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Shotgun Saturday Night

Page 19

by Bill Crider

  “Those Kinchloes are a mess, ain’t they,” Lawton said as he walked into the room. “But they ain’t got nothing on them boys upstairs.”

  “They giving you any trouble?” Rhodes asked.

  “No more than I can handle,” Lawton said. “Mostly, they’re just loud. Claim they wasn’t doing nothin’ to speak of and that Johnny roughed them up with no reason. Goin’ to sue us for police brutality.” He grinned at the thought, showing that he still had all his teeth, slightly stained by the Tube Rose snuff that he insisted on dipping. He’d been dipping for years before professional football players had made the habit semi-respectable by shilling for the tobacco companies on TV.

  “I’ll talk to them about it later,” Rhodes said. “You put Billy Joe there, up in number five for the time being. Be sure to take his belt and shoelaces. Leave him his smokes, but take his lighter. We’ll be wanting his shirt later.” Rhodes turned to Hack. “Get Johnny Sherman down here for me.”

  “I expect he’s home asleep by now, Sheriff,” Hack said.

  “That doesn’t matter,” Rhodes said. “It’s not about those two drunks up there. This is something I didn’t call in because I didn’t want every scanner in the county broadcasting it. Jeanne Clinton’s been killed over in Thurston.”

  Chapter 2

  “Jesus,” Johnny Sherman said when Rhodes gave him the news. “I went to high school with Jeanne.” Johnny was twenty-eight years old, and he’d been a deputy for three years. Before that he’d done a little bit of everything, Rhodes thought, including a couple of years in the Army and a few months of serving as a bouncer at some high-toned club in Dallas. He was big and good-looking, if a little fast with his fists. He’d been a good deputy, but there was something about him that bothered Rhodes, something that he couldn’t quite put into words. Lately, he hadn’t even bothered to try. Johnny had kept his nose clean, and for the last month and a half he’d been dating Rhodes’s daughter.

  “Did you notice anything out of the way when you drove through Thurston last night?” Rhodes asked. “Seems like they had a regular crime wave over there.”

  Johnny looked at Rhodes with his pale gray eyes. “You mean there’s more?”

  “Yeah, there’s more. Somebody broke in Hod Barrett’s store again.”

  “Damn. That must have happened after I went by. There was nothing wrong then. That town is as quiet as a school on Saturday.”

  “Not anymore, it’s not,” Rhodes said.

  “Right. Claymore’s going to love this,” Johnny said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

  Ralph Claymore was Rhodes’s opponent in the May election, less than a month away. He was ten years younger and, Rhodes was convinced, much better-looking than the present sheriff. He had wavy black hair with no gray in it, and he could wear tight-fitting western shirts without revealing the slightest bulge in the area of his belly. He wore western hats like he was born in them, and boots, and big silver belt buckles. Rhodes didn’t like boots because they hurt his toes. He didn’t have any silver buckles, and he knew that in a western hat he looked like a cat turd under a collard leaf. And now he had a murder on his hands. He might not look like a sheriff, but he was damn sure going to have to act like one.

  “Yeah,” Rhodes said. “Claymore’s going to love this, all right, but if we get it cleared up in time, I’ll be a shoo-in.”

  “That’s, true,” Johnny said. “We’d better get on it.”

  “It’ll have to wait for a minute or two,” Rhodes said. “First you’d better tell me about those two guys from the Paragon.”

  “Not much to tell, really. I drove by there on the way in, and they were scuffling in the parking lot. I tried to stop them, and they got a little rough.”

  Rhodes looked Sherman over. His knuckles were scabbed over, and his face had a few superficial cuts on it. He’d been walking pretty carefully when he came in. “What time was all this?

  “Toward the end of the shift. Must have been about six-thirty. Pretty near sunup.”

  “‘They must have been pretty feisty for so early in the morning. That Paragon is livelier than I thought it was. Anyway, their story is that you’re the one that started things. They say they’re going to sue. Claymore would like that almost as much as the murder.”

  “Bullshit, they’re going to sue.” Johnny’s size 16 neck began to get red. “I didn’t lay a hand on them until they jumped me.”

  “That might be true,” Rhodes said, “but if they sue, the case will still be up in the air until well after the election.”

  “I could resign,” Johnny said.

  “Well, let’s don’t jump the gun. Maybe we ought to talk to them about what happened.”

  Johnny slapped his right fist into his left palm. “That sounds like a good idea,” he said. He got out of his chair, wincing a little.

  They walked up to the block. The two men were in number four, right next to Billy Joe, and when Rhodes and Sherman got there Billy Joe started jabbering and backing up in his cell. He was all the way in the corner looking for a hole.

  “What’s the matter with you, Billy Joe?” Rhodes asked him, but he couldn’t answer, or wouldn’t. Rhodes turned to the men in the other cell.

  “Is this the man you fellas want to sue?” Rhodes asked, pointing a thumb at Johnny Sherman.

  “Damn right,” said one of the men. He was about Rhodes’s height, five-nine or -ten, with very black hair shot through with gray streaks. He had a scraggly gray and black goatee, and he was wearing a red and white cap with an armadillo on it. “We’re gonna sue him and the whole damn county.”

  His friend, smaller but very tough-looking, something like James Cagney in White Heat, echoed him. “We’re gonna get you all, the whole rotten bunch. Our civil rights’ve been violated. You can’t get away with beating up on honest citizens. “

  Rhodes looked at Johnny Sherman’s cut face. “Looks like we weren’t the only ones doing the beating. You two aren’t marked up any worse than my deputy here.”

  “Hell,” said the one with the cap. “We never laid a hand on him. We was just trying to get in our car and get home before our wives got to worrying too much about us, and this sonuvabitch jumped us. I’ll probably have to get divorced now, by god, and that’s his fault too!”

  Rhodes put his hand on Johnny Sherman’s arm; he could feel the younger man’s muscles tense through the cloth. He hoped that Johnny wouldn’t reach out and grab one of the men by his shirtfront and try to jerk him through the bars.

  “It’ll all come out in court, boys,” Rhodes said. “Assaulting an officer is a pretty serious thing.”

  “Assaulting is what he did to us, not what we did to him,” said the Cagney look-alike. “And we’ll prove it, too!”

  “Goddamn liars!” Johnny burst out. “Just give me a few minutes with ‘em, Sheriff, and we’ll see . . .”

  Rhodes gently pressured Johnny’s arm and pushed him back from the cell. “Don’t worry about these two, Johnny,” he said. “You go on home now and get some rest. We’ll take care of this later. I’ve got to go back over to Thurston and talk to Elmer Clinton and Hod Barrett.”

  “Goddamn liars,” Johnny muttered again as he and Rhodes walked back toward the stairs.

  Billy Joe Byron huddled in the corner of his cell and whimpered.

  Elmer Clinton was sitting in his living room drinking a Coors Light when Rhodes arrived. Rhodes had stopped for lunch at Sally’s Truck Stop, but it appeared from the number of empty aluminum cans scattered around the room that Elmer was sticking to a liquid diet. He’d done nothing to clear up the mess, and there were still spots of blood on the floor. He didn’t even get up when Rhodes tapped at the door facing. “Come on in, Sheriff,” he said, taking another sip of his Coors.

  Rhodes opened the screen and stepped in, giving Elmer a quick once-over. Clinton was a stout man, only about five-six or so, but heavy, with massive arms and legs. His dirty-blond hair was thinning on top, and his close-set eyes reminded Rhodes of Lloyd Bridg

  “How’re you making it, Elmer?” Rhodes asked.

  Clinton took a long pull at his beer can, tossed it aside, and popped open another. “I’m makin’ it, Sheriff,” he said, his words only slightly slurred. “That’s about all. That’s about all.” He took a drink from the fresh can.

  “I hate to have to ask you these things, Elmer,” Rhodes said, “but it’s what has to be done. You have any ideas about this? Know any reason why someone might want to kill Jeanne? Any enemies? Any big fusses with anyone here in town?”

  Elmer looked at the floor. “There was nothing, not a thing,” he said. “Everyone loved Jeanne. Why, that girl wouldn’t hurt a fly, much less cause trouble amongst the folks here in town.” He shot a quick glance in Rhodes’s direction. “I know you might’ve heard things about how she was a little wild, all that stuff that got out after she won that wet T-shirt contest at the Paragon that time, but that was a long time ago. She’s not like that”—he shook his head angrily—”I mean, she wasn’t like that anymore. She was just tryin’ to be a good wife to me. Lord knows, I loved that girl, Sheriff.”

  Rhodes was sometimes uncomfortable in the presence of what he took to be sentimentality, especially sentimentality that had a suspiciously false note in it. This was one of those times, and he wondered just what Elmer was trying to hide. He’d come in determined to spare Elmer’s feelings, but now he decided to give a jab or two in tender areas and see what happened.

  “What time do you leave for work every night, Elmer?” Rhodes asked.

  “Usually about fifteen or twenty till twelve,” Clinton said. “It don’t take very long to get there, and the roads are clear by that time of the night. No traffic at all.”

  “Was Jeanne in the habit of walking around the house in shorts and a halter at that time of night, even after you’d left?”

  Clinton rolled the Coors can between his palms. “I don’t know what you mean, Sheriff,” he said. “It’s pretty hot for April, if that’s what you’re getting at.”

  “That’s not it exactly, Elmer,” Rhodes said, looking at Clinton’s face, trying to watch his eyes instead of the silver and black can that he was rolling slowly between his palms. “I mean that you’d already gone. I mean that maybe she was dressed up for somebody else.”

  Elmer crushed the thin metal can, and beer spewed up and over his hands, spilling on the floor and running under the Redbook that lay nearby. “By damn, Sheriff! Don’t you dare say a thing like that about my Jeanne! She wasn’t seein’ anybody! There wasn’t nobody for her but me! Understand?”

  Rhodes had gotten more of a reaction than he anticipated. “I understand, Elmer. I wasn’t trying to imply something that would make Jeanne look bad. I just thought that if she had a regular visitor, you know, we might have a starting place.”

  Elmer slumped back in the platform rocker in which he sat and reached for another beer. “No visitors,” he said. “No matter what anyone else tells you. No visitors.”

  Rhodes decided to drop the subject for the time being, but it was clearly something that he needed to check up on. He took a different approach. “OK, Elmer, if you say so, it must be true. No visitors. I’ll just have to think about something else. By the way, why were you so late getting home this morning?”

  “Wasn’t so late. Don’t usually get here until around ten or so. Have a little breakfast, talk to the boys. You know. I was at Sally’s this morning.”

  That would be easy enough for Rhodes to check. He’d already called the cable plant, and Clinton had worked his full shift. He’d have Johnny Sherman or one of the other deputies check at Sally’s to make sure Elmer had been there, too. “Well, that’s about it for now, Elmer,” he said. “I guess I’ll have some more questions later; maybe one of the boys will be by instead of me. Don’t go off anywhere so we can’t find you, hear? “

  “I hear, Sheriff, I hear. You just find out who killed Jeanne. Then you let me have a few minutes with him. That’s all I’m asking.”

  As Rhodes walked back onto the porch, Clinton was staring off into space with unfocused eyes and swallowing beer.

  Hod Barrett’s little grocery store was caught in its usual mid-afternoon lull. There were no customers, except for two old men on the loafer’s bench, and it wasn’t likely that either of them was going to buy anything. Rhodes pulled open the left screen and walked in.

  The store was much darker than most modern groceries. It was lit by three fly-specked hundred-watt bulbs that hung down from the ancient stamped-tin ceiling by twisted, fabric-covered cords. The floor was the same cement as the walk out front, stained darker from years of spills and sweepings. There were shelves along the walls to Rhodes’s left and right, and a long, two-sided shelf in the middle. To his left was the bench and the soft-drink cooler, a very old one in which the drinks sat up to their necks in icy water circulated by a small pump. To his right was the glass candy case, filled mostly with hard candy and gum. The store wasn’t air-conditioned, and chocolate tended to melt.

  Hod Barrett was at the back of the store beside the meat cooler that separated his small butcher shop from the rest of his stock. He was leaning over a counter working on his accounts. About the only way he could keep any customers was to offer credit; otherwise, everyone in town would drive to the Safeway in Clearview. Beside Barrett was an old cash register that doubled as his adding machine when he worked on the accounts.

  “Figuring your taxes, Hod?” Rhodes joked as he strolled to the rear of the store.

  “Already done that,” Barrett replied. “Next time I ought to get a lot of money back, considering all my losses to thieves that you can’t catch.” He flipped an account book shut with a snap and stuffed it in a file.

  “Does Elmer Clinton have an account in there, Hod?” Rhodes asked.

  Barrett looked up. “Of course he does. Nearly everybody in town has an account with me, large or small. You can’t drive all the way to Clearview when you need a quart of milk, and if you can get credit you take it.”

  “Is Elmer’s account one of the large ones or one of the small ones?”

  Barrett didn’t even have to check his account books. “It’s one of the small ones. I think Elmer buys most of his groceries before he comes home after work. He has to drive over to Clearview anyway. I don’t hold it against him. What’s all that got to do with my store being robbed, anyway?”

  Rhodes shrugged. “Nothing, probably. But your robbery kind of has to take second place now that Jeanne Clinton’s been killed.”

  Barrett started to protest, but Rhodes went on without giving him an opening. “I guess it was Jeanne that did most of the buying here, and not Elmer.”

  Barrett nodded. “That’s right. She came in every day or so for little items. Bread. Milk. Laundry powder. Never bought more than two or three items at a time. Always put them on the bill, always paid right on the first.”

  “How well did you get to know Jeanne, Hod?” Rhodes inquired mildly.

  Barrett shoved his account file aside roughly and started around the counter. “Now, see here, Sheriff, I’ll have you know. . .”

  “Now, Hod, don’t get your blood pressure all elevated,” Rhodes said. “I just thought you might be able to tell me if she had any enemies here in town, anyone that might want to do away with her. I don’t believe a single thing was stolen from that house, like there was from your store, and since you live right nearby I thought you might be able to give me a lead.”

  Barrett pushed both hands down on the counter and took a deep breath, visibly getting control of himself. “OK, Sheriff, I see what you mean. I just thought . . . never mind. No, I don’t know of anyone who didn’t like Jeanne. She was a nice, friendly girl.” A thought seemed to strike him. ‘‘Say, you don’t think there could be any connection between the robbery here and the killing, do you?”

  “Now that’s a right interesting idea, Hod,” Rhodes said. “Can’t say as I’ve given it any real consideration, but now that you mention it, I’ll give it
some thought.”

  Barrett had a disgusted look on his face, which indicated his idea of the dim mental processes of the county’s law enforcement officers. If he had to give them all their ideas, he seemed to be thinking, then things were really in a mess.

  “By the way, Hod,” Rhodes said, interrupting Barrett’s thoughts, “Do you think your wife might be able to tell me any more than you have about Jeanne? I mean, seeing as how you all live so close by her and all. Not more than a block away, is it? Since Miz Barrett stays home most of the day, she might have seen something more than you.”

  Barrett’s stocky body didn’t move, but his Adam’s apple rose and fell several times as if he were swallowing a golf ball. His voice, when he spoke, was thin and forced. “You stay away from my wife, Sheriff,” he said. “She don’t know nothing, and she won’t have nothing to tell you.

  “You seem a little tense today, Hod,” Rhodes said kindly. “I know this robbery has you on edge, and you probably aren’t thinking too straight. But you know that there’s been a murder, and it’s my job to ask questions of anybody that might have information. You understand that, don’t you?”

  Barrett’s arms went limp and dangled at his sides. For the first time Rhodes noticed how long they were, way out of proportion on Barrett’s chunky body, like the arms of an ape. He must be hell to buy shirts for, Rhodes thought.

  “Yeah, I understand,” Barrett said. “I just didn’t think it was necessary.”

  “You never know, Hod,” Rhodes said, turning and walking to the front of the store. “You just never know.”

  He glanced at the two old men as he passed by the loafer’s bench. Their ears looked like they were growing on stalks. Rhodes smiled, stopped, and handed each one of them one of his cards.

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