Bondage Ranch 5: His Little Treasure

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Bondage Ranch 5: His Little Treasure Page 2

by Sindra van Yssel

  Emma walked back into the room, but as she let the door swing closed behind her, she looked back at it wistfully, as if she was considering heading right out again. Diego decided he’d do best without Alex’s attempts at matchmaking. “Excuse me,” he said.

  “Good luck,” said Alex.

  Emma saw him coming and stood aside, apparently thinking he was headed for the door. Instead he came to a halt in front of her.

  “Hello, beautiful,” he said. “Are you here with anyone?”

  She hesitated, then shook her head.

  Her hesitation wasn’t a good sign. He didn’t intend to let things go as far as they had with Laurie without being sure. “Someone back home?”

  “Oh, no. I’m here with a friend, a girlfriend, a friend friend. I’m babbling.”

  He grinned at her. “It’s lovely babble. Would you like to play?”

  Chapter Two

  He probably called all the women beautiful, but Emma still enjoyed hearing it. He was dark-skinned, obviously Latino, with wavy jet-black hair, and muscles that stretched the arms of the tight T-shirt he wore. She did a quick glance to make sure he wasn’t talking to someone behind her, but there was only the wall there. Simple as that, he barely knew her, and he asked her to play. Play might mean all sorts of things, anything from a spanking to sex to— Well, she was here for the adventure. She opened her mouth to say yes.

  And then thought better of it. “What did you have in mind?” she asked.

  “That depends on what we can find that we both like.” He stuck out his hand. “Hi. I’m Diego.”

  “Emma,” she said.

  “First time?”

  “Second.” And yes, I’m just that memorable. Although she was pretty sure she’d remember him. “Yours?”

  “No, I’m a regular. But I was only at the last one briefly, so maybe our paths didn’t cross. Was that when you were here?”


  “I was sure I would have remembered you.”

  Emma didn’t believe a word of it. After all, she’d been trying to be invisible. But still, she gave him credit for being smooth. He had a hint of a New York accent, possibly over something else more foreign. His voice was pleasant. He even smelled nice, clean and slightly musky. She waited, wondering what he’d propose. Would he want to flog her? She wouldn’t mind trying that once. Ropes, maybe? She wasn’t sure about the hot wax she’d seen dripped on people. That looked too scary. And would he let her keep her clothes on? But as Valerie had pointed out, she could always yell for help if she got in over her head, as long as she stuck to the main room. The thoughts were making her tingle.

  “What sort of thing do you like?” he asked.

  “I don’t…” she hesitated. Would he still be interested in her if he knew she was completely inexperienced? But it didn’t matter. There was no point in lying or being wanted for anything except what she was. “I don’t know. I’ve never.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “You’re a virgin?”

  She laughed, although the sound seemed high-pitched to her ears. “Um, no! Not that never. Just never anything, well, kinky.” Her last relationship had been physically satisfying but emotionally draining. There had been plenty of sex, even if it wasn’t very good sex, and that had been enough for a while until she found out Ed had been having twice as much as her.

  “That surprises me,” Diego said. “Especially if you’ve come here before. Surely someone offered?”


  “That really surprises me. But you have fantasies or you wouldn’t be here.”

  “Yes.” She knew she was giving him short answers. Was that awkward?

  “You know about safe words?”

  “Yes. Valerie taught me. Do you know Valerie?” She shifted her gaze to where Valerie was playing with Sue. The two were kissing each other in front of the tied-up Keith. Emma had wanted to change the subject from herself, but she regretted it instantly. She didn’t want Diego thinking about the other girl or getting all hot and bothered from watching two women kissing. Sue and Val were really hamming it up.

  Diego laughed but didn’t turn around. “Everyone knows Valerie. I get the feeling you two are very different. But you’re friends?”


  “Opposites sometimes attract.” He grinned. “So you know the safe word here is ‘danger’?”

  “Yes.” Valerie had told her that if she yelled it out, everyone would come running to help. “Big strong manly men,” Valerie had said with a giggle. “Almost worth doing just for that.”

  He smiled and took her hand in his. “Since it’s your first time, why don’t we find out what you like? I see a post free across the room, and we can play next to that. I can give you a taste of bondage but keep your feet free. We’ll experiment. I’ll seduce your consent every step of the way.”

  “You’re sure I’ll say yes?”

  “Not certain. But I think you will.” His eyes sparkled. “And if you want me to stop something without bringing the whole place on us, say ‘ruby’ and we’ll stop and talk about what’s wrong. And continue with other things if you want to.”

  Ruby. She remembered the gems dangling from the pretty brunette’s breasts. Maybe he’d seen them too. They were very striking.

  What intrigued her most about the clamps though was the way people turned to look at the woman wearing them. Emma normally avoided being the center of attention, but yet she hated it when nobody noticed her. To be looked at, without having to talk—no, she didn’t mind talking exactly. What she didn’t like was having to talk when she had nothing to say.

  She looked up at Diego. He had taken her hand in his without asking, but he wasn’t dragging her across the room like Valerie had. She had a choice, and he was waiting for an answer.

  “Sure. What the hell,” she said, trying to sound carefree.

  He grinned. “Good.” He let go of her hand and wrapped his arm behind her waist instead, steering her farther into the room but not in the direction she’d expected.

  “I thought we were going to the post?”

  “I need to get my bag first. We need some toys. Rope. A flogger. Clamps perhaps? Do you like having your nipples squeezed?”

  “Um.” She’d barely met him, and it seemed like an intimate question. But she’d overheard enough conversations here to know that was how it was done. She remembered one domme asking a male sub, “how do you feel about being fucked in the ass?” and being answered promptly with a yes. People were very frank at Bondage Ranch. That took some getting used to.

  “Yes or no?” He didn’t raise his voice, but it was insistent.

  “I guess it depends on how much,” she said. “I mean, I’ve felt fingers, but— Okay, I hate to sound shallow, but are they pretty clamps?”

  He chuckled, but it didn’t sound condescending. “You are worried about how you look?”


  “Thank you. That will be taken into account. They aren’t, well—did you see the rubies and diamonds on Constance?”

  “Is that her name? Yes, those were lovely.”

  “Setting the bar very high,” he agreed. “Mine have a silver chain between them that sparkles. We’ll see what you think.” He leaned over and picked up a large gym bag with his left hand. Something in it clanked, and it was clearly packed full. It looked heavy, but it didn’t seem to bother him. Together they made their way across the room to the post.

  Everyone in the room must know what we’re about to do. But she looked around, and while everyone might know, no one much seemed to care, with two exceptions. Valerie noticed and gave her a thumbs-up and a grin. A tall, thin blonde looked up awkwardly from a spanking bench and glared at her.

  The blonde was being spanked by an athletic man with dark hair and a mustache, who was whispering something in her ear. If I was in that situation, I don’t think I’d be looking around. Then she had a dark thought.

  “How about you? Are you attached to anyone?” she asked Diego. “Here or other

  Diego shook his head. If he’d even noticed the blonde, she couldn’t tell. “No. If I was, I wouldn’t be playing with anyone else.”

  She took another look over at the blonde, but the woman was looking at the floor now. She yelped at a particularly hard smack and then thrust out her back for more.

  Maybe I was imagining it.

  The piece of equipment Diego led her to was the simplest piece of furniture in the room. A broad, heavy wooden base six inches tall stabilized a vertical post. The wooden four-by-four was over six feet tall, polished and painted black. A large O-ring was bolted a few inches from the top of it. It was situated in the darkest corner of the room.

  He gestured her on to it with one hand and held her hand with the other. She stepped on to the platform uncertainly. When she was stable, he let her go.

  He opened his bag and brought out a length of red rope. Then he put out his hand palm up. His eyes were even with hers, even with her on top of a platform and in three-inch heels. “Your wrists,” he said.

  Her heart sped up as she put her left wrist in his hand, then crossed her right on top of that.

  “You’re nervous, aren’t you? And eager. It’s a lovely combination, chica.”

  She watched as he doubled up the rope, wrapped it around her wrists twice, and tied a knot with practiced ease. How many times had he done this? Or maybe he practiced at home on a bedpost or his ankle, and he was as nervous as she was. She giggled to herself. That was the sort of man she expected to end up with, but no, that clearly wasn’t him. There was no sign of nervousness in him at all.

  “Something funny?” he asked.

  “No, not really. Sorry.”

  “It’s okay, Emma.” He kissed her cheek lightly. “It’s your first time. It’s normal to be anxious. But you’re safe here. Your friend is watching me, making sure I don’t step out of line.”

  She looked up. Valerie had stepped back from Sue and Keith and was indeed watching her instead. Emma wasn’t sure that made her feel less nervous, but it at least changed it. Safety was a good thing.

  Diego held her wrists over her head. Her chest lifted as her hands went up, and his gaze took in the sight before returning to her wrists as he tied them to the O-ring above. “Are you worried about being watched?”

  She nodded. And yet it excited her too, like dressing up for the dungeon had. She’d never been one to put herself forward, but she’d always envied the way Valerie dwelled in the limelight.

  “Turn around and face the post. You won’t have to deal with seeing who might be watching, then. We’re in the corner, and I doubt we’ll attract too much attention anyway. Most people like to look at the heavy scenes.”

  She shifted her feet, following the instructions with reluctance. In the corner, not attracting attention. That would be me.

  Something fell over her right shoulder. She smelled leather and turned her head to look. Two dozen strips of leather, half of them red and the others black, tickled the tops of her breast. A flogger, not unlike the one Valerie had used.

  He put his arm around her waist and his hand on her stomach. It was easy to imagine it moving lower, lifting her skirt perhaps. He leaned in close on her left, and she inhaled his warm, musky scent. He whispered, “I’d like to flog you with this. How do you feel about that?”

  “Yes. But not too hard, please.”

  “No,” he promised. “Not too hard.”

  His hand rose along her stomach as he pulled the flogger back across her shoulders, the tails slithering across the bare skin her top exposed. Just when she thought he might cup her breasts, he withdrew his hand entirely. The flogger, too, was gone.

  Then it whipped through the air and struck her back near her shoulder blades. She gasped, more from surprise than anything else. She expected him to begin as Valerie had, so light she could barely feel it. Instead this thudded into her. It took her a moment to register that it hadn’t really hurt as much as surprised her. She relaxed as he flung the flogger into her back again, this time on the other side.

  She closed her eyes. It didn’t sting, and it didn’t hurt. Through her top it felt almost more like a push than anything else. Or perhaps a deep massage. Pleasant, but if this was supposed to get her off, it wasn’t doing it. Maybe she shouldn’t have told him not too hard, or possibly flogging just wasn’t her thing.

  He flicked the flogger against her bottom, the tails wrapping beneath her skirt to catch a sliver of bare flesh, and she jumped. That was more like it. He built up a rhythm again, and she felt her skirt flutter in the breeze from the flogger. Feeling suddenly daring, she stuck out her bottom and wiggled it at him to present a better target, aware that it also lifted the back of her skirt. He flogged her, alternating cheeks, sometimes flicking the tails right down the middle where they threatened to caress her pussy through her thong.

  The next stroke she expected didn’t come. Instead he placed his hand on the back of her thigh above her stocking. “May I lift your skirt?” he asked, his voice low and seductive. “So that you can feel it better.”

  She nodded, not trusting herself to speak. It was one thing to bare her ass to Valerie in the privacy of her own bedroom. The thought of baring it here in front of everyone scared her, but she wanted to feel more of what he had to offer. It wasn’t that his technique was that much different than Valerie’s, but letting a man do this to her was hotter somehow. And Diego was a very attractive man. That voice alone made her melt.

  “Say it,” he whispered.


  “Yes, Sir,” he corrected.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good girl.” Cool air struck her bottom as he lifted her skirt. He tucked the hem into her waistband in back so it wouldn’t fall down again. “This will feel more intense. Besides, I like seeing your sexy ass.”

  Even without turning, she could imagine the heat of his gaze on her butt. She took a deep breath and waited. She knew that by the standards of the room, she wasn’t very exposed at all. She still had a thong on, after all, and she was well covered from the waist up. But she’d never done anything like this in a public place before. Even at the beach, her swimsuits were one piece with nice full bottoms.

  Her panties were damp. Could he see that? Could everyone? She didn’t know, but she knew she was blushing. She should have worn black panties. That would have made it less obvious, but the lilac ones had matched her bra. Her face felt hot.

  The flogger flicked against her bottom, stinging her bare skin. But still it wasn’t too hard. It accentuated the position she was in. She wasn’t just bare-assed; she was letting a man flog her. And people were watching. Maybe. If anyone cared. It was embarrassing and arousing all at the same time.

  “Stick it out and wiggle it, like you were,” said his silver voice. “I liked that.”

  Oh my God. I was, wasn’t I? But she wasn’t sure she could do it now. “Sir?”

  He put one hand on her bottom and slipped another under the front of her skirt to the top of her leg, his fingers inches from her tingling pussy. He must have put the flogger down. He pulled her butt to where he wanted it. She felt something leather against her, something hard and unforgiving. Him. He’s hard. From me.

  He stepped back. “Better,” he said. A second later she felt the flogger’s tails strike against her bottom again, and instinctively she pulled herself forward. He waited. She pushed her butt back again.

  “You’re a very interesting girl.” He flicked the flogger against her right cheek, making it sting for a second before the sensation faded. “Very sexy.” This time the tails went between her legs, which she didn’t even realized she’d spread apart, and caressed her pussy through her panties. It felt like heaven—he’d swung it much more lightly, and it was more like a caress than anything else. “I’m learning what turns you on.”

  He knows I’m wet. The flogger felt nice, but the idea of being whipped in a crowded room turned her on more. He couldn’t know that being exposed was making her wetter
than being struck by the leather tails without being a mind reader.

  He cupped the lower curve of her ass. “May I touch you, little treasure?”

  In front of everyone? She wanted it. She didn’t know if she dared say yes. “You are touching me,” she said.

  “You know I mean more, chica. Answer me.”

  She hesitated.

  “Tell me I can.”

  That was easier than being given a choice. “Yes, Sir.”

  He slipped his hand between her legs and pressed the warm cotton against her hot, wet pussy. She spread her legs farther, willing him to move his finger forward, and he did, rubbing her clit through the fabric. She moaned loudly, blushing harder when she realized she’d probably drawn attention to herself. She pursed her lips in a bid to stay silent. Her clit ached with need, and only his fingers could sooth that ache. The ropes around her wrists stopped her from going anywhere. She could close her thighs, and that would stop what he was doing, but she didn’t want it to stop. Tension built in her core, tension that made her ache for a release she didn’t think she could attain. Not in front of all these people. She couldn’t. Surely she shouldn’t want to.

  He moved his hand away. She barely stopped from whimpering, suppressing it all into a sharp breath through her nose.

  “Yes, I’m definitely getting to know you,” he said and untucked her skirt, letting it fall and cover her backside again.

  She turned her head to look at him, not sure how to protest that she didn’t want him to stop. He was supposed to be doing things to her, things he wanted and that she didn’t. Wasn’t that the point of a dom, to do crazy kinky things that she would never admit she desired?

  I am not supposed to get off on being embarrassed.

  He kissed her, drowning any complaint she might have made. His lips were surprisingly soft for such a well-muscled man, but he took her breath away. She found herself responding, nibbling on his lip, wanting to feel every contour of his mouth and tongue. She hadn’t expected kissing. That wasn’t kinky at all. Everything he was doing confused her, and the most confusing thing was that it felt so good.


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