Forbidden Love

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Forbidden Love Page 17

by Freda Ann

  She smiled walking up to him. “Darling - can’t a friend come for dinner?” She reached up to hug him. “My you sure got a tan on your little vacation. - You look great.” Since he didn’t really hug her back she straightened up, looked him in the eyes with a smile, pulled the chair out next to him and sat down.

  “Some Sangria Tabu?” His dad asked her.

  “Yes, that sounds lovely.”

  After pouring her drink, his dad decided to speak up. “Son, I had no idea when I invited her that you were going to spring your little announcement on me. - Can't we just enjoy a friendly afternoon and dinner?”

  Grabbing her glass. “Yes, darling. After all, we are still friends aren’t we? There’s nothing wrong with a harmless dinner.” She pretended not to know anything about the announcement his dad was talking about. He didn’t need to know they were working together on reuniting them.

  He drank more sangria as he thought it through. - “That’s fine. You can stay for dinner. But don’t think this is anything more than just dinner. That’s all it is Tabu.”

  Tipping her glass towards him. “I get it darling. Just dinner among friends.” She asked him if he started back to work and he told her about the movie they’re going to start filming this week. She wanted to know who all was going to be in it so he told her.

  His dad brought in some hors d’oeuvres while dinner was cooking in the oven. They talked about the upcoming Oscars and of course Tabu mentioned the dress she picked out to wear and how she loves walking the red carpet, though she wasn’t sure who she would take with her. Brandon didn’t acknowledge the comment because he knew she was hoping he’d go with her. Well she can just keep hoping as far as he’s concerned because he had no intention of going anywhere with her.

  Dad told him and Tabu all about his latest love interest and how they met on the golf course when her ball hit his golf cart narrowly missing him. She sounded like a nice person from what he shared about her and also lives in Santa Barbara. Surprisingly, she’s a little closer to his age for a change. Since his divorce he seems to date younger women and most of his relationships don’t last very long.

  Tabu shared more info than they cared to hear about on her latest projects and auditions she’s been going on. Brandon felt the need to change the subject so he told his dad about Zoe starting horseback riding lessons next weekend. Him and Alex decided it would be a nice break for her from all the stresses of school.

  Dinner was surprisingly peaceful. They talked and laughed frequently despite how Brandon felt about Tabu being there. He seemed to relax a little more and just accepted the situation for what it was. He didn’t want to make more of a big deal out of it. He just wanted to get through the night without drama and luckily it was almost over.

  After the table was cleared and dishes put in the kitchen, his dad grabbed a bottle of Pino Noir and asked Brandon to get some wine glasses out of the cabinet. They headed out to the lounge area under the pergola to relax, enjoy the fresh night air and the view before Brandon has to leave.

  Brandon waited to see where Tabu was sitting before he sat down. He didn’t want to sit right next to her because he knew she’d make more out of it than what it was. When she sat down, he headed to the chair a few seats away from her when his phone rang. He looked at it and noticed it was Mindy. As his dad poured the wine, he told him he’d be right back and walked out to the back of his dad’s property where he could have some privacy when he answered it.

  He tapped the answer button anxiously. “Hey Babe! I’m glad you called back. - How are you?” He needed to hear her voice right about now. He also wanted to keep his voice somewhat low so Tabu didn’t hear his business.

  “Brandon - Hi! I’m doing good. I can barely hear you. Are you still at your dad’s?” Mindy didn’t want to distract him from their time together if he was still there.

  “Uh - yeah, I’m still here. We’re relaxing a bit out back before I head home. It’s - “

  Before he could finish Mindy started talking. “Sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to share some good news but we can talk later.”

  “No, go ahead. I want to hear it.” He smiled wondering what she was going to tell him.

  “Remember the hotel re-design I had to submit after returning from vacation? Well - while I was at work today I got an urgent e-mail telling me the project was ours. I’m so excited! That’s a big stepping stone for my firm.”

  “Mindy, that’s the best news! I’m so happy for you. You must’ve been out celebrating. I know how much you wanted the project. - I guess that’s why you didn’t answer when I called earlier.”

  Mindy got quiet for a few seconds wondering how to tell him where she was. Of course it won’t bother him. They’re not that serious yet. “No, I haven’t had a chance to celebrate yet. I was actually totally surprised by someone in the parking lot when I was about to get in my car - then we went for coffee.”

  For some reason her voice sounded kind of strange and Brandon wasn’t sure why. He was starting to get an odd feeling though and it worried him. - “So who was it?”

  “It was Chase. - My ex.”

  Brandon felt his heart skip a beat and was suddenly feeling protective and kind of jealous of Chase being anywhere near her with their history, not to mention what he’d put her through. He tried to get his emotions in check before she finished but his head was reeling with different scenarios of what could’ve happened while he was there with her. Was he there to convince her to give them a second chance?

  Mindy tried to sound light and casual like it should be no big deal that he showed up at her work. Like it’s nothing unusual to have coffee with the guy who almost ripped her heart out and messed her up for two years. “He - he was in town for a friend’s party and wanted to see me so we - we - “

  “Brandon darling - here’s your wine. Come on, let’s get back to what we were doing. I’m glad you’re here with me and we’re back together. It feels so right.” Tabu handed him his glass as she made kissing sounds and giggled leaning close to the phone while Brandon’s jaw dropped realizing what Mindy must think.

  He wasn’t quite sure how to handle it with Mindy but needed to deal with Tabu first. “Umm - can I call you back on the way home?” It was all he could think to say without totally going off on Tabu while Mindy listened to his rant on the other end of the phone.

  She didn’t know what to say or think. She was speechless and suddenly felt like she couldn’t breath. Finally she just said “OK” and hung up.

  Chapter 15

  Sitting on her couch with her phone in hand Mindy felt numb. She tried to process what just happened and what she just heard. Suddenly she felt sick to her stomach as she replayed what the woman said to Brandon in her mind. Calling him ‘darling’ and ‘I’m glad we’re back together again’ - and the kiss! What exactly did that mean? And was that woman Tabu? The horrible person he told her about? If not, then who was it and why was she kissing him and talking to him like she knew him intimately?

  Trying to fight the thoughts going through her head, Mindy couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous. Not knowing him more than their whirlwind vacation romance, she was beginning to wonder about his sincerity towards her and that only reminded her of the painful ending to her relationship with Chase. I mean what does she really know about him?

  The more she thought about it the more she wondered if she was being fair to either of them. She couldn’t dismiss the feeling she had though and it scared her. Mindy told herself she should not jump to conclusions. Trying to distract herself for a bit she decided to turn the television on.

  She started flipping channels and stopped on the entertainment news channel when they showed a woman wearing the prettiest emerald green evening gown with lace woven through it. They were showcasing some of the dresses being made for the upcoming Oscar Awards and what stars would look good in them.

  The next dress was a stunning royal blue color with a plunging neckline that almost went to the model’s belly button
. It was form fitted and had a slight train with pearl buttons down the back all the way to the waist. The commentator said it would look stunning on Tabu Evans with her long red hair. Wait - who? Tabu Evans? Is that her - Brandon’s ex? They showed a picture of her and she was stunning.

  They started talking about her attending the Oscars and possibly walking the red carpet with her rumored on-again, off-again boyfriend Brandon Wild. Mindy’s eyes got wide and she swallowed hard as her jaw dropped. The commentator said they have it from a good source that he just came back from vacation and they may have reunited after he returned.

  She shut the T.V. off not wanting to listen to any more. What was she supposed to think now? More confused than ever, she just sat there with her head feeling like it might explode if she hears any more about Tabu. Is it actually possible they got back together? Would he really do that to her? - She knew he had to be too good to be true.

  After taking a few slow deep breaths, Mindy had to talk to her best friend. Calling Faith, she tried to push all negative thoughts from her head. By the fourth ring she didn’t answer so she started to hang up.

  “Hello?” Faith quickly spoke into the phone as if she had to run to it. “Hellooo?” She said louder.

  Just before she pushed the off button she heard Faith’s voice and put the phone back to her ear. “Hey - I thought you weren't home or you were busy so I was about to hang up.”

  “Hi Mindy. I was doing yoga on the patio and forgot to take the phone with me. It’s so nice out I was taking advantage of the weather. - You alright?” Faith detected something off in her voice.

  There was a long silence before she spoke. “I’m trying to be.” Mindy took another deep breath and let it out slow.

  “Alright, when you do that I know something is wrong. I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

  “No Faith, you don’t - “ She heard the phone click before she could finish her sentence. She hated to bother her but she knew that talking things through over a few glasses of wine with her BFF may be exactly what she needed right now.

  She was so glad the kids were with their dad this weekend. That way she doesn’t have to hide her feelings. She told them a little bit about Brandon but didn’t say how close they got while she was in Hawaii. They went through enough emotions when Mindy and their dad split up so she decided not to tell them too much unless it progresses into something more serious.

  Mindy needed a distraction until Faith got here so she got up off the couch, grabbed her portable speaker and plugged it into her cell phone as she browsed the playlists she'd created. She wanted something upbeat, no sappy love songs, so she tapped on her dance track turning the volume up. As Meghan Trainor started singing All About That Bass, she went into the kitchen grabbed two wine glasses, a bottle of Cabernet from the wine rack and headed to the patio.

  She sat there listening to the peaceful sounds of the night air and the music trying to keep any thoughts from popping into her head. When she heard a car pulling in her driveway, she headed to the front door and peaked out the peephole to make sure it was Faith. When she saw her running towards the door, she opened it wide letting her inside before locking it behind her.

  Faith looked at Mindy to see if she needed a hug but before she could say a word, Mindy walked past her and lead the way to the patio. While Faith watched, she grabbed the bottle of wine, ripped the foil wrapping, twisted the top off and poured them each a glass. She handed one to Faith, set the bottle on the coffee table then grabbed her glass and sat on the loveseat next to Faith.

  Mindy took a few gulps of the wine before turning towards Faith and telling her what happened when she called Brandon. When she got to the part where he asked her who she had coffee with and she told him Chase, Faith pushed her head forward and her mouth dropped open as if in shock.

  Despite Mindy continuing to talk, there’s no way Faith was going to let that go. “Bloody hell! You actually had coffee with that son of a bitch? And why is he even in Florida - and anywhere close to you for that matter! Have you lost your mind?” She stared at her waiting to hear what she had to say.

  Mindy took another sip of wine and told her how he scared her in the parking lot and that he was in town for his friend’s birthday party. Once she explained she just wanted to get out of the empty parking lot so they weren’t alone and that’s why she accepted his coffee invitation, Faith’s eyes relaxed slightly. After she told her he’s in a relationship with his baby momma again, Faith was able to let go of some of the tension in her arms and shoulders.

  She drank some of her wine and told Mindy to go ahead with what happened when Brandon heard about her having coffee with her sorry ex-boyfriend. Mindy told her everything that happened after that point up until she called her feeling more confused than ever. By the time she was done, Faith had sat her glass on the table and picked up her cell phone.

  Mindy looked at Faith rather confused and a bit irritated. “Fine time for you to be playing on your phone! - What should I do? - Am I being ridiculous?”

  “Wellll - I’m not just playing on my phone Min. I’m searching for any stories about Brandon, specifically any that mention him and Tabu getting back together.”

  Mindy let out a sigh. “I don’t know why I didn’t think of that.” She slid closer to Faith so she could see what she was looking at. “So do you see anything?” She glanced at her phone then sipped her wine again before pouring another glass and topping off Faith’s.

  “Hmm - there’s the article talking about the entertainment channel story, then there’s a few links taking you to other related stories.”

  Mindy looked at her face waiting for her to finish telling her what she was reading. But she noticed a strange look on her face. “What? - I’ve seen that look before and it’s not a good one.”

  Faith put the phone down bringing her attention to Mindy as she turned her body to face her friend. “So don’t jump to conclusions, OK? - It said that she was seen having lunch with Brandon’s father recently and when a source asked him for a comment on them getting back together, all he’d say was they’re working on their relationship.” She reached out for Mindy’s empty hand and looked at her face waiting for the fallout.

  * * * * *

  Brandon was so frustrated with Tabu for the stunt she pulled while he was on the phone with Mindy. He had no doubt she knew exactly who he was talking to and wanted to try and make her jealous. He told Tabu he was hoping she’d grown up a little bit while he was away but she obviously hadn’t. Of course she didn’t see anything wrong with what she did.

  When he came back to the patio where his dad was sitting, Brandon apologized to his dad that he was going to leave early. He said he had a few things to take care of but he was pretty sure his dad read between the lines despite him not saying a word. He gave his dad a hug, thanked him for dinner then walked out the front door without saying a word to his ex.

  Once he got out to the Pacific Coast Highway, he tried calling Mindy but she didn’t answer. He sure hoped she wasn’t avoiding him or reading too much into what Tabu said. He’d warned Mindy about her and how manipulative she could be which is why they were no longer together. Brandon suddenly got a weird vibe and just hoped Mindy wouldn’t give up on him that easy.

  He brought up Stephen’s phone number on his dash screen and tapped mobile. He needed his friend to calm him down and help figure out what to do next. Brandon was feeling a bit impatient as the phone rang several times. “Come on, come on. - Answer buddy.” He said out loud hoping he’d pick up.

  “Hey Brandon. What’s up? - I thought you were at your dad’s tonight?” Stephen sounded curious.

  “Hey buddy. I just left there actually. You won’t believe who was there and what the hell happened.” Brandon was furious as he recounted his evening and the call to Mindy. He shared with him how he couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous when he found out she had coffee with her ex who was in town for a party. Then he told him what Tabu said when she approached him and how she leaned in n
ear the phone when she made her last remark and kissing sounds before telling Mindy he’d call her back.

  He told Stephen how he tried calling her but she didn’t answer and about the feeling he’s been getting like something isn’t right between them since he hung up the phone. He admitted he was a little worried about their relationship.

  Stephen shook his head and couldn’t believe the lengths Tabu would go to just to keep him to herself. “Damn - she just doesn’t stop does she? And I can’t believe your dad would invite her after the way she’s behaved in the past, especially knowing you want nothing more to do with her.”

  “I didn’t want to get into it with him in front of her but I’m going to address it with dad tomorrow. There will be no more visits from me if she’s invited, period! And he needs to let it go about us ever getting back together. I know that’s what he was hoping for. He’s always wanted a woman for me who’s got a successful career and wealthy in her own right, as if that makes her a better person.” Brandon couldn’t help shaking his head in frustration. “Hell, if he gave Mindy half a chance he’d see how determined, educated and successful she is - not to mention beautiful in every possible way.”

  Stephen wanted to tell Brandon about an idea he’s been toying around with and thought now may be a good time. “So I have an idea I want to run by you. I’ve been missing Faith since we came home and I know how you’d like to spend time with Mindy again soon. - Well you know that I need to get furniture and stuff to decorate my new house but I’m pretty clueless about that kind of thing. So I was thinking who better to hire to help me out than Mindy? You know? - Plus I’m hoping like hell that she’ll bring Faith along, especially once I plant the seed in both their heads.”

  Brandon got quiet for a few seconds. “So how soon are you thinking? You know I start filming Monday and will have some pretty long days. - I mean we’ll probably take a short break after the first week, if things go well, but then we’ll start again for another week and possibly longer. That’ll continue until we finish. Of course I’d love to see her any chance I get though. We did agree to somehow make it work and this can be the first step in our plan. If you really want to, I’d say go for it. Ask her. A little time together will hopefully get things back on track between us.”


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