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Marcello & Grace (Royals of Valleria #2)

Page 12

by Knightly, Marianne

  He chuckled. “In the best way, fair Grace.”

  “Shall I give you a kiss, then?”

  “Better not,” he said, his face barely a breath from hers. “I just told you I’m liable to lose control around you.”

  “Do it.”

  “Do what?”

  “Will you kiss me like you mean it?”

  “You don’t know what you’re asking.”

  “That’s why I’m asking it. I want to know, Marcello. I want to know what real passion is like, and I think it’s what I feel with you. Will you show me?”

  He groaned and buried his head against her neck. Just the feel of his breath against her skin sent heat spreading like a wildfire through her.

  “I’d like nothing more than to show you, but I don’t want you to have any regrets.”

  “I won’t,” she said as she pressed her hands against his chest and twirled her fingers in the smattering of his chest hair. “I’m not saying I’m ready for everything, but I want more with you. More than I ever thought I’d want again.”

  “Grace,” he said on a moan before he leaned down and kissed her. Although ‘kissed’ seemed to be too plain a word for what his lips were doing. Devouring. He was completely devouring her.

  This was the passion she’d heard stories about, where the breathless need for lips and tongue made people dizzy. His body pressed down against hers and suddenly her cotton clothes were too hot and too confining. She heard a moan and realized a moment later it had come from her own lips.

  As she slipped her hands around his neck, he wrapped his arms around her and situated their bodies side-by-side on the bed. More, was all she could think. More.

  She must have said it out loud because one of his hands moved to caress down the length of her body to her ankle and then hitched her leg over his slim hip. His hand began to move up her leg.

  Suddenly, before he could go too far, she wrenched her mouth away, gasping for breath. “Marcello.”

  His hand stayed its course, resting behind her knee, while he caught his own breath. “God, Grace.” After a long look into her eyes, he asked, “Are you all right?”

  “I’m more than all right,” she said as she shifted closer to him, putting her pelvis directly against his; he groaned.

  “So, you’re trying to kill me, is that it?” he mumbled and Grace giggled.

  After a moment Marcello smiled as well. “Was that the type of kiss you wanted, Grace?”

  She nodded. “I wouldn’t mind another one.”

  “I would.”

  Feeling suddenly insecure, she said, “Oh.”

  “Stop whatever you're thinking,” he said firmly. “You are wonderful. It’s my body that can’t control itself around you, and I don’t want to push you for something you’re not ready for.”

  She felt the pink blush of shame sweep across her cheeks. “I’m sorry.”

  “I told you to stop apologizing, damn it,” he said, still holding her close.


  He gave her an odd look. “You’re apologizing for apologizing too much?”

  She bit her lip to hold back a laugh and nodded.

  He chuckled and shook his head. “What am I going to with you, Grace?”

  A memory of another man saying that, with anger and inhumanity in his eyes, flashed in her mind and she tensed. He’s not here. It’s not him. It’s not the same.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked immediately. When she didn’t answer, he began to rub his hands along her back. “I can’t fix it if I don’t know what I did wrong.”

  “You didn’t do anything wrong,” she said. “It’s me. I’m what’s wrong.”

  “No, baby. You’re what’s right. I’ve never felt more right about anything than I do about you.”

  “Oh, Marcello.” She nuzzled against his chest until she heard his heart beating again. Even his heart seemed to beat differently from Daniel. Was that even possible?

  She kissed his chest and sighed. “Thank you for being here, Marcello.”

  “Thank you for trusting me, Grace. You won’t regret it,” he said with a sense of vehemence she didn’t understand. “Let’s get some sleep,” he said as he kissed her forehead.

  She smiled. “I should sleep after that kiss? You certainly aren’t ready for sleep.”

  “One part of me isn’t ready, but that doesn’t mean the rest of me isn’t looking forward to holding you in my arms all night.”

  Since she was looking forward to it, too, she shifted into a slightly more comfortable position, keeping his heart beating steadily beneath her head. “Good night, Marcello.”

  “Good night, fair Grace.”

  Feeling cared for, warm, and safe, she drifted into sleep and knew her nightmares wouldn’t come that night. She just knew it.

  Chapter 11

  Marcello woke in almost the same position in which he’d fallen asleep. Grace, lovely Grace, was still in his arms, though he now spooned her from behind. His cock had woken up long before his mind had, apparently, but he couldn’t help that, not with Grace’s derriere nestled against him. His nose was buried in her hair and his lips brushed the nape of her neck. She didn’t stir.

  One strap to her tank top had slipped down her scarred shoulder. He tamped down the anger that began to brew inside him; Grace didn’t need his rage at a dead man. Marcello took a deep breath and then pressed a soft kiss to her puckered skin.

  What would it be like to wake up with her every day? he suddenly wondered. Would it be as soft and lovely and right as this? He found himself wondering if they could ever have that together. Would she ever want to get married again? Have children again after the tragic loss of her first?

  Marcello was also acutely aware of what she may have to give up for them to be together. It wouldn’t just be her home, but her country as well. He wouldn’t want her to sell her home, but Valleria’s Minister of Security and Defense couldn’t be based in the English countryside.

  Unless he gave it up.

  He sighed, causing her hair to flutter slightly. It wasn’t the first time he had thought about giving up his position, but this was the only time he was seriously considering it. The truth was he usually loved his job. The ability to protect his family and country, and all of the citizens that made a home within it, was a terrific responsibility, and one he took very seriously. Though the current mission did not sit well with him, he would do it, because that was his job.

  He had been in the military and intelligence fields most of his adult life. If he resigned, who was he? What would he be? What could he do? Thinking along these lines was entirely moot, anyway, unless Grace was willing to take a chance on him. He wasn’t sure she would.

  Marcello shook his head lightly against the pillow, causing his dark blond hair to fall across his forehead and into his vision. Pushing it back would mean letting of Grace, and he had no intention of doing that just yet.

  After several minutes of hearing her soft, even breathing, she let out a deep sigh and began shifting slightly. He pulled her tight against him.

  “Good morning, fair Grace,” he murmured against her ear. She was startled for a moment before she turned in his arms. Did she realize that the top of her tank top had shifted and now displayed a significant amount of creamy cleavage? He certainly wasn’t going to inform her if she didn’t know.

  She brushed back his hair from his forehead in a tender gesture that sent his heart thumping faster. “Good morning,” she said in a low husky morning voice that had parts of body standing even more at attention. He dropped his lips to hers and, after a series of long, slow kisses, he pulled back.

  “That was nice,” she said.

  “It was more than ‘nice’, Grace.”

  She giggled and the sound was like music to his ears.

  “How are you this morning?” he asked. “You seem happy.”

  “I am happy,” she said. “I wasn’t sure if I would be, but I am. I liked waking up with you.”

  He gave her a d
evilish grin. “Of course you did.”

  She chuckled and tried to push him away to no success. “You’re awfully full of yourself, aren’t you?”

  “Confident. The word is confident. You could also say self-assured.” As she struggled futilely against him, he added, “I really liked waking up with you, Grace.”

  She stopped moving and gazed into his eyes. “Really?”

  “Really. I’m not the only one who enjoyed the experience,” he said as he pressed his erection against her.

  She seemed surprised at the fact she aroused him. “Oh.”

  Unable to resist her adorable lips, he kissed her again, deeply this time. Not soft or gentle, but with a bite of the lust that seemed to course through him whenever he was around her.

  “Marcello,” she said when she took a breath. “I don’t think I’m ready.”

  “Shhh,” he said as he placed a finger to her lips. “I’m not pushing you here. I’m just letting you know what’s waiting for you whenever you’re ready. I want you, Grace. Make no mistake about that. But this is on your terms, remember? We go only as far as you want to go.”

  “You’re very understanding.”

  “You seem surprised by that.”

  “It’s just that I know it can’t be easy for you to go so, er, unfulfilled.”

  “Is that what you think? Let me tell how fulfilled I am.” He brought her hands, which were playing with the hair on his chest, to his lips and began to kiss each finger as he counted off.

  “Just lying next to you is fulfillment for me.” Kiss. “Standing next to you.” Kiss. “Breathing next to you.” Kiss. “Walking you to your garden while you wear some sexy jeans and the world’s largest hat.” Kiss. She laughed and he saw moisture pooling in her eyes.

  “Kissing those soft, sexy, pink lips of yours.” Kiss. “Having tea with you.” Kiss. “Seeing your eyes shut and your head tilt back when we’re kissing each other.” Kiss. “The way you blush at my touch.” Kiss. “The way you enjoy life, even when you don’t think you are.” Kiss. “Seeing you laughing with my sister.” Kiss. She was biting her lip to hold back some tears.

  “I seem to have run out of fingers. Maybe I could continue counting on your toes,” he said as he delved under the covers and she let out a girlish scream.

  “Marcello, stop,” she laughed as tears slid down her face. He brought his head back level with hers, then brushed the tears away with his thumbs.

  “I hope those aren’t sad tears.”

  “They’re not. Marcello, what you said, they were the most beautiful things anyone’s ever said to me.”

  “I only spoke the truth. You deserve to hear them, and so much more.” He pulled her against him, her head resting against his chest. She felt so right against him. Did she feel the same about him?

  “What time is it?” she asked after a few minutes.

  He tilted his head to look at the clock on the nightstand. “It’s just after six. You’re an early riser.”

  “You were up before me.”

  He wiggled his hips, bringing attention back to his erection. “I certainly was.”

  She playfully swatted at his chest. “I didn’t mean that.”

  “I know. It’s an old military habit. I’m used to getting up before dawn.”

  “You could have woken me.”

  “I liked watching you sleep too much to do that.” Perhaps that sounded too creepy? “Does that bother you?”

  “No. Surprisingly, it doesn’t,” she said as she shifted back. Keeping one hand on his chest, she drew her lips forward to touch his. They had barely touched before she pushed away again. “I think I’ll get up. Far too much to do today.” She pulled the covers back and shifted away from him.

  “What do you have planned for today?” he asked as she walked away, running her hands through her silky tresses as she did so. “Back in the garden?”

  She gave him a smile over her shoulder that was unintentionally coy and completely arousing. “Maybe a little. You’re welcome to join me if you like.”

  Marcello was just about to answer that he would like nothing better when he remembered the mission again, and reality invaded the dream of spending the day with her. “I’ve got some work to do. Perhaps I could join you for lunch?”

  She nodded, though to him she seemed a little disappointed. He’d let himself believe she was, even if she wasn’t, since it made him feel better.

  Marcello watched her slip into the bathroom and shut the door. When his arousal finally diminished, he, too, slid out of bed. With a last look at the slightly rumpled sheets on her bed, he made his way through her closet and sitting room to the adjoining doorway. He closed the door behind him to give her some privacy and made his way through his own suite.

  However, when he entered his guest bedroom, it was to find someone there waiting for him.

  “Oh, for Heaven’s sake,” Cat said as she shielded her eyes. “Put a robe on, will you?”

  “What the hell are you doing in my room, Cat?” Marcello said as grabbed the robe he’d ignored last night and walked over to where Cat sat near the fireplace holding back a sneeze; he’d forgotten about her allergies.

  “I could ask you where you were last night, but I already know.” She stood up next to him, face-to-face now, and glared. “How could you do this?”

  “What exactly am I to have done?”

  “Grace is fragile! You can’t just use her and toss her away.”

  “I think you’re confusing me with another brother. I would never use Grace.”

  Cat huffed a few times before letting out a cry of frustration. As she moved away and began pacing, she said, “Still. She doesn’t need a romantic entanglement right now. She deserves more than that.”

  “If you’re saying she deserves better than me, you’re probably right, but I can’t control who I fall in love with, Cat.”

  “What?” she said as she whirled around. “Love? Who said anything about love?”

  “I did. I’m falling in love with her,” he said, and felt relief for saying the words out loud, as though a burden had been lifted from him. “I didn’t expect it to happen, but I’m not going to give up if there’s a chance for us.”

  “How does Grace feel?” Cat said in a breathy whisper.

  “I don’t know,” he said as he ran a hand through his hair and then collapsed into a chair. “I know about her past, Cat. She told me herself.”

  “She must trust you then,” Cat said as she took a seat in the chair next to his. “She wouldn’t share that with just anyone.”

  “The point is, I would never hurt her. I couldn’t. I know she’s fragile, but she’s strong, too. She’s one of the strongest people I’ve ever met, even if she doesn’t realize that about herself.”

  “I didn’t realize how you felt, Marcello. I’m sorry.”

  He sighed. “The problem is that I don’t know what she feels for me. We spent the night together, but not the way you think.” Though it was odd to talk to his older sister about this, he found it a relief to talk everything out. “She didn’t want to be alone after that scene last night, and I didn’t want to leave her, either. It was innocent, Cat.”

  “You didn’t have to explain it to me, but I believe you just the same. I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions. I guess I’m being overprotective to make up for the fact I wasn’t there for her when she really needed me.”

  “So you don’t mind if we became a couple? I don’t want another problem like you had with Alex and Rebecca.”

  An annoyed expression flitted across her face. “Will I never live that down? I may have felt, very briefly, that Rebecca was not right for Alex, but I was completely wrong and admitted it.” She paused. “You don’t really feel like that, do you? That you’re not good enough for Grace?”

  “She deserves the best. I’m a terrible bet, all told. My work runs my life, I’m often in danger. I’m not complaining, I love my life, but it’s not the best or easiest life to bring someone else into.”r />
  “You shouldn’t think like that,” Cat said as she took his hand. “You deserve happiness just as much as she does. You do,” she said when he shook his head. “I think you’d be great for Grace, just like I think she’ll be great for you.”

  Cat smiled. “Plus, as a bonus for me, if you end up together, I get to have a friend become a sister. How fun is that?”

  Marcello chuckled and gave their joined hands a squeeze. “She may never want to leave England, Cat. It’s her choice. Besides, we’re not even to that point yet.”


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