Forbidden Love

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Forbidden Love Page 8

by Freda Ann

  “Well funny you ask that because that was going to be my first question for you.” He sipped his coffee as the waitress brought her and Faith some fresh made coffee.

  She twisted her lips sideways and grinned at him shaking her head. “We haven’t really decided yet. There’s several things we still would like to do.”

  “What things do you have in mind?”

  “Wellll - we would like to go snorkeling, whale watching, walk around Lahaina to do some shopping and have lunch, and definitely a luau one night. Oh - and we also thought about going to the rainforest if time allows, but that would be the last on our list if we put them in order.”

  Pouring more coffee in his cup, Brandon came up with an idea. “So unless you ladies would rather do these things alone, I thought maybe we could tag along for some of them at least.” He paused listening for any objections but he didn’t hear any so he continued with what he had in mind.

  “We could take you to the best place in Hawaii to snorkel but it would require a short plane ride to Oahu for the day. - I’m telling you though, it’s so worth it! And if you want, we can go whale watching the next day. A friend of Jacques’ does tours so I’m sure we could book that too. Then maybe we could do some site seeing and shopping in Lahaina another day and make reservations for a luau the same night.” He smiled at Mindy waiting to hear what she thought, hoping she didn’t think he was being too presumptuous.

  Sitting her cup down on the table she answered. “Actually, that saves us a lot of research and back and forth trying to decide what to do.” She leaned forward looking at Faith. “Hey Faith - Brandon has some good ideas on things for all of us to do pretty much the rest of our stay. One of them involves taking a short plane ride to Oahu for the day. What do you think?”

  Faith perked up with a look of excitement, especially knowing she’d be spending more time with Stephen. “Hey, I’m all for it. Especially since they know their way around, which benefits us in the long run.” She looked at Stephen with a smile.

  They all talked about the days ahead over breakfast and firmed up their plans. Brandon took care of booking the round trip flight to Oahu while they waited for their food. He also said he’d take care of the reservation right after breakfast for the whale watching tour tomorrow and the luau the following night. They were all looking forward to what was to come in the next few days.

  Stephen insisted on paying for breakfast despite objections from Mindy and Faith. When leaving the restaurant, they all agreed to go change, grab necessary items and meet out front of the hotel in an hour so they could catch their plane.

  * * * * *

  The flight to Oahu was scenic and quick. The airport was definitely bigger than the one in Maui and took longer to get through. They rented a car and headed straight to the famous Hanauma Bay.

  It was a beautiful day for snorkeling, swimming and fun in the sun. They were just parking when the park staff put signs up that it was full and no one else was allowed in. It made them all happy they got there when they did, especially since they flew from Maui to snorkel here. Brandon had told them the park fills up most days and won’t allow anyone else in once filled to capacity.

  Brandon and Stephen grabbed the bags out of the trunk as everyone walked to the beach. As Mindy and Faith picked a spot to put their stuff down on the beach, the guys went to rent the gear. The girls put sunscreen on themselves and shared it with the guys when they returned, offering to help them spray their backs.

  Giving Mindy a slow once over with his eyes before turning around for her to spray the back of him, Brandon had memorized every curve her bathing suit was hugging. The bathing suit was a deep turquoise color. The top was strapless with a circular opening between her breasts that showed just the right amount of cleavage to be enticing. It wrapped around her to hook in the middle of her back. The bottom had a triangle that covered the front of her crotch with a band on each side that pulled tight and attached to a similar circular opening as the top. The back had a slightly larger triangle that just covered the bottom of her butt cheeks leaving part of the sides exposed.

  She had no tan lines showing anywhere so he knew she either sunbathes in the same suit frequently or in the nude! Damn, why did he have to go there. The thought made his manhood twitch in his trunks, but the cold spray made him shiver and snap back to Mindy who was asking him to lift his arms so she could spray the back of them. He loved how nurturing she was which brought a smile to his face.

  When Faith handed Stephen the can of sunscreen, he went to grab it but she pulled her hand back teasing him. He smiled big at her and she laughed before handing it to him so he could spray the front. He handed it back to her after he finished. “Can you spray the back for me?” She motioned for him to turn around which he did while holding his arms out to the sides. When she was spraying him, he enjoyed looking at how sexy she was in her white and floral print strapless bandeau bikini. The top dipped down slightly showing her cleavage and the bottom was nice and tiny tying on the sides just covering the necessary places. Her couldn’t help notice her body was perfectly toned. When she finished, he turned around and thanked her.

  They all talked for about ten minutes to allow the sunscreen to soak in then they snorkeled, swam and walked the entire area enjoying all it had to offer. They ate lunch, sat for a while then sprayed more sunscreen so they could snorkel and swim one more time.

  The day seemed to go so fast and before they knew it, they were back at the airport waiting for the return flight. They talked about the days events and how much they enjoyed it on the trip back to the resort in Maui.

  Walking through the hotel, Mindy and Faith decided they would clean up and just order room service. They wanted to unwind in their room or on the balcony and make an early night of it since they were going whale watching tomorrow and would be out at least half the day. The guys thought it sounded like a good idea and agreed they’d do the same. They told the girls they would see them tomorrow morning at breakfast before their tour and everyone headed to their rooms for the night.

  * * * * *

  The four of them met in the Ka Hiwa restaurant for a quick breakfast until it was time to head to the boat for their whale watching tour. The guys told Mindy and Faith they had room service while watching basketball last night. The girls said they ate room service on their balcony enjoying the sound of the ocean, the night air and talking before going to bed early.

  “Miss, can we get our check please?” Brandon asked the waitress after they finished their breakfast.

  “It’s already been paid sir.” She nodded her head then left with some of the dishes in hand.

  Brandon looked puzzled. “Jacques must’ve paid for our meals.”

  Looking at him, Mindy smirked and slightly shook her head. “If you must know, I paid for breakfast. I think it’s the least we could do for you both being our personal tour guides.”

  Brandon gave her an objectionable look. “You didn’t have to do that. We are helping you because we want to and we’re getting just as much enjoyment out of it as you ladies are. - Plus it gives us someone else to share it all with.” Giving her a sincere smile, he put his hand over her hand which was resting on the table and gave it a little squeeze.

  Smiling back at him, she squeezed his hand as well. “Like you, we know we didn’t have to buy you breakfast. We wanted to. It makes us feel a little better about monopolizing your trip so lets just leave it at that.”

  “OK, fine. - So I guess we might as well grab our stuff and head to the lobby to catch our shuttle to the boat.”

  * * * * *

  The ride to the boat wasn’t very long. There were a few dozen people waiting to board the boat for the whale watching tour along with them. Once they got on, they found seating near the front and got their cameras ready for when they set sail.

  Brandon and Mindy sat close to each other talking while they waited. He had his arm around her leaning in from time to time as they laughed and enjoyed each others company. She
put her hand on his lower thigh as she laid against his side taking in the view of the turquoise water.

  The boat left the dock and headed out into the deep waters far away from shore. They passed several smaller islands with their guide narrating the size and names of some of them. Most were uninhabited but a few were privately owned with a house or two on them. One of them had an old red and white stripe lighthouse on a hill near the far end of it with large bolders protecting the point from high tide and waves.

  The Captain slowed the boat down, idling as he told everyone about the whales they would hopefully see soon. He also explained how the whales bubble feed, look out for their young and breach the water. Everyone couldn’t wait to see them and had cameras in hand to catch the moment in action.

  After the Captain pointed out a school of humpback whales bubble feeding near the shoreline of one of the islands, everyone on board went wild with excitement. The whole boat was abuzz as everyone snapped photos and took video of the beautiful sightings. And the next hour was just as filled with amazement watching a couple of whales breach the water from time to time. It was like nothing they’ve ever experienced and they were in total awe.

  The Captain announced that lunch would be served shortly and everyone could make their way inside to the buffet area to get their food and beverage. They could sit wherever they’d like to eat, either inside or on the upper deck outside.

  Stephen and Faith made their way inside as Brandon and Mindy waited in line on deck to get inside. Brandon stood behind Mindy putting his arms around her waist, pulling her up against him as he leaned down and nuzzled her left check and neck. Mindy giggled and twisted to the side a bit as it tickled her neck when she felt his breath on it.

  When she twisted, she accidentally bumped into a man who was walking by them near the railing. She looked in his direction to apologize and noticed he must be one of the staff for the boat since he was wearing the same shirt. “I’m sorry.” She told him looking up at his face and started to smile as he turned towards her when he heard her voice. Mid smile, her eyes suddenly opened wide and her jaw dropped as she tried to speak.

  He stared at her and spoke before she could get any words out. “Mindy! Wow - I can’t believe it’s you.”

  “Chase?” Was all she could get out. Her worst nightmare was coming true. After he left town a few years ago with no explanation for ending things with her after she confessed her love, she never wanted or thought she’d see him ever again. She started feeling flush and fell back against Brandon as her legs felt like jelly.

  “You alright Mindy?” Brandon asked softly as he tightened his arms around her just in case. He didn’t like the look this guy was giving her and was beginning to feel protective of her.

  Mindy looked up and smiled softly as she stood tall on her legs and rubbed his clasped hands around her waist. “I’m fine Brandon.”

  She looked at Chase again, trying to keep her emotions in check. The last thing she wanted was for him to see any sign of her feelings, old or new, towards him. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing how much he hurt her or how she never wanted to see him again after the way he left her. “So you work on the boat?”

  Chase looked up at Brandon with a slightly annoyed look as he followed his arms down to Mindy’s waist and back to her face. “I was hired a while back to fill in for a few months after one of the guys had to have surgery.”

  The line was moving forward and they were about to head inside to get their food when Chase spoke again. “I have to go take care of something but I’ll catch up with you after you eat if that’s alright?”

  No! I don’t want to talk to you or be anywhere near you ever! - She couldn’t help but want to say those words to him but then he’d know how he hurt her and she wouldn’t let that happen so she decided to cover her feelings. “That’d be fine.” She grinned and walked inside with Brandon while Chase walked around the cabin to the front of the boat.

  She had a hard time believing it. Of all places, she had to run into him here in Hawaii on her dream vacation. Her and Faith have had such a good time so far and then he shows up out in the middle of the damn ocean! What are the chances? Wait until Faith finds out. She may not be as nice to Chase. Mindy knew she better get to her before she sees him.

  As her and Brandon got in line for the buffet, Mindy looked around for Faith and Stephen. They were sitting at a table on the side near the back of the boat not too far from the buffet tables. She locked eyes with Faith and she motioned to Mindy that they saved them seats at their table. Mindy nodded at her friend. She was hoping Chase wouldn’t make an appearance before she had a chance to talk to Faith. She couldn’t let him know how he almost destroyed her faith in love or even dating for that matter.

  After getting their food and something to drink, they headed for the table where Faith and Stephen were sitting. Mindy was trying to figure out how she could talk to her alone. Brandon didn’t know anything about Chase or what happened between the two of them so she didn’t want to discuss it in front of him. She honestly didn’t want to feel so vulnerable telling him about it out in the middle of the ocean where she had nowhere to hide if she needed to run somewhere to have a good cry. But she had to tell Faith in case she saw him before they got back to land.

  Stephen and Faith had already started eating so Brandon and Mindy did the same. They all talked about the excitement of the day and the amazing photos and videos they took. They couldn’t believe how many whales they were able to see and photograph.

  When Faith was done eating, Mindy looked at her and wrinkled her eyebrows, lifting her head up a bit before telling the guys she was going to the restroom. Taking the hint, Faith agreed she’d do the same so the girls headed out the back door to the restroom together.

  Once inside the small bathroom, Mindy turned to Faith and blurted it out. “Chase is on the boat. He said he was going to come talk to me after I eat. I can’t believe he’s here in Maui at the same time I am! What am I going to do?”

  Almost as shocked as Mindy was when she saw him, Faith shook her head looking deep in Mindy’s eyes for the pain that came with any thought of Chase. “That son of a bitch! Has he been stalking you? How else would he know where you were, especially right now?” Faith was livid and turned beet red at the thought of him anywhere near her best friend after what he did.

  “No - he’s not stalking me Faith. He’s actually working on this boat. He was as shocked as I was to see him. He said he was asked to cover for a guy that was out for a few months with surgery. - I mean, it sounds legit. And the look on his face was the kicker.” Looking kinda pleased at the thought with a grin. “I can tell you this, he didn’t seem to like Brandon having his arms around me and rubbing up against my back. He looked at Brandon when he leaned into me and squeezed me in his arms. The look was pretty priceless!”

  “Well it serves him right but he deserves a lot more pain and frustration for what he put you through. - I would love to have seen the look on his face though.” She smiled at Mindy. “Oh my God! What did Brandon say? Did they exchange words?”

  Mindy shook her head. “No, thankfully neither of them spoke to the other. I kind of felt bad for not introducing Brandon to Chase when he spoke to me. I was so surprised to see him and taken aback that he was on the same boat with me! - Plus I honestly wasn’t sure how to handle the situation. Brandon knows nothing about our history.”

  “So what are you going to do when he comes to talk to you? You are not going to be alone with him Mindy! I won’t let that happen. It’s taken you this long to finally be in a much better place and I won’t let him bring you back to that time in your life.” She looked at Mindy’s face trying to get her point across.

  Nodding at Faith, Mindy knew she was right. “You’re right. I really don’t want to be alone with him anyway. If he wants to talk, he’ll need to talk to all of us then. Brandon and Stephen have been so nice and helpful and I won’t let Chase make things awkward for any of us. - I’ve come to
realize Brandon is a pretty great guy and I don’t want him to feel slighted in the least so we’ll just keep the conversation light. Nothing personal.”

  “Wonderful! I couldn’t agree more. That way he’ll know exactly where he stands as far as you’re concerned.” She smiled at Mindy before she asked. “Do you have to go to the bathroom while we’re here? If not, lets get back in there in case Chase comes looking for you.”

  Smirking at Faith she moved towards the door. “No I don’t have to go.” Turning around, “And Faith, please don’t say anything negative to Chase. As I said, lets just keep it light. - Just someone we were acquainted with once and haven’t seen for a few years.”

  “Agreed. Now lets get back to our hunky companions.” Faith and Mindy laughed at the thought of the guys and headed back to the table.

  After sitting and talking a little longer, they decided to go out on deck to enjoy the fresh air and beautiful views on the way back to the dock. They stood by the railing looking at the land they passed and tried to spot more whales or fish in the water.

  Brandon and Mindy stood side by side talking and enjoying each others company. Once in a while Mindy would lean closer to him while talking which sent a spark through his body. He loved it when they touched, even if it was brief. He can't get enough of this woman and he's beginning to like her more and more.

  Next time she leaned into him, he slid his right arm up and over her shoulder pulling her a bit closer. He could tell she liked the gesture because she leaned into his side resting her head against him when she gazed out in the water. He enjoyed the contact. It felt so natural having her close and just being around her.

  The trip back seemed much shorter than the ride out to sea. The Captain made his last announcements and thanked everyone for allowing the crew to be their tour guide. He said they would appreciate everyone going onto their website to fill out a short survey. Then he mentioned the tip jar where the gangway meets the ship when they disembark, but only if they were completely satisfied with their experience.


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