Touching Angel's Desires

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Touching Angel's Desires Page 23

by Holly J. Gill

  * * * *

  Angel sprang out of bed the next morning. Desires had to be her top priority today, not her love life. She went for a quick run first thing, then took a shower, ordering breakfast to be brought to her flat. As she ate her scrambled eggs and toast, she wondered what Dan’s reaction would be when she turned up at the ball with Dexter. Would he be jealous? Or would he just brush her off and not care? All she knew was that tonight had to run smoothly and that all her time and effort must be given to the club, one hundred percent with no side-tracking.

  She dressed casually, in jeans and a top and wandered down to reception. Early as it was, the club was buzzing. Exhibitors were arriving and setting up, cleaners were busy making sure the club was even more immaculate than usual, and all her staff had been drafted in and were getting the hall ready. Libby and Sophie were manning reception, both taking phone calls. Angel knew Shannon and Bailey would be pulling double shifts later—at the moment they were tucked up in an upstairs room grabbing a bit of sleep before coming back out again. Desires was manic. Everything had to be perfect—Angel didn’t want a single complaint about tonight.

  Angel spent the rest of the morning, and a fair portion of the early afternoon touring the club, checking on everything. She gave up when she found herself barking orders in the exhibitors’ hall, making sure all the stalls were laid out exactly right.

  “You know what, I need a drink,” she said, collapsing into a hard chair.

  “Angel, it’s okay—we’ll cope,” said Ron, one of her security guys who she had drafted in to make sure the stalls were set up properly. “I have your plan, I’ll make sure no one is a centimetre over their allotted space. You go and chill—you’ve been at it all day.”

  Angel thankfully headed down to the piano bar, relaxing for the first time since that morning. She ordered a double vodka and orange and sipped it thankfully, feeling her body relax.

  Despite her best intentions, Dan drifted into her mind a couple of times. She found herself wondering exactly what he had been doing with that woman. She could always look at his reports. She dithered for a while. Could she bear to read in black and white what they had been up to? But then, she was supposed to be reading his reports and she hadn’t even glanced at them yet. Knowing it was a bad idea, nevertheless, she headed up to reception and brought up his reports on the reception computer. In a tutoring situation, all workers were required to file reports on their clients’ progress so Angel could monitor and intervene if she felt progress was not satisfactory. In actual fact, she barely glanced at them, only checking them over if the client made a complaint. She found his reports from last weekend, but there was nothing for last night yet.

  Lesson One-

  Stacie has made a good start. I have taught her to explore and indulge in her breasts, which she enjoyed.

  Lesson Two-

  Stacie experienced her clitoris, bringing herself to full sensation.

  Lesson Three-

  Toyed with herself in the bath, became aroused and enjoyed herself with only a few instructions from myself. Her progress is excellent.

  Lesson Four-

  I performed oral sex on Stacie. She was able to relax and reach full climax.

  Lesson Five-

  Took Stacie to the next level. I suggested having her explore my genitals. I taught her how to pleasure a man, both orally and by sexual touching. I did not, as yet, come inside her, but she allowed me to orgasm on her body.

  Lesson Six-

  Progressed to full intercourse. Stacie enjoyed this very much and was extremely enthusiastic and responsive. I feel I am being exceptionally successful with Stacie.

  Lesson Seven-

  Continued gaining experience in full intercourse, experimenting with different positions.

  Lesson Eight-

  I unexpectedly found Stacie exploring the orgy room. I was very pleased with her confidence. She had dressed enticingly and I decided to see if she was ready for sex in front of other people. It was a surprise, I fully expected her to refuse, but she was fantastic. She was confident and was able to achieve orgasm. She is coming along wonderfully. I cannot believe the change in her. I am so pleased with her—I just hope she can keep up this attitude outside Desires. She is a beautiful girl and needs to keep up her self-esteem. There is a glow that has started to appear in her eyes since she has been coming here, which I find very gratifying.

  Lesson Nine-

  Angel asked me to get another man involved in having sex. I was not happy with this idea, but I decided to try out Michael on her. I instructed him to be loving and gentle with her. At first, Stacie was not pleased at all. I personally thought it was way too soon and was concerned this would affect her. However, I complied with Angel’s wishes and tried to explain to Stacie that she needs to experience another man. She eventually agreed and had sex with Michael. His behaviour left a lot to be desired—he did not act with her as I would have wished and she was extremely unhappy and distressed. Shortly after this she left Desires.

  Weekend review-

  Overall, I am exceptionally pleased with Stacie’s progress. She did very well considering her past and what she has been through. She deserves to be happy. I feel that once she gets into the swing of exploring her body and another man’s body she will do very well in her sexual life. However, I am extremely concerned that her progress has been severely set back by the events of her final lesson. She left Desires very quickly and was very unhappy and upset. I do hope she regains and keeps the confidence she has built. I would like to see her back, and I hope she can find it in herself to trust me again.

  Dan McVeigh

  Angel read Dan’s report over and over again, focussing on the line, ‘I would like to see her back.’ The tone of the report seemed to take a sudden shift about halfway through. His tone changed, and he seemed to be writing about her in a more affectionate way, as if he had got close to her—and this knowing that Angel would be reading the report. If he couldn’t hide his feelings in his writing, what else was there? What wasn’t he telling her? She felt herself becoming wound up. She needed to find out exactly what was going on.

  “Hiya,” she heard from behind her. She turned to see Bailey sit down at the desk, a cup of coffee in her hand.

  “Hi,” she replied hesitantly, turning back to the computer and reading the weekend review again.

  “Isn’t that Dan’s report on Stacie?” Bailey asked, peering over her shoulder.

  “Yes. We haven’t had anything from him about last night have we?”

  “No, nothing, but I think everything is going pretty well.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well Stacie went out earlier and came back wanting somewhere to get changed before she went back up to Dan. I showed her to the staff powder room.”

  “So?” Angel didn’t see the connection.

  “So, I think she got changed into something a bit raunchy.”

  “Such as?”


  “Go on, Bailey, tell me…I’m fascinated.”

  “Well, it was difficult to see. She had covered her body up with her coat.”

  Angel noticed Bailey fidgeting.

  “So what made you think it was raunchy? What aren’t you telling me?” Angel said, trying to keep her voice calm.

  Angel stared into her eyes. Bailey looked away. “Bailey?” she said, encouraging her to answer her. Bailey’s cheeks turned red. Angel felt her guts churn. “Bailey…what is it?”

  Bailey exhaled exasperatedly. “Okay…I took their food up to the room.”

  “And?” Angel demanded when Bailey paused.

  “And Stacie was wearing a cupless baby doll with crotchless panties. Not much left to the imagination, if you know what I mean.”

  “How long ago was this?” Angel asked, aching.

  “I don’t know, maybe half an hour or so.”

  Angel stared at nothing for a moment, visions of what might be going on whirling in her head. “Right. I thi
nk it’s time I got Dan’s report from last night,” she said, starting to stalk away.

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Bailey called after her.

  “I think it’s an excellent idea,” Angel replied, without stopping.

  Angel virtually skidded to a halt outside Dan’s room, out of breath from running up the stairs. She stared at the door, briefly considering placing her ear to it. But these doors were so thick, nothing could be heard from the outside, which was usually a good thing in a place such as this. Besides which, with the way her heart was pounding in her ears, she wouldn’t be able to hear anything anyway.

  She knocked loudly on the door. There was no reply. Angel stood waiting, wondering what was going on inside. Were they in the middle of something? Were they even still there? Angel couldn’t hear anything after a few seconds. Visions of Dan embedding his cock inside Stacie turned her stomach.

  A few hours passed. At least, it felt that way. The seconds dragged. She knocked again, harder. She stepped back waiting for the reply.

  Finally, the door opened and Dan stood there, hiding his body behind the door.

  “Hello, Dan. Sorry, am I disturbing you?” She heard Stacie’s voice from inside the room.

  “No, please come in.”

  Angel stepped in the room and stared at Dan as he shut the door behind her, shocked to see him stark naked and extremely ready for action. Holy fuck.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt,” she said. “I’ve come to see if Stacie’s report is ready. I can come back if you prefer.”

  “No, it’s okay, I’ll sort it for you,” he replied, looking anxiously across at Stacie. Angel looked across at Stacie sitting in the chair, her knees together, narrowing her eyes as Stacie inclined her head to give permission

  Stacie looked incredible. Her exquisite body was barely hidden in a flimsy pink peephole baby doll. Her breasts were lush and rounded—truly magnificent. If Angel didn’t hate her so much, she would have been aroused.

  “Would you like to join me in a glass of wine?” Stacie said to Angel.

  “Yes, I would love to,” Angel replied, deciding maybe a glass of wine would be a good idea with the day she was currently having. Her eyes zoomed in on Stacie’s incredible breasts. She felt a pang. Dan did so love a luscious pair of boobs. “That’s a really sweet outfit,” Angel commented as Stacie poured the drinks, forcing herself to be polite.

  “Thank you,” Stacie replied, handing Angel her glass. Stacie’s attention was caught by Dan, who was grabbing a towel to cover himself up. “No, you can do the report naked,” Stacie commanded him.

  Angel looked at Stacie, shocked. How the hell had this pathetic woman suddenly gained so much confidence? She was not at all the meek little mouse she had been last weekend.

  Dan turned around, displaying a massive erection. Angel could barely believe her eyes as he sat on the edge of the bed. Managing the clipboard awkwardly around his genitals, he attempted to write the report.

  “So, Stacie,” Angel said, looking directly at Dan. “How are you getting on at Desires?”

  “It’s very interesting. I have to admit I had my doubts, but I’m glad I made the decision to come back,” Stacie replied. Angel noticed Stacie widening her legs, allowing Dan to see her pussy. She had to forcibly stop herself from leaping on her and scratching her eyes out. How dare this little whore display before her man?

  “Wonderful, I am so pleased. Are you both coming to the ball this evening?”

  “Dan?” Stacie said in question.

  He looked up anxiously. “I can’t see why not. I have a stunning dress for her,” he replied, then turned back to writing the report.

  “I am pleased to hear it. It should be a good night. Will you try out the other rooms today?”

  “I think there will be enough excitement in this room.” Stacie told her, staring hard at Dan as he struggled to concentrate on the report. Angel glanced over at Stacie, seeing her erect nipples framed delightfully by the sheer pink material.

  “Yes, I can see.”

  “I’ve finished, Angel,” Dan said, holding out the report. Angel downed her wine and stood up, taking it from him. She gave Dan a smile—he never responded. “Well, have fun, children,” she said, then headed for the door before she said something that could jeopardize everything. It was either that or offer a threesome and she didn’t suppose Stacie was quite ready for that, even if she were into girls.

  She longed to turn around and take one last look at him, but made herself open the door and walk through it. Shameful tears fell as she hurried down the back stairs to her office, not wanting anyone to see her.

  Once safely behind her office door, she let them fall, dripping onto her desk, collecting in hot little puddles. She couldn’t believe how well Dan and Stacie were getting on. That little display, showing herself off like that in front of Angel, and making Dan do the same, was shocking. Not in the context of Desires of course—Angel had seen far, far more extreme examples of exhibitionism, but shocking in what she knew, or thought she knew, of Stacie.

  She remembered the report she still clutched in her hand and glanced down at it.

  Lesson Ten-

  Stacie is doing amazingly well. Last night she was hungry for sex and drove on pure passion. She needed no instructions.

  She crumpled it up, unable to bear to read any more. So he had left her after their quickie, and went immediately upstairs and stuck his dick in Stacie. She sat back in her chair and held onto her stomach. She felt sick, mortified. She tried to remind herself he was a sex worker, escort, whatever else you could call it. His job—his job that she paid him to do—was to move from one woman to another, to give them pleasure. It made no difference. She was in love with him, and while she could cope with him having sex with other women as long as she knew there was no attraction there, no emotional connection, she could not shake the feeling that there was something more going on with Stacie.

  Angel wished she had not gone to their room—it had been a bad idea. Now all she could think about was them, when her attention should be on Desires. Tonight was a major event and she needed to pull herself together and concentrate on the big bash.

  Angel picked up Dan’s report, straightened it out and headed back to reception. Bailey and Shannon were checking a few clients in. She gave Bailey the report to enter into the computer. Bailey raised an eyebrow at its crumpled state, but said nothing. Angel checked on the grand hall. The new decorators had done a fantastic job. The hall sparkled, hung with banners, draperies, swags, lights, you mention it, it was there. In a matter of hours it would be full of dancing, sex-mad maniacs, people paying for pleasure, people taking chances to indulge in activities they would never be allowed to in the outside world. Desires was their haven, their sanctuary. Tonight, anything could happen, and probably would.

  She wandered around the rest of the building making sure everything was ready. The stalls were all put together, most were finished and done. Many of the exhibitors had rooms booked also so a few had headed off to get ready or relax before the evening began.

  “How are you, Angel?”

  She turned around, not seeing anyone, but then Craig’s head popped up from under a stall bristling with sex toys. It was his stall that had been delayed yesterday. Sex toys were a big part of Desires’ business, and Craig was their main supplier.

  They exchanged pleasantries. “I’m looking forward to this evening,” Craig said, rearranging his Rampant Rabbits.

  “I bet you are, you’ll make a killing,” she said, walking over to Craig. He came out from behind his stall and kissed her on both cheeks.

  “You are looking lovely,” he said, looking up and down her body.

  “I’m not even ready,” she answered.

  “You look lovely in anything. You always manage to give me an eyeful.”

  “Well I have a reputation to keep up.”

  “You certainly do, and you do it well.” Angel smiled. Craig was a sweet-talker, but he wasn�
��t her type.

  “Is everything ready?”

  “Almost, just a few final details…like you on my arm…” he said, moving in just a little too close.

  Here it came. Ever since he became the rep for the company, he had been trying to get her into bed. But Angel was far from interested. Craig was tall with ginger hair, goofy teeth and covered in zits. He would probably be someone’s type, somewhere, but unfortunately for him, she did not find him remotely attractive. She had to keep him sweet however, he was fantastic at getting her some amazing deals.

  “I will see what happens,” she replied gently, fobbing him off.

  She patted his arm in farewell, then continued her trip around, grabbing a few quick words with everyone, making sure they were happy and that they were aware of what was available to them for the evening. They didn’t get anything for free, except entry into the ballroom, but they all had VIP cards which doubled as a pass which got them a considerable reduction in price, and also as a tab, to keep a record of their purchases, to be settled up later. Once the stalls closed, much later into the evening, the exhibitors normally joined the madness either in the hall or restaurant.


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