Touching Angel's Desires

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Touching Angel's Desires Page 13

by Holly J. Gill

  Angel wished she had got to Stacie first and not Bailey. The things she could have told that woman would have shocked her so much she’d have run from Desires and never come back.

  Chapter Six

  Angel headed immediately to her room. She threw her body on the bed trying to make sense of what had just happened with Stacie and Dan. Why had he defended her? Did she really mean that much to him? Was he having feelings for her? That should not be happening. Was he enjoying her more than he should be? Everything ran around in her head at a million miles per hour. Nothing made any sense.

  Could this crap day possibly get any crappier?

  It was late in the evening. Angel’s head was spinning. Was she really losing her man to a woman who may well be stunningly sexy and attractive, but surely nothing in bed compared to Angel. Could he really prefer Miss Prissy over her? Maybe Dan just saw the money. Angel curled up in a ball on her bed, horrified to feel tears leaking down her face. She wished she could ask for someone’s opinion, blurt it all out to someone, but no one knew the situation between her and Dan, and that’s the way it had to remain.

  She lay on her bed, tossing and turning, scrubbing at the tears trickling down her cheeks with wads of toilet paper. She’d always prided herself on never needing a man. Men were there to be used, fucked. There was always another one coming along. But now, all she wanted was for Dan to hold her tight and tell her there was nothing to worry about. She wept into the soggy tissue until her tears ran out, then sat up in bed and stared at the opposite wall for a long time.

  She was the boss. Dan was an employee. She had to stay hard and firm and act like nothing bothered her even though inside it was destroying her.

  Angel went to the bathroom and washed her face with cold water, staring in horror at the blotchy mess reflected in the mirror. She needed to get a grip of the situation and find out exactly what was going on. Maybe she was over-reacting. Maybe Dan’s concern for Stacie was nothing but kindness. He was a genuinely nice man, which only added to his appeal. She sat down at the dressing table and carefully re-applied her face, brushing her hair and twisting it up in a fountain.

  Angel headed to her office. She found the extension number for Dan’s room and called it, her heart pounding. She heard Dan’s voice immediately.

  “Dan, can you come to my office promptly, I need to talk to you now.”

  “Um, does it have to be now? I’m with Stacie.”

  Angel was furious. “Yes, it has to be now. Tell Stacie you’re needed downstairs.”

  Dan hesitated and sighed before saying, “Okay.”

  Angel slammed down the phone. How dare he hesitate! She sat at her desk, sitting back in the big black leather chair, waiting for his arrival, annoyed that she had to wait for him. She debated changing her clothes into a business suit, wanting to be the big boss and make him feel uncomfortable. But she wouldn’t have time if he came down immediately. She couldn’t have him finding her mid-change.

  Angel heard a knock on the door. She deliberately waited as long as she could stand it before calling, “Come!” Her insides jumped about with nerves. The door opened. Angel stared straight ahead, resisting the urge to look at him.

  Dan appeared in her line of vision looking baffled.

  Angel sat firm, back straight. “Please take a seat,” she instructed, her churning insides belying her stern exterior.

  She watched as Dan sat opposite her on the sofa. Angel leaned back in her chair, steepling her fingers and staring directly in his eyes. His face was calm, and unworried, with a faint look of puzzlement in his eyes, his gorgeous, deep brown, sexy eyes. Stop it! She needed to hold her concentration, not forget the reason why she had brought him to her office.

  “Can you explain what happened earlier?” she asked, maintaining full eye contact.

  “Stacie, you mean?”

  “Don’t start, Dan. Yes, Stacie. What on earth happened?”

  He shrugged. “She just found the whole sex thing got to her, seeing it in every direction, people having sex, it just freaked her out a bit.” He paused. Angel could see he was anxious. “And then James suggested group sex and that was when she lost the plot. I guess it just tipped her over the edge.”

  “You seem to show great concern for Stacie.”

  “Yes, I was very concerned. My job with Stacie is to give her confidence in herself sexually again. When she ran off, I had no idea what happened and needed to understand. Things had been going extremely well, and I didn’t want all my hard work to be ruined by James’s thoughtlessness.”

  “I see. How is she doing?”


  “What level have you got her to?”

  “Does it matter?”

  “I ask the questions, Dan, not you. What level are you at with her?” she asked. She sat forward over the desk, leaning on her elbows and resting her chin on her entwined fingers.

  “Angel, you already asked me this. She’s up to full intercourse,” he finally answered.

  It felt as if someone had punched her in the stomach. Even though she knew it had happened, every time she heard him say it was more painful than she ever could have imagined. “So, you have had her playing with her tits, experiencing her clitoris, giving you a blow job and…intercourse?” she said, trying not to let her voice betray her feelings. This was what she paid him for, for God’s sake. It wasn’t like he was having an affair. So why did it feel that way?


  “And?” she asked, not understanding why she wanted to hear the details, but needing to know nonetheless.

  “And what?”

  “I assume it went well? Did she…did she enjoy it?” Her stomach churned, threatening to spill its contents all over the desk. Her mind whirled. Unwelcome images of Stacie and Dan together intruded—his mouth on her body, her moans of pleasure, his cock…

  “Yes, she did. What on earth is this?”

  “Dan, please. I am trying to establish how well she is progressing.” An idea struck her. Given that she had reacted so badly to James suggesting a foursome, she might have just thought of the perfect plan to get the woman to leave Desires for good, send her scurrying on her way. “I feel,” she began slowly, looking at Dan to see his reaction, “that you are ready to introduce another man into her education.”

  Dan’s eyebrows rose and his mouth opened in shock. “Please, tell me you are kidding,” he said.

  “No,” she replied, sitting back in her chair and folding her arms, suppressing the smile that threatened to crack her face. “I am perfectly serious.”

  “Did you not see what went on this evening? She isn’t ready for that,” he said, panic lifting his voice.

  “Tough, move her on,” Angel said abruptly.

  “Is this about earlier when I didn’t perform for you?” he asked, shifting position to sit on the edge of his seat. Angel could see his anger.

  “Don’t be so stupid, don’t go there with that,” she told him, annoyed with his unexpected perception.

  “I’m right aren’t I? You’re pissed off with me for being able to have sex with Stacie, but I wasn’t able to give you what you wanted, so you want to put someone else into the mix. You want to sabotage Stacie’s progress because you’re jealous.”

  “Don’t flatter yourself.”

  “Look me in the eyes and tell me that.”

  Angel stared at him, his face twisted in anger. He was right, she knew he was. She had to make this convincing. She deliberately made eye contact.

  “It has nothing to do with you being limp earlier,” she told him. Her heart beat rapidly and she breathed evenly, doing all she could to keep a cool, serious face. He could never know her feelings. She could never give him that power over her. “My concern is for Stacie. You’re the first person she has had treat her well in a while. I don’t want her to become too attached to you. It would only hurt her in the long run when you have to part. She needs to get used to being sexually comfortable with different men, not just you. You wouldn
’t want her to be hurt, would you, Dan?” He shook his head, just a tiny movement. “Then take her to the next level.”

  “She isn’t ready.”

  “I think she is.”

  “And how the hell do you know that? Are you teaching her suddenly?”

  “Why are you resisting this?”

  “She is my client and I have her best interests at heart.”

  “She is Desires’ client, and I’m not sure you’re the best judge of her best interests.”

  They glared at each other. A knock came at the door, interrupting the impasse.

  “Enter,” Angel called out. Bailey popped her head around the door.

  “Sorry to interrupt, but I have just seen Stacie entering the orgy room. I thought Dan would like to know.”

  “You what?” Dan said.

  “Stacie has just entered the orgy room wearing a very sexy silk robe and not much else,” Bailey repeated.

  “Are you serious?” Dan asked. Bailey simply nodded. Dan jumped to his feet and headed for the door without as so much as looking back at Angel.

  After he’d left Angel leaned on her elbows on the desk, her face in her hands. The excitement just didn’t seem to be stopping with tonight, never had a day or evening been so damn hectic. She sat back in the chair and glanced at the clock. It was ten thirty. She wished she could just fast forward the next few hours and have this day end.

  She sat at her desk, trying to make sense of her feelings. She had no claim over Dan. She wasn’t his girlfriend. He worked for her. She paid him to have sex with other women. So why did this one woman threaten her so much? Did she even have any evidence to suggest that Stacie was becoming attached? Was she more worried about Stacie becoming attached, or Dan? She had so many questions, but no answers.

  Angel headed back in her room and flopped on the bed. The meeting with Dan had gone nowhere. Maybe he was just doing his job. That was why she’d hired him. Maybe he just wanted to make it a good experience for Stacie. But what girl would not find Dan amazing? He was handsome charming, intelligent, witty, made your knees weak, and he certainly knew how to give a girl a good shag and push all the right buttons. Maybe it was Stacie she needed to be careful of, not Dan. That idea was more palatable than the thought that Dan was developing feelings for Stacie. At least Stacie she could scare off with the contract.

  A picture popped into her head of Dan and Stacie in the orgy room. Why had she gone there? Just to watch? Maybe they were just having a little play, nothing more than that. Surely she wouldn’t be ready for public sex yet. Not knowing why she was doing it, she got up and left, heading down the corridor toward the orgy room. On approach, Angel saw the voile of the orgy room door floating about in a tiny breeze. One of the windows must be open a crack. She walked slowly up to where the material hung in the doorway, trying to see through the sheer voile. It was too dark, and the voile not sheer enough. She moved it hesitantly to one side, trying to see in without being spotted.

  Her eyes took a moment to adjust to the dim lighting. She glanced around. People were coupling everywhere. Her eyes slid over them after a brief look at the faces. She wasn't interested. A few people were sitting and recovering while others were still performing girl on girl action, men and women, couples and even a group.

  She saw Jason and Chrissie hard at it, Chrissie’s breasts swinging as Jason fucked her from behind. Then her world exploded as she saw Dan, naked and glorious, fucking Stacie hard. Stacie was wearing a red babydoll top, with hearts covering her boobs. Angel swallowed. She remembered buying that outfit. It was one of the ones she’d put in the rooms for clients’ use. She was lying on her back, her eyes closed, her hands reaching behind her to grab handfuls of the sheet as Dan rammed into her. She screamed. Then he was out, pulling down the tiny thong he’d evidently bypassed, burying his face between her legs, sucking and licking her with a passion Angel hadn’t seen in him for a while. Stacie grabbed his head, holding him close. He didn’t stop, feasting on her until she screamed and bucked beneath him, her body juddering again and again. Angel willed her legs to move, but they refused. She watched as he fucked her again, hot and hard, before flipping her over to take her from behind. He wasn't gentle, but she didn’t seem to care, taking everything he gave her, until she cried out again. Dan wasn’t far behind, his face twisting in ecstasy as he came. They collapsed on the mattress and Angel let the voile fall.

  She almost ran to the restaurant, wiping away the tears that ran down her cheeks. She headed straight for the bar, sitting at a stool. The bar manager brought over her usual drink. She couldn’t look at him. She stared at the drink, her heart aching. How could this have happened? How could she have fallen in…in love? She sat, horrified at the admission she had just made to herself. She had never let anyone close before. If you don’t give them your heart they can’t hurt it. How had Dan taken hers without her even noticing? Never had she hated someone so much as she currently hated Stacie fucking Clifford.

  “Hi there,” she heard a male voice. She didn’t look up. “May I join you?” She did not answer, but took a sip of her drink. She saw in her peripheral vision that someone had sat down next to her. If it was a client she’d have to be polite. If it was staff she could tell him to get lost. Reluctantly, she turned to see Dexter sitting next to her. Angel gave him a brief smile then turned back to resume staring at her drink.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “Just had a tough day.”

  “I can imagine that. I expect being the boss of this place is exceptionally demanding.”

  “You could say that.” Angel turned to look at him, thinking about the reports she’d had of him. Very easy on the eye, he was very calming to be with, giving much and expecting little. Maybe she needed a distraction. “What are you doing now?” she asked.

  “Nothing. I have finished for the evening.”

  “Would you fancy fucking me?”

  He smiled. “Yeah, sure.”

  Angel took hold of his hand and dragged him back through the reception area. She briefly considered taking him back to her bedroom, but memories of Dan staying there intruded. Instead, she checked the computer, seeing what rooms were vacant. She grabbed the key from the back office and then took Dexter upstairs.

  Once inside, Angel instantly glued her face to his, kissing his lips, his cheeks, his eyes. Dexter picked her up, carrying her over to the bed. He placed her carefully on the cover, and lay down next to her. Angel reached down to unzip his trousers, pulling out his cock, which was already half-hard.

  Dexter took hold of the zip on her dress, pulling it down to expose her breasts, cupping them gently and dropping his face down to kiss them. Angel unzipped the dress all the way down. It flopped open, exposing her in just her black thong. She lifted her body so he could pull the flattened PVC garment out from under her, dropping it on the floor. She started to tug at her boots. Again Dexter assisted, moving to the end of the bed to pull them off one by one. He returned to lavish attention on her breasts again, cupping them, then lifting one up to suck on her nipple. He rolled his tongue over her bud, but Angel wasn’t interested in him playing with her boobs. She urgently needed a damn good fucking. She reached her hand down to tug down her thong.

  “Get naked!” she commanded.

  Obediently, Dexter wriggled out of his trousers and pulled his T-shirt over his head. He went commando so his huge cock reared up as he swung his legs over the side of the bed to remove his shoes and socks. She grabbed it as he turned round to face her again.

  “Now fuck me. Hard!” He positioned himself over her, thrusting that massive cock inside her in one swift move. She was wet and ready, and welcomed him with a groan. “Oh God, yeah! Fuck me!”

  He obliged happily, pounding into her so hard, she thought his cock would come out of the roof of her mouth. The physical sensations filled her, blocking out the emotions and the memories, and the thoughts which tormented her so much. Sheer physical pleasure in the arms of a sexy man was like nothing else.
It had always been enough before. No need for messy emotions. Just lovely, lovely fucking.

  “Stop,” she told him after a few moments.

  He paused, and pulled out, puzzled. She slid down the bed, taking a new position, her face under his cock. She took the head of that impressive piece of equipment in her mouth. She could taste her own juices on him, her tangy creamy outpouring, the very essence of pleasure. She sucked him clean, working her tongue round every wrinkle and crease of his beautiful phallus. At least this man was hard for her. And he had a bigger cock than Dan, she thought nastily.

  Angel took his cock all the way in, feeling it against the walls of her throat. Dexter showed no reluctance to thrust his long cock all the way down her throat. She took her hands behind him to cup his strong buttocks, feel them flex as he fucked her mouth. He pulled out and she ducked further down, taking one of his testicles in her mouth as she continued to rub her hand rapidly up and down his cock. He cried out. She sucked even harder, feeling the skin stretch as the pebble within tried to succumb to the vacuum she was creating.

  Angel released his testicle and glided her tongue from the base of his long member to the tip, tasting his salt now instead of her own tanginess. Copious pre-cum beaded the end and Dexter almost growled, “Back up here!” Angel did not hesitate. She wriggled back up the bed. Dexter knelt over her chest, laying his cock between her boobs. He reached over to the bedside drawer, grabbing a condom and the tube of lube that they both knew would be there—Angel always made sure the rooms were fully stocked—and squeezed a wriggle of the lube over her chest. He took hold of her breasts, squeezing them together so his dick slid between. Angel caught the end of his dick with her mouth on every approach, licking and trying to suck. His face contorted as he watched his big black cock plunging in and out of her milky white breasts.

  Dexter grabbed her then, pulling her around forcing her onto all fours. She allowed it—he knew she loved to be thrown around sometimes like a rag doll, used, made to do his bidding. He spread her thighs, pushed her face into the pillow and paused only a second to expertly slip on the condom before ramming his dick deep in her. She closed her eyes, surrendering to the pleasure of being totally filled, absolutely fucked. He sank himself hard and fast, and began to slap her backside. The pain was delicious, his hands large and commanding. He used just the right amount of force to create a pleasant sting, but not too much.


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