Kingdom of Mirrors and Roses

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Kingdom of Mirrors and Roses Page 74

by A. W. Cross

  “Hush, my master has arrived.” The butler looked upward.

  As on cue, a screech reverberated and, soon, a red dragon flew above their heads.

  “We need to get inside,” Claire urged. Holding onto the prince’s arm, she tried to help him walk. “Lean on me to escape.”

  “Claire, leave me behind. She will not hurt me,” the prince ordered as he knelt in the snow stained by his blood.

  “I am not leaving you with your tormentor,” Claire refused. “Fairies, we need help,” she called for the only other creatures she knew had magic and could help them. “The butler’s a traitor, and there’s an evil dragon on the property.”

  Right then, Edana swooped down and grabbed Claire between large dragon claws. The helpless human screamed as she was lifted into the sky. The last thing she saw was an enraged William, tearing off his gloves and grabbing the butler as the fairies flew out in a panic, unable to do anything to stop this catastrophe.


  Prince William was ready to lose his mind. Why on earth would Edana take Claire away when they had not tried kissing each other? He had said time after time that he didn’t love Claire. Whoever as feeding the queen for information should have reported that back to her. The butler was a traitor. He had known that. Yet he believed that Claire would be safe under his care. Did he lower his guard? Had he been so distracted by love that he failed to protect Claire? He would die if something happened to her. He would kill Edana before dying of heartbreak. That he could promise.

  The fairies helped speed up the prince’s healing abilities so that he could go after Claire. When he stated that was impossible, they reminded him they had powers of their own. The prince and the fairies could storm into Edana’s castle and fight the arrogant queen. Maybe they weren’t strong enough to defeat the powerful queen, but they had to try.

  Once he agreed to their plan, the fairies helped ready the horses for travel, gifting the animals with wings so they could fly straight to where their friend was being held. William was determined to do whatever it took to free Claire and bring her back to safety.

  Flying there was a much better idea than taking several days by conventional means. The fairies insisted on coming despite William’s warning of the queen’s unpredictable behavior. He did not doubt that Edana would kill the fairies if they faced her.

  A few hours later, they had arrived at Edana’s palace. With an active volcano nearby, her kingdom was as hot as his land was cold. The prince already felt himself growing weak from the relentless heat.

  William walked ahead, ready to fight any resistance to get inside. No one was guarding the entrance to the palace. They strolled right in, opening doors and exploring the eerie building with dark walls and high red ceilings. The corridors were decorated with statues of flying beasts, and the walls were covered with paintings of desolated lands and volcanoes.

  Entering the throne room, the prince saw Edana waiting for him on her throne. Her eyes lit up despite the furious look on his face, and she laughed at the fairies who hissed but kept their distance.

  “Welcome, Prince William,” Queen Edana’s voice boomed. “This heat must be killing you slowly.”

  “I didn’t come here to play games. Where’s Claire?” he spat.

  “Don’t agonize. I have not done any major harm to your pet.” With a grin, she pointed upwards where Claire was dangling within a golden cage above the dragon shifter’s head.

  “Claire,” William called.

  Claire seemed tired, but her eyes open when she turned her head to look at the prince. “William!”

  “Silence,” Edana shouted, lifting her arm and shaking the cage with her magic.

  “Don’t you dare to hurt her,” William warned Edana.

  “Too late,” Edana said with a wicked grin. “She didn’t shut up. She’s quite feisty for a helpless creature, isn’t she? Is that why you like her so much?”

  William sneered at her. “What do you want?”

  Her eyebrows raised. “Straight to business.”

  “You know I don’t like to waste my time.”

  “Yet time is what we have more,” the queen claimed, holding her index against her cheek. “You must know what I want, don’t you, my prince?”

  “I came here to take Claire back home. You invaded my land and attacked my friend. Your minion tried to kill me. Isn’t enough that you cursed me? What more do you want?”

  “Your heart, your soul, your devotion, and undying love.”

  William rolled his eyes.

  “That’s not going to happen,” Claire shouted from her cage. “You’re a mad woman. William, don’t do anything that she asks you. Let me behind and go back home.”

  “Silence!” the queen ordered. Her finger aimed at the cage and red sparks ignited and wrapped around Claire’s body.

  The girl screamed in pain as her body endured the electric current.

  William raised his hands, mist enveloped them, and he sent an icy orb against the queen. She raised her hand, flipped it, and his orb was gone in an instant. His actions stopped her from hurting Claire.

  “You’re on my kingdom now. Your powers are useless here,” she reminded him. Aiming her hand at the fairies, she added, “Their powers are useless too. I’m in no need for cupcakes and sneezing powder.”

  The fairies chittered with clenched teeth.

  Ming spoke. “Your days are numbered. You shouldn’t kidnap Claire. She’s our friend.”

  The queen laughed. “What can you do against me? I can easily turn into a dragon and eat you right now. Do you want that?” She looked at William. “Do you want to lose the rest of your family? Aren’t they your godmothers? I let them around you because you needed someone to feed you and clean your palace. But I can easily kill them.”

  “Stop,” William said, raising his hand. “I’m here to negotiate.”

  She smirked. “I know. That’s why I didn’t kill your little pet. I knew she was going to be useful.”

  William frowned. “What do you want?”

  The queen inhaled deeply. “Claire and I made a bet. I bet with her that you’ll do anything to save her. She doesn’t believe me. Yet your butler, the one you killed today, swore that you would do anything for this creature.”

  His jaw clenched.

  She leaned forward in her seat. “You’re a monster just like me. You felt no remorse in killing your butler. How long has he been serving you?”

  “He was your spy.”

  Edana nodded. “As many in your kingdom, he was unhappy with the way you deal with your curse.”

  William looked at Claire, who was recovering from the electric shocks. His voice boomed inside the room. “I’m not in love with the human. I have no idea why you took her. Still, I’m here because I’m tired of your intrusions in my kingdom. You came to ask me this year for my love, and I refused. What else do you want?”

  “A trade,” Edana replied.

  “Of what?”

  “Do you think I’m stupid, Prince William?” She didn’t wait for his reply. Instead, she got up and sauntered down the stairs of her throne. “I have seen the brief but substantial shifts in the weather of your home upon this human’s arrival.”

  “And?” William probed.

  “You care for her.”

  “What if I do?”

  “Then you might be willing to do anything I ask to save her.”

  William sneered and folded his arms. “Is that how you hope to conquer my heart? Threatening to kill someone that I care for? Just like you did to my parents, fifteen years ago.”

  She raised her chin. “What if I am?”

  “I’d rather commit suicide.”

  Edana glared at his last words. “Stop being so melodramatic. If I wanted you dead, that would be easy.”

  “Let the girl go. She has nothing to do with the quarrel between us.”

  “No,” she denied. “I want a new pet, and she’s a perfect candidate for the job.”

  The prince felt sicke
ned at the idea. He was sure none of the queen’s ‘pets’ lasted very long. She was not known for her patience or mercy.

  The queen’s lips curled up. “Unless you are willing to do anything I ask. Then I’ll release her unharmed. I give you my word.” She turned her back on him and walked to the corner of the room. “I’ll let you think about it.” Her fingertips caressed the red velvet curtains hanging from the ceilings that decorated the throne area. “For a few minutes before I call my other pets to play with my new toy.”

  William’s heartbeat stopped with Edana’s words.

  She looked at the prince. “Do you think that they will kill her fast or slowly? Rip her heart out or slash her to death?”

  William looked at the fairies.

  Ming spoke to the prince. “We’ll do what you want us to do if that might give you a chance of saving Claire and ran from here.”

  “My guards are outside now. I let you in, but I’m not letting you out,” Edana warned. “You were fools to come here.”

  “You would kill her if I didn’t come,” William accused. “I know you.”

  “I would.” She walked back to his side. “You’re so handsome, my prince. How can I control myself when there’s some unworthy being trying to steal you away from me?”

  “I’m not that important to him,” Claire said with a weak voice. She moved in the cage and tried to look down. “I had to beg him to take me back. He didn’t want me with him. He doesn’t care about me like you think he does. Why would he obey to the killer of his parents? You’re insane.”

  Edana glared at the cage. “Be quiet. I’m talking to my lover.” Magic left her fingers to hurt Claire, but it was stopped by the fairies’ swirling beam of magic.

  Edana turned to look at the fairies.

  Prince William put himself in front of them with open arms. “Don’t even think of hurting my godmothers.”

  “They also like Claire. I have no idea why this girl is so special to you and your fairies. However, I’m willing to let her go if you do what I want.”

  William nodded. “What do you want?”

  Edana moved closer. “I can ask anything?”

  “You can.”

  Edana looked at Claire with a proud smile. “It seems you are mistaken, my dear. He’ll be mine after all.”

  “William,” Claire called. “Stop being stubborn and leave me here. My life isn’t worth your sacrifice.”

  The prince looked at her. “I’ll decide how much your life is worth.”

  Claire grabbed the bars, and he could see that she was holding on the tears.

  “Does it hurt?” he asked.

  “She’s fine. Just a few bruises. Now, about our deal,” Edana reminded him of her presence.

  “Tell me what you want in exchange for Claire’s freedom,” the prince proposed. “Hurry, this kingdom weakens me, and if I see no compromise, I will have no choice but to go home empty-handed.”

  “Even a kiss?” the queen asked as she leaned forward with an arched eyebrow.

  “Even a kiss,” the prince agreed, swallowing bile.

  She folded her hands together in a surprised expression. “Will you finally give in to fate and realize that we belong together?”

  “I will. Release the girl, and I’ll kiss you as requested.”

  “No!” Claire protested. “Please, don’t do this. Just go away. I’ll be fine.”

  “Silly girl.” Edana laughed as she climbed up the stairs and sat on her throne. She placed her hands on the arms of the chair and leaned forward, smiling at William. “You’re mine. You’ve always been mine.” She craned her head to look at the cage. “You can’t steal him from me. You are a child and a peasant, not worthy of licking his boots.”

  “I’m not stealing anyone. And he’s not yours. He doesn’t love you.”

  “Do you honestly believe that you could love him more than I do? You like his human beauty, his powers, his money, and his crown. But he’s so much more than that. You would run in fear if you saw his true form.”

  “I wouldn’t. He’s not a monster like you. He’s kind, but you made him suffer. You cursed him and prevented him from shapeshifting into his dragon form.”

  Edana stood from her seat. “He told you about being a dragon?”

  “Enough,” the prince called. “I’ll kiss you, and you’ll free Claire.”

  Edana slowly descended the steps from her throne. Her dress floated around her curvy form. Her skin glowed as if it was gold and her copper hair fell loose about her shoulders, covering her breasts. “I knew that you would come to your senses someday. It was just a matter of time. We’ll be the most powerful couple in the ten kingdoms. We can conquer all the others with our powers.”

  “Just get this over with. I want my powers back. I’m tired of playing games with you, Edana.”

  “Don’t do this. You don’t need to do this,” Claire cried from the cage.

  The prince narrowed his eyes at the sight of her tears. “I have to do this. It’s not your fault, Claire. My kind was never meant to mate with yours. I need to accept my fate.”

  “Good boy. Spoken like a true dragon,” Edana purred. “Now, come to me, and let me taste you. There’s no heart I can’t melt with my love and my powers.”

  “William …” Claire begged as tears streamed down her face.

  “Shut up, you annoying sack of skin,” Edana ordered, flicking her hand and casting a spell that made Claire mute. “I’m finally getting what I deserve, and I want no interference.”

  Squinting his eyes and clenching his jaw, the prince stepped closer to the evil witch. His heart was beating fast, but not out of excitement. He feared the outcome. If this worked, he would probably die on the inside and become a living husk. A lifetime with Edana was unimaginable.

  “I can’t wait for our life together, my love,” Edana whispered as she leaned closer and glued her mouth against his.


  Edana’s lips felt warm. Her arms snaked around his neck, and she abandoned her body against his. The contact made him sneer. He’d hated her for a long time. Decades of hatred and plotting his revenge. At that moment, all he wanted was to save Claire. If the kiss didn’t work, his human would be doomed. He wasn’t powerful enough to free her from Edana’s grip.

  The witch stepped back with an upset face. “Why aren’t you kissing me back? Do I disgust you? Would you rather kiss that pathetic child you’ve been courting for months now?”

  “The deal was a kiss, and you would free her. I’ve done my part.”

  “You silly … What … Why?” Edana put her hands around her throat as if it was painful to talk.

  “What’s wrong?” The prince frowned at the witch’s behavior.

  “You …You cursed me. I need. No!” Her scream echoed throughout the palace.

  Before the prince’s eyes, Edana, the mighty fire dragon, turned into diamond.

  “She’s dead,” Kara’s surprised voice reached the prince’s ears.

  “Good riddance,” Tasha said.

  “Can we keep her palace? It could use a new décor, but I’ve always wanted a palace,” Ming said as she flew around.

  “What are you talking about? I need you with me,” William protested.

  “What will we do with her statue?” Kara asked, flying in front of the statue. She pulled out her tongue and grimaced at the evil queen while giggling. Tasha joined her and Ming hovered beside William with her arms crossed.

  He looked at his friend. “Is she really enchanted?”

  “It seems like it.”


  Ming looked at him. “A true love kiss must be shared by two beings that love each other. Don’t you know that, William? Not that Edana knew what love was. She was self-absorbed and crazy. You never loved her.”

  “I hate her for what she did to my family and me. For what she did to my kingdom.”

  “You love Claire,” Ming stated, looking up at the cage.

  Claire waved. “Could someone take me
out of here?”

  “I love Claire,” William whispered, unsure if she could hear him from up above. His heart leaped in his chest as if agreeing with his confession.

  Ming lowered her voice. “And she loves you. You were willing to sacrifice your lives to save each other. You were willing to be miserable for her to be happy. She faced a storm to get back to you.”

  “I’m still cursed,” the prince reminded her. “And I’ll stay cursed. I know what you are trying to do. I’m not going to take that chance with Claire. I don’t want her to turn into a statue.”

  Ming flew up and joined Claire in her cage. “Are you all right?”

  “I want to go down and … I want to talk to William. What were you two whispering?”

  “Plans for the future.” The cage opened with Ming’s magic.

  Claire looked down. “Maybe a ladder would help.”

  “We’ll fly you down,” Ming said. “Tasha and Kara stop fooling around and help me save Claire.”

  Tasha and Kara flew up, and together they spread fairy dust around Claire. Her body floated, and the fairies guided her down. Within seconds her feet touched the ground.

  Grabbing the gloves from his pocket, William put them on and rushed to Claire’s side. His hand touched her cheek as he gazed into her eyes. “Are you all right? Did she hurt you?”

  “Tired and I might have a few bruises,” Claire said, putting her hand over mine. “Glad that you are well and didn’t have to marry that deranged queen.” She swallowed hard. “How are you feeling?”

  “I don’t know. I just turned the dragon that cursed me into a statue. I hoped her kiss was enough to break my curse so I could have my powers back. But they aren’t back, and she’s dead. Not even her death ended the curse.”

  Claire looked at his lips. “You still need a true love kiss.”

  “Yes, apparently, I do. I guess I’ll be cursed for all eternity.”

  “Not if I can help it,” Claire said, leaning closer.

  Before he could evade her mouth, her lips were falling against his. The harm was done. She had touched him. Skin with skin. Lips with lips.

  Their breaths mingled, and Claire gasped. “I love you so much that I don’t care if—” she opened her eyes and broke their embrace. “I can’t bear to see you suffer anymore.”


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