Axel: The Son's Of The Apocalypse MC

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Axel: The Son's Of The Apocalypse MC Page 14

by Roxanne Greening

  My belly rumbles. Looking down at it, I smile. “Alright Momma will feed you.” I give it a light pat before wandering out the door and to my car.

  I spare a small glance at the ocean. I want so badly to feel the sand between my toes. Sighing, I climb into my car and go in search for the nearest grocery store.

  The nearest fucking grocery store was the next town over. Not that it was that far, really. It was a whole twenty minutes away. Twenty minutes too far.

  Going up and down every aisle, I fill the shopping cart. Not much refrigerated stuff though. Mostly junk. I shake my head at myself. I really should be eating healthier food.

  Walking down the freezer aisle, I make sure to get a half gallon of cookies and cream ice cream. I know it won’t fit in the fridge. It doesn’t need to though I plan on eating this as soon as I get back.

  I steer clear of the liquor aisle no need to go down that one. I grab some chicken and ground beef. Small packages. I need something for dinner for the next two days. I don’t plan on leaving the room for at least that long.

  Grabbing penne, canned tomatoes, garlic, pepperoni, canned sauce, plain, some onion and bell peppers. I plan to make pasta tonight for dinner.

  I rush back to the storage bag aisle and grab a package of zip lock bags and some Tupperware. I need something to store the leftovers in for later.

  I load everything up on the conveyor belt at the register. I watch the lady ring up my various goods. After ringing up the ice cream and packaged cakes, she looks at me.

  I stare back daring her to say anything. She just shrugs and continues to ring up the food. I bag it. Not wanting to wait for her to do it. And quickly place it back into the cart.

  I hand her two hundred dollars and rush back to the car. My hunger was starting to rule all my thoughts. The sooner I get back to the hotel the sooner I eat.

  Fuck that, I grab a box of packaged cakes and put the rest into the trunk. I’m not waiting I need to eat right fucking now.

  I don’t bother starting the car. Grab the box of cakes and tear into it like a mad woman. Cakes fly everywhere. I grab the nearest one and rip into the plastic wrapper.

  Mm hmm, Oh god so yummy. Shoving half the cake into my mouth in the first bite. Two bites and it was gone. I grab another cake and it suffers the same fate.

  After about five of those sweet heavenly creations I’m ready to go back to the hotel. Walking through the door lugging my supplies I start putting it all away.

  I quickly put dinner together. Trying to stay busy. I wasn’t ready to fall apart yet. It wasn’t time for that.

  Watching the sauce simmer and the noodles boil I try to keep my thoughts positive. I think after dinner; I’m going to soak in a nice hot bath.

  Thoughts of the bath bring back memories of our first time and how he drew me a bubble bath the next day.

  Tears fill my eyes and start to fall. I strain my noodles and plate them. Pouring the sauce on it, I place it on the little table. I place the leftover food still hot into the containers I bought. I place the lids on at an angle so the steam can escape as it cools.

  I grab a caffeine free orange pop. Filling a glass with ice I proceed to devour my dinner, careful to keep my mind blank while I eat.

  Looking longingly at the bathroom door. That bath seems like such a wonderful idea. I know as soon as I get in there I will break.

  It's going to happen anyway. Relaxing in a steamy bathroom sounds a hell of a lot better than sitting here on the floor falling apart.

  Standing I throw out my paper plate. Thankfully the hotel provided some pans. I put them into the sink to soak.

  Walking into the bathroom, I strip as the tub fills. It looks so inviting, so safe, so relaxing. I know what waits for me there though. Like a moth to the flame. A deer to her doom I climb into the tub and sink down.

  Water sloshes over the rim. Lying back, I rest my head on the edge and close my eyes. Images of today flash behind my eyes.

  I wonder if he went back to her. Is he happy I’m gone? Are they fucking right now? This very instance. This very moment? As I sit in this tub. My heart breaking.

  Is he with her? Does he even care about me? Did Ella tell him about the babies? Did he find the picture I left? Does he even want them?

  Maybe he’s happy I left, taking this burden with me. It’s better to find out now instead of later. I guess I should be thankful he wasn’t fucking her when we walked in.

  She was the only one without clothes. Not that, that means anything. He could have had her strip for him like he’s asked me to do multiple times before.

  Bile rises in my throat, was he doing the things he did with me? With her at the same time? When he was done with me did he seek her out?

  Not sure if I want the answer to those questions. Sometimes it’s best to be left in the dark.

  Chapter 50


  It’s been days since anyone has seen Tessa. It seems she’s pulled another disappearing act. This makes it slightly easier to get my hands on her though.

  “I need her found. Now, that fuck face is out of the picture she’s easy pickings.” I look at Kevin.

  It was easy to find someone who wasn’t a fan of Axel. All I had to do was look for another club.

  “I’ve got most of my men working on it.” he replies sounding bored. He’s losing his usefulness.

  “What I don’t understand is why she’s so important to you?” he asks yet again.

  “I told you she was my girl.” I snap

  “Yeah, and then she wasn’t. Axel’s had his fill she’s used goods.” he says nonchalantly.

  “She’s fucking mine!” I shout.

  “Dude, I was just saying. There are more fish in the sea. What makes this one so special?” he continues in his calm voice.

  “Everything. Fucking Everything.” I say with finality.

  “Okay. We’ll find her. How are things at The Sons Of The Apocalypse club?” he asks changing the subject.

  “The deal was Tessa for the information. You have yet to come through on your part. I gave you a little information in good faith.” I snap at him.

  “Yes, that was the deal. Joseph. Gather up some more men and find this bitch. I want her found now.” he demands.

  Looking back at me “Better?” he asks

  “Much” I sigh. She couldn’t have gotten far. We needed to find her first. John called the day she left and told me she took off. He’s out looking for Axel. At least that’s what Axel thinks.

  Tessa. Run little bitch because I’m going to find you. Then I’m going to tear you apart. You’ll never leave me again.

  Chapter 51


  It's been two weeks and still no sign of her. We have stretched the search out of Augusta and still nothing.

  I want to believe she didn’t go much further. I’m not sure though. Kevin has been out canvassing as well. I just hope he’s not looking for her.

  Is she okay? Eating enough? Does Trevor have her? Are our babies okay? So many questions with no answers in sight.

  Where the fuck is she. “Boss.” Jake says I lift my head from hands and look at him.

  “Ella just got a call. It was Tessa.” I’m on my feet and walking past him. I say nothing to him.

  “Boss.” I stop and look at Jace again. “She doesn’t want to be found. She told Ella to tell you to stop looking. Said when she is ready to be found, she will.” his voice is gravelly.

  “No.” I say. “We’re not fucking stopping. I want her found now.” I shout. Everyone stops and looks at us.

  Ella walks over and grabs my arm. She tugs and I let her lead me to the office.

  “Axel, stop just fucking stop.” she demands.

  “No. She’s mine and I want her back.” she looks at me angrily.

  “She’s not a fucking toy. And your fucking Amber remember.” she spits in my face.

  I hang my head. I didn’t fuck her that day in the office. But a week after Tessa left I got shit faced drunk
. Amber came into the clubhouse. I was angry with her.

  My emotions were all over the place and I pushed her onto the table I almost fucked her right there and then, but she wasn’t my Tessa and no matter what I say it seems my little sister won’t let it go. I’ve been disgusted with myself ever since.

  “She fucking thinks she’s your old lady. Walking around here giving orders. People are listening, Axel your, little show brought her status up.” she snaps at me.

  “I’m so fucking glad Tessa’s not here to see this shit.” her eyes rake me up and down.

  “Where the fuck is she Ella?” I demand.

  “I’m not telling you, asshole. You lost all my fucking respect the day you almost fucked that whore on the table out there for all to see.” her voice is firm and condemning.

  “She has my kids, Ella. She’s my old lady. Please Tell me where she is.” I beg

  She laughs in my face. Fucking laughs in my face. “I’m not telling you shit. Tessa doesn’t want to be found Axel. With good fucking reason. I told her about Amber.” she snarls at me.

  I feel the blood leave my face. Tessa knows about what happened. She knows about Amber. My chest hurts. Rubbing over my heart, I stare at the floor. I may have just lost her for good.

  “Ella there are others looking for her don’t you understand that. Trevor is still out there. She’s pregnant, scared and vulnerable. She needs to be found.” I look her in the eyes, feeling almost unworthy to look upon my twin.

  She used to admire me once. Trusted me. “Please Ella help me find her.” I beg again.

  “I can’t tell you Axel. She wouldn’t tell me. She told me she was okay. That she would call again soon. When she asked about you I tried to keep Amber a secret. Tessa knows me better than I do sometimes. She knew without me telling her. I’m sorry Axel.” she looks at me then leaves.

  Sitting down hard, I almost miss my chair. I fucked up everything.

  Chapter 52


  It’s been three weeks since I left Axel. I blew up overnight. My clothes stopped fitting the first week and I need to do some shopping.

  Looking down at the T-shirt stretched over my baby bump I rub it gently. I talked to Ella last week. It was both a blessing and a nightmare.

  What I learned still gives me nightmares. I guess I already knew he was with Amber. But having confirmation. That was like a spike to the heart.

  I reach into my travel bag and pull out the stack of cash I had hidden in there when I left him. I still had two grand. It was dwindling fast.

  I wasn’t ready to go back, I thought I might be when I called, but after all that I decided I needed more time.

  I’ve been seeing my doctor on the sly. I called her not trusting any other doctor with me care or the babies. I explained I was in hiding. I didn’t want to stop seeing her.

  She told me she’s been there. We meet in the middle. She travels to Augusta and we meet up at a small clinic there.

  She told me having twins put me in the high-risk category. Causing me to have a panic attack. I guess I may have them earlier than say if I had just one baby.

  I told her about not being able to fill the prenatal script and she gave me two bottles. Next week when she comes down, we’re going to do an ultrasound. I get to find out the baby's sex I can’t wait,

  Grabbing the ice cream that I bought at the store I sit down at the table and pull out a spoon. Tears fill my eyes as I picture Axel and Amber together.

  I can’t believe I’m going to say this it’s blasphemy. But there are just some things ice cream can’t fix.

  Putting the lid back on the carton I push it aside. There is no way it will fit in the fridge.

  There’s a loud crash as the doors kicked in. Four men come rushing in. All wearing leather cutts. The back patches say Aces on it.

  Panic washes over me. This is not Axel. They charge me. The first I push away. The second gets behind me. His arms wrap around my body pressing on my baby bump.

  Anger surges through me. How fucking dare, he touch my children. I snap my head back breaking cartilage with a crunch. He howls in pain and releases me.

  The third guy is there in an instance. My elbow connects with his adams apple. His hand grabs his throat and I elbow him in the gut. Hitting his knees as he crumples to the floor.

  The first and the fourth are still standing. The mama bear in me comes out. I’m fighting for both mine and my babies lives.

  The first guy gets within reach. I grab his head in both hands and turn it fast. His neck snaps with a loud crack. His lifeless body hits the floor.

  I’ll be horrified about this later. First, I need to get out of this. The fourth guy is circling me. I prepare myself for him to charge me. He just laughs instead. Five more guys come into the room. The odds are not in my favor.

  “Give up Tessa.” he says my name. He knows who I am. I don’t want to give up. Grabbing the sweater hanging on the chair next to me as I slip it on.

  Fear rises inside of me. “Come with us now and we’ll take it easy on you.” the fourth smiles at me.

  What choice do I have? Having already dialed Ella’s number on my cell phone. When the door was kicked in. I quickly placed it into my pocket. I hope she’s listening. She’s our only hope.

  “Ace’s. What does that stand for? Are you in a club or something?” I ask.

  “Yeah, honey, we’re in a club or something.” one of the other replies with a snicker.

  Groaning can be heard behind me as two out of the first four stand back up.

  “What the fuck are you doing down there? Adam? What’s wrong with Adam?” another asked

  “She broke his fucking neck. After taking the other two down, she snapped his neck.” the fourth replied.

  “You’re shitting me.” another stated

  “Afraid not. She whipped their ass. Glad you’re with us.” the fourth said.

  “What you’re really saying here is that it took nine of you to bring me in.” I say sweetly.

  They all look at each other than at me. “Who’s going to explain this to Kevin?”

  “Why should we tell Kevin? We’ll take her in. Stash her for a while tell Kevin that Adam got into a bar fight.” the fourth says.

  “No touching her. Boss would have our dicks.” the silent one says fiercely.

  I slump a little. At least I don’t have to worry about that. I look at the fourth guy and a little fear skates over me. He’s leering at me. As long as the others are around I won’t have to fight him off.

  “You’re going to come with us. Peacefully or I’m going to hog tie your ass and leave you that way for the next two days.” one of the others says.

  I nod my head. “So how did you find me here at the Sea Side Hotel? I mean I’m under a different name and I’m in room twenty-two.” I try to get as much info as possible out to Ella if she’s there.

  “Been looking all over for you. Expanded our search past Augusta. Yesterday Adam there found you at a clinic and followed you back here. He’s been here all night. Poor bastard.” the silent one says.

  I nod “You’re good.” I praise. Keep them talking Tessa as long as possible.

  “Yeah, but we can’t tell boss yet.” They all agree. One holds out their hand palm up and motions with his fingers. “Come.”

  I force my feet to move even though that’s the last thing I want. I follow them out the door.

  “Get the door up. Don’t want any suspicions.” the silent one commands.

  Not knowing their names makes it easier to kill them later. And I will kill number four over there. He’s a threat I can feel it.

  Chapter 53


  Three fucking weeks and there’s been no sign. I refuse to give up. Amber comes sauntering in my office.

  “Hey Babe. I want you.” she tries to sound sexy and fails.

  “Get the fuck out Amber.” I say coldly.

  “But it’s been two weeks since you almost fucked me on that table I need you.” s
he pouts.

  “Get the fuck out of my office. I don’t fucking want you. You are not my old lady. Get this through your fucking head. YOU WILL NEVER BE MY OLD LADY.” I shout in her face.

  Her lip trembles and she tries to touch me. I step back. I have never been this close to hitting a woman as I was now. She was trying my patience.

  Ella comes flying into the room her phone to her ear. Her wide eyes look at me. There’s fear in her eyes “Axel. It’s Tessa.” she puts the phone on speaker. There are crashing sounds. Groans and what sounds like a loud crack.

  Thumps as something hits the wall or floor. “Give up Tessa.” A man's voice says.

  Fear rises inside of me. “Come with us now and we’ll take it easy on you.” Another male voice.

  “Ace’s? What does that stand for? Are you in a club or something?” she asks.

  “Yeah, honey, we’re in a club or something.” A male voice replies with a snicker.

  Groaning can be heard.

  “What the fuck are you doing down there? Adam? What’s wrong with Adam?” another voice came through loud and clear.

  “She broke his fucking neck. After taking the other two down, she snapped his neck.” one of the men replied.

  “Your shitin’ me.” another stated

  “Afraid not. She whipped their ass. Glad you’re with us.” one of the men said.

  “What you’re really saying here is that it took nine of you to bring me in.” Tessa says sweetly.

  “Who’s going to explain this to Kevin?” Another male.

  “Why should we tell Kevin. We’ll take her in. Stash her for a while tell Kevin that Adam got into a bar fight.” one man says.

  “No touching her. Boss would have our dicks.” A new voice says fiercely.

  “You’re going to come with us. Peacefully or I’m going to hog tie your ass and leave you that way for the next two days.” one says.

  “So how did you find me here at the Sea Side Hotel? I mean I’m under a different name and I’m in room twenty-two. “She’s trying to get us information. Smart baby. Smart keep it coming.


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