Fading to Light

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Fading to Light Page 12

by Sarah Cole

  “Hey man! Good to see ya again!” Jay stands up greeting me and giving me a manly handshake hug combo. I don’t know the guy very well, having just met him the night before, but he seems like a cool guy – someone I could be friends with.

  “Hey, how’s it going? Where’s Charlie?”

  “Good, Good. Your girl is in the kitchen.”

  “I’ll go see if she needs some help.” I say and Parker makes a whipping sound, and all I can do is shake my head and laugh because I know he’s right and I’m not one bit ashamed.

  I find Charlie in the kitchen looking sexy as hell in an apron, bent over the granite counter top, adding toppings to pizzas. She has a buffet set up with a ton of food that looks fit for a magazine.

  “Hey good lookin’.” She says looking up at me with those green eyes.

  “Hey babe. This all looks incredible did you make this all yourself?” I ask looking around at everything.

  “Laney helped.” She says, giving me a peck on the cheek.

  “No, Laney didn’t help.” Laney confesses bringing in some empty bottles for the recycling bin. “I only managed to burn break and bake cookies, and the dip I made had zero flavor. Charlie is the awesome cook.” She says, walking back out of the room.

  I grab one of the barbequed chicken skewers with bacon and take a bite. “This is really good; what sauce is this?” I ask.

  “Oh, it’s homemade... It’s a bourbon reduction and has honey and chipotle mixed in with kind of a standard recipe.” She says, leaning in and taking a bite off my skewer and licks her lips.

  Leaning in, I pull her close and I see what I’m feeling reflected in her eyes. I gently press my lips to hers and she pulls me closer, opening her mouth to me. Digging my hands into her silky hair, I deepen the kiss. It’s like I can’t get her close enough. My senses are on overload, and I know she can feel me pressed up against her stomach. The sound of a throat clearing startles us apart, and I have to turn to adjust myself.

  “Let’s keep it PG, don’t want to scare the children.” Jay says walking into the kitchen.

  “Yes. My overgrown man-children. Believe me; I’m sure there probably isn’t anything you haven’t seen by now.” Charlie quips.

  “See this is why you need to go on tour with us. We need you to feed us. You know feed the children and all that?” he says trying to garner any sympathy he can.

  “Oh please. If I went on tour with you man whores, it wouldn’t be to be your Mommy.” Charlie dishes out as she pops a tray of the pizzas in the oven.

  “But seriously. Consider our offer. It’s not like it was, we are headlining some tours, appearing at huge events, and making serious money now. Plus. There are like five other bands asking us about you. You know your stuff. You wouldn’t have to come on tour even.” Jay pleads.

  “I told you I’d think about it.” Charlie snaps, giving me a look that says, ‘I’ll tell you later,’ and he backs off sensing her patience wearing thin with the topic.

  “Well everything is done; the pizzas just need like ten minutes.” She says ushering us towards the living room as she sets the timer.

  Chapter 12


  Jay showed up early before everyone else arrived and offered me a job. Well, not just any job, but pretty much my dream job. Fading to Light needs an entertainment lawyer and a manager. The pay was actually better than what I am making as an entry-level attorney at Harper & Logan. Apparently, a few other popular bands need a lawyer as well just to act as a liaison between them and the record companies they work with. While I love performing, I decided that I didn’t want to make a career out of it, but with this job I’d get the next best thing.

  I’d get to work in the music business, go to shows, travel, but my whole life has been about ‘the plan’ I had with Abby. Honestly, I’m just scared to deviate, scared of the unknown, and Jay is like a dog with a bone. He gets an idea in his head and will not let it go; but in all fairness, they do need someone like yesterday for this position. I just need a few days to wrap my head around the logistics and possibilities surrounding the opportunity.

  I grab Andrew and me a couple of beers and head out to the living room to join in the conversation, and I kind of wish I’d stayed in the kitchen. The tension between Parker and Laney is so fucking awkward. Poor Andrew and Jay are trying to dispel some of it, but jeez this was a terrible idea.

  Andrew pulls me onto his lap, while he and Aaron discuss the upcoming fight.

  “Melendez has this in the bag.” Ethan pipes in, taking a swig from his beer.

  “Nah, he packs a good hit, but he’s slow and if he hits the floor its over for him. His mat technique is lacking compared to Connors’s.” I disagree. I love to kick box, but haven’t been able to since the accident and may never be able to again, so I live vicariously through MMA.

  “Told by a girl, dude.” Parker jabs. “Are you sure you don’t have a set hiding in those pants, Charlie?” he jokes.

  “You better watch yourself man, she’ll kick your ass.” Jay says, pointing his bottle at Parker. Andrew just squeezes my thigh.

  “Dude!” Brenden pretty much shouts. “Yeah. Chase, you remember that fucker in college that would always skeeze on girls… gosh what was his name?”

  “Grant Fickner!!!” Jay provides. I groan at the name and the memory. Andrew eyes with interest and a small smirk.

  “Yes! Him!” Brenden snaps his fingers, pointing as if a lightbulb went off in his head. “Anyways, dude was a complete creep; no doubt took advantage of a few too many girls, thought he was hot shit. He kept coming onto Charlie, grinding on her like he’s a stripper and she’s the pole, yada, yada, yada. Charlie completely lays him out like KO’d man. One hit wonder! Dude comes to, and tries to cop a feel as she is walking away. Our girl here, turns around, puts him in an arm bar, and shoved his face into a coffee table. It knocked his front tooth out. He wasn’t small either; probably six-five, two twenty.” He laughs shaking his head.

  “Yeah, not my finest moment.” I relent, feeling embarrassed. Andrew and his friends probably think I’m a wack job, but that guy just didn’t take no for an answer and rumor had it that he had spiked girls’ drinks in the past. That shit wasn’t going to fly with me. My Mom taught my sister and me that we deserved respect, and my Dad taught us how to fight for it if it wasn’t given.

  “No. Women across campus applauded you. Fuckwad Fickner had it coming. It’s just that no one expected a hundred and thirty-pound girl to give it to him.” Laney states just as the oven timer goes off for the pizzas.

  I get up to go pull the tray of pizzas out of the oven, and am followed by Laney.

  “You should probably wipe that dumb smile off your face before it gets stuck that way.” I chide as Jay joins us messing with Laney’s hair because he knows she hates it.

  “The pre-fight commentary is starting so we better get this show on the road ladies.” He says.

  “Oh and just so you know, they are giving your guy hell about you being such a bro, Charles. So I suggest if you want to maintain some semblance of femininity, you should put on some lipstick and serve the men folk some dinner, little lady.” He quips with a wink that would have most girls’ panties melting. Me? Oh, I just want to shove this chicken skewer up his ass so far he chokes on it. He’s so fortunate I love him to death.

  “Fuck you very much, Jameson Collins. Fix your own damn plate. I hope you choke.” I say sticking my tongue out.


  These men are giving me complete shit, but I know without a doubt they would walk through fire for that girl. I know that because as soon as Charlie left to get the food out, they all ganged up on me and threatened my manhood if I did anything to hurt her. Although, from what I hear, I think I should be scared of her. That just makes her that much more attractive to me, a girl who can hold her own.

  I know my friends think she is awesome. Ethan told me not to screw it up with her because she’s the first girl I’ve dated that he actually wants to h
ang out with, and Parker, well Parker just said “hit it and don’t quit it.” there is something seriously strange going on between him and Laney, and I hope I’m fucking wrong about my gut feeling. If I know Parker, he did something stupid and regrets it now, but what can I do? They are both consenting adults and make their own choices.

  “Dinner!” Charlie’s husky voice calls from the kitchen. I am not kidding when I say her friends literally trip over themselves trying to beat each other to the kitchen. It’s like they’ve been starved for months. Ethan, Parker and I just look at each other confused and shrug before we get up to fix a plate before the fight starts.

  Charlie looks happy, and slowly I can see the darkness fading from behind her smile. She lights up around these guys, and I know I should feel jealous of the fact that all her friends are guys, but for once I am completely secure in what I have with her. I know the difference in how she looks at me with heated eyes, and with love and lust versus what I see when she looks at her friends. It’s loving, sure, but it’s platonic and carefree. I can’t fight the smile when she settles a heated argument over a pizza between Chase and Aaron with rock, paper, scissors. She’s going to be such a good mother someday.

  “Hey boys. Plates are here.” She says to us pointing to a stack of white plates on the counter. “We’ve got barbeque chicken, flatbread pizzas, so many dips I can’t count, a salad over here, and I made cookies and sauces so we can make sundaes for dessert later.”

  “Damn man, wife her up!” Parker exclaims clapping me on the shoulder. Charlie chokes on her beer, and looks at me with a mixture of surprise and humor.

  I laugh, “Yeah, I think I might have to do that.” She blushes so hard, and I send her a wink. Yeah, she thinks I’m kidding.

  “How’d you learn to cook like this Charlie?” Ethan inquires. That man is a foodie hipster to the extreme.

  “My Mom. She’s an amazing cook. She always said that if she hadn’t become a professor, that she would have loved to become a chef. Anyways, my sister and I spent a lot of time in the kitchen with her growing up.” She smiles.

  “Do they live here in Chicago?”

  “No, but not too far away actually. I’m from a couple hours south of here. Actually, we all are. We all went to high school together besides for Laney. We adopted her in college.” She bumps Laney with her hip.

  The rest of the night was pretty laid back; good friends, great food, awesome fight, crazy board games, and my girl snuggled into my side yelling at the TV. Charlie was right; Conners took it to the floor and won with two points over Melendez. Charlie finishes saying goodbye to her friends, promising Jay to give him an answer on his offer by Monday. I’m still curious as to what the offer was, and I make a mental note to bring it up to her. I head towards the kitchen to begin cleaning up, although, there really isn’t much left. She has some serious talent in the culinary department. I can just picture her in the kitchen with my Mom and our kids baking for the holidays, and my heart leaps at the thought. I cannot wait for what the future has in store for us.

  I’m pulled from my thoughts by the sound of an incoming message from my Mom.

  Mama: Hey sweetie! I wasn’t sure if you were working tonight.

  We decided to ship Cami’s stuff with movers and just fly up.

  Our flight gets in the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, early evening.

  Wasn’t sure what your plans were for the holiday, but we’d love to meet Charlie… if you want.

  We love you. Dad says hi. Call us tomorrow and we can plan.

  Leave it to my mother to send a whole email in text form. Bless her heart she really tries with the technology. I type a quick message back to her.

  Me: Hi Mama. Not working.

  I will see what Charlie’s plans are for Thanksgiving. Her family is close by.

  I’d love for you to meet her. You’re going to love her. Can’t wait to see you all. Love you. xo

  “What has that smile on your face?’ Charlie asks sliding her hands around my waist. I didn’t even hear her approach.

  “Oh, my mother. Her texts are basically written novels. Before I forget, I’m supposed to ask you what your plans are for Thanksgiving. My sister, Camille, is moving up here and so my parents are flying up with her the Wednesday before and want to meet you.” I tell her, hoping that the whole “meet the parents” thing doesn’t scare her off.

  “Actually, I’m glad you asked. It all kind of snuck up on me. Laney just reminded me today that it is only a couple weeks away.” She says.

  “Anyways, my parents booked a cruise over the holiday this year, and my sister will be with her husband’s family. So it’s just me this year.” She finishes.

  “You’re not alone babe, you’ve got me and my family too. We could host Thanksgiving together. It will just be my parents and sister, and we could order a dinner from somewhere, watch some football…” I trail off, still trying to gauge her reaction to my invitation.

  She holds up her hand as if to motion me to not say anything more. “First of all, you look like you’re about to crap your pants for asking me to Thanksgiving.” She laughs, and I join in, but I know she’s right. For whatever reason I was nervous as hell to bring it up.

  “Secondly, yes, I’d love to meet your family and host Thanksgiving, but for the love of all things holy, you are not ordering a meal. I could make Thanksgiving dinner in my sleep, so I will cook, but I’m recruiting you to help.” She smiles, and I fall a little bit more in love with her, just as I do every day.


  He’s just grinning at me like a little kid on Christmas morning. “Really?” he asks.

  “Yes, really. We can come up with a menu and then go shopping sometime next week.”

  While I’m thrilled that I won’t be eating a TV dinner for Thanksgiving like I originally planned, I am absolutely terrified of meeting Andrew’s family. I jumped right on this before thinking. In true Charlie fashion. I know they obviously can’t be terrible because they raised such an amazing human, but still the insecurity is there. He is so close with his family and values their opinion above all else, so what if they don’t like me? In such a short span of time, this man has become my everything, so I don’t want him to drop me like a sack of potatoes if his family has a different opinion.

  “What’s wrong babe?” Andrew says shaking my arms.

  I sigh, “I’m not normally an insecure sort of person, but I keep thinking about meeting your family. What if they don’t like me?”

  “Charlie. How could they not like you? You’re amazing. You’re everything.” He says.

  “Thank you, but I just can’t help but to think that I’m not enough, that they will expect you to be with some impeccably groomed and bred debutante, and that really isn’t me.” I admit, and he throws his head back and laughs. The bastard has the audacity to laugh at my insecurity.

  “Oh babe, you’re in for a real treat! Yes, my family is southern. Yes, we are wealthy...” He grimaces, almost as if it’s painful for him to admit that. “But that being said, we’re just a normal family. My Mom yells at us for putting our elbows on the table when we eat and my Dad for cussing at the TV during football season when his team shits the bed. We bicker, we go to the movies, and wear pajamas around the house… we aren’t stuffy people.” He pulls me into his chest and I inhale the clean, masculine scent that calms me… Andrew.

  “As long as you aren’t an Auburn fan, I think you’ll be ok.” He says into my hair.

  “Roll Tide!” I say pumping my fist.

  “Atta girl!” he chuckles. “Let’s get this stuff cleaned up and then let’s get you to bed.” He says in a sexy voice, making my thighs clench.

  “Aaaaand that’s my queue!” Laney says, carrying a stack of dishes into the kitchen.

  “Tessa called and wanted to meet up for drinks. I can just go home with her. She was going to shoot for the blog tomorrow morning anyways” She winks in an over the top fashion.

  “You don’t have to leave. This i
s your home.” Andrew says, trying to reassure her that it’s ok.

  “No, really… it’s ok. Tessa really was doing the shots tomorrow, and besides, you two are excessively happy for my current state of mind. I’m more in the bitching and the bottle of booze frame of mind, not the love and lady lumps frame… so carry on love bugs.” She says kissing my cheek and leaving the room.

  “Be safe! Text me when you are safe at Tessa’s.” I call after her

  “Yes mother…,” she says popping her head back around the corner, and I just give her a look.

  “You know why. Please, just appease me.” I say.

  “I’ll be fine Charlie, but yes, I will let you know I am safe and sound.”

  “Thank you.” I say, nodding. I can’t bear the thought of something happening to Laney. I know my fears are irrational, but I just feel like something bad is going to happen every time someone leaves, or gets into a car, including myself. Since the accident, it’s like this fear has settled into every thought. Until Andrew, the anxiety and fear was crippling. I would break down and have to excuse myself so I could have panic attacks without anyone noticing. I tried medication, but it just numbed the feeling and physical responses. Inside my head was still a storm of emotion that I couldn’t release. It’s only just now that I am beginning to realize what a positive force Andrew has been in my life. The anxiety and panic attacks are less frequent and manageable. He is stitching me together one piece at a time, and for the first time in months, I feel like I can breathe again.

  Chapter 13


  The next few weeks fly by, Andrew and I becoming closer and closer day by day. Everything about our relationship, although new and exciting, seems comfortable and natural. We have seamlessly blended our lives together, and have become the most important piece of each other’s worlds. With Andrew, I find myself thinking about the future more and more. I think about what the future holds for me and for us. The two most important things I have come to realize over the past month is one, no matter what my future looks like, I can’t picture a life without Andrew Montgomery in it. Secondly, I can’t continue living in plans that were made in the past that no longer fit the person that I have become.


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