic this morning in the basement when he saw all the shit down there. Randy shook his head. He definitely was going to have words, choice fucking words, when he saw his boss again.

  Randy pushed his way passed Lita to get to the basement door. He didn’t expect Lita to grab his arm to stop him. He looked down at Lita’s large hand wrapped around his bicep before he met the stunning green gaze he was so consumed by before Lita lied.

  “Your boss thought you had a mole, so asked mine for help after your last partner died,” Lita informed him softly.

  Randy thought he heard a tinge of regret in the man’s tone. Or, maybe he just heard what he hoped to hear. Randy gave him a nod and Lita released his arm a few seconds later. For the second time in almost as many hours they descended the stairs and Randy turned on the bare bulb. He didn’t pay any mind to Lita following him when he walked under the steps and crouched down.

  The minimal light in the basement filtered through the stairs, but Randy didn’t need light to retrieve the large trunk. Hell, he wouldn’t have even needed light to retrieve whatever weapon he sought inside. Too many of his father’s drills burned into his brain would allow him to find exactly what he was looking for in the trunk even if he were blind.


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