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Metamorphosis Page 35

by Sesh Heri

  “We can only try,” Mr. Tesla said.

  “How would you install it?” President Wilson asked.

  “It would require Houdini to return to the floor of the Pacific,” Mr. Tesla said.

  “He would install it?” President Wilson asked.

  “That is correct,” Mr. Tesla said. “But to carry out this operation you must give me a wide latitude and direct command of the Cypher.”

  “I must?” President Wilson asked.

  Mr. Tesla started to speak and the President held up his hand for silence.

  “You will not tell me what I must do,” President Wilson said.

  The President rose from his chair and went to the window and looked out.

  “Your assistant Kolman Czito is very knowledgeable concerning your work, is he not?” President Wilson asked.

  “He is,” Mr. Tesla said.

  “I will now tell you what you must do,” President Wilson said. “You will construct the switch. We will then send the U.S.S. Cypher back here to pick up both the switch and Mr. Czito. The Cypher will then return to California and Mr. Czito will brief Houdini on the installation of the switch.”

  “You are only replacing Mr. Ade with Mr. Czito,” Mr. Tesla said.

  “I am only taking the correct course of action,” President Wilson said.

  “As defined by Colonel House?” Mr. Tesla asked.

  “That will be all, Mr. Tesla,” President Wilson said, still looking out the window.

  Mr. Tesla paused only a moment, and then suddenly stood up, went to the door, opened it, and went out without speaking another word.

  Starling stood waiting outside. He led Mr. Tesla back to the elevator and they descended to the underground rail station. Down below, Mr. Tesla stopped before entering the egg-shaped vehicle.

  “Thank you for your help, Mr. Starling,” Mr. Tesla said. “I don’t envy your position here.”

  Starling smiled the smile of a man who was capable of many things, but not self-pity.

  “President Wilson is the most wonderful man in the world,” Starling said holding his smile.

  Mr. Tesla stood looking at Starling for a moment, and then broke into an irrepressible laugh, and said, “That is the funniest remark I have heard since the last time I spoke with Mark Twain.”

  The trip back to New York was just as rapid as his transport to Washington had been. In a flash he was back at the rail station of his underground laboratory. He ascended the elevator back up to street level, exited the building, and crossed 40th Street to Bryant Park where Mr. Czito stood waiting.

  “Do you have them?” Mr. Tesla asked.

  “Yes, right here,” Mr. Czito said, patting his coat pocket.

  “Good,” Mr. Tesla said, and the two of them walked back across 40th Street and went into the building where the elevator to Mr. Tesla’s laboratory was located. Mr. Tesla took Mr. Czito to a small room that contained only an elevator door, punched some buttons on a keyboard on the wall, and the elevator door slid open. The two of them got in the elevator and they descended to Mr. Tesla’s laboratory.

  Inside the laboratory, Mr. Tesla took Mr. Czito to the metalworking table. He closed a switch, and above the table-top, in mid-air, a glowing image of the bell-shaped object on the floor of the Pacific Ocean flashed into view; it was a full-color three-dimensional image reconstructed from my photographs by a projection process invented by Mr. Tesla.

  “The Bell of Time,” Mr. Tesla said.

  “My God,” Mr. Czito said. “It’s exactly like the object we destroyed in 1903.”

  “Yes,” Mr. Tesla said, “but much smaller— only nine feet in height. I believe that the Martians have changed their strategy. Instead of one giant Bell located in interplantary space, they have now positioned a small Bell on the earth itself, but a Bell capable of being transported to various spots around the globe. Using this technique, they are in essence capable of doing what they were attempting to do in 1903 with the giant Bell.”

  “Have you learned anything further about the mechanics of this device?” Mr. Czito asked.

  “A great deal,” Mr. Tesla said. “Note the bell-shaped housing of the device. It is composed of a ceramic material, no doubt specifically designed as a dielectric to both absorb and discharge electricity, allowing the maintenance of a dynamic equilibrium in the electrical and etheric states between the interior of the rotating cylinders and the immediate outside spatial environment. The bell shape of the housing lenses the spatial domain into a hemisphere, thus achieving an optimum of stress. The sea surrounding the object also contributes to the device’s function. The sea water within the surrounding domain of stress acts as both a damper and an oscillator, producing complex nests of standing waves micro and macroscopically.”

  “And those little objects ranged about the circumference? Are they the electrical ports?” Mr. Czito asked.

  “Yes, they are the ports to which I referred earlier,” Mr. Tesla said. “They are each a small metallic knob extending from a narrow slot aperture. Each knob is essentially a spark gap electrode paired with the knob adjacent to it which acts as a capacitor plate. The knob is designed to emit a direct current pulse of electricity in series with the other knobs. The electrodes are discharging thousands of times per second, for they are functioning as magnetic arcs, very similar to our own automatic switching systems. The exact sequential ordering of the pulses at each of the ports or electrodes has varied over time, and continues to vary. The series is obviously meant to produce a complex standing wave.”

  “Are the pulses of electricity precessing the rotating mercury inside?” Mr. Czito asked.

  “They are imparting a precessional stress,” Mr. Tesla said. “This is the key to the whole function of the device. The mercurial concoction rotating in the cylinders enclosed within the ceramic housing must be electrically stressed in order for it to properly lens the ether. And to produce a specific frequency of stress in the ether, the electrical pulses must have the appropriate geometry in space and time— thus the complex series of direct current electrical pulses.”

  Mr. Tesla pushed a button on the table. The image of the bell-shaped object flashed, and half of its ceramic exterior disappeared to reveal a cutaway view of the interior of the device with two counter-rotating cylinders, one atop the other.

  “I believe these cylinders or ‘drums’ contain a mercury-based chemical concoction which is producing energetic rays,” Mr. Tesla said. “Most of these rays are being absorbed, I believe, by a lead lining on the inside surface of the ceramic housing.”

  “The mercury captures the ether,” Mr. Czito said.

  “The whole of the concoction does,” Mr. Tesla said. “As the mercurial concoction spins at a high rate of speed, a continuous direct current of electricity flows between the wall of each drum and its axis, this resulting in an acceleration and compression of the ether surrounding each drum, and an extreme etheric torsion between the two counter-rotating etheric waves being formed by the two counter-rotating drums. According to some ancient texts the concoction in the drums was mercury mixed with particles of magnetite and mica. This is no doubt a garbling of information. The actual recipe for the concoction surely includes microscopic fragments of radioactive chemicals. There is no way to determine the exact chemical constituents of the medium without taking the device apart and examining the substance in the drums directly. Whatever the exact nature of the medium in the drums, this concoction is being rotated rapidly and then frozen against the wall of the rotating drum.”

  “Why is it frozen?” Mr. Czito asked.

  “This gives it a super-conducting capacity,” Mr. Tesla said, “which enhances its capacity to entrain the local ether. The counter-rotation of the two loads of substance in each drum produces an extreme torsion in the ether which makes possible a number of startling effects.”

  “And the electrical pulses coming from the ports— the spark gaps?” Mr. Czito asked. “How do they figure in? Are they precessing the mercury?” />
  “The pulses impart a precessional force on the rotating mercurial concoction,” Mr. Tesla said. “But because the concoction is frozen against the walls of the drums, this precessional force cannot produce any mechanical wobble in the frozen mercurial ring. Therefore, the precessional force is absorbed as stored kinetic energy within the atomic structure of the frozen mercurial ring, and this kinetic energy, in turn, stresses the surrounding ether and thus produces two etheric standing waves, both of which precess around the axis of the cylinders. The interference between the two rings of precessing ether is producing high frequency electro-gravitational waves and ultrasonic waves in the chord of F-sharp. In the secret ancient texts I have studied the function of the electrical pulses was referred to as ‘the Black Sun,’ for the electrical pulses function in the same way as the energy emitted by the central body of our galaxy functions in producing the precession of earth’s rotation. The ancient sages referred to that central galactic body as ‘the Black Sun’ or ‘Hidden Sun.’”

  “The ether is constantly opening and closing at points between the two precessing etheric standing waves,” Mr. Czito said.

  “That is correct,” Mr. Tesla said.

  “And when the ether opens,” Mr. Czito asked, “what is in the space it vacates?”

  “A very good question,” Mr. Tesla said. “What indeed! When the ether opens it sends an inward spiraling etheric wave to the center of the drums, pulseing that center space so that the frequency of the pulsations of the atoms contained in it are out of resonance with the atomic pulsations of the surrounding universe. That space is projected out of our universe and is reciprocally replaced by the ether and atoms from another dimension of existence, another universal atomic pulsation of matter.”

  “A parallel universe?” Mr. Czito asked.

  “A parallel universe, a parallel time,” Mr. Tesla said. “We may model the total universe as a crystal composed of an infinite lattice structure. Our experience of the passing of time is an awareness of selected parts of the lattice and is keyed to our body’s orientation to the lattice as a whole. Our bodies resonate to the local field, and this produces specific brain-wave states which entrain the mind to the local energy system— the local orientation to the lattice. If we change our local orientation to the lattice— that is, the resonant frequencies of our bodies— we change which parts of the lattice we will perceive. I believe the Bell is a device to alter the frequency of atomic pulsations so that we experience different parts of the lattice from what we ordinarily do.”

  “Travel through time?” Mr. Czito asked.

  “Time— or parallel realities,” Mr. Tesla replied. “There may be a complex relationship between the atomic pulsations of our universe and the pulsations of other universes. It could be parallel systems of matter alternate their pulsations with each other so that they have no direct interaction, but parallel each other in their geometries. Also past and future geometrical parallelisms may constantly alternate their pulsations with our universe. If this is so, then by controlling the rate of atomic pulsation, one might be able to transport oneself to a parallel reality or to a past or future of our universe by simply altering the frequencies of atomic pulsations. There may be many parallel realities manifesting between two instants of our universe’s atomic pulsations. How many, I cannot say now, but it would not be impossible for there to be literally billions of pulsations between two atomic pulsations of our universe. Ordinarily, in our universe, we would have no awareness of these other pulsations between two instants of time. Right now these parallel domains of ether are manifesting only in the local area of the device, mainly at its center, but also at intervals in a radius of several hundred feet from that center point. I have also found that at intervals time-reversed waves are passing through the earth and are having strange effects in areas far removed from the device. Most particularly, right now, time-reversed waves are passing across the ocean floor and inland across the California coast to the Sonoma Valley.”

  “To Jack London’s ranch,” Mr. Czito said.

  “That is correct,” Mr. Tesla said. “The waves are following the natural stress lines of the earth extending through San Francisco and then northward to Sonoma Valley.”

  “To the Sonoma Artifact,” Mr. Czito said.

  “Yes,” Mr. Tesla said. “I believe it is altering the frequencies being emitted by the Sonoma Artifact.”

  “And that’s what has been causing the strange manifestations on the London ranch,” Mr. Czito said.

  “Yes,” Mr. Tesla said. “The time reversed waves must have been emanating either from this very device or another very much like it.”

  “Why haven’t you detected the presence of the Bell before now?” Mr. Czito asked.

  “The device has either been physically removed by the Martians at intervals or it has been moving in and out of parallel dimensions for the last two years. I favor the latter explanation. Only now has the device remained in place long enough for us to observe it and photograph it.”

  “If it is now remaining in place,” Mr. Czito asked, “is that not an indication that it has reached a new stage in its function?”

  “Yes,” Mr. Tesla said, “and that, along with an increase in the time reversed waves moving across the earth is what so greatly alarms me, and I cannot convey to the President the magnitude of my alarm.”

  “What is happening?” Mr. Czito asked. “Is our whole planet on the verge of being transported to a parallel universe?”

  “Yes,” Mr. Tesla said. “I believe we are on the verge of the ultimate metamorphosis— an apocalypse of space and time. And as a premonitory echo of that process, Harry Houdini has undergone his own metamorphosis. When he went down to the floor of the ocean to photograph the Bell, his etheric soul body was projected into a parallel universe, while the mind and soul of the Houdini from that other universe was projected here into our own world. I suspect that the Martians may be planning a transference such as this on a much larger scale, a scale involving world leaders and perhaps large segments of populations. Then there is the matter of the amphibian creature that Houdini encountered on the floor of the ocean. This may represent beings from another dimension who are attempting to project into our universe. If that is the case, the plans of the Martians are our least worry. The Martians may only be pawns in a much vaster and more horrifying hostile action.”

  Mr. Czito stood speechless, studying the image of the Bell being projected in the air, his mind no doubt paralyzed by all of the unearthly implications of the object. After a moment Mr. Czito’s thoughts returned to a realm he could understand better, the realm of technical details.

  “Where is the electricity coming from?” Mr. Czito finally asked.

  “I am not certain,” Mr. Tesla said. “The source of the electricity in the device itself appears to be located in its base, most likely as an arrangement of receiving coils. Such an arrangement of coils could be transducing electricity from the local ether, but I suspect that the electricity is being transmitted from another dimension or another time— most probably across time from the past.”

  “Thousands of years ago?” Mr. Czito asked.

  “At least thousands,” Mr. Tesla said. “Perhaps millions. Or perhaps the electrical energy is coming from an even more arcane source— higher etheric dimensions, what some call the astral plane.”

  “What can we do?” Mr. Czito asked, staring at the projected image of the rotating cylinders.

  Mr. Tesla said: “We will construct a rod with a metallic receptacle on its end to fit over one of the ports, those protruding knobs— one of the spark gap electrodes. This rod will contain a circuit which will tune itself to the frequency of the device. The electrical power of the device will then feed directly into the circuit in the rod. There it will flow through a series of crystals infused with high-spin gold— actually a series of specially processed sapphires. We will use those sapphires you have just acquired for this purpose. The sapphires will act to accelerate the spee
d of the electricity. This acceleration produces an effect whereby any increase of electrical power from the source of generation will only increase the capacitance in the rod— and thus draw off any increase in power. The asymmetrical geometry of the sapphires and fast-spin gold will insure complete unidirectional flow of electrical impulses. From the sapphires the super-conducted electricity will flow into a specially configured master crystal at the opposite end of the rod. The fast-spin gold in the master crystal is so configured that it will be able to absorb a tremendous amount of electricity without any discharge. Even if the crystal is charged to its full electrical capacitance, and the gold in it transmutes to a higher dimension, I believe that the circuit may still remain intact and the electricity from the Bell’s port will actually flow into the higher dimension in which the gold has transmuted. I have established this principle in a number of tests I have made with master crystals over the last twenty years. Higher dimensional gold can receive electrical power broadcast from this dimension.”

  “The rod will be like a dielectric with an infinite capacity,” Mr. Czito said.

  “An insatiable, voracious sponge,” Mr. Tesla said. “Gradually all the electrical power in the device will be drawn away, and the cylinders will slowly stop spinning and the mercurial concoction in them will thaw.”

  “But the fast-spin crystals,” Mr. Czito said. “How are you going to make them out of the jewels I’ve obtained— and in just one day?”

  “I have a new process,” Mr. Tesla said. “It is a secret only I know. I will produce the fast-spin sapphires while you construct the metallic rod which will house them. And I already have a master crystal ready to install in the end of the rod. Now here are your templates on the table for the rod housing. Your metal stock is over in that corner. You have all the specifications before you. We will commence construction with the cutting of the sapphires. Once that is accomplished, I will begin processing them while you work on the rod housing.”

  Tesla turned off the three-dimensional projection.


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