Mystery: The Merlon Murders II: A Duncan Dewar Mystery of Murder and Romantic Suspense (Duncan Dewar Mysteries Book 2)

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Mystery: The Merlon Murders II: A Duncan Dewar Mystery of Murder and Romantic Suspense (Duncan Dewar Mysteries Book 2) Page 9

by Victoria Benchley

Duncan hoped he could hold his liquor, but with his size, one more pint probably wouldn't matter. After each humorous anecdote he told, the Swede would give Angela a squeeze with the arm he had draped around her. The force of those hugs shook the tiny secretary visibly, but she kept smiling. Duncan felt sure she would sport a bruise or two in the morning.

  When they finished eating, the conversation returned to business. Johan felt he could construct a game to aid Duncan. For Angela's benefit he explained that the game was defined as the circumstances resulting from the decisions of the players. In this case, the players were Stuart, Caroline, Peter, Julia, and perhaps others. The payoff would be what a player received as a result of the decisions made and the equilibrium point, the place in time when all choices were made and an outcome reached. Game theory also utilized decision trees, but employed inductive reasoning.

  "Players make decisions from more than self-interest. Sometimes, guilt, shame and unselfish motives come into play. We will see what happens with our players! I will run information you send me through my program, but what will that achieve? We may differ in our findings."

  "I think the point would be to compare both of your findings, to interface them if possible," Angela injected. "Wouldn't that come up with the most likely solution or at least pinpoint where holes exist in your chain of events?" she asked.

  "Very smart girl, this one," Johan said, glancing at Duncan. "I'll do it! I can have results for you a few days after I receive the data," he added.

  The three chatted briefly and the professor called a cab before they left the pub.

  Outside, Johan turned to Angela and said, "The British government hires me now. I'm staying in a hotel for the next few weeks. Would you like to help me find an apartment? I'm not familiar with London."

  "We'll both help you find a place to live," Duncan said. "You'll be settled in no time. We can look this weekend if you're available."

  Johan appeared most grateful. They agreed to call each other tomorrow afternoon before a cab arrived to ferry him to his hotel.

  After the cab left, Angela said, "I think he's lonely, here in London all by himself."

  Duncan grinned.

  "How's that arm and shoulder of yours feeling?" he asked.

  Angela moved her shoulder in a circular motion.

  "Sore," she declared, laughing.

  The pub where they had met was located about half way between their respective flats. Duncan saw Angela home before hopping the Tube back to his own place. He felt exhausted. Following Johan's train of thought proved tiring. The man was obviously brilliant, and he needed to concentrate to keep up with the professor's thinking. Apart from a prickly beginning, he had enjoyed Johan's company. Angela's presence helped. Once he arrived at his flat, he went straight to bed, falling asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow.

  Duncan slept late and woke without an alarm. He felt a little sluggish after yesterday's meals and alcohol consumption. He was content to putter around his flat, sip a coffee and read the morning paper. It was noon before he realized he hadn't called Caroline the night before. A sort of panic hit Duncan. He was worried that she would feel neglected and also guilty because he had not checked on her. He tapped his phone where he had entered her number on speed dial. His call went straight to voicemail.

  "Caroline, Darling, it's Duncan. Sorry I didn't call you yesterday evening. I was working late and time got away from me. Please ring me when you get this message. I'll worry until I hear from you. Good-bye."

  Duncan paced the hallway between his foyer and bedroom waiting for her call. He toyed with ringing up Donald or Skye and asking them to check on her, but that seemed a bit over the top. He would call them later if necessary. Then he remembered he had promised to help Johan find an apartment this weekend. He moved to his living room and flipped through the real estate section of the paper, keeping his phone within reach.

  Several flats in good areas were available for rent. Not knowing Johan's budget made the search difficult. He used his phone to capture several advertisements and forwarded the pictures to the Swede, asking him what time he would like to begin the hunt. Johan texted back 1 p.m. almost immediately. Duncan replied with his address and asked both Johan and Angela to meet at his home in an hour. Then, he jumped in the shower.

  Duncan dressed casually. He thought about wearing a kilt. If they had been in Edinburgh he would have worn one. But, they weren't common in London and might provide too much of a distraction. Still, he liked the idea of showing some Scottish pride to Johan.

  Angela and Johan managed to arrive at the flat together. When he opened the door, Johan was overtly admiring Angela. Duncan had to admit she looked smashing in a red knit wrap dress that showed off her figure and black knee high boots. She seemed oblivious to Johan's admiration and made herself at home in Duncan's flat, showing off its features to the Swede. She could have had a career as a listing agent.

  "Yes, yes. I like this place very much. Is it for rent, Duncan?" he asked, bursting into peals of laughter.

  His laughs were low and rumbling like an explosion in a mine heard from the surface above. Angela laughed, too.

  "I only joke," he said, slapping Duncan on the back. "I do want a neighborhood that is central, like this one, and safe. I don't want to fight off gangsters when I return home at night."

  Duncan thought Johan had London confused with 1930's Chicago but just smiled and nodded.

  "I would like to see this one," Johan said pointing to his phone where one of the photos Duncan sent him earlier was displayed.

  "I'll call the listing agent and see if we can get in today. Would you like me to ask if they have any similar units to show us as well?" Duncan asked.

  Johan agreed that would be a good idea and Duncan called the number listed in the newspaper and an estate agent agreed to show them several nearby flats in an hour. He took the opportunity to email Johan the data he needed to work on his dilemma. Then the three left for the nearest Tube station with high hopes that the Swede would soon be out of his hotel and in his own flat.

  A short ride on the Underground and brief walk brought them to the apartment favored by Johan. They were just north of Duncan's neighborhood, in the sought after area of Primrose Hill. A middle-aged listing agent waited for them on the corner.

  "Hello, I'm Diana York. Are you Mr. Dewar?" She directed her question at Johan.

  "No, I am Johan Stark and this," Johan put his arm around Duncan, "is my friend, Duncan Dewar. I am looking for a flat and Duncan and the lovely Angela are assisting me."

  He gestured towards Duncan's assistant. Johan released him and shook Diana York's hand. Duncan and Angela followed suit.

  After proper introductions were made, Diana said, "The flat is down this street, if you will all follow me."

  The listing agent directed their attention to what appeared to be an abandoned alley. She marched ahead, her heels clicking on the pavement. The three looked at each other and Johan shrugged, turned and jogged after Diana York. Duncan and Angela followed at their own pace.

  The narrow street opened into a courtyard big enough in which to turn a small automobile around. It was completely surrounded by two and three story old buildings, some made of brick and some of stucco. There were no yards and most had front doors right on the street.

  "Some of these buildings were coach houses and some servants' quarters," Diana explained as she unlocked a shiny red door. She continued, "Investors converted them to apartments after the war," standing aside and gestured for the others to enter.

  Immediately beyond the door was a steep flight of stairs leading up to the first floor. The group climbed the steps, surprised at the large light filled room at the top.

  "This is your combined lounge and kitchen," Diana said between huffs and puffs.

  She was clearly out of shape and climbing the stairs left her short of breath. The flat included two small bedrooms and one bath, along with a small balcony off the kitchen area. It came with sparse but adequ
ate furnishings.

  After Diana showed Johan the apartment and everyone agreed it was a nice place in a good location, Johan announced, "I take it. It's good for me."

  He did not need to see any more flats. That was that. Diana produced the lease papers and Johan signed, writing a deposit and rent check. The agent promised to meet him in her office on Monday afternoon to give him the key to his new flat. Duncan supposed she needed to run a background check before turning the unit over to the new tenant. The four said their proper good-byes and Diana left them on the corner where she found them. It was about four p.m., cold, and almost dark.

  "How about we all go back to my place for a drink to celebrate?" Duncan suggested.

  "Yes, let's celebrate!" Angela agreed.

  A cab happened to be approaching and Duncan flagged the driver down. Johan and Angela sat in the back, which left room for Duncan in the front seat. It was such a short ride back to Cumberland Terrace that Duncan realized he now had a new neighbor in Johan.

  Back at his flat, Duncan was taken aback to find the front door unlocked. Locking the door was a habit and he was surprised he forgot.

  "That's odd, I'm sure I locked the door before we left," he said aloud, as Angela crossed her arms and rubbed her biceps to keep warm.

  "Maybe you have intruder," Johan stated.

  "Well, with a big guy like you with me, I think we can take whoever's in there," Duncan smiled at Johan, who grunted his agreement. "You better wait here, Angela. We'll let you know if everything is all right in there," he advised.

  "Oh, don't be ridiculous. You probably just forgot to lock it in our haste to leave and it's too cold for me to stand out here and wait," Angela retorted. She bounced up the stairs to the foyer, leaving Duncan and Johan in her wake.

  She reached the foyer and disappeared from sight before a stunned Duncan and Johan ran after her. As they ascended the steps, two at a time, a cry came from the flat above, and then a thump.

  "What in blazes!" Duncan exclaimed, arriving at the foyer just in front of Johan.

  Angela was frozen, her back to them, a few steps ahead, her purse dropped on the floor, one hand over her mouth. Beyond her, stood Angus with nothing but a small towel wrapped around his lower self. For once, Angus looked like the deer in the proverbial headlights.

  * * * * *

  Duncan interrogated his brother in the bedroom, while Johan poured Angela a glass of red wine in the kitchen.

  "Who do you think that pervert is?" Johan asked, his contempt for the intruder on clear display.

  "I have no idea, but Duncan seems to know him. At least he didn't call the police," she replied.

  "How well do you know this Duncan, Angela? I'm concerned. He has a strange man break into his flat and run around in a, uh, a loincloth and does not call the authorities! Instead, he shuffles him into the bedroom and yells at me to pour you a drink," Johan exclaimed, downing his own glass of wine in one swift movement. "You think he's trying to get us drunk, to go along with funny business?"

  Angela sighed long and loud before answering, "No, I've worked for Duncan for years, Johan. He is a gentleman. You needn't worry about him. In fact, he recently was very protective of me and wanted assurances that I was staying on the straight and narrow path."

  Johan raised an eyebrow as if to gain assurance himself of Angela's character.

  Angela took another sip of wine and smiled at the large Swede before saying, "Oh, I'm always on the straight and narrow, Johan, in fact, I cling to it."

  "I should have knocked the pervert out!" Johan exclaimed, making a gesture with his massive fist which left no doubt of his capabilities in a fight.

  "I think you scared him enough, the way you charged at him and knocked him to the ground. It was very brave of you," she said softly, blushing as she recalled the sight of the stranger on the ground, grasping for his towel.

  Johan knocked the man so far back that he managed to wriggle loose and dash for the bedroom. Angela, in horror, caught a glimpse of his bare behind before Duncan, close on his heels, commanded Johan to "Get Angela a drink," and slammed the bedroom door behind them.

  "Not to worry, Angela, you will recover from this ordeal. I see red, like a bull, when I saw him there, harassing you. I could have killed him," Johan stated and hugged Angela, gently stroking her hair.

  Angela did feel safe in Johan's arms and she began to relax a little. Johan released her and they moved from the kitchen to the front room, bringing the bottle of wine with them.

  Meanwhile, in the bedroom Duncan fumed.

  "What are you doing here and how did you get in? Do you realize you left the door unlocked? Anyone could have come in on you! And why were you taking a shower in my bathroom?" he grilled his brother.

  Angus was speechless as he dried off during this round of questions. He quickly slipped into his clothes and sat on the bed, looking up at his brother like a scolded schoolboy. His hair was still wet and spiked in all directions, somewhat like a dandelion.

  When Duncan's tirade was over, Angus quietly said, "Dee, don't you remember me saying I was coming down to London on business? I said I might join you and take the train back to Scotland with you."

  Duncan tapped his foot in frustration and crossed his arms over his chest.

  "Yes, I remember you saying something along those lines, but you say a lot of things, Angus. I would expect you to call me before just showing up!"

  Angus knew his brother well enough to wait for the next barrage.

  "How did you get in, and why did you think it was a good time to parade around in nothing but a washcloth?" Duncan demanded.

  "You gave me a key when you bought the flat, in case of an emergency. I took the overnight train down and went straight to the garage to take a look at the place. I felt kind of grimy when I got here, so I decided to shower before dinner. I was getting ready to text you to find out where you were when that girl found me," Angus explained.

  "What girl?" Duncan demanded, panic rising in his voice.

  He imagined Angus had had a run in with some neighbor's little girl, scaring her out of her wits. He could see Scotland Yard arresting them both.

  "That girl in the red dress," Angus paused, knowing he was pressing his luck, "who is she?"

  "How would I know who she is? I wasn't here!" Duncan exclaimed, almost yelling.

  "The one you came in with, Dee. She's wearing a red dress. Didn't you notice? Who is she?" Angus almost whispered.

  Duncan breathed out and took a moment to collect himself. So, Angus hadn't scared anyone else, thankfully he only accosted Angela. Angela was the girl he was asking about. Then the anger returned.

  "Why are you asking about her, Angus? You want to take her on a date? I don't think that's going to happen now! And stop calling me Dee!" he snapped.

  Angus allowed silence to hang in the air for a few moments.

  "Take it easy, Brother. It was just a misunderstanding. I didn’t hurt anyone, in fact, I just embarrassed myself," he eventually said.

  "You sure em-bare-assed yourself, alright!" Duncan pronounced each syllable clearly.

  "She didn't see my hind quarters, did she?" Angus asked and Duncan nodded in the affirmative.

  He wanted to add a follow up of Was she impressed? but could see his brother was in no mood for humor.

  Instead, he asked, "Who was that giant of a man who attacked me?"

  "That's my friend and associate, Johan Stark, and you're lucky he didn't kill you. He's pretty fond of Angela," Duncan added.

  "So, that's Angela! Your secretary?"

  "Yes, that's Angela, my assistant. She wants to be known as my assistant."

  "Wow," Angus replied, stretching out the word and opening his mouth wide.

  Duncan shook his head in disbelief at his brother, then commanded, "Clean yourself up and get presentable! I'll go out with you and you can apologize and try to smooth everything over."

  When Duncan entered the living room, he found Johan and Angela sitting quite cozi
ly on the sofa, and an empty wine bottle on the coffee table. Duncan flipped a switch which increased the lighting to bright daylight conditions. Angus followed, in tow, behind his sibling. He had cleaned up pretty well, wearing a dress shirt, slacks and tie.

  "I'm sorry for the awkward events of earlier this evening, but I'd like to introduce my brother, Angus, to you both," Duncan announced.

  Angela and Johan sat in stunned silence as Angus advanced, now standing beside his brother. His attitude was humble and Duncan had never seen him in quite this state.

  "Hello, I'm terribly sorry about startling you earlier," Angus said to both Johan and Angela, looking from one to the other as he spoke. "I never dreamed my brother would have guests, and he certainly wasn't expecting me to drop in from Scotland without a warning. I hope you can forgive the gauche situation I placed us all in tonight."

  Angus glanced at his brother, obviously apologizing to him as well.

  Johan, unmoved, said nothing, but Angela looked relieved.

  "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have barged into the flat like that," she said. "Let's try to put it all behind us."

  Just as she said behind, the play on words hit her and she began to blush and held back a nervous giggle. The humor wasn't lost on the others. Duncan and Johan both chuckled, but Angus remained serious with only a slight smile appearing on his face. Duncan couldn't figure out what had gotten into his brother. This solemn behavior was not at all like Angus. Usually he'd be the first to jump on a double entendre.

  Johan stood and shook Angus's hand, slapping him on the back with his free arm.

  "Don't try anything like that again," the Swede warned and then laughed, throwing his head back.

  Since everyone seemed on good terms, Duncan suggested they order a takeaway from the local Indian restaurant. Angela helped choose the dishes, and they ordered a lot since Johan had an appetite. Fortunately, Tandoori Unlimited delivered, so no one had to dash out in the cold to pick up the food. Angela and Duncan set the table while waiting for dinner to arrive.

  "Angela, you must be expert with Indian food!" Johan exclaimed, once the food turned up.


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