Touching Angel's Desires

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Touching Angel's Desires Page 17

by Holly J. Gill

  Her food arrived and she began to eat. Dexter stole her chips and started reminiscing about their night together and the way he had her screaming with pleasure. Angel sat and ate. He really was full of himself. He hadn’t been that amazing, he was just a shag. As he talked, her thoughts drifted to Dan and Stacie. Things had changed, though. Stacie had gone. Now Angel could relax and concentrate on next weekend. She would get Dan back in time. He would get over whatever his problem was. She just had to be patient.

  This weekend was all about promoting Desires. Angel had to prepare the club, make it totally irresistible and tempt more people to use the facilities. At least, that was the plan.

  She sat eating her meal while Dexter talked at her. He was starting to get annoying. How many times did he need to go on about how big his cock was, and how much he had satisfied her great needs? Angel was beginning to wish the night had not happened. However, it had and nothing in the world would change that. If there was a time to go back to and erase, it would be when Stacie contacted the club. Still, at least she had gone now and that trouble was out of the way.

  Angel listened to Vanessa playing, and the happy sound of the guests enjoying themselves, trying her hardest to blank Dexter, wishing she could tell him to get out of her face. She had to admit, Dexter was a popular man, frequently requested. He was in permanent demand, girls liked the muscular, well-endowed black man. But he faded in comparison with Dan. All men did.

  “So, shall we?” Dexter said. Angel looked up, surprised. She hadn’t been paying any attention to him—she’d had other things on her mind.

  “Shall we what?”

  “Shall we head to a room and have some more fun?”

  Oh boy! “I’m sorry Dexter,” she said, leaning forward and smiling sweetly, whilst moving her knee between his thighs until it rested on the bulge in his groin. “I have to sort a lot of stuff out for the meeting tomorrow. So I’m afraid you are going to have to wait.” She rubbed her knee up and down his package, feeling him thrust back against her, although his face dropped with disappointment. “Maybe if you have a spare evening this week we could get together,” she suggested, not really meaning it, trying her hardest to let him down gently.

  “But I’m busy most of the week,” he told her, looking woebegone. Then he sighed. “I could see what I could do.”

  Angel stood up, heading around to the other side of the table. She leaned over to kiss him on the lips, dropping her hand down to fondle his cock through his trousers. It was a nice cock, she thought, briefly having second thoughts. But no, she decided. His wasn't the only cock in the building.

  “Do try, baby,” she told him seductively with a grin, then walked away from him, not bothered whether he did or he didn’t make the time. She had enough to think of without the worry about fitting him into her schedule.

  Angel headed back to the reception seeing clients leaving, and workers finishing their shifts. The computer kept a record of all staff and clients in the building at any one time, the software used their door codes to check them in and out. Angel brought up the staff list, scanning it idly for Dan’s name, not expecting him to still be in the building. But he was, to her amazement.

  “Where is Dan?” she asked Shannon.

  “I’m sorry, Angel, I don’t know. I haven’t seen him for a while.”

  Where could he possibly be? She knew he wasn’t in the restaurant, she’d just been there.

  “Has he brought back his room key?”

  “Yes, ages ago so the cleaners can get in there.”

  He could be anywhere. It was a big building. Angel knew she should be working, getting everything arranged for the meeting. But instead of taking her to her office, her traitorous feet took her off back down toward the heart of the club.

  It was early, so the club room would be quiet. He was unlikely to be there. Maybe he was in the men’s changing room. A lot of the guys hung out there when they were not working, it was like a common room for them. Angel made her way there, her heart sinking when she bumped into Dexter in the corridor. He stopped her and planted a kiss on her cheek.

  “Hey sexy lady.”

  Angel replied with a smile. She had more important things on her mind. To her relief Dexter continued on, the opposite way to where she was going.

  Angel arrived at the male changing rooms, situated on the other side of the building. Angel had been known to go in there before—usually when she was up for some naughty fun with more than one cock. There was usually at least one naked man to be seen in here—maybe it would be Dan. Her pussy throbbed and she rapped on the door.

  She waited a few seconds without hearing anything before knocking again. Still not getting a response, she decided to open the door and poke her head in. The wide-screen LCD television was on, the volume turned up, showing some porn film, and men sat about on the sofas with beers in their hands.

  “Hello,” she said loudly. Heads turned and Mike got up and came to the door.

  “Hello, boss, what can we do for you?” he asked.

  “Does she need some serious cock?” she heard someone call out.

  She replied with a smile, not wanting them to get too excited. “Is Dan in there?”

  “Yes he is. Would you like him?”

  “I do,” she said. Mike widened the door for her entrance. Angel entered the room. It was littered with cans and food wrappers. She glanced around, unimpressed. Was it really too much to ask to keep the room in a fit state? She inhaled a deep breath—the room smelled of male sweat. She watched all the guys sit up as they became aware of Angel’s presence. Hands grabbed her from behind around the waist and she felt flesh pressed against her. She twisted in the man’s arms. It was Malc, naked, his cock dangling unattractively. Angel pulled away from him, annoyed. Malc shouldn’t even be in here. He was a client. He was friends with Larry, who was staff. Larry got Malc girls he probably wouldn’t be able to get by himself, girls who didn’t mind a threesome with the debonair Larry, so long as they didn’t have to look at his uglier friend. His hands grabbed, trying to get her back and she took a step away.

  Angel turned around seeing Dan, sitting chilled out on the couch, holding a can in his hand. Her eyes met his. He stared at her, then looked away, back at the television. She felt her bottom getting pinched. She ignored it.

  “So boss, are you fancying a good gang bang?” she heard. She turned her head to see Dave sitting on the couch. He had popped his cock out, and was playing with it, looking at her lewdly.

  “No, I am here on business.”

  “I bet you are,” he answered. They all laughed.

  “I need to talk to you, Dan,” she said glaring at him. He turned those big brown drowning eyes on her. The expression in them made her recoil.

  He took another sip from his beer then he stood up. He headed to the back of the room where the changing rooms and lockers were, including the showers. She followed him. On arrival at the wet room, she saw a man naked in the shower, but she ignored him and continued following Dan. He stopped and turned around.

  “What is it?” he said, spitting the words out. “Why are you following me?”

  “I just needed to check you were okay,” she said. She should really tell him off for presuming to speak to her like that. If he wasn’t careful, he’d be out of a job. The next second, she melted. She knew she would never fire him.

  “I’m fine,” he replied, turning around to leave her.

  “Where are you going?”

  “You asked, I gave you my answer. Now I’m heading back to my mates. Was there something else you wanted?”

  Angel quickly tried to think of someone else to ask him, to draw out the conversation. Her mind drew a blank. “Are we able to go to my room?” she asked him, desperate with her need to be with him.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t want to.”

  Angel’s heart broke a little bit more. The man from the shower came into the changing room wearing a
towel around his waist. It was Chris, whose nickname was Stallion for obvious reasons. “Everything okay, boss?”

  “Yes, thank you, just needed a quickie,” she answered. When Chris looked at her with interest, his eyebrows lifting, it dawned on her that she’d said the wrong thing. Chris dropped his towel, revealing his massive cock, already semi-interested.

  “Do you fancy?”

  “No,” she answered, seeing Dan escaping the room. “Dan,” she called out.

  He stopped abruptly, turning around to glare at her. “What?”

  “I need to talk to you in private,” she said, going for an authoritative tone in front of Chris.

  “There is nothing you need to say to me that you can’t say in front of Chris,” he told her. She turned around, glancing at Chris who was dressing, seemingly unconcerned by her earlier abrupt refusal.

  “I don’t like this atmosphere between us.”

  “Well you caused it.”

  “I honestly thought I was helping. You have never had a girl like Stacie before, that needed training from the beginning. I thought that bringing in another man might boost her confidence further.”

  “Angel, she was in her second day. She wasn’t the kind of girl to be rushed. Also, I was taking it slower so she would book further sessions and I could earn some easy cash,” he said, folding his arms and leaning against the wall. “And as for me fancying her…yes, she is beautiful, got an amazing body, and is stunning. Of course I fancied her. I fancy lots of women. Anyone would think you were jealous.”

  “Don’t talk such rubbish,” Angel snapped. “I was more worried about your contract. I cannot risk my workers falling in love with a client,” she replied. She was shaking, hoping he couldn’t tell she was feeding him a line.

  “Well, either way, it doesn’t matter. She’s gone, so you can stop worrying about your bloody contract,” he told her. Chris walked past them, leaving the room.

  Dan turned around, walking away, leaving her standing in the changing room. She needed to get back control of this situation. She had to remain professional. Dan could not know anything about her feelings. He had already come too close to guessing. Jealous? She certainly was.

  Head high, she walked back in the room seeing Dan slouched on the couch once again. The other men lazed around watching the porno, chatting or preparing to head home with only a few left to work. The club calmed down on Sunday nights as many of the clients headed back to work the next day.

  She left the room and leaned against the wall by the door, sucking in a deep breath. How could an emotional hurt cause an actual physical pain? She wrapped her arms around her stomach, as if holding it could ease the awful sick feeling inside. She wished Dan would just take notice of her so all the acting could stop. Her world revolved around him—she yearned for him more than anything, treasuring the thought of him holding her tight, feeling his breath on her skin, and whispering sweet nothings in her ear. How much more could her stricken body take?

  Angel saw Dexter approaching from down the corridor. He grinned at her. She gave him a hesitant smile back. He walked past her, entering the room. She stopped and thought. Should she head back in and drag Dexter back out. Maybe seeing her with someone else would get Dan jealous. However, if he didn’t feel the way she was, then he wouldn’t. But maybe it would be a test, to see exactly what his reaction would be.

  She re-entered the room. All the men looked at her, including Dan, awaiting her orders, or her action. “Dexter, I need you to fuck me,” she told him, glaring at Dan, who didn’t even flinch. Not a single flicker of reaction crossed his face.

  Dexter needed no further invitation. He strode toward her immediately, a big stupid smug grin on his face. He pulled down the front of her dress, popping out her boobs. Angel saw all the men watching avidly. She looked at Dan. He simply looked annoyed, as if they were blocking his view, craning his neck to see around them to the porno on the television. He wasn't looking at her at all. Dexter turned her, pushing her up against the wall, pulling up the skirt of her dress and trying to get his fingers in her panties.

  “Fancy a threesome?” another voice came. Angel turned her head to see Chris standing beside her, his cock already out, stiff and hard. “We could spitroast you, boss!”

  Angel quickly grabbed Dexter’s hand. “Not here,” she said, pushing her boobs back in again and marching him out the room. She dragged Dexter down the corridor toward reception. “You go down to my office. I’ll be thirty seconds,” she told him. He smacked his hand against her bottom and headed down the corridor. Angel watched him go.

  “Shannon,” she said, walking into the back office and indicating she should follow. Shannon came in. “Come to my office in five minutes and rescue me,” she said, without allowing Shannon to answer or ask questions. She left the room, heading to her office, aware Dexter would be waiting for her, no doubt excited and possibly already naked.

  Her plan had completely gone screwy. Surely there should have been some form of reaction from Dan, but nothing, absolutely nothing. What did she have to do to make him love her?

  Angel stood before the office door, trying to buy some time before she had to go in. Maybe she needed to give him some time. If he did have feelings for Stacie, then he needed to get over her. At the moment, he hated Angel, for splitting them up, but that would pass. He would come back to her, she was sure of it. She inhaled a deep breath then entered the office.

  Dexter stood waiting for her, still clothed, thankfully. She hip-swayed over to him, pressed her body over his and they began kissing. She felt his hands running up and down her body. He grabbed her bottom with one hand and began to squeeze her left breast with the other. He stuck his tongue down her throat while she wondered how bloody long Shannon would be. He backed her up against the desk, lifting her skirt as he went, trying to yank her panties down.

  “Patience, dear,” she cautioned, removing his hand.

  “It’s not like you to be coy,” he said in surprise, rearing his head back to look at her.

  “Why rush, when we can take our time?”

  He grinned and leaned down to kiss her again. Instead she pushed his head down to her cleavage, unable to bear his slobbery tongue again. He popped out her breast and began sucking on it, great slurpy sucks like a giant baby. Behind his head, Angel lifted her wrist to stare at her watch. She moaned and kept his head pressed into her breasts. This was quite unusual, she mused. She had never been victim to unwanted sexual advances, they were usually quite welcome. The feeling of someone doing things to you that you didn’t want was quite distasteful. There was no response from her body at all, as he did the things that normally would have her moaning. It was as if all her sexual feelings had totally shut down. Was this how some people felt all the time? It must be horrendous for them.

  He spread her legs, trying to get at her pussy, urgently pressing his trouser-clad cock into her groin. She began to panic. How much longer would Shannon be? Would she have to fight him off? Or worse, go through with it?

  Finally, after the longest five minutes of her entire life, a knock sounded at the door. “What?” she called, trying to sound annoyed to have been disturbed.

  The door opened, Angel turned. Shannon popped her head around the doorframe. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you, Angel, but we have a slight problem.”

  “Can you not deal with it?” Angel said, wanting to make the conversation as real as possible. She fervently hoped Shannon would realize she was acting.

  “No, I’m afraid not,” she answered. Angel relaxed and released Dexter.

  “I’m sorry, babe,” she said, giving the bottom lip while staring into his dark brown eyes, pretending to looking gutted.

  “I can wait.”

  “She could be a while,” Shannon told him.

  “Maybe we can catch up during the week,” Angel said to him, pushing him away from her. Dexter reluctantly headed to the door.

  “Count on it!” he said, then pulled the door shut behind him. Sha
nnon entered the room and Angel heaved a dramatic sigh.

  “Are you going to tell me what that was about?” Shannon said, hovering.

  “I wish I knew myself.”

  * * * *

  Angel woke up, the cold winter sun blasting through her window. She glanced at the alarm clock. Typical—two minutes before it was due to go off. Why was it always the case? If she had to wake up early, why not an hour earlier instead? Then at least she could go back to sleep. She yawned, scrubbed at her eyes and had a good stretch, wondering what today would bring her. She hoped for a very successful day with no major hiccups, but there were bound to be some, there always were. The alarm clock blared and she sat up and switched the damn thing off.

  She got up and grabbed a quick shower, thinking about her ‘business’ look. She dried and straightened her long dark hair and carefully applied her makeup. Not too dark, she didn’t want to scare the important business people off with a Goth look. Not too girly sweet either. A no-nonsense power look was called for today. On went her pinstripe skirt suit with a crisp, white blouse teamed with what she called her business heels, which were a little clunkier than her sexy heels.

  Angel headed to her office. A large folder lay on the desk, which contained all the information for today’s meetings that she had printed and sorted last night. She picked it up and went to the reception where Libby and Sophie were sitting looking smart, ready and waiting for the attendees to arrive. The restaurant staff were waiting to be given their instructions for the day’s meeting. She gave them a quick briefing then sent them to their posts. The guests were expected to begin arriving shortly and she had to check everything was ready.

  She dashed to the function room. The fresh flowers were in place and a clean glass sat at every place, along with jugs of fresh water at intervals. Some of the restaurant staff waited at the back with trolleys bearing plates of cakes and biscuits set out in mouth-watering displays, and large insulated flasks of tea and coffee. If requested, something stronger could be obtained from the bar, although Angel hoped alcohol wasn’t going to be on the agenda—she needed everyone fully focused on the job in hand. But, as a good hostess, it was available if necessary.


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