HORSES AND HEROIN (Romantic Mystery)

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HORSES AND HEROIN (Romantic Mystery) Page 25

by Bev Pettersen

  “I’m fine.” Tami pulled her arm away. “Don’t you dare tell anyone. And it wasn’t Miguel’s fault. I agreed.”

  The abrasions were raw and bloody. Clearly at some point, Tami hadn’t been in agreement. Megan jerked to her feet. “I’m going to talk to Miguel.”

  “No, really. I’m fine. It was my fault. Besides, I got your pictures.” Tami leaned over and grabbed her phone. “Look. You can see the tattoos on his arm and chest.”

  “Was this because of me?” Megan stiffened, filled with a horrifying regret. “Was he mad because you took a picture?”

  “He didn’t even know.” Tami gave a watery smile and shoved the phone into Megan’s hand. “See. His eyes are closed.”

  “Oh, Tami.” Megan reluctantly scrolled along the screen. There were several excellent pictures, but a few she definitely wouldn’t share with Scott. Even her cheeks burned. “Can I email the first three to Scott? Not any of the last,” she added hastily. “We just want the tattoos, for…research.”

  Tami nodded and Megan quickly sent the pictures. “Thanks, Tami.” She passed back the phone, not quite able to banish her guilt.

  “Don’t look so worried,” Tami said. “Miguel’s kinkiness makes me sick and if I didn’t like my phone so much, I’d stick it up his ass. I’m definitely not covering for him again.”

  “What do you mean? Covering for him?”

  Tami shrugged but wouldn’t meet Megan’s eyes. “Just little things. He didn’t want Ramon to know we were spending so much time together, you know. Nothing important.”

  Megan just waited, adopting Scott’s method. The silent stare. She’d seen him use it several times, and it was impossible to remain silent. Tami broke in twenty seconds.

  “Like I said, it was nothing important.” Tami clasped her hands and fiddled with a silver pinkie ring. “A couple times he wanted me to say I was with him, when I’m not certain I really was…but I don’t actually remember.”

  “Tami.” Megan edged closer. “Look at me. This is important. The night Rex was hurt. Were you really with Miguel?”

  “For a bit. It was dark when he arrived though. I think that’s why he gave me the phone. He said he was sneaking a joint and needed my help. But when he showed up, he was sweaty and out of breath.”

  “That sonofabitch. He must be the one who hurt Rex.” Megan groaned. “Look, lock the door. I have to talk to Scott. But stay away from Miguel.”

  “He’s busy the rest of the day anyway,” Tami said. “He’s working with Ramon. And I’m sorry I lied. I was positive he wouldn’t hurt a dog. But I’ve been thinking about it more and more…”

  Megan looked at Tami’s hunched shoulders and swallowed her frustration. “It’s okay, Tami. No problem. I really appreciate you telling me.”

  “But I should have told the truth at the beginning.” Tami sniffed. “Lies always come back to bite you in the ass.”

  “Yeah, they do.” Megan forced a weak smile, aware she was just as guilty. She’d been evasive with Scott from the first day. But no more.

  She was going to delay her search for Eve and tell him everything. She couldn’t imagine why Miguel had attacked Rex, but it proved he was capable of violence. And he’d definitely scared Tami. Maybe now Garrett would look at Joey’s disappearance with fresh eyes.


  “Megan needs a day off to clear up some things with Eve.” Scott crossed his arms, hating to ask Garrett for another favor. “So I need to know what trainer Eve is riding for.”

  “Jack Zeggelaar,” Garrett said. “One of his riders was hurt and Jack is supportive of apprentices.” He leaned forward, frowning. “What do you mean? Is Megan heading to Santa Anita?”

  “Yeah. It’s important to her. She’ll miss a couple lectures tomorrow, along with her ride.”

  “Ramon is hauling horses so Lydia is looking after the jock class.” Garrett shook his head. “Megan wants to go to Santa Anita?” he repeated. “Jesus, I thought with Eve gone, you know, that this whole thing would die down.

  “Do you want to go with her?” Garrett added, his voice thoughtful. “That’d be okay. I could have the new guy teach. He’s arriving in the morning. Or we could give everyone the day off. Call it a ‘Farewell to Rambo’ holiday.”

  “Not necessary,” Scott said. “I just wanted you to know that Megan will miss some class time…and to find Eve, she needs the trainer’s name.”

  “So you’re not going with her?”

  “I think she already left, although her bag is still here.” Scott was careful to keep his voice level. “Anyway, she didn’t invite me.”

  Garrett chuckled. “Well, that’s a switch. Let’s take a drive into town. I know a couple ladies who’d be up for a good time. It’d be like the old days.”


  Garrett’s eyes widened and he stared in silence. “Oh, buddy,” he finally said. “I didn’t see this coming. Well, let’s just go out and get drunk. Hell, we can drive to Santa Anita too. Surprise Megan.” His mouth tightened. “And maybe give Eve one last warning.”


  “Yeah.” Garrett’s voice lowered. “It’s nothing to do with Megan, but Eve has some drug problems. She’s tied in tight with Joey. It was Ramon’s idea to bring in Miguel. Flush her out. Eve tried to sell him some smack so we had to get her off the property. Who knows how many students she’s approached. I’m sure it’s nothing to do with Megan,” he repeated. However, the forced heartiness in his voice was noticeable.

  Scott felt his face freeze. “I’d like to talk to Miguel,” he said. “And Eve.” And Megan too.

  “Certainly,” Garrett said. “I’ll ask Miguel to drop by before he leaves. And if you want to go back to L.A., I certainly understand. It’s best if you and Megan sort out your personal affairs away from the school. There’re only so many concessions we can make, without it looking like favoritism.”

  Scott remained silent for a moment, still grappling with the nature of Megan’s connection to Eve. “Yeah, sure,” he muttered.

  His phone rang. He grabbed it on the first ring. However, it wasn’t Megan.

  “Hey, boss,” Snake said. “Not much on the Collins kid. Three pops, all drug related. No priors except petty possession. He was in juvie for a while. Got in a little heavy after that. Some stints in rehab. The last one the longest, but nothing since.”

  “So,” Scott twisted, shooting a relieved glance at Garrett. “He doesn’t look like a dope runner?”

  “Not to me,” Snake said. “Most of his running was with a soccer ball. Pretty cool actually. Scored four goals in a game against the cops. So he’s either clean or careful.”

  “What about family. Are they connected?”

  “Don’t think. Father bolted the country a week after the first charge against Joey’s sister, Megan Spence. The mother is white bread.”

  “What did you say?” Scott guessed his voice had risen because he felt Garrett’s curious stare.

  “White bread. Stay-at-home mother. Remarried five years ago. Plain vanilla.”

  “No, the part about the sister. Megan Spence is Joey’s sister?”

  “Bingo. And she’s interesting but clean. Pot possession at fourteen followed by community service. Guess that was because her dad wasn’t around to wield the punishment. She’s the only possibility for the drug running. She has serious money sliding in and out. Apparently from jewelry but Belinda is checking the legitimacy. I’ll get back to you with that, as well as information on those tattoos you sent.”

  An ache attached itself to Scott’s left eye. “Thank you, Snake.”

  He lowered the phone and looked at Garrett who appeared just as stunned.

  “Well, this is a surprising development,” Garrett finally said. “That explains why she pretends Joey is innocent. I need to take a piss.”

  Scott remained rooted to the sofa, then slowly unclenched his fists and pressed Megan’s number.

  “Hi, Scott,” she said. “I’m not sure about go
ing to Santa Anita today. Some things came up. Important stuff I need to tell you.”

  “Good,” he said. “Some things came up here too.”

  “Okay.” He heard Tami giggling in the background. My God, he felt like an idiot.

  “My bag is by the door,” she went on. “It has my notes from calls to Joey’s mother. She answered all the questions you gave me. My toothbrush is in there too,” she added, “and Scott, thank you.” She hung up, sounding breathless.

  Garrett reappeared but didn’t sit. He jammed his hands in and out of his pockets, sighing and glancing sideways at Scott. “I’m sorry, buddy.”

  Scott stared at the door.

  “It’s not like Amanda,” Garrett said. “And Megan knew you were a private investigator. It was only natural that she’d want your help.”

  “Not natural to lie.”

  “Maybe she had a good reason,” Garrett said. But when Scott raised an eyebrow, Garrett stopped making excuses for Megan and looked away. “I asked Miguel to come by,” Garrett added. “He never said anything about Megan, but he might know something. The kids see him as another student and talk more openly. Lydia did tell me there’s been a steady stream of students visiting Megan’s room.”

  Scott stubbornly folded his arms. “If Megan was using, I’d have noticed.”

  “Sure you would,” Garrett said quickly. However, they both knew he hadn’t noticed with Amanda, not until it was too late. He’d been so involved in his job, helping everyone outside the home, too busy to notice his desperate fiancée.

  “She drives a noisy old truck,” Garrett said hopefully. “If she was working with Joey, she’d have money.”

  Scott flinched and squeezed his eyes shut, hating to admit the most recent news. “Didn’t you hear Snake?” he asked. “She has some cash flow.”

  “Why doesn’t she spend it on a nicer vehicle?”

  Scott shrugged. He didn’t feel like talking, only to Megan. He’d thought she made cheap dollar-store jewelry but couldn’t remember if she’d actually said that. He’d made assumptions. Christ, I must be the world’s worst investigator.

  He rose wearily and walked Garrett to the door. “I think this conversation is best suited for two. Megan’s on her way. I’ll give you a call later.”

  “But Miguel is coming.”

  “And when he does,” Scott said, “I’ll talk to him.” But what Megan said would be far more important than anything Miguel said.

  “Don’t be too hard on her. I’m sure she’s not involved.” Garrett reached over to pat Scott’s shoulder but took an awkward step and stumbled, tripping over Megan’s bag.

  Garrett stilled. He stared down at the bag, his mouth widening. Scott followed his gaze. Felt like his chest imploded. Someone cursed and he realized it was him.

  A plastic bag was visible, a bag full of white powder.

  Garrett snapped his mouth shut, his mouth clamping in a thin line. “I guess we know why she had to see Eve. Dammit, she was selling to my students.” Anger clipped his voice. “I’m sorry, Scott. I have to call the police.”

  Scott crouched down and pulled the zipper back. Slowly opened the bag. This wasn’t cheap black tar heroin. It was the good stuff—fine, white and highly processed. Over a pound and a half. Aw, hell. His knees felt rubbery. He didn’t move. Could only stare, mesmerized by the smack…and the initialed iPod beneath it.

  Joey had taken his iPod from Lydia’s villa, and now Megan had it. She knew exactly where her brother was. Her plea for help, her fake concern. She’d had an entirely different agenda. The whole thing had been a pretense.

  Garrett was talking, but it was hard to make sense of the words. Scott rose stiffly, feeling ten years older.

  Garrett glanced out the window and quickly zipped the bag shut. “Miguel is coming down the walk,” he whispered, a tormented look twisting his face.

  At least for now Garrett was hiding it from Miguel. Maybe, just maybe, they could keep the police out of this. But it was a helluva lot of heroin intended for a lot of unfortunate souls. Obviously, Megan was in this up to her pretty little neck. And Scott’s balloon of despair burst into a throbbing anger.


  Megan rushed toward Scott’s villa, texting Eve as she walked. Still no reply. Maybe Eve was driving, maybe she was out of range or maybe her battery was dead. Sighing, Megan slipped the phone back into her pocket.

  The baby would be fine. Eve was a good rider. It was just galloping in the morning, not racing. And Megan would sit down with her, and they could calmly review her options. Eve probably felt she was in this alone. She wasn’t thinking straight. But whatever she decided, she really shouldn’t be riding racehorses, not while she was pregnant.

  And, God, Megan prayed she’d stay pregnant. It would be a priceless gift to have Joey’s baby in her life. In her mom’s life. Whatever Eve needed, Megan would help. Maybe she hadn’t made that clear? But Eve had been reluctant to talk about baby plans and little wonder. Joey was gone, and a pregnancy would effectively postpone any jockey aspirations.

  She wished she’d been able to catch Eve before she climbed on the bus. However, she hadn’t had the heart to desert Tami. Not after what Miguel had done. The shattered look on Tami’s face, the angry marks on her wrists, were seared in Megan’s mind.

  Miguel had lured Tami with talk of a fictional job then used her like toilet paper. She was young and impressionable. She didn’t deserve that. Damn Miguel. Megan’s hands tightened into fists, her stride quickening.

  She was going to tell Scott everything. He had a strong code of honor. He wouldn’t tolerate such brutal behavior. She hoped the school would banish Miguel, but not before Scott tore a strip off him.

  Maybe she’d ask Scott to drive with her to Santa Anita. There was a new instructor hired and apparently Miguel was leaving tonight, although she wanted to confront him first. He shouldn’t be allowed near students, or on the track, or anywhere near the school. He was a lying, swaggering creep.

  She rounded the corner of Scott’s driveway and spotted three men standing by Scott’s car. Miguel, Scott and Garrett. Miguel was speaking, waving his hands as though holding court, and she itched to wipe the cocky look from his face.

  “Ramon asked me to come up,” Miguel was saying. “Discover how many students Joey was supplying. As far as I can tell, it was only Eve.”

  He glanced over Scott’s shoulder and saw Megan. A smug smile tilted his mouth. What the hell was he saying?

  “Know anything about Megan?” Scott asked, his voice hard and flat.

  Miguel looked past Garrett and Scott, still staring at Megan. “She’s my girlfriend’s roommate. Of course, I know what’s happening. She and Joey, they have a good drug business.”

  Megan slammed to a stop, her breath incredulous. “Is this guy for real?” she snapped.

  Scott wheeled, his face impassive. He didn’t step forward. Didn’t smile. Didn’t even look embarrassed. He was actually asking that jerk about her?

  “I don’t believe this.” She stared at Scott in disbelief, her mouth so taut now she sputtered. “You’re listening to him? About me? About Eve?”

  Garrett stepped forward, his voice troubled. “It’s over, Megan. Miguel told us about Eve’s…problems.”

  “What?” Her fists tightened, her gaze shooting from Scott to Miguel. “What are you talking about?”

  “Eve likes her drugs.” Miguel shrugged. “And she’s a puta. Many people had sex with her, including me.”

  “You liar.” Megan shot forward and slammed her hands into his chest. His arm flashed. She saw his coiled fist but was too incensed to even attempt to duck. However, Miguel jerked in the air like a rag doll and she was slammed into something so hard, her breath escaped with a whoosh.

  “Calm down,” Scott snapped, throwing Miguel to the ground then trapping Megan’s wrists.

  Miguel scrambled to his feet. “See, she’s nuts.” His eyes glittered and he tapped his head. “She and Joey, they’re both loco.”
r />   “You asshole.” She tried to twist out of Scott’s hold, tried to kick, but he flattened her arms and anchored her legs with his.

  “Stop,” he muttered. “Let’s talk about this.”

  Garrett edged around Miguel and stared at Megan in wide-eyed dismay. “Don’t you have some cuffs or something? She’s going to hurt herself.”

  “Yes, tie her up.” Miguel sneered. “Her roommate loves that too.”

  Megan’s brain exploded with red. She jerked, butting Scott’s head and twisting sideways. He yanked her arm behind her back, but the pain was little compared to her fury.

  “Cuffs in the dash,” Scott said. “Leave, Miguel.”

  Miguel crossed his arms, raking her with a taunting smile. Megan bit her mouth so hard she tasted blood. She needed to get closer, wanted to kick him again but Scott had done something to her arm and it hurt. She jerked her head back, trying to escape his hold but it was impossible.

  “Goddammit, Miguel. Leave. Now,” Scott snapped.

  A car door slammed. Her ears roared but she heard Garrett say Miguel wasn’t the criminal here. She tried to launch herself again but something yanked her arms. Metal bit into her flailing wrists.

  Miguel was smirking and waving his arms while hers were cuffed, and her sheer impotence only stoked her fury.

  “I’ll call the police,” Garrett said. She tried to jerk around but Scott was still holding her, his face impassive.

  “You idiots,” she managed, but her voice cracked and she shivered in helplessness, her throat so tight the words sounded feeble.

  Scott and Garrett were talking around her. Her head throbbed, and the whole world seemed off kilter. She caught Miguel’s snide wink as he turned to leave, but her rage had drained now, leaving her exhausted.

  Scott didn’t want any police and Garrett did, and they were arguing—but at least Miguel was gone. Her head throbbed, her wrists were cuffed and it was impossible to understand what was happening.

  She was guided around the back of the villa, an implacable hand on her arm. Twice she stumbled and was literally picked up, and then she was sitting in Garrett’s house, and Scott and Garrett were talking some more. Scott wouldn’t look at her and she couldn’t believe he’d put stupid cuffs on her, and she was so stunned she wanted to curl up in a corner until this nightmare was over.


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