Forbidden Love

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by Freda Ann


  (Brandon & Mindy’s Story)

  Written and published by

  Freda Ann

  Copyright © 2017 by Freda Ann

  Smashwords Edition

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof in any form.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17


  Excerpt from . . ‘FINDING FAITH’

  A note from the Author

  About the Author


  I’d like to thank my husband Keith. Without you giving me the space and time to write endlessly, this book would never have happened. Your never ending love and support with everything I do mean more than words could ever express. You are my rock and I love you dearly.

  Thanks to my five children for being my greatest joys in life and for loving me unconditionally. It means the world to me to have you as part of my life. Your mom loves you to the stars and beyond!

  A special thank you to Jessi for your insight and for being my sounding board while figuring out Brandon and Mindy’s story. Your faith in me and my potential have helped get me to this point. Thanks for your constant encouragement and for never giving up on me fulfilling my dream.

  Chapter 1

  The sun was just beginning to set as the moon peeked out from behind the trees in the distance. The water was calm and the color of a beautiful summer’s sky. Brandon felt so at peace here and he knew that was exactly what he needed.

  Stephen knew it too. That’s why he forced him to take some time off. He was the only one who could get Brandon to do something he really didn’t want to do. He knew him well enough by now. They’ve worked together for twelve years and Brandon trusts him with his life.

  Suddenly something nearby caught his eye. As he looked toward the beach from his lanai, he noticed two attractive women on horseback. Both were barefoot and wearing jeans folded up just below their knees.

  The one closest to the water had brown hair and was shorter than the other one. She appeared very toned wearing a turquoise print tank top. The other one was a few inches taller, more muscular and curvy with an electrifying pink floral shirt that set off her beautiful blonde hair. ‘What gorgeous hair you have,’ Brandon thought to himself as he continued watching them when they dismounted and waded through the rippled water several hundred feet in front of him. The horses followed close behind as they walked slowly talking all the way down the beach.

  For some strange reason Brandon could not take his eyes off of them, especially the blonde. The way she sauntered when she walked held his gaze and he wondered what it would feel like running his fingers through her beautiful golden locks. It was almost as if he had a spell cast over him. She looked like a goddess. He watched them go down the beach for what seemed like a long time. But once the women were out of sight, he blinked his eyes several times. He felt like he had been day dreaming. Had he imagined the two women on horseback he wondered, looking down at an empty beach. Was he that overworked?

  He laid back in his beach chair on the lanai thinking of the blonde. Real or not, the possibility of her took over his thoughts. What was so special about her that mesmerized him? He hadn’t even seen her from the front. ‘She might be a dog,’ he couldn’t help think. But he knew. Somehow he knew she was just as beautiful up close. He could only imagine what Stephen would say if he was here. He’d probably pick at him for how he stared at them for so long. He relaxed as he heard the waves in the distance and felt the breeze blowing across his body.

  “Brandon? Brandon!” He looked up to see who was calling his name. All he could focus on was blondish hair. Was it her? And how did she know his name? He blinked a few times looking directly at the face in front of him. “How long have you been sleeping?”

  Brandon knew that voice. “Stephen!” He said as he put his feet on the ground, pausing a few seconds to shake the cobwebs out of his head before he stood to greet his friend. “When did you get here?” He asked him as he shook his hand and leaned in for a bro-hug. Brandon looked around realizing it was almost dark out.

  “I pounded on the front door but got no answer so I came around back since you’re near the end of the building. It’s a good thing too or you might be here sleeping all night.” Brandon looked at Stephen with a lifted eyebrow.

  Brandon sat back down. “What brings you here? - Or do I have to ask?” They exchanged smiles with a slight laugh. That was answer enough. He knew Stephen was there to make sure that he actually did rest and relax for the next two weeks.

  “Have you had dinner yet?” Stephen sat down next to Brandon.

  “Is that an invitation?” He looked over at Stephen with an amusing look.

  “Can you tear yourself away from that chair?” Stephen grinned back at him. “Oh, I suppose I could. But only because you’re buying.” Brandon stood up waiting for Stephen to do the same.

  He got up slowly looking at Brandon out of the corner of his eye as they walked inside. “And what dear friend gave you that impression? All I did was ask if you had dinner yet.”

  Brandon grabbed some clothes out of his closet to change for dinner. “OK, I”ll buy since you came all this way to check up on me. After all, how many friends would spend $800.00 for a ticket to fly to Hawaii just for dinner? It’s the least I could do.” He changed, put some cologne on, combed his hair and headed for the door with Stephen close behind.

  * * * * *

  The dining room was rather quiet. There was maybe a handful of people there but it wasn’t unusual this time of year. Some days were busier than others. Brandon thought it was rather nice for a change. Back in California it was impossible to walk into a restaurant and expect to be seated anytime soon. That was one of the frustrations about living in such a crowded state. It was quite annoying when you’re starving.

  The hostess sat them near a window overlooking the beach. The waitress took their drink order as they continued looking over the menu. “How were things in Cali yesterday?” Brandon looked at his friend waiting for an answer.

  He turned to Brandon. “I refuse to discuss business with you during the next few weeks but I will tell you that everything is fine and will remain that way even while you’re gone!”

  He knew Stephen was serious so he decided not to press the issue. He looked out toward the beach to get his mind off of work. He smiled as he thought of the two women he saw earlier on horseback, especially the blonde.

  Stephen glanced up from the menu and noticed a pleasant grin on Brandon’s face. One that was very different from his usual smile. A heartfelt grin that he hadn’t seen on his friend in quite a while. “OK, what am I missing?” He looked in the same direction as Brandon as if it would give him a clue.

  Brandon shook his head. “I was just thinking of something I saw earlier.”

  “Well do share! I could use a good laugh. Especially over something that could put that happy grin on my face like you have.” He pro
dded his friend with a smile of his own.

  “Actually - ” he said with a shit eating grin before continuing. He knew how Stephen would react. “I saw two women on horseback riding then walking on the beach not long before you came to my room.” Brandon looked out the window toward the beach. “From what I could see from my chair the shorter brown haired woman was pretty attractive but the blonde - there was something mesmerizing about her. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She had this - this - I don’t know, aura about her. The way she carried herself, the way she walked, the way she laughed and smiled. It’s like everything got quiet and the earth stopped moving as she walked down the beach. I don’t even know how long I was in my chair watching. Time was irrelevant at that point. I couldn’t have looked away even if I wanted to. She had that kind of presence. It was kinda weird but familiar in some strange way. - Crazy, right?”

  Stephen got a certain look in his eyes smiling big. “I should’ve known - a woman!”

  “It’s not what you think. You know that’s not the way I role.” He tried to sound convincing. “She didn’t even know I was there, let alone speak to me. - Shit, I was even wondering if I imagined her.”

  Stephen was glad to see Brandon thinking of something other than work, even if it was a woman. He couldn’t help but hope that she’s nothing like Tabu. He knew Tabu was no good for Brandon from the first time he met her. She was very different from the women that he had dated. Maybe that’s why he went out with her. The important thing is that he broke up with her before she became any more possessive.

  Brandon wondered why Stephen got quiet all of a sudden. Normally, he would continue ribbing him. “You’re awfully quiet.”

  “I was just thinking about . . . ” Before he could finish his sentence, something across the room caught his eye and he totally forgot what he was saying. “There they are!” Stephen was looking at two beautiful women walking across the room with the hostess.

  Brandon was confused. “Who?” His eyes followed the path of Stephen’s.

  “Duh, the blonde and her friend that you spoke of?” Stephen knew it was her. He saw what Brandon meant. She was definitely someone to stand out in a crowd. He could see why Brandon had that look on his face while looking out the window. He looked over at him and his eyes were fixed on the blonde. He didn’t utter a word or make a sound as their eyes followed both of them across the room to a table on the other side of the restaurant. As the women sat down, the blonde smiled softly as she looked around the room taking in the nice decor of the restaurant.

  Stephen grinned when Brandon looked at him. “I can see why thinking of her brought a smile to your face. She’s definitely one of a kind. Are you planning on introducing yourself?”

  He looked again in her direction. “If I have my way I will. I just have to figure out how without making an ass of myself or being just another guy trying to hit on her. You know it’s been a good while since I’ve been the pursuer. I’d like to make half the impression on her as she’s made on me.”

  His thoughts were interrupted by a tall, thick built distinguished dark haired frenchman in a grey suit. Brandon stood as the man approached the table. “Jacques!” He exclaimed extending his hand. “It’s been a long time. And where are your Chef clothes? I don’t see you out of uniform very often,” he said with a smile.

  Shaking his hand, “Too long my friend. I just came from a meeting.” The man commented.

  Stephen extended his hand to Jacques as well. “You don’t know how hard it was to get him here.” He glanced at Brandon after shaking hands.

  “I hope you will be staying longer than you usually do.” Jacques remarked pulling out a chair to sit.

  “You can count on it!” Stephen stated matter of factly. “I’m here to see to it.”

  Suddenly a thought hit Brandon and he looked at Jacques. “Jacques - how would you like to help out an old friend?”

  Jacques smiled at him wondering what he was up to. “Anything you need my friend. You know that.”

  Brandon looked at Stephen who was curious to hear what he had planned. “It’s rather easy on your part. Just let me be you for a day, or maybe just part of a day.”

  “You want to be me? Why would you want that? I know I live an exciting life but I definitely think yours has more excitement,” he chuckled a bit.

  “I don’t want to be you in every sense of the word. I just want your job for a little while. I want to manage this restaurant, or at least make it appear that way. Just make yourself scarce and have some of the staff come to me now and then to make it look more real. I’ll just walk around and mingle like you do. Better yet lets switch places. You can hang out here with Stephen and have dinner, on me of course. That way you’re nearby in case anyone needs your help.”

  Jacques smiled at both men. “Which one is she Brandon?”

  “What do you mean? - Why does everyone get that look in their eyes?” Brandon could hardly keep a straight face.

  “I know that look my friend and I know you well enough by now to know you'd do anything for the right woman.” Jacques began searching the room with his eyes. His gaze became fixed on the blonde. Her look was so different than the other women in the room. “It’s her.” He looked pleased as he turned to Brandon. “Hmm - I approve.”

  The friends laughed. “Am I that transparent? You both know me way too well. Maybe I should find some new friends who won’t guess my every move!” They all chuckled again. “I just want to meet her to see what she’s like. It’d be nice to have dinner with someone of the opposite sex while I’m here, you know? Who knows, she may not be that great after all. Beauty and brains is hard to find.”

  The three of them sat for a bit discussing the strategy for the ‘meeting’. Jacques excused himself going into the kitchen to tell his sous-Chef to take over for a while and to also let the rest of the staff know what was going on. He told them to spread the word that if they needed anything for the rest of the evening to go through Brandon until they were told differently. Jacques returned to the table where his friends were sitting and gave Brandon a nod that everything was set.

  Brandon looked over at the two women sipping cocktails across the room. He stood up and walked into the kitchen to greet Jacques’ staff and put his chef’s jacket on. Shortly afterward some of the restaurant’s finest food was being served to the two women as he watched the puzzled look on their faces from the entrance of the kitchen.

  “This isn’t what we ordered,” the blonde said to the waiter closest to her while another waiter across the table continued to arrange various dishes where he could find room.

  “Yes ma’am,” was all that was said before Brandon walked up.

  Brandon looked at both women before speaking to the blonde with a boyish grin. “I hope you don’t mind but I couldn’t let two beautiful women leave without trying some of the finest food we have to offer on the island.” He couldn’t help but notice the blonde was even more stunning close up. She had the most luscious lips that made him want to kiss her right then. - He was having a hard time thinking straight.

  She glanced at her friend as they both looked up and smiled at the able-bodied, handsome man standing at their table. “Im sorry but we didn’t order all of this food, though we appreciate the gesture.” The blonde replied a bit stand-offish.

  ‘Modest and beautiful’ Brandon couldn’t help thinking. He felt tongue tied when he looked at her and saw how her beautiful eyes accented the shape of her face, but he quickly recovered before they thought something was wrong with him. “I’m sorry Miss, I should’ve explained, it’s compliments of the house. We have several new items on the menu that we need different opinions on. You lovely ladies happen to be among the lucky ones to sample them.”

  The brown haired woman gave her friend a strange look, when she noticed Mindy couldn’t seem to take her eyes off the man standing at their table as she remained speechless. “Well in that case we’d be happy to sample your food, thank you.”

  Brandon n
odded and headed back to the kitchen to contemplate his next move. He couldn’t let the night end like this. He wanted to make more of an impression on her but hadn’t quite figured out how to do it without making a fool of himself.

  Mindy and Faith took their time sampling a little bit of everything sitting in front of them. Curious about some of the food, Mindy asked the waiter walking by what each food item was.

  Leaning over slightly to point to each one, the waiter named them and explained a little bit about them. “This one is Manapua. It’s a pillowy bun filled with chicken and a pineapple sauce. This is Spam Musubi. It’s a combination of rice, fried spam and dried seaweed. This purple one that looks like pudding is Poi with acai and chopped bananas. This one is Saimin. It’s Hawaii’s version of classic Asian noodle dishes, taking elements of Japanese, Chinese and Filipino dishes to create a unique bowl. This is Kalua Pua’a which is made by cooking the traditional pig in an underground oven after it’s seasoned with sea salt and green onions. It cooks all day then sits in the juices before being shredded for serving. And these purple rolls are Taro rolls with a honey drizzle.”

  “Wow! So good. - Thank you.” They couldn’t believe how much fun they were having tasting all the various cuisines. They both agreed it was just another highlight to start off this wonderful trip they were lucky enough to be on.

  Mindy happened to glance up when Brandon headed toward their table again. Her eyes did a quick once over before he stopped next to Faith across the table from her. ‘This is the most handsome Chef I’ve ever seen,’ Mindy couldn’t help thinking as she looked at his beautiful chestnut brown eyes, dark brown hair, chiseled chin and tall, muscular physique. ‘Wow,’ was all she could think.

  She felt a blush coming on so she quickly looked out towards the beach to distract her thoughts when she heard someone say something in the background. As she brought her attention back to the table, all she could say was “I’m sorry, what did you say?”


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