Touching Angel's Desires

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Touching Angel's Desires Page 28

by Holly J. Gill

  She knew Dan would need some space after Stacie left. But he would get over his little crush in time. Angel would just have to be patient, kind, and be there for him when he came to her for comfort, as he inevitably would. Stacie would never come back to Desires again. She was sure of it.

  Her breakfast arrived and she pushed it around on the plate for a while, suddenly not as hungry as she thought she was. She chewed on a piece of mushroom and considered her next move. There wasn’t one, she decided in the end, dipping her sausage in her fried egg yolk. She would have to wait and see how Dan played it. She gave up on the breakfast, stood up and headed over to the bar, ordering another cup of coffee.

  Something prompted her to turn. She didn’t know what it was, maybe a waft of scent, maybe some kind of ESP, but she turned to look at the door, just as Dan and Stacie walked in. Reflexively, she plastered on a smile. Stacie smiled back.

  Angel tried to stop herself from staring, turning back to the bar so she did not watch the couple as they walked across the restaurant. How was it possible? Why would she want to stay around? Even if she had decided to sleep here last night—after all it had been late when the whole to-do happened, surely she would have wanted to be up and out first thing. But no, here she was, blithely having breakfast with Dan. To look at her, you wouldn’t think anything was wrong. She didn’t even look all that. Face scrubbed bare, hair hanging loose, wearing jeans and what looked like one of Dan’s T-shirts.

  She turned the bar stool to one side, quickly glancing over to them to see where they were. There they were, sitting together at a table, cosy as you like. She didn’t even realize she was staring until Stacie glanced over at her. Angel quickly looked away.

  She forced her eyes back, looking down at the bar, ignoring the coffee that sat steaming at her elbow. How could this be? What had Dan said to keep her in the club? She surreptitiously watched them start on their breakfast.

  A movement caught Angel’s eye and she turned to see Larry walking in the room. He scanned the restaurant then headed straight over to Stacie and Dan’s table. Angel wished she could hear what they were saying. It was clear that Larry was apologizing yet again. Stacie looked unimpressed, continuing to eat her breakfast, a superior look on her face.

  Oh Lord, now he was going down on his knees. Angel watched Dan stare out of the window, looking as if were trying not to laugh. She shook her head, still in shock, hardly able to understand what had happened. Stacie had been a snivelling wreck last night—now look at her, brimming with confidence. She’d come back fighting.

  All Angel could imagine was that Dan had talked her around and convinced her to stay. There could not be any other explanation. Or—a horrible thought struck her—maybe unless he had told her the truth about the way he felt. But, no. Surely they would have left Desires together if that had been the case.

  “What on earth is going on?” Angel muttered to herself. Stacie stood up then, pushing away her half-eaten breakfast, walking, no, stalking away from Larry where he still knelt on the floor at her feet. Dan hurried to catch up with her. As they approached, Angel looked at her with an expression of enquiry, but the dratted girl just strolled past her as if she weren’t there.

  She watched Dan and Stacie leave the restaurant, staring after them for a long time after they had gone. A clearing of the throat brought her back, and she turned to see Larry standing over her. She sighed, knowing what was coming. Larry looked unimpressed, not happy in the slightest. He pulled out a barstool next to her and took a seat.

  “Are you going to end my contract?” he asked, coming straight to the point. He sounded pissed off and a little concerned.

  Angel raised her head, looking directly into his eyes. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to end your contract. Just keep your head down for a short time until this blows over. I can’t believe I’ve just witnessed her having breakfast with Dan,” she said. “I thought she’d be long gone.”

  “I guess your plan didn’t quite work.”

  “No it didn’t.”

  “So, you still don’t have your man.”

  “Don’t get smart,” she snapped.

  “I’m not. Just saying it how I see it. And how I see it, you’ve lost.”

  “I can still terminate your contract just for being mouthy,” she warned him. She didn’t need to hear his smart mouth, even though he was right. Yes, it all went wrong, but how? Given Stacie’s state last night, she honestly thought that was it, she would be out.

  “You wouldn’t do that,” he said, leaning forward and getting in her face.

  She didn’t back away, holding her ground. “Don’t you dare fuck with me, Larry. You really don’t want to know what I’m capable of.”

  “Yeah, I do if last night’s fuck-up is anything to go by,” he said, glowering at her. He was right. But she couldn’t be seen to back down on this. He had to know who was boss.

  “I suggest you stop trying to be the big man,” she said, putting every ounce of authority she possessed into her tone and expression.

  “Hang on, I did you a favour last night.”

  “Yes and you were rewarded for it. But now it’s over. You are an employee. What else do you need, my blood?”

  “If you’re offering, although I’d prefer your pussy.”

  “Get the fuck lost, no chance.”

  Larry leaned away from her, folding his arms, an unpleasant smile creeping over his face. “What room is Dan’s? Oh yeah, twenty-two isn’t it? I might just have a little wander up there and I might just forget about our little agreement and just happen to tell Dan and Stacie the truth, that you brought her away from him for me to sink my teeth into.”

  “You wouldn’t dare,” she said, jumping up in a panic.

  “Would you like to bet,” he said standing up also, glaring down at her. Then his face changed. “Tell you what. I’ll be nice. I’ll give you some time to think about it. I’ll be leaving about three o’clock, I’d quite like to fuck you before then.”

  Angel closed her eyes. If Larry blabbed it would mean the end of his job here, but it would also mean the end of any hope for her and Dan. Was he bluffing? Was he really prepared to risk his job to hurt her? But if she gave in to him, he would always have this over her. Would it be that much of a price to pay, to let Larry fuck her every now and again to keep him sweet? What was Dan worth to her? Everything, her mind whispered.

  “Fine,” she blurted, before she could change her mind.

  He laughed. “I’ll be in touch, baby,” then walked away, waving at her over his shoulder. Angel glared at him, hating him more than anything, hating the fact that she had handed him this hold over her. She should have known better. She knew what he was.

  “Would you like another coffee?” asked Boris, taking her full cup of now-cold coffee away.

  “Yes, please,” she replied. Maybe she should still terminate Larry’s contract. She knew people who knew people who could scare him so badly he’d never blab a word. But she abhorred violence except when it was absolutely necessary. The thought of what level would be required to make sure he never talked sickened her. Could she do that to another person? Even to a person as vile as Larry?

  The coffee arrived and Angel was no closer to a decision. Why on earth had Dan chosen to come and work at Desires? Could he not have found somewhere else to earn the extra cash? If it was not for him she wouldn’t be in the predicament at all.

  Oh God, Dan. Having brought him to mind, all she could picture was Dan’s gorgeous brown eyes, his slow sexy smile and his naked body, bending over her, bringing her to sweet release. She shivered, feeling damp between her legs, imagining him running his hands all over her body, loving the way he teased her with his lips, and the time he had her begging. It was as if he brainwashed her—she would do anything for him. He had made her weak and silly—just like any other simpering female. And there he was, doing it again, taking over her mind and body without even being present.

  Angel finished her coffee with no decision m
ade. She wandering through the club, taking the roundabout way back to reception, making a cursory round of the rooms, checking everything was being cleaned up, doing her best to make civil conversation with the cleaning staff. She struggled though, not really sure how to handle anything any longer, not really caring, if she were honest with herself. How had she gone from being strong, tough, capable, totally in charge, to weak, wimpish, waiting for Dan and Larry to decide how her life would pan out?

  Back at reception, the day girls and Bailey were busy at the desk.

  “What are you doing here,” Angel asked Bailey, puzzled. “I thought you weren’t in till later.” Angel inhaled a deep breath, not being sure what to say, if anything.

  “I stayed in the room overnight. After what happened last night I thought the girls might need an extra hand on the desk. You might have stuff you need to deal with.”

  Angel was about to reply when the main front door opened and Chrissie and Jason entered.

  “I never knew they were coming in,” Angel said in surprise.

  “They have the afternoon booked with Dan and Stacie,” Bailey explained. Angel didn’t need to hear anything else.

  Angel watched Chrissie and Jason walk toward her, greeting her with a smile.

  “Hello there,” Angel said, heading around the other side of the reception desk to kiss them on their cheeks. “So you’re here to spend the afternoon with Dan and Stacie?”

  “Yes, we are,” Chrissie replied.

  Just when did they all get so cozy? “What are your plans?”

  “Not really sure, just having a chat and lunch, I think,” Chrissie said, looking at Jason.

  “Well I’m sure you’ll have a good time. It’s a shame you weren’t able to come to the ball last night.”

  “We wanted to, but we just couldn’t get a babysitter,” Chrissie replied.

  “Shame, it was a good night.” She turned to Shannon. “Have you informed Dan and Stacie they are here?”

  “I’m just about to, Angel.”

  Angel smiled goodbye and walked away to her office. She opened the door feeling utterly alone, and sank down in her chair. Larry came to mind. She wished for once she could have someone to talk to about the situation, but she dared not trust anyone here.

  She sat at her desk, her head in her hands. Tears streamed down her cheeks. She wished none of this mess had ever happened. The worst case scenario was that Larry told Dan what Angel had done. She could always just deny it. Would Dan believe her? Probably not, after what happened with Mike last week. Maybe she needed to start being nice. She stood, an idea occurring.

  Angel walked rapidly to reception, needing to catch Dan and Stacie. They were just greeting Chrissie and Jason, the four of them exchanging kisses like old friends. Stacie looked better than she had that morning in the restaurant, wearing jeans and tight-fitted T-shirt with a waterfall cardigan over the top.

  She walked toward them. Stacie stepped back, hiding behind Dan. Angel smiled at the foursome.

  “Good afternoon,” she said. “I hope you are all well. I would like to take this opportunity to offer you a freebie, on the club, a room to yourself. Do as you please, and have lots of fun.”

  Chrissie, Jason and Stacie headed toward the double doors while Dan waited to get the key off Bailey. Angel stood next to him at the desk, her mouth dry, feeling so anxious her knees shook.

  “How is Stacie?” she finally asked, desperate to say something.

  “She is okay. Just taking things steady at the moment.”

  “That’s good. I saw Larry, earlier, in the restaurant. I wasn’t sure whether to intervene, but it looked like Stacie had things under control.”

  “Which room?” Bailey asked.

  “Oh, the TV lounge,” Angel said. Bailey got the key and handed it to Dan.

  Angel stood anxiously near, not sure what else to say to keep him with her.

  “Thanks,” Dan said to Bailey, then turned and walked toward where the other three stood by the doors, not giving Angel a backward glance at all.

  She stared at Dan’s back view, watching his buttocks as he walked, the lean lines of his body, then swallowing the bile in her throat at the way Stacie smiled at him as he approached. Despising herself, she watched him disappear through the door, not looking away until he had vanished from sight. She heaved a sigh, then heard a sardonic humph of laughter from the top of the stairs. Angel glanced up to the landing, and saw Larry peering down on her. She panicked for a second, wondering if he was going to give her away, but he just smirked and walked off.

  Quickly, Angel ran back to her office. This was intolerable. What was she to do?

  She heard a knock on the door. Her stomach churned. Was it Larry, come to take what she’d promised. Angel began shaking when the knock came again, with more force. She went to the door and took hold of the handle, getting ready to face the music. Angel opened the door a crack, dreading what she would see. A jolt of relief surged through her when she saw Bailey on the other side.

  “Hiya, is everything all right?” Bailey asked as Angel opened the door more fully, allowing her to enter the office.

  Once she was inside, Angel checked up and down the corridor, making sure it was empty. She pulled the door shut, seeing Bailey looking at her strangely.

  “Yes, fine,” she replied.

  “You sure? You seem very much on edge,” Bailey said looking concerned.

  “No, I’m fine, just shattered,” she replied, walking quickly to her desk and sitting down.

  “Okay. Oh, Larry keeps asking about you.”

  “What,” Angel said, hearing a frantic note in her voice.

  “He just keeps asking about you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Nothing really, just asking where you are and stuff. Is something the matter?”

  “We’ve just had a slight disagreement.”

  “Is this something to do with Stacie last night?”

  “Yes,” she replied in a clipped tone, hoping Bailey would get the message. “Was there anything else you needed?”

  “Oh, yes. These need signing.”

  Bailey held out the letters in her hand. Angel quickly scribbled her name across the bottom of each one and Bailey left. Angel locked the door behind her. She had rarely found it necessary, but today she didn’t want anyone to have easy access into her office.

  Dan and Stacie wandered across her mind again. She wondered what they were doing. Then she realized she could see exactly what they were doing. Unlike the private bedrooms, all the public areas of the club were covered by CCTV. The television lounge was a public area, even though she had allowed the four of them to use it as their private room for the afternoon. She switched on her laptop, making herself a cup of coffee while it loaded. The second she could, she double-clicked the CCTV icon and brought up the list of cameras. She selected TV lounge from the list and activated it.

  Angel saw Chrissie and Jason caressing one another. She moved the camera slightly, focussing on Dan and Stacie. There they were. Dan was giving her a massage by the looks of it. Tears came. They came so easily these days, Angel reflected. He had never given her a massage.

  She watched, knowing it was wrong, knowing it would only torture her. She watched as Dan massaged her, then as Stacie began to play with his cock, pulling it out of his trunks. She watched as Stacie took it in her mouth and sucked it, her face looking up at him adoringly.

  She watched as Dan removed Stacie’s thong, the only item of clothing she was wearing, and drop down between her legs, sucking on her pussy.

  A little wail came from between her lips at the pure bliss on Stacie’s face, the way she threw her head back in ecstasy. The tears kept coming more and more, as the evidence played out before her of just how much Dan was enjoying her. He loved her. Angel could see that. Any fool with eyes could see it.

  She jumped up, unable to bear watching any longer, leaving the desk, heading into her room. She dropped to the floor, curling up in a tight bal
l, sick and heartbroken, huddling like a child. The only thing that filled Angel’s vision was the sight of Dan sucking on Stacie’s pussy, his face alight with the joy of giving her pleasure.

  Curiosity overcame pain and after a while Angel found herself pulled back to the screen. She was almost afraid to look at it, but felt compelled. There was Stacie on all fours, Dan behind her, fucking her as if it were his last fuck. Again the tears came. Stacie’s face contorted, she was clearly screaming in pure ecstasy.

  Angel grabbed the laptop, tempted for a second to throw it across the room, but common sense overtook at the last second and she put it down, contenting herself with slamming the lid shut. She leaned heavily on her desk, panting with adrenaline, more of those never-ending tears dropping onto the smooth surface of the desk.

  If she could only have Dan, if she could only get him to look at her the way he did Stacie, do things to her that he did to Stacie, she would do, well, pretty much anything. She wanted him with her, holding her, sharing every situation, experiencing all the ups and downs of life together, the good and bad. She wanted everything with him. She would even consider giving up her managerial role at Desires, just to give him all her free time possible. She would stop sleeping around, dedicate her whole life to him, and give up everything that he found annoying. He meant so much to her that she would change anything for him.

  Once Stacie was gone, she could start working on him, be the woman he clearly wanted. She could do it. She could be Little Miss Sweet, dress more demurely, more classy. She sat on the bed, putting on the television, watching some daytime drivel, gazing at the screen without seeing it, dreaming of what their life would be. Next Christmas could be her first with Dan, together as a proper couple. What would she buy him? She smiled to herself. He didn’t need to buy her anything, just having him in her arms would be the best Christmas present ever.

  She wandered over to the window, looking down at the parked cars. The rain was still falling. She watched the trees blow and the lights on the car park start to come on one by one. She saw Dan’s car parked immediately under a light, his little two-seater convertible. It wasn’t new, but she remembered the day he had bought it. He was so proud of it. Her lips curved again as she envisioned them zooming around the countryside in the summertime. They could find naughty spots to have a picnic and make passionate love in the grass.


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