Lakeshore Lyrics: The McAdams Sisters (By The Lake Series Book 5)

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Lakeshore Lyrics: The McAdams Sisters (By The Lake Series Book 5) Page 5

by Leah, Shannyn

  “Rusty, watch yourself,” Riley warned in the old Riley tone Avery recognized right away. When Riley had lived in Willow Valley, Avery hadn’t known him well. He’d portrayed a piss-off attitude that basically kept everyone from trying to get to know him. Except Abby of course. It was that same look he was giving right now, only this one possessed additional threat. “That’s my sister you’re referring to.”

  Rusty’s conniving eyes met Riley’s rock-solid stare and they shared a look Avery also missed. He wasn’t the only one. Abby’s head was bobbing back and forth in perfect time with Jess’s. They were all in the dark.

  What the hell did they all miss?

  Finally, Rusty held his hands up in question. “What? It’s not like it’s a secret at this table.”

  What? What wasn’t a secret? Avery was dying to know if there was more or a confirmation they had been an item. No wonder Avery didn’t have a chance with Cece Boyd if she dated men like Rusty Towns!

  “You can come right out and say the two of you were dating, but don’t you dare demean my sister at the same time. You got that?” Riley said.

  Avery certainly got it, loud and clear.

  The two men had a warring stare-off, sending tension around the table, keeping everyone quiet.

  Avery’s eyes went in every direction, between the two men, who he couldn’t honestly be sure weren’t going to jump over the table and tackle each other. Over to Abby who was clutching Riley’s arm like she thought he was going to go over the table. To Jess who appeared to be pushing Rusty to jump over the table and then finally his eyes landed on Cece...she looked ready to jump into the man fight without a care she was half the size in a feminine frame.

  After what felt like hours of their testosterone combating across the table, their food arrived and Rusty wavered...probably for the best. Avery had prepared himself to tear these two men apart, but he really didn’t want to have to.

  “Hey, man, I wasn’t meaning to insult anyone,” Rusty started. He turned to Cece. “Sorry Cece. If it came across insulting, that’s my bad.”

  It came across damn insulting and Rusty Towns knew it.

  Avery was still assessing Rusty’s warning to him, because honestly wasn’t that what Cece had already done with him in the games room? Dipped into the honey pot? Maybe Riley didn’t know his sister as well as he thought. Cece had already licked the honey off every inch of Avery’s skin and he could still feel her tongue grazing deliciously for more.

  Hot damn.

  Dinner conversation turned a sharp point and no longer was any personal subject discussed. They were sticking strictly sticking with the entertainment industry. When a round of shots arrived after their plates were carried away, Rusty and Jess excused themselves. Avery was surprised they’d stayed as long as they had with the tension that hadn’t dissolved itself.

  The four remaining, double dates, as he’d teased earlier...found a front row table to listen to the bands.

  Avery took the shot, but that was his limit. A beer and shot was more than enough for him, especially when he was getting up early for the bus. Avery had never been a drinker. Living with his alcoholic father most of his childhood, then sticking by him while he broke his addiction in Avery’s teen years, left him wary about the harsh liquid in the bottle. His sisters on the other hand were always stashing a bottle of wine somewhere to sneak off and drink. Tonight was no different. Abby was the hardest drinker of all the McAdams siblings and she was pounding them back, hardly noticing the effects. Cece was keeping right up with her, however she was falling victim to the promising syrup.

  Avery’s eyes landed on Cece again. It was this continuous pull since the first moment he laid eyes on her. Now, sitting across her, for the first time since they’d met, he was witnessing an ease in her shoulders, her stubbornness, and her sometimes, somewhat hard face, leaving her with a peaceful glow...quite similar to the one in the games room...only this time it was not directed at him. That disappointed him.

  Avery still couldn’t wrap his mind around Rusty and Cece being a couple. Had he broken her heart like Ems had Avery? Or had Cece slept with Rusty for the mere pleasure of sex like she had with Avery? The brain load of questions begged him for a shot, but he declined and sat back further in the seat so he could watch the bands play and glance casually at Cece without being obvious.

  Tonight hadn’t been so bad. Rusty popping in and putting Cece on a pedestal so high Avery would never reach her, had him coming to terms that Cece was out of his league. Coming to terms and accepting it was entirely different then coming to terms and liking it. He certainly did not like it. He liked Cece.

  Avery sipped his drink then folded his arms across his chest and turned his attention solely to the band. If he was going to move past these feelings for Cece then he might as well stop staring at her bare shoulders or noticing the way she flipped her hair back when she turned to talk, and he should especially stop looking at the long opening in the backside of her dress that exposed her gorgeous, soft flesh pressed against the metal stool back.

  Hadn’t been so bad? Ha! What did he know?

  He was ready to excuse himself for the night and head home when Cece asked Abby to dance.

  As they headed onto the dance floor, Avery’s eyes followed. Getting over a woman he hadn’t dated, but couldn’t keep out his mind, seemed more difficult than it had been to get over Ems. With Ems he’d conjured up angry betrayal...and yes he still had those feelings. With Cece, there were new, deeper feelings. It was like his life would never be complete now that he knew Cece wouldn’t be a part of it.

  Dramatic, was what it sounded like.

  Avery felt a song coming on. Random lyrics ran through his head...

  I thought she took a part of me...until the gentle breeze of my true love touched my can I live without her... was the musician in him.

  Chapter Six

  THE MUSIC WHIRLED around Cece and lifted away all her worries, fears, and the aging she’d done in the last three years as she’d become a tight-ass prude.

  Laughter bubbled up through her chest at the thought. Real laughter.

  Tight-ass prude.

  She sighed as she let her head slowly roll over her shoulders, from side to side. Real laughter felt so good, like she was releasing everything she’d been holding pent-up inside and leaving just Cece: a simple country girl from a farm living with her folks and no worries.

  Her feet moved with the melody, and she tried to remember the last time she’d had this much fun. Maybe the alcohol was to blame. Or maybe the alcohol was to thank, because without it she would still be legs tightly crossed, nose in the air, Cece Boyd, sitting at the table trying to manage her feelings, emotions, and professionalism. Right now, she was freewheeling, let-loose not-give-a-care Cece Boyd, who couldn’t be bothered debating any of those things because this music was enchanting.

  How long had she been dancing...and who was this band? They were good. She should look into them later...a far later because right now she was working with Inch Away and still following her brothers every move in the business. Let’s face it, he’d been gone for years and as much as he liked to think he was caught up...he was so far behind it wasn’t even funny.

  It’s a little funny.

  More laughter, she hardly recognized, fled her lips and she loved how each laugh seemed to chase away more worry.

  Abby danced in front of Cece with smooth swaying hips, her head banging right on chord with the music, and flailing her long blonde hair in the air. Again, it could be the alcohol providing Cece with a new courage, but she liked Abby McAdams. And Cece owed her an apology for almost tearing her and Riley apart. It had been months ago since the incident, but her apology at the time had been for Riley’s benefit really. Abby deserved a sincere apology from Cece’s heart and she was now prepared to give her one.

  “Abby?” she called into the loud music.

  Abby smiled her crimson lips in Cece’s dire


  “You’re my only girl friend,” Cece said.

  She was well aware of how sad that sounded, but it was the truth. The shots were helping her face the truths of her life. Cece Boyd was finished lying to herself and hiding behind her wall of pride. She was starting her journey back into life with an apology to Abby. This woman could quite possibly become her the future. The thought of Riley getting married almost made her laugh again, but then flashes of how happy he was with Abby made her reconsider.

  “I don’t have any except you. Everyone fears me.” There it was, the truth, out in the open and it felt great to let it go.

  Abby slowed her body and moved closer to Cece. “Nobody is scared of you.”

  She was lying. “Inch Away is. They’re terrified. They look at me like I’m Cruella de Vil.”

  Cece made a face and Abby laughed. She had a strong, loud, hearty laugh that echoed around them even through and above the music. “I think you’re exaggerating,” she finally said.

  Cece stopped dancing and thought about it for a moment.

  Am I exaggerating? Do they look at me like I’m Cruella?

  She quickly considered the meeting earlier this morning. The band members had all watched her like a hawk, barely commented and never tossed a friendly moment in her direction. It was all very serious, very businesslike...nothing like her past bands. There was a difference between respect and fear.

  Yup, they fear me.

  Cece frowned at Abby. “I’m not,” she said. “They think I’m Cruella. And what worse is that your brother used me.” Truth number two, out in the open. The truth shall set me free. Or at least help me to move on. Abby will be in my life forever and therefore so will Avery. I need to face the truth and move on.

  Abby stopped dancing too. They were getting forced closer and closer as the crowds around them didn’t notice.

  “He had sex with me,” Cece tried to whisper, pointing at her chest, but it came out much louder and Abby’s eyes flew in every direction. No one noticed. If they did, they didn’t pay attention. They didn’t care.

  “I think you’ve had quite a bit to drink tonight,” Abby said.

  “You drank just as much as me,” Cece argued, her eyebrows hiking into defensive mode.

  Abby laughed again and looped her arm around Cece’s, tapping her hand like she was trying to comfort a child.

  I am not a child. I am a grown adult who has lived two adult lives and is working on number three. The first two sucked and number three isn’t looking any better.

  Cece’s first life was before Riley left when she was happy. The second life was after Riley left and she fell into the darkest days of her life...and that was saying a lot considering when she was young her parents had passed away. Now, she’d moved past all of the horror of that life and she was starting a fresh new chapter. Third time is the charm, that’s the saying. She hoped it stuck.

  Abby guided her off the dance floor, but in the opposite direction of their table. Disappointment dragged Cece’s feet. She would much rather go sit beside Avery. Right beside him. Touch her leg against his like Ems and Drew had done, out in the open without a care of who would see.

  “But I can handle my alcohol,” Abby said.

  Cece focused back on the now. She hadn’t consumed this much alcohol...ever. Maybe high school. Yeah, she was pretty sure she got drunk at a party in high school...once. There were lots of alcohol and drugs intertwined in this industry, but it wasn’t part of her lifestyle. Even her darkest days never included drugs and alcohol...a path she’d watched Riley go down.

  Why are you drinking tonight? Because of the sadness Rusty dragged up, the excitement Avery caused and the defeat in which couldn’t vanquish her feelings for him when his heart belonged to another.

  “I can handle my alcohol.” As the words left her mouth, Cece’s feet stumbled, defying her.

  Oh bugger.

  Abby laughed. “Let’s get you a coffee.”

  “I don’t want a coffee.” I want Avery.

  “You don’t want to be saying these things around my brother so I think coffee is a good idea.”

  Did she say the latter out loud? She honestly didn’t know. That made her laugh...again.

  “What difference does it make if I say it to him or not? It’s true. He slept with me to advance his career. Plus he’s in love with Ems. Emily. Ems. Ems,” she repeated the name with disgust.

  “No, you’re not drunk at all,” Abby teased, sliding Cece into a booth and waving at the waitress.

  She wasn’t drunk. Was she?

  Cece slid over as Abby pushed in beside her. When Cece’s shoulders didn’t automatically tense at the closeness, she answered her own question. She was drunk.

  Oh bugger. I need to shut up right now. This is Avery’s sister. Riley’s girlfriend. My future, possible sister-in-law!

  A tall, black-haired waitress, whom Cece didn’t know anymore than to say hi here and there, delivered two steaming coffees in white oversize mugs with the Oakston Grill logo on them.

  “Cream? Sugar?”

  Cece shook her head. “Black.”

  Abby slid a mug her way. “Here. Drink up.”

  Cece leaned her back against the brick wall, lifting her feet onto the seat and pulling her legs against her body, so her arms could wrap around her knees and face Abby.

  Abby turned toward Cece, one leg resting on the seat and the other on the floor, and sipped her coffee.

  “I’m sorry I tried to break you and my brother up,” Cece said, without lifting the hot buzz-kill fluid anywhere near her mouth.

  Abby grinned, a customary feature. It was a rare, a very rare occasion that Abby was not smiling, grinning or smirking. She was one of the happiest people Cece had ever met.

  “You didn’t try to break us up, you did break us up,” Abby clarified, but there was no anger, resentment, or hate behind her tone.

  “Only temporarily and I felt so guilty about it...”

  Abby was still grinning.

  “Riley was sooo miserable when you left. Like a puppy that lost his owner...”

  “You think I own him?”

  Cece gasped. “No! That’s not what I meant at all.” This was a touchy subject after Cece had insinuated almost exactly that when she first met Abby. Yuck, she’d been awful and mean. Why was Abby even nice to her?

  Abby touched her arm and winked. “I know, Cece.”

  Cece’s open mouth clasped shut. A smile curled around her lips and she laughed with Abby. It felt so good.

  “I was scared I was going to lose him again and never see him. It wasn’t your fault. It was never your fault. It was Riley’s fault. He was the ass that abandoned me for years, and then came back into my life with a whole new life of his own. That scared me.”

  “I understand Cece. I do. I promise.”

  “You say that, but you probably hate me.”

  Abby chuckled. “I don’t hate you.”

  “Only because you feel sorry for me because your brother slept with me to further his career and win Ems back from Drew.” Truth number two sucked. It hurt and sucked and her heart begged it to be untrue.

  Abby crinkled her nose and sipped her coffee before answering. “I think that’s quite a stretch.”

  “Do you?” There was hope in her tone. It was unmistakable and even Abby caught it.

  “Cece...” she began like she was going to tell Cece the truth she didn’t want to hear, but needed to hear.

  Cece didn’t let her finish, cutting her off. “It’s true, isn’t it? You’re his sister, just tell me the truth. I can handle it. I’m a big girl.”

  “You’re a drunken woman who is going to regret every word of this in the morning.”

  “Blah...” Cece waved a hand at her and it landed at her coffee mug.

  In the morning, she would congratulate for finally having the courage to open up to Abby and determine the truth about Avery so she could move on. Right? She
picked up the mug and coffee and debated...again...would she regret everything? Was she that drunk? Would she ever get over Avery? Was that even a possibility?

  He’d been in her mind for two months and still, here she was with hope that he wasn’t in love with Ems.

  “Don’t blah me. Drink your coffee,” Abby ordered.

  “It’s not going to take away the truth, the pain, the...” Cece glanced past Abby and found

  Avery across the room deep in conversation with Riley. “...I have the hots for your brother.”

  “Oh my god.”

  “What? I do.”

  Abby laughed. “Okay, Cece, listen to me.”

  Cece set her coffee down and straightened. “Okay. Give it to me straight.”

  Abby leaned in. The sweetheart neckline on her mini dress gave her boobs volume, but when bent forward it gave them even more of a push. “You are a strong, confident woman who has so much pride that when you wake up in the morning you are going to regret every single thing you say tonight. I wish you were at the point that you won’t remember in the morning, but I have the feeling you’re going to remember...all of it.”

  Cece sulked back against the wall, disappointed. “I thought you were going to tell me Avery isn’t still in love Ems.”

  “I don’t know if he is or not. But I do know he would never sleep with you to further his career. Ever. That’s not him.” Abby leaned back. “He’s not like me and Riley were...” Before Abby, Riley was a player and from what Cece had been told Abby hadn’t been shy with the men either...until Riley. “Avery’s never slept around with women for only a good time and he certainly has never led any on or made them...” Abby looked at Cece. “...unsure about where they stood.”

  Abby’s answer only confused Cece more.

  Was she the first woman Avery had ever used? Did he still love Ems? Did he regret his time with Cece? What were the answers?

  “Why did he sleep with me?”

  Abby rubbed Cece’s hand. “You would have to ask him that.”

  “I can’t even talk to him without wanting to rip his clothes off his body and touch his abs...his abs. This morning they were dripping droplets of wet water down them and I was trying to get him to the label and all I could think about was licking them off...”


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