My Best Friend's Stepfather #3

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My Best Friend's Stepfather #3 Page 3

by Opal Carew

  “Did he tell you he was going to see Helen?”

  “No, but I asked him and he didn’t say he wasn’t.”

  “Well, I don’t think he left this time because Helen called.”

  Ashley tightened her hand around the phone. “Why do you say that?”

  “Because Helen’s here with me. That’s why I was going to call you. I think you should meet us for a drink. She has something to tell you that I think you should hear.”

  * * *

  Ashley’s stomach clenched as she pulled open the door to the lounge where Jessica had told her to meet them. It was very much Helen’s taste. Trendy, upscale. And loud. The thrumming music pulsed through her as she walked past the dance floor to the back where Jessica had told her they’d be. Once she got there, she spotted Jessica waving at her.

  “You’re kidding,” Ashley said as she sat in the small, curved booth, Jessica across from her and Helen around to the left. “It’s a bit loud here to talk.”

  Leave it to Helen to suggest a place like this. It was better suited to hooking up than it was for conversation.

  But she realized the volume wasn’t so bad once she’d sat down in the booth.

  “It’s fine.” Helen sipped from the straw in her tall, ice-filled drink.

  Jessica gestured to a pitcher on the table. “I got sangria. Thought you’d like that.”

  “Sure,” Ashley said.

  Jessica tipped the pitcher, ice cubes tinkling against the sides of the empty stemmed glass as she filled it, then pushed it toward Ashley.

  Ashley locked gazes with Jessica as she sipped, wondering where this was going.

  “So you were at my dad’s house tonight?” Helen asked.

  “You already know that, Helen. Why did you want to talk to me?” Ashley asked.

  Helen swirled her straw in her glass, sending the ice in circles, tinkling against the sides.

  “I wanted to warn you about Adam Rawlins.”

  Ashley’s eyes narrowed. “What about him?”

  “I know you’re seeing him, too. And as much as I’d rather you be with him than with my dad—”

  “Your stepdad,” Ashley corrected.

  “Whatever. But as much as I don’t want you seeing Dare…” Helen frowned. “We were friends and I think you should know…”

  Ashley glanced at Jessica and she shrugged.

  “Know what?”

  “You shouldn’t trust him.” Helen’s hand tightened so hard around her glass, her knuckles turning white, that Ashley was surprised the glass didn’t shatter. “He’ll hurt you.”

  Ashley sucked in a breath. “Helen, I don’t know why you walked away from our friendship years ago, or why you seem to want to strike out at me, but—”

  Helen grasped her arm and leaned close. “No. You don’t understand.”

  The intensity in Helen’s eyes caught Ashley off guard.

  “You need to listen. Adam … He…” Helen bit her lip, then let go of her tight hold on Ashley. “He was the cause of my mom and Dare’s divorce.”

  Ashley didn’t know what story she expected Helen to spin, but this certainly wasn’t it.

  “Adam? How could he possibly have anything to do with that?”

  Helen took a deep sip of her drink, then leaned back against the padded bench.

  “He and Dare were involved.”

  “What are you talking about?” Ashley demanded.

  “He and my dad were lovers. When my mom found out, she left him.”

  * * *

  Adam glanced up from his computer to see Ashley standing in the doorway to his office. The sight of her, looking so lovely in a slim-fitting blue dress that showcased her lovely figure sent his heart pumping.

  “What can I do for you?” he asked.

  “Do you have a minute? You look busy.”

  “Always for you.” He gestured to his chair.

  Ashley stepped into his office and then closed the door behind her. He couldn’t read her expression as she walked across the office and sat down.

  “What’s up?”

  “I had a conversation with Helen yesterday.”

  “Really? I’m surprised. I didn’t think you’d even agree to be in the same room with her.”

  “Yeah, she’s not my favorite person right now, but Jessica convinced me to talk to her.”

  Adam closed his laptop and leaned back in his chair. “And what did she have to say?”

  “Well…” Ashley fiddled with her hands.

  He waited, giving her time to get it out.

  Ashley’s gaze locked on his. “She said that you were the cause of the divorce between her mother and Dare.”

  He frowned. “And why would she say that?”

  “She said that … well, that you and Dare had a relationship.”

  “I worked for him as an intern.”

  “Helen said it was more than that. She said the two of you were lovers.”

  Crap. Would Ashley have the same closed-minded attitude that Ann had?

  “I don’t doubt that she’s willing to lie to get what she wants,” Ashley continued. “But in this case … she knows I’m involved with you, and that helps her in her goal to push me and Dare apart … so her telling me something she thinks will push me away from you doesn’t seem to make sense.”

  “So you believe her?”

  “I don’t know what to believe. That’s why I came to talk to you.”

  “So what bothers you more? The idea that I had a sexual relationship with Dare, or that I broke up a marriage?”

  “The idea of you and Dare being involved is … well, surprising. I never thought of you as being attracted to men. And I know you’ve always wanted to get married one day and have kids. Though I guess two men can do that with adoption and all—”

  “Ash, you’re babbling.”

  She sighed. “I know. I’m sorry. Okay, I think the idea of you loving who you love because of who they are, not based on what gender they are … not being afraid of what people think … that’s a wonderful thing.” She gazed at him. “But the thought of you cheating with someone who’s married…” She shook her head. “I find that hard to believe.”

  “Good, because that part’s not true.”

  “But the other part … about you and Dare … is true?”

  He watched her. “Yes, it is.”

  She nodded. “Why would Helen tell me that you broke up their marriage?”

  “Unfortunately, because she actually believes it.”

  “Why would she believe that?”

  He stood up and started to pace. This was going to be tricky.

  “You’ve got to understand that Helen took the divorce really badly. She never knew her real father because he abandoned her mother when she got pregnant. They were never married.”

  “I know that. She told me when we were younger.”

  “Her mother married two times before meeting Dare. Dare provided the only stability Helen had ever known and when she saw that marriage crumbling…” He stopped pacing and leaned against his desk, facing her. “I really can’t say any more because Dare told me things in confidence … just that Helen was a mess.”

  “But why does she blame you?”

  His stomach twisted. “I really wish I could answer your questions, but…” He shook his head. “I can’t. You really need to talk to Dare.”

  “So now I have to go have this awkward conversation with Dare.”

  “You find it uncomfortable talking about Dare and I having had sex together?”

  “You’ve both kept it hidden for all these years, so I assume it’s uncomfortable for both of you, too. It is a little weird that you’ve been with each other and now you’re both in love with me.” She gazed at him with wide eyes. “Were you two in love?”

  “Ashley, I really don’t want to talk about this.”

  She frowned. “Sorry.” She stood up. “I’ll let you get back to work.” She headed to the door, but when she reached for the doorknob, she hes
itated, then turned back toward him. She tipped her head. “You know, Dare told me he thought there was a solution to our relationship … one where no one gets hurt. I didn’t know about you and him in the past, but now that I do, I wonder … Do you think that maybe he’s going to suggest that all three of us have a relationship together?”

  That sounded like something Dare might suggest. And with Ashley’s willingness to try new things, proven by her embracing being Dare’s submissive … and, God, by the hopeful light shining in her eyes right now … His groin tightened at the thought of Ashley, naked and eager, standing between him and Dare. Of his lips on Ash. Of Dare’s lips on him. All three of their bodies moving together.

  Oh, God, the thought turned him on so much. But it also caused his heart to ache.

  He turned and walked back to his chair and sat down, the desk hiding his erection.

  “Maybe, but it would never work.”

  “I know it’s unconventional, but—”

  “I don’t mean that. I mean because I could never be with him again.” He shook his head, pain flashing through him. “It was far too difficult the first time it ended. I don’t intend to go through that again.”

  * * *

  Dare stepped out of his meeting, happy to have the papers signed with the innovative owner of the high-tech start-up to buy out his company, and he was staying on to manage development of the new product here in town. The chip he’d developed to allow small devices to quadruple the memory they could hold was ingenious and would revolutionize the capabilities of all mobile devices. He got on the elevator and the doors closed behind him.

  Now that he had successfully concluded his business here in Autumn’s Ridge, he had no reason to stay.

  Except to be with Ashley.

  That was a pretty big reason.

  He wasn’t sure how to proceed with her. He didn’t want her to pick Adam over him just because of proximity. He could return every weekend to see her, but that wasn’t ideal for either of them. Especially with the current situation where she saw Adam every day … ran with him regularly … and she’d probably keep seeing him for their weekly movie night. Unless he forbade her, which he was sure would not go over well with her.

  What he really wanted—what he’d been going to suggest to her—was that they try it with the three of them, but that was a pretty big leap and he wasn’t sure he could convince her. He was actually relieved he’d been called away on business before he’d recommended it.

  What he had to do was convince her to choose him over Adam. He was sure he could do it but … his chest tightened … he hated knowing that would cause Adam pain. But Dare had to look out for his own happiness, too.

  And Ashley’s.

  He walked across the lobby toward the glass doors. It was a beautiful sunny day outside. He wondered what Ash was doing right now.

  He pulled his cell phone from his pocket and glanced at his texts. There was one from Ashley.

  Can we talk? I finish work at 5.

  He glanced at the time display. It was almost five now.

  He left the building and his driver opened the door of the town car for him. He slid into the backseat, then tapped in a return text.

  Pick you up in 5 min?

  The magazine was about eight blocks from here. He gave the driver the address.

  * * *

  As soon as Ashley got the text from Dare, she closed up her e-mail and grabbed her purse from her desk drawer. When she hadn’t heard back from him, she didn’t think they’d connect this evening, but he must have been in a meeting.

  “You’re leaving early tonight.”

  Adam’s voice startled her. She hadn’t seen him walking by.

  “It’s after five,” she said defensively.

  He laughed. “I wasn’t complaining. You’ve been staying late a lot these days. I think it’s good that you’re getting away on time for a change. Got a hot date?”

  “I’m going to talk to Dare tonight. About what we were discussing yesterday.”

  Adam nodded. “I see. Well, I’d say have a good time, but…” He shrugged.

  The flickering conflict in his eyes was almost comical. She could tell he wanted to convince her not to go, but he knew she had to talk to Dare to find the answers to the questions raised yesterday. Of course, he was afraid she’d go back to Dare’s place and that they’d have sex. Adam probably wanted to drag her into his arms and kiss her senseless so that he could convince her to go home with him instead. Or maybe he wanted to drag her into his office and make good on his suggestion of bending her over his desk and taking her.

  The thought sent desire shimmering through her. She missed Adam and wanted to be in his arms again.

  But Dare was probably waiting for her downstairs right now.

  “I’m sorry, I have to go.” She picked up her purse and hurried to the stairs, not wanting to wait for the elevator. It was only five floors down.

  When she reached the lobby, she hurried across the marble floor toward the entrance, a little winded. She stepped out onto the sidewalk and drew in a deep breath of the warm fresh air.

  Dare stood leaning against a shiny black car, looking devastatingly handsome in a charcoal business suit, tailored to perfection. She hadn’t seen him in a suit before and the effect was … wow!

  He opened the door for her and she slid into the car. He climbed in beside her, then the car moved away from the curb and into the traffic.

  “Thanks for picking me up.”

  She’d barely finished the word when she was in his arms, his lips moving on hers, his tongue gliding into her mouth, claiming her completely. She melted against him, giving herself over to his powerful masculine authority.

  Her desire for him surged and she fully expected him to press her down on the seat and take her right here.

  Her heart pounded. She wanted him to.

  He released her lips and smiled. “My pleasure. I’m happy to pick you up anytime.”

  “Um … thanks. Where are we going?”

  “Back to my place.”

  She eased away from him. “Uh, no. I was hoping we could go out for a drink.”

  He smiled. “We can have a drink at my place.”

  “No, I’d rather go out.” She did not want to be alone with him. Talking would turn into something more intimate and she didn’t want that. Not until she figured out a few things.

  “All right.” He told the driver to take them to a bar she hadn’t heard of before. They arrived about five minutes later.

  Dare opened the door and she stepped into the classy bar. The walls were a rich burgundy with the bar and tables in glossy dark cherry wood. The chairs around the tables were upholstered with armrests and looked really comfortable. The hostess guided them to a table by the window, overlooking a garden with a lovely view of rich pink peonies and tall purple and yellow bearded irises in full bloom.

  “Nice place.” Ashley sat in the chair Dare pulled out for her.

  Dare sat down and ordered a bottle of champagne.


  He smiled. “I closed a business deal today. I want to celebrate.”

  “Oh, does that mean you’ve finished what you came here for?” she asked.

  “Ash, I’m not going to suddenly leave, I promise you that.”

  “But you will leave.”

  He rested his hand on hers, sending warmth washing up her arm and through her entire body. “We’ll figure it out, Ash. Together. I know we can make something work.”

  The waitress appeared with the bottle and popped the cork, then poured the bubbly liquid into tall flutes and placed one in front of each of them. She put the bottle in an ice bucket by the table, then left.

  “To us.” He clinked his glass against hers.

  “To your business deal.” She sipped her wine. It was a delicate, delightful flavor. Like nothing she’d ever tasted before. Of course, it was probably very expensive.

  “Dare, I don’t want to ruin your celebration, bu
t I have something to talk to you about.”

  He frowned. “It sounds like something I don’t want to hear. If you’ve decided on Adam over me, I’ll warn you, I’m not going to give up.”

  “It’s not that. It’s just … Helen came to talk to me about something and I just wanted to understand some things.”

  “Like what?”

  “She told me that you and Adam had a relationship in the past. I’ve already talked to Adam about this and he admitted that the two of you had an intimate relationship.”

  It was like a dark cloud passed over his face. The warmth of a moment ago disappeared behind a shield, his blue eyes guarded.

  “Is that a problem for you?”

  The chill in his voice threw her off guard and she hesitated.

  “Because it was for Ann,” he continued.

  “But … Adam told me he and you didn’t get involved until after you decided to divorce. Are you saying that your relationship with Adam was what caused the marriage to end?” Her insides coiled at the thought Adam had lied to her.

  “What? No, of course not.” Then he sighed. “That’s what Helen told you.” He sipped his wine. “She won’t let go of that. I’ve tried to straighten her out, but she just won’t believe it.”

  “Then what did you mean about it being a problem for Ann?”

  He sighed deeply. “Adam wasn’t the first man I’ve been with.” He pinned her with his gaze. “But not while I was married. I was never unfaithful.”

  She nodded.

  “Ann found out and…” He stared into his flute while he swirled the liquid around. “Let’s just say she’s not very open-minded. She was disgusted by the discovery and said she would not stay married to a pervert. When she told Helen why she was divorcing me, Helen got the idea it was because I was cheating, not because of her mother’s small-mindedness. When Helen found out about Adam and me, she just assumed it was his fault. I think it was as much because she needed someone to blame.”

  “I don’t understand. How did it even start?”

  “Adam worked for me as an intern. Since Helen asked me to find him the position, I interacted with him as much as I could to ensure he was getting what he needed to further his education. Then when things started going wrong with Ann and me, Helen started acting up. One night she let it slip that she was having sex with Adam.”


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