Touching Angel's Desires

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Touching Angel's Desires Page 19

by Holly J. Gill

  Angel showed John to the hall.

  “I assume everything is okay. I sent you the drawings,” Angel asked, anxiously. She hadn’t used this company before, and hated taking a chance, especially on something a huge as this.

  “Chill, babe, it’s all under control,” he assured her. He headed back to the lorry, bringing in a few other men to help with the construction. Angel decided instead of having the men coming in and out the reception area, it was best to take them around the other side, not needing anything to get damaged, especially the old wooden floor.

  She showed them the side door, unlocking it and then left the men to it, heading back to reception. “Where is Bailey?”

  “She’s with Luca, showing him his pitch.”

  “Great,” she said, then pitched in to give Shannon a helping hand for a bit—the phones seemed to be constantly ringing. On the computer, Angel scrolled through the long list of people attending. They had sold out. Two hundred and fifty people were coming to the ball, not including the workers and clients that had been booked in, who automatically purchased entrance to the ball with their booking. They would have exact figures on the evening as the computer logged the arrivals.

  Bailey came back with Luca. He greeted Angel briefly, then made his apologies. “Busy, busy,” he said, before hurrying off to the main door. Angel didn’t mind. She had enough to do without making small talk.

  Angel immediately piled more jobs on the unflappable Bailey, who set to work with no hesitation. Scrolling through the list of clients booked in for the weekend, she came across Dan’s name in the list of available workers. She smiled. He was still fully available for the entire weekend. She might just have a partner for the evening after all. She had a sudden urgent need to speak to him.

  She headed to her office. She wasn’t about to have that conversation in public. Her heart pounded as she brought up his name on her contacts list and pressed the Call button, only to be disappointed when it went straight to voicemail. She decided not to leave a message. She fully intended to get hold of him at some point. Angel went in her room, getting changed and then headed back in the heart of Desires, seeing the men putting up scaffolding, using a floor protector underneath. Angel gazed back at Shannon and Bailey, still busy on the phones.

  Angel felt suddenly at a loose end. The plans for the ball had been set in motion. Right now, there was actually nothing she really needed to do. Except for Dan, she thought whimsically. She knew he was working at his day job, but maybe she could persuade him to come into Desires tonight for fun.

  She went back to her office and called his number again, and once again got his voicemail. She huffed out an annoyed breath then headed back in the reception, feeling like a lost sheep.

  “Everything all right?” Shannon asked, glancing at her before looking back at her computer screen.

  “Yes, yes, fine.”

  “Why don’t you go and chill for a while? You look as though you need it.” Bailey suggested.

  Angel looked at the girls seeing them still working hard. She wasn’t sure she would be able to chill, especially as the only thing that filled her mind was trying to contact Dan. There might be the possibility he wasn’t free for the evening. He wasn't contractually required to be available during the week. She dithered, not quite knowing what to do with herself.

  “Is Larry coming on Saturday?” she asked.

  It was an academic question. Larry never missed such a function. He was a self-confessed sex addict, whose only interest was to see how many women he could screw on any given night, always trying to beat his record. He didn’t care about looks, body shape, anything, as long as he got his cock in her.

  “As far as we are aware, he’s invited and replied, yes,” Bailey answered, her tone carefully neutral.

  Angel dropped the subject. She knew both girls despised Larry. Bailey was into girls which annoyed Larry, as he knew damn well there was no hope with her, which didn’t stop him from trying. But then, whenever she turned him down, which was every time, he got nasty, which endeared him to nobody. Whilst Shannon did like men, and did sometimes indulge in the delights of the club, she was choosy about who she slept with. Larry was good-looking, sure enough, but looks weren’t everything. It wasn't difficult to find men who respected women, but Larry wasn't one of them.

  Angel headed back to her office, opening the door just as her phone rang. She launched herself across the room to answer it, thinking for one wild moment it might be Dan returning her calls. Her stomach plummeted in disappointment when it was the DJ ringing for her to approve some additions to the playlist for the big night.

  She approved all additions and quickly ended the call, then looked at the phone still in her hand. She glanced at the clock. It was six. Dan would have finished work by now. She brought his name up in her contacts list, hitting Call before she could change her mind. This time it rang instead of going straight to voicemail. Angel got excited at the thought of hearing his voice, her lips stretching in a silly grin. But the phone kept ringing and her grin faded when it went to voicemail again. She stared at the phone feeling nauseous with despair, and decided to give it another attempt. It rang, and rang and rang some more…

  Then— “Hello, Desires,” came his smooth voice and her heart melted to the sound. An eruption of excited shivers thrilled her spine.

  “Hello, Dan, it’s Angel.”

  “Hello there,” he said. She tried to analyze his tone. Did he sound happy to hear from her? There was certainly no hint of annoyance or irritation, or anything else for that matter.

  “I was wondering if there is a chance you are free this evening?” she asked him, crossing her fingers.


  Why? He really had to ask? “I was…” She stopped, attempting to think of something to say without sounding desperate, although she was. “I was hoping that you could come in.”

  “Why?” he asked again.

  Angel scoured her mind for a convincing reason. “I have a few things that I need to go over with you regarding the coming weekend, especially as I know you will not be able to make the meeting tomorrow. I understand you are a very busy man, and, well, I thought tonight might be a good opportunity to go over a few points with you,” she told him, feeling pleased with herself. At least it wasn't as bad as saying, “I want to get you in my bed.”

  “Sure, I can be in at seven.”

  “Seven’s great. See you then,” she answered, a huge grin splitting her face. They hung up. Angel leapt up, suddenly unable to stay in her seat and began jumping up and down like a head case, not caring how mad she looked.

  She had an hour. She quickly ran to her room, lighting a few candles to scent the room before grabbing a quick shower. She was about to shave when she remembered the wax she’d booked. That was the only thing about waxing—the hair needed to be a certain length. She wasn’t going to be hairy for Dan. She’d have to cancel the wax and shave instead. She shaved everything, wanting to be perfect.

  She dried her hair upside down to almost dry before putting it in big bouncy rollers and suffocating it in hairspray. She chose a tight fitting mini skirt, and a skimpy fitted top which showed plenty of cleavage as well as a little of her bra. She perused her shoe rack, choosing a pair of silver platform stilettos. She expertly applied her ‘fuck me’ makeup, complete with luscious red lipstick. She blasted her rollered hair with the dryer once more, then took out the rollers, finger-combing it into place and spritzing the waves with yet more hairspray. She hoped Dan would like the wild sexy look. She glanced again at the clock. It was almost seven. She clipped her beeper over her waistband then made her way to reception.

  “Dan is due any minute. Could you beep me when he arrives?” she told the girls.

  “Sure,” Bailey said. Angel pretended not to notice the odd look that passed between them. Damn it, was she not allowed a personal life?

  She went through the double doors to the piano bar. It was quiet, there were only a few clients hanging ar
ound and workers socializing with one another. Angel smiled around the room, then checked her watch. It was bang on seven. Dan was always on time. In the eight months he had been working at the club, he had never been late unless there were unforeseen circumstances, such as traffic, and he always called in to explain.

  Her heart started to thump. Would he be on time? Would he keep her waiting? Just then, her beeper sounded and instantly a happy calm filled her. He had come! She remembered the last time she saw him after Stacie’s departure—he had not been impressed with her at all. Her happiness was abruptly elbowed out of the way by a sudden rush of nausea at the thought of that bitch, the first time she’d thought of her since last weekend.

  She stood up and calmly made her way to reception. It wouldn’t do to look too eager. She deliberately slowed her pace, but was shocked at how greedy she was to see him. Angel stood before the double doors, counting to ten before walking through. He stood leaning against the reception desk, talking to the girls. She spent a moment admiring him.

  His jeans hung low beneath his black bomber jacket. His hair was windswept and his face was relaxed and animated as he chatted. Her whole body prickled with goosebumps and she felt sick with nerves. Shannon glanced over to her.

  “Hello, Dan,” Angel said, walking toward him.

  He turned around. His brown eyes looked at her neutrally and his smile was polite. Her throat became tight. Was he still angry with her?

  “Thank you for coming,” she said. “Would you follow me please?” Matching his cool, she walked past him toward her office, not looking to see if he was following.

  She opened the office door and walked through, letting it close behind her so Dan had to catch it to enter himself. She watched as he removed his jacket and placed it on the sofa before taking a seat. Angel had to forcibly stop herself from jumping him where he sat. She had to be professional and somehow lure him in her bedroom.

  “How are you?” she asked, sitting on one of the matching chairs, rather than snuggling up to him on the sofa which was what she would rather be doing.

  “I’m great, not bad at all, and yourself?” he asked. She barely listened to his words—she was too busy drowning in his irresistible charm. She stared at his lips as he spoke, desperately needing those lips to suck on her nipples.

  “I am fine. Well apart from running around like a mad woman. The ball isn’t far off now.”

  “I bet. I can imagine it takes loads of arranging.”

  “It certainly does.”

  “So what did you need to ask me, Angel?”

  Angel nearly fainted as his mouth shaped her name. She loved to hear him say her name, usually when they were having sex. She cleared her throat abruptly, bringing herself back into the conversation.

  “I need to make sure all the workers are happy. What you would like to be doing on the night?”

  “Why are you asking my opinion? You normally just put me with whoever you want.”

  “Well, maybe that hasn’t been the best idea. I value your opinion.”

  Angel watched his eyes go out of focus, staring at a point beyond the walls. He shrugged. “To be honest, I don’t really care. I gather Stacie hasn’t been in touch?”

  “No, not to my knowledge. Sorry.” She hoped he couldn’t tell that she wasn’t in the slightest bit sorry and hoped that she never got in touch again.

  She watched his face for his response. It was totally blank.

  Angel waited for him to speak, but he was silent. Her heartbeat thudded in her ears.

  “Dan, are you happy?” She sat back in shock at her own question. Where on earth had that come from?

  “Yes, why?” he answered, confusion washing over his face.

  “Well, the last time we spoke to one another—”

  He interrupted, “I was annoyed. I couldn’t understand why you thought I needed to move Stacie onto the next stage. She was doing so well, and I thought if I was good to her then she might bring her money back, that was all. She was easy cash, not to mention she had a fantastic sexy figure.”

  Angel felt a rush of jealousy. “Are you saying she was a good shag?”

  “She wasn’t bad. I have had much worse.”

  “I bet she was a bit boring though, a bit vanilla?”

  “She was showing promise,” he said. A light glinted in his eyes and he stared off into space again. Is he thinking about her? Angel thought, nearly mad with jealousy. She could barely believe her mouth when the next question came blurting out.

  “And, what about me?”

  “What about you?”

  “In bed? How am I?”

  “You’re good.”

  “Good? Is that it? Just ‘good’?”

  “What do you want me to say, Angel?” he asked, leaning forward, turning his stare on her. There was a hint of something dark in his eyes which made her uneasy. “You’re a good screw.”

  “Is that it?” Her heart wrenched. Was that all he saw in her? A good screw?

  “Well, it’s not as if we have an equal partnership, is it? Every time we have sex you are domineering, telling me what to do. You never allow me to take control and you speak to me like I’m a piece of shit.”

  “Do I?”

  “Yes, Angel, you do.”

  Angel hardened her expression, worried he could see too much. She could never let him see how much she longed for him. Of course he told the truth. She was domineering, demanding, and sometimes treated him like a slave, forcing him to sleep with her. But he knew that was just roleplay, didn’t he? Did he really think that’s all it was, that she just used him for sex? If she were brutally honest with herself, that was what it had been, at first. But then deeper feelings started to develop and she’d panicked, not knowing what to do.

  Showing emotion was weakness. If you love someone, all you do is give them power to hurt you. Angel had always firmly believed this. So Dan could never know how much she loved him. But he had the power to hurt her anyway, even not knowing. He hurt her by his indifference, by the empty sex. Could he hurt her any more if he knew? The words hovered on her lips. But, once again she backed out, reverting to the tried and tested.

  “How about we try something a little different then? How about we go into my room and have you control me instead?” she said, leaning forward so her cleavage showed to the max, half-lidding her eyes and pouting her best Marilyn pout.

  “Are you serious?” he said, rearing back from her, his eyes widening with shock.

  “Yes, you can punish me for being a naughty girl.”

  He laughed, a short mirthless harrumph. “You wouldn’t have a clue how not to be in control. You wouldn’t last ten seconds.”

  “I would. Let me show you,” she answered, trying hard not to beg.

  He looked at her, shaking his head from side to side.

  “I mean it.”

  “Angel, you are the owner of this place. You demand and force your power on everyone. No one would dare say no to you. This is a complete wind-up.”

  “Are you afraid of me?”

  “No. I used to be, but not anymore. It’s just difficult to know whether you’re joking or being serious.” Angel despaired as she listened to him. How could she get him to understand, without revealing her feelings? Tough as Angel was, she just wanted someone to love her, and that someone was Dan.

  “Will you make love to me?” she asked, anxiously gazing at him, feeling the pit of her stomach aching. He frowned. Maybe he was wondering whether he had heard her correctly.

  “Please, Dan, will you make love to me?” she repeated. Dan stared long and hard at her. “I am being serious.” She began to panic. He wasn’t responding, or saying anything.

  He stood up and she felt a rush of panic. He was leaving her. He was heading out of the door. Oh God, she should have kept her big mouth bloody shut and never told him the truth.

  But instead, Dan stopped in front of her, and took her hand, pulling her to her feet. She stood up, looking in his eyes, suddenly fearful.
What was he up to? He led her around the desk toward the door of the flat. As realisation set in, she began to worry. She was about to embark on the biggest challenge of her life, allowing Dan to control her. She knew she must hold herself back, she needed to prove to him she’s not domineering, demanding and that she really didn’t think he was a piece of shit. Could she bear to give up the power, the control?

  Angel watched him push the bedroom door open, and hold it open for her to precede him. She loved the feel of his hand in hers, his warm skin under her fingers. How could simply holding someone’s hand feel so intimate? Her whole body trembled with anticipation

  Dan closed the door behind him, releasing her hand, which felt cold with the absence of his. He came around to face her and she quivered. How would she stop herself from ravishing him? Angel gazed up into his gorgeous brown eyes. He moved closer to her. She could feel his body heat—his presence electrified her. Angel tried to breathe slowly, dropping her gaze to the floor.

  Dan placed his hand under her chin, lifting her face up. She tried not to collapse on the floor with desire. Their eyes met, engaging. Angel’s body erupted just from the meeting of their gazes. Lightning bolts raced through her, leaving her weak. Angel watched his face move closer to her, feeling his breath on her skin. He kissed her, a gentle touch of his lips on hers. She took in a shuddering breath, resisting the urge to drag him to the bed.

  He dropped light kisses on her mouth. She tried not to respond any more than simply pursing her lips to acknowledge his, wanting to follow his lead. His hands moved around her back, his kisses becoming heavier. She responded. He drew her body closer to his, running his hands up and down her back, then slowly onto her shoulders and arms. Angel’s body weakened with desire, feeling Dan was about to take her into another world, somewhere new.

  His phone rang, puncturing the moment.

  “Sorry, I have to take this,” he said, glancing at the screen. He released her, moving away to answer it. Dan went silent. Angel listened, hearing him say. “No, that’s fine, no problems at all.” She watched as he hung up and put the phone back into his back jeans pocket. Dan moved back to her, a lightness in his step and a smile in his eyes. He took hold of Angel and pulled her into his body, his hands cupping her buttocks as he took possession of her lips, pressing his tongue against them.


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